If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

The highest cost for nearly any business is payroll. When payroll rises without a subsequent rise in revenue, the first step businesses take is to cut jobs and hours and/or they raise the price of their products to bring things back to balance. That is reality.
Retard cant raise price when firing people removes demand. ONLY increasing money supply increases demand that allows business to increase prices
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

The highest cost for nearly any business is payroll. When payroll rises without a subsequent rise in revenue, the first step businesses take is to cut jobs and hours and/or they raise the price of their products to bring things back to balance. That is reality.
Retard cant raise price when firing people removes demand. ONLY increasing money supply increases demand that allows business to increase prices
/—-/ Would you like some bacon ranch dressing with your word salad?
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

The highest cost for nearly any business is payroll. When payroll rises without a subsequent rise in revenue, the first step businesses take is to cut jobs and hours and/or they raise the price of their products to bring things back to balance. That is reality.
Retard cant raise price when firing people removes demand. ONLY increasing money supply increases demand that allows business to increase prices

Sorry, but that is not how it works at the micro level. Businesses are making decisions that affect their bottom line today, because they won't be around tomorrow if they don't. You honestly believe that a mom and pop ice cream shop thinks that if they fire a kid they will lose him as a customer so it is not worth it? That is beyond ridiculous.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

The highest cost for nearly any business is payroll. When payroll rises without a subsequent rise in revenue, the first step businesses take is to cut jobs and hours and/or they raise the price of their products to bring things back to balance. That is reality.
Retard cant raise price when firing people removes demand. ONLY increasing money supply increases demand that allows business to increase prices

Sorry, but that is not how it works at the micro level. Businesses are making decisions that affect their bottom line today, because they won't be around tomorrow if they don't. You honestly believe that a mom and pop ice cream shop thinks that if they fire a kid they will lose him as a customer so it is not worth it? That is beyond ridiculous.
/—-/ You’re debating a libtard who couldn’t run a Kool-Aid stand without adult supervision. Save your breath.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

because people do not know how to save and we live in an instant gratification society. 75 to 80 percent of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, no matter how the economy is doing.

I'm a follower of Dave Ramsey, we try to keep at least a 6 month reserve.

And barring when we get hit, we generally do.

Thats only a good thing if you are not competent with money or young and not established. I paid off my home and have a sizable home equity to draw from if needed. Cash is worthless. I invest every extra dime into payments on my rentals or to my IRA, damn cash.

Perhaps by your standards then we are "not competent" with money. Our goal is to develop an emotional aversion to debt.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

The highest cost for nearly any business is payroll. When payroll rises without a subsequent rise in revenue, the first step businesses take is to cut jobs and hours and/or they raise the price of their products to bring things back to balance. That is reality.
Retard cant raise price when firing people removes demand. ONLY increasing money supply increases demand that allows business to increase prices

Sorry, but that is not how it works at the micro level. Businesses are making decisions that affect their bottom line today, because they won't be around tomorrow if they don't. You honestly believe that a mom and pop ice cream shop thinks that if they fire a kid they will lose him as a customer so it is not worth it? That is beyond ridiculous.

Yes, they will have less productive labor, less product, fewer sales, less revenue which will spiral until they go out of business. Fewer dollars trading = Deflation!

Inflation is impossible without more money in circulation!
Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

The highest cost for nearly any business is payroll. When payroll rises without a subsequent rise in revenue, the first step businesses take is to cut jobs and hours and/or they raise the price of their products to bring things back to balance. That is reality.
Retard cant raise price when firing people removes demand. ONLY increasing money supply increases demand that allows business to increase prices

Sorry, but that is not how it works at the micro level. Businesses are making decisions that affect their bottom line today, because they won't be around tomorrow if they don't. You honestly believe that a mom and pop ice cream shop thinks that if they fire a kid they will lose him as a customer so it is not worth it? That is beyond ridiculous.

Yes, they will have less productive labor, less product, fewer sales, less revenue which will spiral until they go out of business. Fewer dollars trading = Deflation!

Inflation is impossible without more money in circulation!

You simply don't understand how small business works. In the scenario of the ice cream shop, what is likely to happen is the owner will pick up the extra hours needed to make up for the laying off of the employee. Neither product, service, revenue nor sales would suffer, just the owner who is working more hours. The other option is for the owner to raise the price of his ice cream and keep the employee taking the risk that consumers will still be willing to purchase it at the higher prices. Of course, this means that the folks buying the ice cream, some of which may be making minimum wage themselves, will be paying more, thus negating the raise they may have received from their employer. This is what happens in the real world when wages are artificially raised.
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?

The prices already increased when money was lent or printed into existence & tax cuts so the owner has had a windfall of profits a year or 2 before wages increase. The wage increase comes out of his profits!
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?

The prices already increased when money was lent or printed into existence & tax cuts so the owner has had a windfall of profits a year or 2 before wages increase. The wage increase comes out of his profits!

The prices already increased when money was lent or printed into existence

I just borrowed money to buy a new house.

How much inflation did my mortgage cause? Please show your math.
I've never seen a time harder for young people to go out on their own. No wonder more and more have to move back in with their parents.

Kids don't stay with their parents as a last resort, they do it as an option. The big thing for nearly the last ten years is to rent. Younger people these days don't want any responsibilities, and that includes the responsibilities that come with owning a house.

Like I mentioned several times.

Kids now are different compared from a long time ago.
What happened is parents work hard to give their best of everything to their siblings. The siblings end up lazy and spoiled.
I’ve seen this in all races in different cultures and categories. Attitudes sucks. I’ve also witnessed this in other countries.

The legalization of marijuana will make this worse.

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

Paycheck to paycheck has been a way of life for many Americans since the 90's at least. We spend more than we make and finance the rest. We pay a car based on it's monthly payment, not the cost of the car. In 2008 I was hoping Americans would change their lifestyle and save as much as they could. Looks like I was wrong.
This is why Americans are so miserable. You sit around expecting to make millions, while doing low-value work.

I am not suggesting anyone should deserve to make millions. Settle down and talk like an adult. But I will suggest that people who work full time should be able to buy a house, and a car, and take a vacation every year. While that may see like "royal living" where you come from, that's just a basic standard of living we should have here AND where you come from. So, if you would like to argue against that, then go right ahead. Or play with your "I deserve millions!!!" dollies. Whatever.

People don't open up or expand businesses to provide jobs that give employees the ability to buy those things. If you want those things, you need to get into a field of work that will provide those things. People invest money in business to provide services or products at a profit--their profit.

Take a company--any company that you feel underpays their workers. Now open up a similar business and pay your workers more wages and benefits. Which company do you think will close down within a few years, yours or theirs?

Businesses do nothing more than we American consumers. We look for the cheapest products or services we can find. If you get three estimates to have the transmission in your car rebuilt, you generally will take the lowest bid. You don't ask the transmission place what they pay their mechanics, what kind of benefits they provide, if their mechanics have the ability to buy new cars every five years or purchase a home. You just care about getting the work you needed done for the lowest price.

This is bullshit Ray. Even if you get an education and become a professional, or open your own business and live off the work of others, the economy still needs people to flip burgers, deliver pizzas and clean office buildings. If everybody opens a business or becomes a professional, who is going to do these low wage jobs? These people are entitled to a decent wage for a decent day's work.

There are a lot more workers than there are business owners or professionals, and while all jobs shouldn't be receiving equal pay, all full-time jobs should provide as least a modest roof over your head, food and clothing for a person, especially when the corporation is booking record profits.

The low wage bank job I had when I first left school paid minimum wage, and I had a two room apartment in downtown Toronto which I shared with my best friend. We couldn't afford much - bus passes for transportation, and lots of Kraft dinner for supper. An occasional concert at Ontario Place. But we didn't need social assistance to pay for any of this.

When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages.
1. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC.

2. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and

3. thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.

Total hogwash.

1. Prove it. There are thousands of companies that are not unionized. Are you saying a MW worker can afford to donate at dnc?

2. What is teachers union has anything to do with MW? It’s mainly the parents faults how they raised their kids.
And kids taking easy courses.

At the same time NOT all kids taking worthless courses. There are young doctors, nurses, professors, lawyers, engineers and scientists that are making good money.
My niece 23yo just got her BSN RN license started at Kaiser last June making $51.35/hour.

Why are you or most concentrated on McDonald’s? There are millions of other jobs that start over $15 already.

3. Yes and No. The increase is also incremental.

I don’t like and I don’t use this left and right because you are saying that only the left....
1. Has the heart for the poor.
2. Are making good money.
3. Pushing for progress.
4. Better moral.
5. Caring.

Minimum Wage has been a hot topic since I joined this site..... Most of Non business owners like you talk so much nonsense.
So I’m asking you. Name me one company or any McDonald’s that closed because of MW increased. ANYBODY?
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?

The prices already increased when money was lent or printed into existence & tax cuts so the owner has had a windfall of profits a year or 2 before wages increase. The wage increase comes out of his profits!

The prices already increased when money was lent or printed into existence

I just borrowed money to buy a new house.

How much inflation did my mortgage cause? Please show your math.

You drove up house prices & demand as soon as you paid the seller with that money borrowed out of thin air. The seller then took that money & drove up the price & demand buying their next home!

Price inflation is always created when fractional reserve money is borrowed. Deflation happens when the loan is defaulted on or paid back. In the USA wages only rise as a result inflation, they NEVER cause inflation.
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You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?

The prices already increased when money was lent or printed into existence & tax cuts so the owner has had a windfall of profits a year or 2 before wages increase. The wage increase comes out of his profits!

It doesn’t even have to come out from his profits.
McDonald’s and other businesses increased prices all the time to cover other expenses like pay raises, promotions, equipments etc etc etc.

This is the business practices since the beginning of dawn just strange why so worried about MW increase.
I am not suggesting anyone should deserve to make millions. Settle down and talk like an adult. But I will suggest that people who work full time should be able to buy a house, and a car, and take a vacation every year. While that may see like "royal living" where you come from, that's just a basic standard of living we should have here AND where you come from. So, if you would like to argue against that, then go right ahead. Or play with your "I deserve millions!!!" dollies. Whatever.

People don't open up or expand businesses to provide jobs that give employees the ability to buy those things. If you want those things, you need to get into a field of work that will provide those things. People invest money in business to provide services or products at a profit--their profit.

Take a company--any company that you feel underpays their workers. Now open up a similar business and pay your workers more wages and benefits. Which company do you think will close down within a few years, yours or theirs?

Businesses do nothing more than we American consumers. We look for the cheapest products or services we can find. If you get three estimates to have the transmission in your car rebuilt, you generally will take the lowest bid. You don't ask the transmission place what they pay their mechanics, what kind of benefits they provide, if their mechanics have the ability to buy new cars every five years or purchase a home. You just care about getting the work you needed done for the lowest price.

This is bullshit Ray. Even if you get an education and become a professional, or open your own business and live off the work of others, the economy still needs people to flip burgers, deliver pizzas and clean office buildings. If everybody opens a business or becomes a professional, who is going to do these low wage jobs? These people are entitled to a decent wage for a decent day's work.

There are a lot more workers than there are business owners or professionals, and while all jobs shouldn't be receiving equal pay, all full-time jobs should provide as least a modest roof over your head, food and clothing for a person, especially when the corporation is booking record profits.

The low wage bank job I had when I first left school paid minimum wage, and I had a two room apartment in downtown Toronto which I shared with my best friend. We couldn't afford much - bus passes for transportation, and lots of Kraft dinner for supper. An occasional concert at Ontario Place. But we didn't need social assistance to pay for any of this.

When I got out of school my first job was working at a car wash. It didn't pay much, and that's what gave me the drive to do better. Now had some Democrat come along and increase minimum wage to a ridiculous amount, maybe I'd still be at that car wash job today.

You don't get anywhere by somebody giving it to you, you have to desire it enough to get it yourself. The problem with our younger people today is they were never taught it takes work to get the things you want. Many of them just ask their parents for it, and that's how they obtain those things. Cell phones, video games, the latest trend in walking shoes, perfume, makeup, and it's all theirs for the asking. When you are raised that way, you have the same mentality when you become an adult.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages.
1. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC.

2. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and

3. thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.

Total hogwash.

1. Prove it. There are thousands of companies that are not unionized. Are you saying a MW worker can afford to donate at dnc?

2. What is teachers union has anything to do with MW? It’s mainly the parents faults how they raised their kids.
And kids taking easy courses.

At the same time NOT all kids taking worthless courses. There are young doctors, nurses, professors, lawyers, engineers and scientists that are making good money.
My niece 23yo just got her BSN RN license started at Kaiser last June making $51.35/hour.

Why are you or most concentrated on McDonald’s? There are millions of other jobs that start over $15 already.

3. Yes and No. The increase is also incremental.

I don’t like and I don’t use this left and right because you are saying that only the left....
1. Has the heart for the poor.
2. Are making good money.
3. Pushing for progress.
4. Better moral.
5. Caring.

Minimum Wage has been a hot topic since I joined this site..... Most of Non business owners like you talk so much nonsense.
So I’m asking you. Name me one company or any McDonald’s that closed because of MW increased. ANYBODY?
/----/ "Prove it"
OK Spanky. Now that you have been properly educated you can apologize for doubting me. You see, I've had this same debate with you LIbtards over the years and I know what I'm talking about.
1.) Just Why Are The Unions Supporting A Rise In The Minimum Wage?
The real reason is that some unions and their members directly benefit from minimum wage increases—even when nary a union member actually makes the minimum wage.
The Center for Union Facts analyzed collective-bargaining agreements obtained from the Department of Labor's Office of Labor-Management Standards. The data indicate that a number of unions in the service, retail and hospitality industries peg their base-line wages to the minimum wage.

2.) What do Teacher's Union have to do with MW? Here, read for yourself; Why Chicago Teachers Support the Fight for a Higher Minimum Wage | HuffPost

Chicago Teachers Union has endorsed the Fight for Fifteen campaign — a movement to raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour.
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
liberal rapid resonse team.jpg
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