if the dems loose again in 08

BATMAN said:
It's not that I think the american public is as a whole, it's just in a close election, you only have to convince 2-3% of those that don't know better.

i ain't buying it.....people are not that dumb......no one blindly belives the media .... except of course the media themselves
manu1959 said:
insein said:
Because of the way they have been manipulated by Media for all these years.
this according to the media of course.......
Are you saying the media states that they can manipulate the public?
That's a stark contrast from their unbiased reporting stance.
manu1959 said:
i ain't buying it.....people are not that dumb......no one blindly belives the media .... except of course the media themselves
I said I don't think people as a whole are that dumb, but I do think SOME people are.

Am I to understand that you don't think ANYONE is dumb enough to believe whatever they're told?

"Yeah, It's true - I heard it on TV." - Wag the Dog

There's some truth to that.
manu1959 said:
what will the rehtoric be ........well .....that will be one angry group

60 minutes last night,,, three segments that seemed to highlight the negatives of the Bush Administration. I do believe that the media is going hunting and GW is in their sites. Better duck DubYa!!

Remember the first Bush when he ran against BC?? In no time, after the delay in granting the loan guarantees to Israel, Bush senior's press became negative and the "polls" said he was dead meat politicaly. Funny how that turned out. Even though just months before he was doing good, the country was doing good, but then came the "pain in the asses from Israel"... Wasn't it Jim Baker who was overheard voicing his opinion that the media played up on??

Bottom line, never underestimate the power of a controlled/corrupt media and ignorant voters.
manu1959 said:
why does everyone think the american pubilc are idiots?
Because they confuse the word "lose" with "loose" when titling a thread in a political forum.

I'll be here all night...but seriously folks. I think it's because most Americans don't take the time to pay attention to details. Instead of basing opinions on facts and figures, many base their opinions on feelings and rumors or some overactive sense of what they think is patriotic.
Hagbard Celine said:
Because they confuse the word "lose" with "loose" when titling a thread in a political forum.

I'll be here all night...but seriously folks. I think it's because most Americans don't take the time to pay attention to details. Instead of basing opinions on facts and figures, many base their opinions on feelings and rumors or some overactive sense of what they think is patriotic.

Your assuming of course that Americans get all the facts and are presented to them in an unbiased manner.
dilloduck said:
Your assuming of course that Americans get all the facts and are presented to them in an unbiased manner.
Nearly all Americans have the resources available to them to form realistic, fact-based opinions. The problem is that most prefer to recieve their information from only one source. Now whether it's FOX News, CNN, Al Franken, your family pastor or Neil Boortz, you know what they say about putting all your eggs in one basket.
Hagbard Celine said:
Nearly all Americans have the resources available to them to form realistic, fact-based opinions. The problem is that most prefer to recieve their information from only one source. Now whether it's FOX News, CNN, Al Franken, your family pastor or Neil Boortz, you know what they say about putting all your eggs in one basket.

A majority of Americans are lazy when it comes to the news and are happy to just echo what they hear on the nightly news or what Bob told em at work. When biased crap flows out of any organization that calls themselves the "news" they should be pissed but as I said. Most dont care.
dilloduck said:
A majority of Americans are lazy when it comes to the news and are happy to just echo what they hear on the nightly news or what Bob told em at work. When biased crap flows out of any organization that calls themselves the "news" they should be pissed but as I said. Most dont care.
The not caring contributes to the problem and is another reason for why certain foreigners look down on the American public.
Hagbard Celine said:
The not caring contributes to the problem and is another reason for why certain foreigners look down on the American public.

I'll buy that but when is the last time you saw the press really concerned about presenting an accurate view of Americans to the world?
dilloduck said:
I'll buy that but when is the last time you saw the press really concerned about presenting an accurate view of Americans to the world?
I don't know that presenting an accurate view of Americans to the rest of the world is the American press' job. The American press' job is to present an accurate view of America and rest of the world to Amercans. I think your grievance may lie with the foreign press.
Hagbard Celine said:
I don't know that presenting an accurate view of Americans to the rest of the world is the American press' job. The American press' job is to present an accurate view of America and rest of the world to Amercans. I think your grievance may lie with the foreign press.

Wrong--the American press is more than happy to drag America through the mud for the whole world to see. Particularly if a consevative administration is running the show.
dilloduck said:
Wrong--the American press is more than happy to drag America through the mud for the whole world to see. Particularly if a consevative administration is running the show.
I don't think so. American journalists are Americans too--I don't agree that they would purposefully harm America's reputation abroad.

I think America's reputation abroad is defined by American policies and actions, rather than what you are referring to--alleged anti-American biased reporting by American journalists.

If you have examples to the contrary, cite them and we'll discuss amongst ourselves--I'm a little verklempt.
Hagbard Celine said:
I don't think so. American journalists are Americans too--I don't agree that they would purposefully harm America's reputation abroad.

I think America's reputation abroad is defined by American policies and actions, rather than what you are referring to--alleged anti-American biased reporting by American journalists.

If you have examples to the contrary, cite them and we'll discuss amongst ourselves--I'm a little verklempt.

Evidence of media bias is all over this board. American policies and actions reflect on the American people because we elected the leaders and formulators of these policies. How many times did the New York Times publish articles and print photos of Abu Gahrib ? The repetition wasn't because Americans are stupid and forgot what happened the day before. It was soley to degrade and embarrass the administration. The administration elected by the American people.
dilloduck said:
Evidence of media bias is all over this board. American policies and actions reflect on the American people because we elected the leaders and formulators of these policies. How many times did the New York Times publish articles and print photos of Abu Gahrib ? The repetition wasn't because Americans are stupid and forgot what happened the day before. It was soley to degrade and embarrass the administration. The administration elected by the American people.
So are you saying that when the American people elect an administration and that administration makes mistakes and the press reports them, that it is the press' fault that America's reputation is damaged?

The NYT isn't the only publication that reprinted the Abu Graib photos. Those photos needed to be seen by Americans and the world! Americans deserved to know that their "elected administration" was using torture as policy in their name.


I think your criticism is misplaced.
Hagbard Celine said:
So are you saying that when the American people elect an administration and that administration makes mistakes and the press reports them, that it is the press' fault that America's reputation is damaged?

Listen up good-----It's all in HOW and IF all the facts are reported. If you are unable to recognize how the press spins the truth you need to take a communications class.
dilloduck said:
Listen up good-----It's all in HOW and IF all the facts are reported. If you are unable to recognize how the press spins the truth you need to take a communications class.
I know exactly how the press spins the facts--I make a point of watching FOX News for as long as I can stand every day. ;)
Hagbard Celine said:
I know exactly how the press spins the facts--I make a point of watching FOX News for as long as I can stand every day. ;)

Good for you ! Now when you can see the BS that your own preferred place of obtaining news is spreading, you may be closer to the truth than you were.
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