If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

The economy was great when one salary supported a house, a family of four, a car and a chicken in the pot. Trump is full of shit. Now it takes one person to make $45 an hour to live in a place that doesn't include roaches and rats.

The economy was great when one salary supported a house, a family of four, a car and a chicken in the pot.

It was cool when the rest of the world was devastated by WWII.

Of course we lived in much smaller houses and many fewer people went to college.
If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.
/——/ Liberals can’t run a Kool Aid stand without adult supervision. You expect them to follow your reasoning?

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

The economy was great when one salary supported a house, a family of four, a car and a chicken in the pot. Trump is full of shit. Now it takes one person to make $45 an hour to live in a place that doesn't include roaches and rats.

Yeah, in liberal run large cities, that is true. Go figure.
The economy was great when one salary supported a house, a family of four, a car and a chicken in the pot. Trump is full of shit. Now it takes one person to make $45 an hour to live in a place that doesn't include roaches and rats.

All depends on where you live. I know guys that raised their family making much less than that. Also remember all the things you had during that time as well. You had a television; color if lucky, with rabbit ears, you had a stereo with an 8-track player, you had one landline phone for the family to share. Entertainment was playing a game of Monopoly with the family. You ate out perhaps once or twice a year.

My father and his brothers built the house I grew up in. We finally moved in there in 1968. He now laughs because he pays more for his cell phone bill today than he did for his mortgage.
I've never seen a time harder for young people to go out on their own. No wonder more and more have to move back in with their parents.

Kids don't stay with their parents as a last resort, they do it as an option. The big thing for nearly the last ten years is to rent. Younger people these days don't want any responsibilities, and that includes the responsibilities that come with owning a house.

Like I mentioned several times.

Kids now are different compared from a long time ago.
What happened is parents work hard to give their best of everything to their siblings. The siblings end up lazy and spoiled.
I’ve seen this in all races in different cultures and categories. Attitudes sucks. I’ve also witnessed this in other countries.

The legalization of marijuana will make this worse.

What really happened throughout the years is that kids and parents became more like friends. In my teen years, there was what was called a Generation Gap. We loved our parents, but they were not our friends. They had rules and we followed them. Even if you lived at home after 18, you still had to be home by a specific time, you still couldn't smoke cigarettes or pot in the house, you still had to have a job and pay board.

Several years ago my niece moved her boyfriend into her mom's home. They were not even engaged. The guy was a lowlife who worked, but made minimum wage and had no intent to better himself. Why should he? My sister gave into my niece and he lived in a beautiful home with a wooded backyard. He didn't move until my sister asked him to cleanup his room, and he got enraged. He and my niece then moved into her fathers home, and the same thing!

See.......this would have never happened when I was young. I couldn't have a girlfriend sleep over for a night yet alone move her into my parents house. This is why we strived for independence and freedom. We wanted to have our parties, stay out as late as we wanted, have girlfriends over and even spend the night, smoke pot and drink until 2:00 am if we desired.

Today, kids do all that shit in their parents house.

Like I mentioned in my other post. I have a very large pools of friends. I mean large from different categories. And I know tons and tons of business owners. Lots of them become very close personal friends.

You pretty sums up what I encountered with some of these parents and kids.

I’m the only son of the 3 kids. My sister next to me is 9 years apart from me. So I grew up like I have 3 mothers.
I have to admit I was not a role model kid. I had a relationship with my 35yo teacher when I was 16. I already posted this story 2 years ago.

I did not have a real paycheck till I’m 25 yo. I left home after HS live mostly overseas with the support of my 3 mothers. Where I learned 6 languages. I studied here and there. Lots of girls I mean lots.
Then one day suddenly one of my GF showed up told me that she is 6 months pregnant. I told my mom the whole story. She took all the info. her name, pictures, where she live etc. I got scared and moved to another country. I was un aware that my mom took this woman to US and stayed at my house in Key B.

Then one day my mom called me with a baby crying on the background. Son this is your son. I was stunned of course.
That same day it changed everything. Maturity and responsibility sink in. I packed my clothes left everything took the first flight to Miami.
That was 32 years ago. The same woman Im married today with 2 sons and 1 daughter.
During that time my father business is booming here in west coast so he opened the 2nd manufacturing facility in San Diego. They left key Biscayne end up inheriting the house.,
So I never really left home. Fast forward I joined the company, my first job ( and my last ) apprentice for a while got my first check at 25.

Fast forward my parents passed away. Inherited the business and house in Palm Springs.
Right now I’m leasing a condo just me and my wife here La Jolla San Diego so I can get closer to my kids and their families. About 5 minutes walk to the beach and 10 minutes walk to their houses. Key Biscayne and PS house is pretty much empty except my live in house sitters, my Pekingese dogs and my salt water fish.

I raised my kids differently than how I grew up. I didn’t want them to be spoiled like me. Learned some from south East Asian countries, Middle Easterners and Europeans. I was kind of tough on them in schools, sports and social life.
That’s how these foreigners do. Thanks god it pays off. Two of my sons are now working with me running the business day to day operations. My daughter has her own business.

Some of these foreigners like Asians or middle easterners tell their kids what they want when they are like in HS ....... you are an engineer, you are a nurse, you are teacher you are this etc etc etc.
I did the same with my kids.
It works for me. Some of my friends followed my advice, some end up good, some end up okay but some didn’t. One case was disastrous that his daughter committed suicide because she cannot be a doctor.

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I've never seen a time harder for young people to go out on their own. No wonder more and more have to move back in with their parents.

Kids don't stay with their parents as a last resort, they do it as an option. The big thing for nearly the last ten years is to rent. Younger people these days don't want any responsibilities, and that includes the responsibilities that come with owning a house.

Like I mentioned several times.

Kids now are different compared from a long time ago.
What happened is parents work hard to give their best of everything to their siblings. The siblings end up lazy and spoiled.
I’ve seen this in all races in different cultures and categories. Attitudes sucks. I’ve also witnessed this in other countries.

The legalization of marijuana will make this worse.

What really happened throughout the years is that kids and parents became more like friends. In my teen years, there was what was called a Generation Gap. We loved our parents, but they were not our friends. They had rules and we followed them. Even if you lived at home after 18, you still had to be home by a specific time, you still couldn't smoke cigarettes or pot in the house, you still had to have a job and pay board.

Several years ago my niece moved her boyfriend into her mom's home. They were not even engaged. The guy was a lowlife who worked, but made minimum wage and had no intent to better himself. Why should he? My sister gave into my niece and he lived in a beautiful home with a wooded backyard. He didn't move until my sister asked him to cleanup his room, and he got enraged. He and my niece then moved into her fathers home, and the same thing!

See.......this would have never happened when I was young. I couldn't have a girlfriend sleep over for a night yet alone move her into my parents house. This is why we strived for independence and freedom. We wanted to have our parties, stay out as late as we wanted, have girlfriends over and even spend the night, smoke pot and drink until 2:00 am if we desired.

Today, kids do all that shit in their parents house.

What you described isn't a generation gap, it's more like parents enforcing rules, and yeah, while my Grandparents were pretty strict, there were foster families I was in that let me run pretty much wild.

For future reference, here is what the generation gap is..................

Definition of GENERATION GAP

generation gap
Definition of generation gap
: the differences in opinions, values, etc., between younger people and older people

And, when older people and younger people actually decide to communicate and try to understand each other, that is when the generation gap disappears, and both understand why the rules are there.

Which is pretty much what I said. The differences between parents and children were vast. When I was in my 20's, most of my friends moved the hell out of the house. I know people of my age that were thrown out of the house. They didn't even have plans on where to live. The only exception to that were parents who were supporting their kids in college.

Today kids live with their parents well into their 30's and sometimes longer. My nephew is a good example. He was married and renting an apartment from my father. They lived there for several years. When they broke up, he decided to move out of the apartment and back with his mother. It's not that he couldn't afford to live on his own, but he wanted to as an option so he could repay the loans for his Masters degree.

Other cases kids simply don't want to work, and the parents just let them live there. I have a friend who is caught up in a terrible situation. Her husband left her with three kids, one of them an adult. He was the breadwinner of the family, and now she's losing the house.

She works, but doesn't make nearly the money he did when he supported the family. She was here about six months ago, and told me her 19 year old son just sits home all day long playing video games; never had a job since he graduated high school over a year ago.

If he was forced to work and contribute to the family income, they probably could save the house, but he simply doesn't want to work. Wherever they end up after the foreclosure, he's likely going to be with her still sitting wherever they move to and play video games.

Again, never would have happened in my generation.

True some kids just don’t want to work.

One of my friend has a son 35 yo living free at home. One time his mom asked him if he can wash her car.
Luigie ( his real name) asked how much she would pay him?
His dad screamed at him. GOD DENG Luigie YOU ARE 30 YEARS OLD LIVING FREE IN THIS HOUSE. The least you can do is help your mother.

Luigie responded.... screaming....... DAD IM 35 YEARS OLD.
If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

***1. If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

***2... The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Agree. However.

1. McDonald’s can make up the difference easily.

2. Business like Bobs hardware as your example will always raise prices. Most or all businesses raise prices every year. That’s a fact. Even restaurants.

3. Businesses give regular increases to their employees. That’s a fact.

***1.. So far I have not seen that. That is why I asked the same question over and over. Name me one establishment that went out of business because of this MW increase?

***2. That’s just an opinion from anti minimum wage. I repeat the same question.

The sad part with all these arguments is. There are tons of companies that give starting salaries over $15/ hour. Even a high school graduate.

My minimum lowest entry level is $16+ hour.
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

***1. If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

***2... The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Agree. However.

1. McDonald’s can make up the difference easily.

2. Business like Bobs hardware as your example will always raise prices. Most or all businesses raise prices every year. That’s a fact. Even restaurants.

3. Businesses give regular increases to their employees. That’s a fact.

***1.. So far I have not seen that. That is why I asked the same question over and over. Name me one establishment that went out of business because of this MW increase?

***2. That’s just an opinion from anti minimum wage. I repeat the same question.

The sad part with all these arguments is. There are tons of companies that give starting salaries over $15/ hour. Even a high school graduate.

My minimum lowest entry level is $16+ hour.
/——/ “Oh they will just raise prices.” Duhh and that fuels inflation that reduces the buying power of the new minimum wage. You big dope.
If prices don't increase because of wage increases, then who pays the money for those wage increases?
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

You are kidding right? Small business is struggling mightily with the $15 min. wage hike. Even liberal NYC papers have headlines about it.

Why would I be kidding? Name me one. How do you even know they are not getting paid closer to that already?

With the economy low unemployment. Plus trump scaring illegals. Even illegals here will laugh at you asking for better pay.
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?
/——/ Hike in minimum wage prompts more closings of San Francisco restaurants

Yeah, and notice in this article it also states: "Higher minimum wages also reduce the rate at which new restaurants open by 4-6 percent per $1 increase in the minimum, the study found." So not only are businesses closing, startups are severely affected. It is a double whammy.

Liberals just aren't very smart when it comes to economics...it is quite simple.

Show me a real example.
If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

This is possibly the dumbest, stupidest, most ignorant thread ever.

If people live check to check that means they handle their money poorly and over-spend.

Good God, are you fucking retarded?
Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?
/——/ Hike in minimum wage prompts more closings of San Francisco restaurants

Yeah, and notice in this article it also states: "Higher minimum wages also reduce the rate at which new restaurants open by 4-6 percent per $1 increase in the minimum, the study found." So not only are businesses closing, startups are severely affected. It is a double whammy.

Liberals just aren't very smart when it comes to economics...it is quite simple.

Show me a real example.
/—-/ Why? You’ll dismiss it as someone’s opinion, or biased right wing reporting.
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.
/——/ Liberals can’t run a Kool Aid stand without adult supervision. You expect them to follow your reasoning?

Do you know what’s funny?

The economy is booming. You should thank the liberals running business.
Stop posting these nonsense.
Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

***1. If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

***2... The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Agree. However.

1. McDonald’s can make up the difference easily.

2. Business like Bobs hardware as your example will always raise prices. Most or all businesses raise prices every year. That’s a fact. Even restaurants.

3. Businesses give regular increases to their employees. That’s a fact.

***1.. So far I have not seen that. That is why I asked the same question over and over. Name me one establishment that went out of business because of this MW increase?

***2. That’s just an opinion from anti minimum wage. I repeat the same question.

The sad part with all these arguments is. There are tons of companies that give starting salaries over $15/ hour. Even a high school graduate.

My minimum lowest entry level is $16+ hour.
/——/ “Oh they will just raise prices.” Duhh and that fuels inflation that reduces the buying power of the new minimum wage. You big dope.

Bulshit..... Trump is raising prices far more than $15 an hour across the board with his trade wars. So what is your problem with inflation?

Look STUPID I’ll let you know when you are qualified to talk to me.
Like I already said I know tons of business owners even from different categories.

I got to know them personally. I go out with them regularly, casinos, Las Vegas, Traveling, women, golf, cruises etc etc etc.

One of those trips or expenses like women, fuck boys, girl friends, mistresses, cars, casino losses etc etc etc.. Are more than enough to cover those MW increases with minimum sacrifices.

You don’t need to buy your fuck boy a Mercedes Benz when he was driving a Hyundai to start with. Just buy him a Lexus
/----/ The business owner simply harvests ripe $20 bills from his money tree.
Duhhh, do we Libs have to spell everything out for you Republicans?
View attachment 274695

Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

***1. If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

***2... The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Agree. However.

1. McDonald’s can make up the difference easily.

2. Business like Bobs hardware as your example will always raise prices. Most or all businesses raise prices every year. That’s a fact. Even restaurants.

3. Businesses give regular increases to their employees. That’s a fact.

***1.. So far I have not seen that. That is why I asked the same question over and over. Name me one establishment that went out of business because of this MW increase?

***2. That’s just an opinion from anti minimum wage. I repeat the same question.

The sad part with all these arguments is. There are tons of companies that give starting salaries over $15/ hour. Even a high school graduate.

My minimum lowest entry level is $16+ hour.

I already pointed out how McDonald's will make up the difference, and that is a "slight' price increase on each of the thousands of items they sell a day. Bob can't do that.

Pricewise, Bob is already at a disadvantage with places like Home Depot, Lowes, and the internet. About 15 years ago one of our local hardware stores announced they were closing down. I spoke with the owner who placed the cause on a new Home Depot that opened up about ten miles away from his store. Lost for the future, he was questioning me about a career in trucking.

It was a wonderful store. Family owned and operated. They were even open all day Sunday.

At the time, I was making a delivery to a local company where I knew some of the workers from the area. One of them approached me about the closing of the hardware store, and how terrible it was. With that comment, I asked him "out of the last five times you purchased hardware, where did you go, to our local hardware store or Home Depot?" He bowed his head and said "Home Depot." I responded by saying "That's why he's closing up!"

So now Bob not only has to be competitive with super stores and the internet, he now has to deal with a huge minimum wage increase on top of that. How can he raise his prices anymore than he already has without putting himself out of business?

Thanks To The Fight For $15 Minimum Wage, Small Businesses Close And Employees Are Laid Off
When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF
sounds like a personal problem to me

Didnt he just make the 4 housefraus congress retards shit list

purge him lefties !!!! :10:
When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Not only does it come full circle...
making more but with higher prices, no different than before

But, when you make more, you get back less in taxes
and many will lose or have government benefits reduced...
which is fine with me anyway

There needs to be a increase in tax revenue
to compensate for the flood of immigrants into the country
How the hell anyone is ok with, paying more, getting less
so others could have more is fucking beyond me

Whats going to happen when the next recession hits....
Because it will

Banks, credit cards, car loans are operating on
disposable income from immigrants
who rely on government assistance

When that segment of the population starts defaulting
it’s going to turn into a bigger financial mess than the last

There should be a head tax on all Hispanic and the like
Whether it be Mexican, Honduran, Guatemalan
There should be a central fund created to offset the costs
of schooling, feeding, housing and providing healthcare
for the flood of Central and Latin America immigrants
paid for and funded by them exclusively

I do not understand how people are that fucking dense
when it comes to simple, basic math
When you are doling out funds for 500 people
that only 100 people have contributed to
and none of which are of the 500....WTF

Agree except with your head tax idea. A border wall and closing immigration altogether would solve a lot of our problems. A law passed by Congress that would imprison anybody here illegally for a minimum of five years would not only chase out the people here illegally, but prevent new ones from coming in.
Most or ALL businesses increased prices every year. The same with McDonald’s.
You are arguing based from your own experience with no experience in ownership so I don’t expect you to understand business practices.

You just simply against MW.

You just simply against MW.

I'm against it because it's bad economics.

Well...... so far all I heard is an opinion of bad here and there. I asked a very simple question. MW increase has started about 5 years ago here and there. So I’m asking the same question again.

Name me any enterprise any business categories any McDonald’s that went out business because of MW increase?

Minimum wage impacts businesses differently.

McDonald's sells 1000 hamburgers a day, 1200 french fires, 1600 beverages. But Bob at Bob's hardware doesn't sell 400 boxes of nails or screws every day. So you won't see any noticeable price increases at McDonald's, but you will at Bob's.

***1. If your employer gives you a dollar an hour raise, it costs your employer more than that dollar because of associated expenses. A huge increase like nearly doubling it would drive people out of business because of that reason.

***2... The worst part is that a huge minimum wage increase causes a domino effect. If you got out of high school and got a job at a manufacturer of some sort, and started out at $9.00 an hour, eventually you will make $15.00 an hour in a couple of years. All of a sudden, you find yourself back at minimum wage because of some Democrat politicians. Are you going to continue doing your job at minimum wage? Of course not. You are going to demand to be paid at least five bucks an hour over minimum. Okay, fine. But then what about the guy at your shop who's been there much longer and is making $20.00 an hour?

When it comes to a full circle, the minimum wage worker finds himself in the exact same position he was in before the hike because now everything else costs more. The only people that made out were the politicians because now you are getting taxed at a higher rate. That's the only reason they are behind it.

Agree. However.

1. McDonald’s can make up the difference easily.

2. Business like Bobs hardware as your example will always raise prices. Most or all businesses raise prices every year. That’s a fact. Even restaurants.

3. Businesses give regular increases to their employees. That’s a fact.

***1.. So far I have not seen that. That is why I asked the same question over and over. Name me one establishment that went out of business because of this MW increase?

***2. That’s just an opinion from anti minimum wage. I repeat the same question.

The sad part with all these arguments is. There are tons of companies that give starting salaries over $15/ hour. Even a high school graduate.

My minimum lowest entry level is $16+ hour.

I already pointed out how McDonald's will make up the difference, and that is a "slight' price increase on each of the thousands of items they sell a day. Bob can't do that.

Pricewise, Bob is already at a disadvantage with places like Home Depot, Lowes, and the internet. About 15 years ago one of our local hardware stores announced they were closing down. I spoke with the owner who placed the cause on a new Home Depot that opened up about ten miles away from his store. Lost for the future, he was questioning me about a career in trucking.

It was a wonderful store. Family owned and operated. They were even open all day Sunday.

At the time, I was making a delivery to a local company where I knew some of the workers from the area. One of them approached me about the closing of the hardware store, and how terrible it was. With that comment, I asked him "out of the last five times you purchased hardware, where did you go, to our local hardware store or Home Depot?" He bowed his head and said "Home Depot." I responded by saying "That's why he's closing up!"

So now Bob not only has to be competitive with super stores and the internet, he now has to deal with a huge minimum wage increase on top of that. How can he raise his prices anymore than he already has without putting himself out of business?

Thanks To The Fight For $15 Minimum Wage, Small Businesses Close And Employees Are Laid Off

Sorry to hear about Bob.

Home Depot, Costco, Walmart killed lots and lots of small businesses LOOOOOONG before MW increases even in the 80s.
So there’s no way you can blame MW Increases.

That’s the same happening overseas.
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