If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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People don't open up or expand businesses to provide jobs that give employees the ability to buy those things. If you want those things, you need to get into a field of work that will provide those things. People invest money in business to provide services or products at a profit--their profit.

Take a company--any company that you feel underpays their workers. Now open up a similar business and pay your workers more wages and benefits. Which company do you think will close down within a few years, yours or theirs?

Businesses do nothing more than we American consumers. We look for the cheapest products or services we can find. If you get three estimates to have the transmission in your car rebuilt, you generally will take the lowest bid. You don't ask the transmission place what they pay their mechanics, what kind of benefits they provide, if their mechanics have the ability to buy new cars every five years or purchase a home. You just care about getting the work you needed done for the lowest price.

This is bullshit Ray. Even if you get an education and become a professional, or open your own business and live off the work of others, the economy still needs people to flip burgers, deliver pizzas and clean office buildings. If everybody opens a business or becomes a professional, who is going to do these low wage jobs? These people are entitled to a decent wage for a decent day's work.

There are a lot more workers than there are business owners or professionals, and while all jobs shouldn't be receiving equal pay, all full-time jobs should provide as least a modest roof over your head, food and clothing for a person, especially when the corporation is booking record profits.

The low wage bank job I had when I first left school paid minimum wage, and I had a two room apartment in downtown Toronto which I shared with my best friend. We couldn't afford much - bus passes for transportation, and lots of Kraft dinner for supper. An occasional concert at Ontario Place. But we didn't need social assistance to pay for any of this.

When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
This is bullshit Ray. Even if you get an education and become a professional, or open your own business and live off the work of others, the economy still needs people to flip burgers, deliver pizzas and clean office buildings. If everybody opens a business or becomes a professional, who is going to do these low wage jobs? These people are entitled to a decent wage for a decent day's work.

There are a lot more workers than there are business owners or professionals, and while all jobs shouldn't be receiving equal pay, all full-time jobs should provide as least a modest roof over your head, food and clothing for a person, especially when the corporation is booking record profits.

The low wage bank job I had when I first left school paid minimum wage, and I had a two room apartment in downtown Toronto which I shared with my best friend. We couldn't afford much - bus passes for transportation, and lots of Kraft dinner for supper. An occasional concert at Ontario Place. But we didn't need social assistance to pay for any of this.

When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
No matter how often your silly socialist lies are confronted with the truth you just skip along your merry way and repeat them.

People once led much simpler (and way less expensive) lives.

Average student debt is $30,000. BFD. A degree yields nearly a cool million in extra earnings over a lifetime.

No Comrade, we must not take the fruit of one American's labor to reward another.

Get off your ass and carry your own load.
Clearly America can afford welfare. Didn’t we just give billionaires a couple of trillion in tax cuts? They really need the money.
Typically stupid socialist POV. No Comrade, tax cuts are not welfare.

What the gov't confiscates from productive Americans and gives to you is welfare.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
No matter how often your silly socialist lies are confronted with the truth you just skip along your merry way and repeat them.

People once led much simpler (and way less expensive) lives.

Average student debt is $30,000. BFD. A degree yields nearly a cool million in extra earnings over a lifetime.

No Comrade, we must not take the fruit of one American's labor to reward another.

Get off your ass and carry your own load.
Clearly America can afford welfare. Didn’t we just give billionaires a couple of trillion in tax cuts? They really need the money.
/—-/ I can afford a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean I should buy it. And letting people keep more of their money isn’t a gift. And who the fu*ck gave you the moral authority to decide how much money others need?
When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
lol. simple clueless and Causelessness from the right wing while they allege they are "serious."

Persons should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
lol. simple clueless and Causelessness from the right wing while they allege they are "serious."

Persons should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
/—-/ UE is not welfare. You pay for it via payroll deductions. You pay 1/2 and your employer pays 1/2.
You're a communist, just admit it. You want everyone to have what everyone else has, whether they work for it or not. Come on, tell the truth, you communist fuck.
When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
I've tried to glean meaning from his silly socialist slogans and have even asked him to translate. He evidently doesn't know but repeats them ad nauseam like a "Rain-man." His problem is obvious:

Autism - Wikipedia
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

because people do not know how to save and we live in an instant gratification society. 75 to 80 percent of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, no matter how the economy is doing.

I'm a follower of Dave Ramsey, we try to keep at least a 6 month reserve.

And barring when we get hit, we generally do.

Thats only a good thing if you are not competent with money or young and not established. I paid off my home and have a sizable home equity to draw from if needed. Cash is worthless. I invest every extra dime into payments on my rentals or to my IRA, damn cash.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
I've tried to glean meaning from his silly socialist slogans and have even asked him to translate. He evidently doesn't know but repeats them ad nauseam like a "Rain-man." His problem is obvious:

Autism - Wikipedia
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
/—-/ He tries to sound more educated than he really is,
This is bullshit Ray. Even if you get an education and become a professional, or open your own business and live off the work of others, the economy still needs people to flip burgers, deliver pizzas and clean office buildings. If everybody opens a business or becomes a professional, who is going to do these low wage jobs? These people are entitled to a decent wage for a decent day's work.

There are a lot more workers than there are business owners or professionals, and while all jobs shouldn't be receiving equal pay, all full-time jobs should provide as least a modest roof over your head, food and clothing for a person, especially when the corporation is booking record profits.

The low wage bank job I had when I first left school paid minimum wage, and I had a two room apartment in downtown Toronto which I shared with my best friend. We couldn't afford much - bus passes for transportation, and lots of Kraft dinner for supper. An occasional concert at Ontario Place. But we didn't need social assistance to pay for any of this.

When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs

Government trillions increasing demand for colleges ironically allowed colleges to raise prices.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up
Lol. Funny you always forget to add in all those little extras that are considered mandatory. Like try and find a car now with manual Windows, door locks and other things. Fuel is down from what it used to be. iPhones, Internet access streaming services all are now considered more nessecary then rent.
Medical care is in part because doctors order more tests to keep from being sued. They have to pay more for college because the government took over student loans.

Would be great in a utopia if minimum wage paid well enough to afford a 2000 sq house, a large SUV or two, and all the other things needed to make someone happy. In reality a minimum wage job gets you a minimum lifestyle. It is the way the real world works.
The best way to stay out of poverty is not vote for Liberals that have failed Leftest economic polices.

For instance, when that worthless asshole Obama was President poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and we had dismal economic growth.
When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs

Most of them work on improving the wrong skills.

Getting a degree in paleolithic lesbian hunter gatherer basketweaving doesn't prepare you for anything except being a professor of paleolithic lesbian hunter gatherer basketweaving.

One of my renters has $80,000 student loan for her Theology degree and cant get a job she thinks is worthy of her status as a Theologist. Where on Gods green earth do Theologists work? Shes lucky her husband is a doctor. Totally ridiculous
When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs

Government trillions increasing demand for colleges ironically allowed colleges to raise prices.
Liz Warren herself contributed BIGLY to higher education costs as recently as 2010-2011. She was bought (and paid) handsomely by Harvard. One can only guess how much her campaign receives from those who currently do or would also cash in once the gov't spigot is wide open:

Elizabeth Warren's Salary at Harvard: $429,981
Because people overextend themselves in buying on credit what they cannot afford. I find the same in younger people and older people in my age group. I am on a fixed income and know how much I have to spend each month and NEVER buy on credit, gamble and manage to save more than have my SS check each month.
The best way to stay out of poverty is not vote for Liberals that have failed Leftest economic polices.

For instance, when that worthless asshole Obama was President poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and we had dismal economic growth.
What was that like 84 straight months of growth? Wasn’t that like one of the longest periods of growth in American history? Oh that Obama. He’s black. It had to be bad.
The best way to stay out of poverty is not vote for Liberals that have failed Leftest economic polices.

For instance, when that worthless asshole Obama was President poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared and we had dismal economic growth.
What was that like 84 straight months of growth? Wasn’t that like one of the longest periods of growth in American history? Oh that Obama. He’s black. It had to be bad.

What was that like 84 straight months of growth?

Slow. Weak.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
lol. simple clueless and Causelessness from the right wing while they allege they are "serious."

Persons should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
/—-/ UE is not welfare. You pay for it via payroll deductions. You pay 1/2 and your employer pays 1/2.
That is the inefficiency. Unemployment is a State problem not an employer problem in any at-will employment State.

Only general taxes should be levied on employers to fund the unemployment compensation fund.

Labor should be going to a State agency for unemployment compensation and receive compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment from the State not the employer.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
I've tried to glean meaning from his silly socialist slogans and have even asked him to translate. He evidently doesn't know but repeats them ad nauseam like a "Rain-man." His problem is obvious:

Autism - Wikipedia
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
/—-/ He tries to sound more educated than he really is,
lol. y'all are just dumber than you try to come across.
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