If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

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Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation

What do you care?

You get paid in rubles

Wrong people are foolish losers

The economy is only doing well if you are in the top 10%. For everybody else, not so much.

If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

A. Because wages still suck
B. Because the newer generations spend too much money on stuff they don't need.

Case in point: We previously lived in a house that was built in 1955. The closets were small, not a lot of storage space. That was OK. We didn't need much storage space because we don't shop and acquire.
The house across the street sold to a young couple around 30-ish years or so, it's a big house, around 3500 square feet.
They not only filled the house up with crap but then had to add a STORAGE shed in the back to hold more crap they didn't need.

A. Because wages still suck

8 years of Obama with over $9 trillion added to the debt and wages still suck?

The unwise voted for Obama

And voted against their savior Ross Perot years ago

you nailed it. the unwise ALSO voted for Clinton back then and THEN Bushwacker number 2 the next go round,hen the next clown Obama.all part of this corrupt two party system we have.

Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation

Its incredible the amount of brainwashed idiots on this board and in the country that cant grasp what ross perot understood on how the two parties are disguised to make it look like they are against each other but in the real world,they are pals and work together. Hense why its commonplace to see pics like this all the time.


yeah that was indeed why Perot dropped out and why criminals like the clintons,bushs and Obamas and all other politicians ,get off scott free and are untouchable to be prosecuted because there are patriots like Ross Perot where if the death threats were given to just HIM alone,he would not have dropped out but when its your family,thats an entire different ballgame.

I knew Obama was a fraud when he got in,once he gave Bush a hug at the inaguration. they are SUPPOSE to have completely different views but they are the same. If Obomination was REALLY wantingto clean up Bushs mess he left,he would have done what I would have done had i been elected president,give Bush the middle finger and not go anywhere near him.
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If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

A. Because wages still suck
B. Because the newer generations spend too much money on stuff they don't need.

Case in point: We previously lived in a house that was built in 1955. The closets were small, not a lot of storage space. That was OK. We didn't need much storage space because we don't shop and acquire.
The house across the street sold to a young couple around 30-ish years or so, it's a big house, around 3500 square feet.
They not only filled the house up with crap but then had to add a STORAGE shed in the back to hold more crap they didn't need.

A. Because wages still suck

8 years of Obama with over $9 trillion added to the debt and wages still suck?

The unwise voted for Obama

And voted against their savior Ross Perot years ago

you nailed it. the unwise ALSO voted for Clinton back then and THEN Bushwacker number 2 the next go round,hen the next clown Obama.all part of this corrupt two party system we have.

Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation

Its incredible the amount of brainwashed idiots on this board and in the country that cant grasp what ross perot understood on how the two parties are disguised to make it look like they are against each other but in the real world,they are pals and work together. Hense why its commonplace to see pics like this all the time.


yeah that was indeed why Perot dropped out and why criminals like the clintons,bushs and Obamas and all other politicians ,get off scott free and are untouchable to be prosecuted because there are patriots like Ross Perot where if the death threats were given to just HIM alone,he would not have dropped out but when its your family,thats an entire different ballgame.

I knew Obama was a fraud when he got in,once he gave Bush a hug at the inaguration. they are SUPPOSE to have completely different views but they are the same. If Obomination was REALLY wantingto clean up Bushs mess he left,he would have done what I would have done had i been elected president,give Bush the middle finger and not go anywhere near him.

OF COURSE it's common for pictures like that to be taken. There are many times that former presidents get together for various things, because they belong to an exclusive club, which is that they were president once.

And, just because you would act like a cretin if you became president after Jr., doesn't mean that everyone else would.
The proof is the deal with China

Our enemy

Both the democrats and RINO republicans enriched themselves with China's help in order for China to enrich itself and grow powerful!!

The media also lied like today to make it seem Ross Perot was loony

And China is intentionally trying to weaken America by its promoting liberalism here !
If The Economy Is So Great Why Can't Most People Miss One Paycheck?

A. Because wages still suck
B. Because the newer generations spend too much money on stuff they don't need.

Case in point: We previously lived in a house that was built in 1955. The closets were small, not a lot of storage space. That was OK. We didn't need much storage space because we don't shop and acquire.
The house across the street sold to a young couple around 30-ish years or so, it's a big house, around 3500 square feet.
They not only filled the house up with crap but then had to add a STORAGE shed in the back to hold more crap they didn't need.

A. Because wages still suck

8 years of Obama with over $9 trillion added to the debt and wages still suck?

The unwise voted for Obama

And voted against their savior Ross Perot years ago

you nailed it. the unwise ALSO voted for Clinton back then and THEN Bushwacker number 2 the next go round,hen the next clown Obama.all part of this corrupt two party system we have.

Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation

Its incredible the amount of brainwashed idiots on this board and in the country that cant grasp what ross perot understood on how the two parties are disguised to make it look like they are against each other but in the real world,they are pals and work together. Hense why its commonplace to see pics like this all the time.


yeah that was indeed why Perot dropped out and why criminals like the clintons,bushs and Obamas and all other politicians ,get off scott free and are untouchable to be prosecuted because there are patriots like Ross Perot where if the death threats were given to just HIM alone,he would not have dropped out but when its your family,thats an entire different ballgame.

I knew Obama was a fraud when he got in,once he gave Bush a hug at the inaguration. they are SUPPOSE to have completely different views but they are the same. If Obomination was REALLY wantingto clean up Bushs mess he left,he would have done what I would have done had i been elected president,give Bush the middle finger and not go anywhere near him.

On my fathers side, our family is pretty political. We have people on the right, on the left, and in the middle. Some simply don't care about politics period.

We have political discussions, and it gets pretty heated at times. But at the end of the night, we are family, and we end our festivities with hugs, kisses, and shaking hands.

Just because politicians have different political views doesn't discount the fact that we are still all Americans. When it's needed, we all have to stick together and put our political differences aside such as after 911.

It's like I've always said, you should take your politics seriously, but don't take it personally. Because if you take it personally, you're going to end up with a lot of enemies.
Only a fool saves money when government has a printing press. You are better off spending it as soon as you make it. Better yet borrow before you make it & invest in your home, auto or your business.

And then when you need money you don't have, ask Uncle Sam to bail you out?
Things are always better under democrats is my opinion. And these are corporate democrats mind you, but at least they try to do something for the least among us. Republicans? They wouldn't spit on the average American, but they get a lot of the working class vote by focusing on God, Guns, Gays, and now scaring them with the immigration issue even though trump himself, has hired illegals in the past.

Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

You will only believe that if you are fooled into believing the President runs the entire country.

Our structure consists of a Congress and a President. The Congress is divided into two groups: the Senate and the House. They all play a part in the direction our country goes.
The proof is the deal with China

Our enemy

Both the democrats and RINO republicans enriched themselves with China's help in order for China to enrich itself and grow powerful!!

The media also lied like today to make it seem Ross Perot was loony

And China is intentionally trying to weaken America by its promoting liberalism here !

I know, I voted for Ross Perot to prevent that giant sucking sound of all our jobs being swept out of the USA.
The voodoo ( George H W Bushs' description )economics of Ronald Reagan destroyed the middleclass in this country, and why now most Americans do not support supply side economics, and are now supportive of pre Reagan era economic tax and regulatory policies.
Trump is literally using RR's playbook....

the economy worked just fine for the middleclass between 1947-1980.

The voodoo ( George H W Bushs' description )economics of Ronald Reagan destroyed the middleclass in this country, and why now most Americans do not support supply side economics, and are now supportive of pre Reagan era economic tax and regulatory policies.


God help us all if that is indeed true. the reaganut zombie worshippers are in denial mode that RR indeed did destroy the middleclass familys in the 80's.

I PRAY for americas sake,you are are wrong that Trump is using RR's playbook for an economy.:mad:

The middle-class was destroyed by the middle-class, not Reagan or Bush or anybody.

If the American consumers don't support the American workers, then there is nothing any President can do. Companies will move overseas to provide us with the cheap products we want. American companies will pay labor as little as possible, or otherwise invest in automation.

Because of unions, taxes, and overpaid labor, companies have been moving out since the early 70's. The demise of the middle-class was going to happen no matter who was President.
A. Because wages still suck

8 years of Obama with over $9 trillion added to the debt and wages still suck?

The unwise voted for Obama

And voted against their savior Ross Perot years ago

you nailed it. the unwise ALSO voted for Clinton back then and THEN Bushwacker number 2 the next go round,hen the next clown Obama.all part of this corrupt two party system we have.

Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation

Its incredible the amount of brainwashed idiots on this board and in the country that cant grasp what ross perot understood on how the two parties are disguised to make it look like they are against each other but in the real world,they are pals and work together. Hense why its commonplace to see pics like this all the time.


yeah that was indeed why Perot dropped out and why criminals like the clintons,bushs and Obamas and all other politicians ,get off scott free and are untouchable to be prosecuted because there are patriots like Ross Perot where if the death threats were given to just HIM alone,he would not have dropped out but when its your family,thats an entire different ballgame.

I knew Obama was a fraud when he got in,once he gave Bush a hug at the inaguration. they are SUPPOSE to have completely different views but they are the same. If Obomination was REALLY wantingto clean up Bushs mess he left,he would have done what I would have done had i been elected president,give Bush the middle finger and not go anywhere near him.

On my fathers side, our family is pretty political. We have people on the right, on the left, and in the middle. Some simply don't care about politics period.

We have political discussions, and it gets pretty heated at times. But at the end of the night, we are family, and we end our festivities with hugs, kisses, and shaking hands.

Just because politicians have different political views doesn't discount the fact that we are still all Americans. When it's needed, we all have to stick together and put our political differences aside such as after 911.

It's like I've always said, you should take your politics seriously, but don't take it personally. Because if you take it personally, you're going to end up with a lot of enemies.

But But But. Today's differences between conservatives and liberals is so hughe that each one sees the other as bringing destruction and then families would be destroyed too...and then each member will have to choose who are the enemies that they think will destroy their own kids
Labor is overpaid? That is an anti American stance. You want those jobs filled but don't want to pay decent.
The unwise voted for Obama

And voted against their savior Ross Perot years ago

you nailed it. the unwise ALSO voted for Clinton back then and THEN Bushwacker number 2 the next go round,hen the next clown Obama.all part of this corrupt two party system we have.

Yes Ross Perot understood what trump does today and he said the reason he nearly dropped out after leading in the polls was a threat against his family by daddy bushes campaign

So he was saying both parties were corrupt to the core with both democrats and RINOS working with China to enrich themselves and of China at the expense of Americans

We now see how so right Perot was and how the whole deep state is guilty of high treason

White males may wake up and use their logic ability power to destroy this corrupt system before other nations destroys the weakened nation

Its incredible the amount of brainwashed idiots on this board and in the country that cant grasp what ross perot understood on how the two parties are disguised to make it look like they are against each other but in the real world,they are pals and work together. Hense why its commonplace to see pics like this all the time.


yeah that was indeed why Perot dropped out and why criminals like the clintons,bushs and Obamas and all other politicians ,get off scott free and are untouchable to be prosecuted because there are patriots like Ross Perot where if the death threats were given to just HIM alone,he would not have dropped out but when its your family,thats an entire different ballgame.

I knew Obama was a fraud when he got in,once he gave Bush a hug at the inaguration. they are SUPPOSE to have completely different views but they are the same. If Obomination was REALLY wantingto clean up Bushs mess he left,he would have done what I would have done had i been elected president,give Bush the middle finger and not go anywhere near him.

On my fathers side, our family is pretty political. We have people on the right, on the left, and in the middle. Some simply don't care about politics period.

We have political discussions, and it gets pretty heated at times. But at the end of the night, we are family, and we end our festivities with hugs, kisses, and shaking hands.

Just because politicians have different political views doesn't discount the fact that we are still all Americans. When it's needed, we all have to stick together and put our political differences aside such as after 911.

It's like I've always said, you should take your politics seriously, but don't take it personally. Because if you take it personally, you're going to end up with a lot of enemies.

But But But. Today's differences between conservatives and liberals is so hughe that each one sees the other as bringing destruction and then families would be destroyed too...and then each member will have to choose who are the enemies that they think will destroy their own kids

There is no denying that the left is now way left. They tagged bases with Socialism and are approaching Communism at a rapid rate. They harbor radicals and anti-Semites and have gone as far as to stick up for their idiotic statements.

We are still all people of one country however.
I've never seen a time harder for young people to go out on their own. No wonder more and more have to move back in with their parents.
/—/ There are several reasons the left pushes minimum wages. One, many Union contracts are tied to the fed minimum wage so they get a bump in salary so they can donate more to the DNC. Second, the Teachers Union realizes they are graduating functional illiterates and can’t compete for decent jobs so they need at least $15 an hour at their McDonald’s career and thirdly it harms small businesses, the lefts main enemy.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.
I've never seen a time harder for young people to go out on their own. No wonder more and more have to move back in with their parents.

I moved out of my parents home to my first apartment at the age of 20 in 1980. The recession followed, and it was worse than the Obama recession, I don't care what anybody says. I never moved back home.

Kids don't stay with their parents as a last resort, they do it as an option. The big thing for nearly the last ten years is to rent. Younger people these days don't want any responsibilities, and that includes the responsibilities that come with owning a house.
We push for minimum wage because it is the only way to protect low skilled workers
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!
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/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!
/—-/ So businesses don’t factor labor costs in their overhead? Maybe that’s how it works in a whore house or slave labor camp but in every other business they do.
/—-/ Wrong. You failed to address my points. What’s stopping them from improving their skills?
College students are working on improving their skills
But while they are going to school, they are forced to work minimum wage jobs. Jobs that used to pay for their tuition but no longer do.

These students are forced to take loans to compensate for their low paying jobs
You really have to laugh at the crazy people. College costs more because prices of room and board, books heat, professors wages and other things have gone up. If minimum wage goes up it forces other prices to go up. It is a simple fact that some crazies fail to comprehend.
Everything a low wage worker needs to buy costs more

Rent, cars, gas, food, medical care

Their wage has not kept up

Much like a dog at the track can never run fast enough to catch the mechanical rabbit, the minumum wage will never catch up with the prices as they will simply rise with the minumum wage.

Prices do not rise because of wages!

Prices ALLWAYS rise before wages & only because of expanding money!

The highest cost for nearly any business is payroll. When payroll rises without a subsequent rise in revenue, the first step businesses take is to cut jobs and hours and/or they raise the price of their products to bring things back to balance. That is reality.
I've never seen a time harder for young people to go out on their own. No wonder more and more have to move back in with their parents.

I moved out of my parents home to my first apartment at the age of 20 in 1980. The recession followed, and it was worse than the Obama recession, I don't care what anybody says. I never moved back home.

Kids don't stay with their parents as a last resort, they do it as an option. The big thing for nearly the last ten years is to rent. Younger people these days don't want any responsibilities, and that includes the responsibilities that come with owning a house.
/—-/ Same with me, but I moved out in 1970. The Recession after the Vietnam war ended was the worse.
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