If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Like Bill Maher? Or Barrack Obama? Or Warren Buffet? Or Bill Gates? Or the Clintons? Or me? I am doing just fine, because I dont rely on someone else to take care of me, but have enough income of my own, not to worry about missing a paycheck. Many of my friends, who own their own businesses dont worry about missing a paycheck either. Seems that when you rely on the government to take care of you, you will be fucked every time by that government. The government isnt the answer, the government is the problem....

Did you miss the part about paycheck, or are you really that obtuse?

Most people work for a living as employees and don't own their own business. They don't rely on the government.

Like Maher said, the problem is we can't have a socioeconomic system, that is of the benefit of the few.

Which is why we will be returning to a socioeconomic system that existed between 1947-1980.

Being the successful business owner that you are, this shouldn't be an issue for you right?

yeah apparently he has reading comprehension problems.

I like Bill Maher,he tells it like it is. for example,he is one of several that exposed the lies of the corporate media and out corrupt school system that Reagan was a great president. When he actually ran the more corrupt administration ever at the time but more importantly,betrayed the middle class familys. He is not a mouthpiece for the government that the mainsteam meda is.

rather interesting responses, and from sorts that've been around....laying blame on the trappings or greed of this generation ......while quoting gub'mit economical stats as validation.

you folks do realize they'll foist any uptick as their successful cure, simutaneously blaming their predecessors for the disease

so much of it's an economic moment in time, their usual deceptive metric.

little consideration seems available for say, 40-50 years juxtaposed to the middle class lifestyle , well being, worth.

which is about my working tenure, and yes i remember when a blue collar could have a stay @ home wife, one income white picket fence suburbia existence

I guess some of you forgot that....


well said,they indeed dont seem to remember those days that they existed.
The voodoo ( George H W Bushs' description )economics of Ronald Reagan destroyed the middleclass in this country, and why now most Americans do not support supply side economics, and are now supportive of pre Reagan era economic tax and regulatory policies.
Trump is literally using RR's playbook....

the economy worked just fine for the middleclass between 1947-1980.

The voodoo ( George H W Bushs' description )economics of Ronald Reagan destroyed the middleclass in this country, and why now most Americans do not support supply side economics, and are now supportive of pre Reagan era economic tax and regulatory policies.


God help us all if that is indeed true. the reaganut zombie worshippers are in denial mode that RR indeed did destroy the middleclass familys in the 80's.

I PRAY for americas sake,you are are wrong that Trump is using RR's playbook for an economy.:mad:
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The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Maybe because they live with their heads shoved up their asses and are constantanty going ass deep in debt for crap they want but don't really need, mostly toys. Many start life with a student loan to get some worthless liberal arts degree in bullshit.
Things are always better under democrats is my opinion. And these are corporate democrats mind you, but at least they try to do something for the least among us. Republicans? They wouldn't spit on the average American, but they get a lot of the working class vote by focusing on God, Guns, Gays, and now scaring them with the immigration issue even though trump himself, has hired illegals in the past.

Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'
Why most people can't afford to miss a paycheck:

The 16th Amendment + the Federal Reserve - the Gold Standard

Add to that, our instant gratification consumerist culture and the extreme financial illiteracy of people who think they are "credit card millionaires" and that a home equity loan is free.

for ONCE,you went by FACTS instead of your opinion especially the first part of this post.
As long as so many people continue to push this one way thinking we will continue to have more problems than answers. as long as our government continues to be bought & paid for there will continue to be more problems for the average American.
Most live paycheck to paycheck because they don't make enough to save and corporate wages aren't spectacular for most. The system dictates most will have to live paycheck to paycheck.
How about most live paycheck to paycheck, because today's schools dont teach economics anymore...They teach the kids classes that will enable them to get into college, where again, they teach them how to put a penis in a man's ass, but nothing to keep them economically sound...Ban the Dept of Education, fire all of the communists who flock there...

Once again, the determination of what is taught in your local public schools is NOT dictated by the federal government. Your post is a lie, through and through. Fix the problem if you see one. Don't lie and make it someone else's fault when you are ignorant of the cause.
sorry admiral dumbass you are the one lying now


pretty much the norn for him.LOL

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Most families live from paycheck to paycheck. Millions of working Americans are living one paycheck from being homeless. Some of those 800,000 people furrowed who will miss their second paycheck will be out on the streets as Donald Trump settles down to his nightly whisky and soda and his specially made king size bed.


The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

To the conservatives rating "funny". as they reflexively do in every thread started by a liberal: can you please give me your next paycheck? After all, you can miss it.
Only a fool saves money when government has a printing press. You are better off spending it as soon as you make it. Better yet borrow before you make it & invest in your home, auto or your business.
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
I've tried to glean meaning from his silly socialist slogans and have even asked him to translate. He evidently doesn't know but repeats them ad nauseam like a "Rain-man." His problem is obvious:

Autism - Wikipedia
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
/—-/ He tries to sound more educated than he really is,
lol. y'all are just dumber than you try to come across.
/—-/ Thanks for proving my point. Your retort makes no sense.
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
we don't need the institutional downward pressure wages.
/—-/ Another word salad from danielpalos
lol. simple clueless and Causelessness from the right wing while they allege they are "serious."

Persons should be able to apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
/—-/ UE is not welfare. You pay for it via payroll deductions. You pay 1/2 and your employer pays 1/2.
That is the inefficiency. Unemployment is a State problem not an employer problem in any at-will employment State.

Only general taxes should be levied on employers to fund the unemployment compensation fund.

Labor should be going to a State agency for unemployment compensation and receive compensation for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment from the State not the employer.
/—-/ Why?

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Complete horseshit.
So... if you make say $70k a year (household both hus. and wife)....just maaaybe you can't afford two new cars and a $300k house. A 70" curved 4 K Ultra Samsung in the Living room and a 55" UHD in each bedroom... and 4 new iPhones, and $15k in credit card debt and go out for dinner twice a week.
Just maybe...
Only a fool saves money when government has a printing press. You are better off spending it as soon as you make it. Better yet borrow before you make it & invest in your home, auto or your business.

Only a fool saves money when government has a printing press.

They've always had a printing press.
Is this your excuse for never saving?
Yes, you did. You conveniently did not quote it here. so I can't shove it up your ass!
do you like shoving things up mens ass's???

its OK if you do,,,but sorry I dont swing that way

You know you'd love it! Why else would you do thing to force others to make it happen?
NOPE,,,a doctor used his finger when I was 15 and I vowed never again,,,so I will most likely die from undiagnosed colon cancer

Ignorance usually results in death at some time or another. You will just be further proof.

Besides, if you think back, I'll bet both of his hands were on your shoulders at the time!

it was a funny story,,,he said he wanted to do a rectal, I looked at my dad and he said he was going to stick his finger in my butt,,,I said like fuck he is,,,

and how could his finger be in my ass if both his hands are on my shoulders

admiral dumbass is a good name for you

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

A. Because wages still suck
B. Because the newer generations spend too much money on stuff they don't need.

Case in point: We previously lived in a house that was built in 1955. The closets were small, not a lot of storage space. That was OK. We didn't need much storage space because we don't shop and acquire.
The house across the street sold to a young couple around 30-ish years or so, it's a big house, around 3500 square feet.
They not only filled the house up with crap but then had to add a STORAGE shed in the back to hold more crap they didn't need.

A. Because wages still suck

8 years of Obama with over $9 trillion added to the debt and wages still suck?

The unwise voted for Obama

And voted against their savior Ross Perot years ago

you nailed it. the unwise ALSO voted for Clinton back then and THEN Bushwacker number 2 the next go round,hen the next clown Obama.all part of this corrupt two party system we have.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

A. Because wages still suck
B. Because the newer generations spend too much money on stuff they don't need.

Case in point: We previously lived in a house that was built in 1955. The closets were small, not a lot of storage space. That was OK. We didn't need much storage space because we don't shop and acquire.
The house across the street sold to a young couple around 30-ish years or so, it's a big house, around 3500 square feet.
They not only filled the house up with crap but then had to add a STORAGE shed in the back to hold more crap they didn't need.

A. Because wages still suck

8 years of Obama with over $9 trillion added to the debt and wages still suck?

The unwise voted for Obama

And voted against their savior Ross Perot years ago

you nailed it. the unwise ALSO voted for Clinton back then and THEN Bushwacker number 2 the next go round,hen the next clown Obama.all part of this corrupt two party system we have.

Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation
Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation

What do you care?

You get paid in rubles
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