If the GOP did not have control of the US House


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Which branch of government runs law enforcement?

I'll give you a hint. It's not the legislative branch. And that's why you sound kooky.

Your own article said it had been going on since 2016. So why did the Trump admin give the Chicomms a free pass?
Which branch of government runs law enforcement?

I'll give you a hint. It's not the legislative branch. And that's why you sound kooky.

Your own article said it had been going on since 2016. So why did the Trump admin give the Chicomms a free pass?
Depends. Trump's mistake was not cleaning house January 2017 getting rid of Comey and the whole crowd over there. So the Chicoms got a pass. The only reason this is happening now Thief in Chief Biden is in shit up to his ears.
Which branch of government runs law enforcement?

I'll give you a hint. It's not the legislative branch. And that's why you sound kooky.

Your own article said it had been going on since 2016. So why did the Trump admin give the Chicomms a free pass?
Theoretically, you are correct.

But in fact, the legislature has been acting more like judge, jury, and executioner for anything the majority at the time sees fit to go after. Inappropriate. Both R's and D's are to blame...I was shocked when they went after Bill Clinton for his personal conduct in an impeachment trial...Sure he was probably Inappropriate, but Congress even more so by wasting our time. Clinton's real sins had nothing to do with sexual exploits. The socialist agenda put into place by him, Obama, and now O'Biden has fucked us all. We just didn't understand how bad those policies were, being the ill-informed pack of selfish bastards we all are.

Now we will witness the end of freedom and democracy. I'll try my best to prevent it (only thing I can do is locally by getting involved), but the writing is on the wall. It may be another 1000-2000 years before free people find a way to regain control again against these new monarchs. If we survive the stupidity at all (like socialist monarch Putin's threats of nuclear war)

God bless you for reading my post.
Depends. Trump's mistake was not cleaning house January 2017 getting rid of Comey and the whole crowd over there. So the Chicoms got a pass. The only reason this is happening now Thief in Chief Biden is in shit up to his ears.
The American three-part model was a decent start-up, but it is not good enough for the unfurled system of four thousand cyclic oligarchy appointments for the two-hundred-some security agencies, nor is the representation system adequate for the diversity of naive, addicted, and hysterical people that the society has evolved to.
The American three-part model was a decent start-up, but it is not good enough for the unfurled system of four thousand cyclic oligarchy appointments for the two-hundred-some security agencies, nor is the representation system adequate for the diversity of naive, addicted, and hysterical people that the society has evolved to.
Arguably good points.

But this is why the start-up model included a reset switch: an Article V Convention

Our founding fathers knew that if all power accumulates at the top, as it has done in all known governments throughout history, then bad things happen. Corruption en mass.

The media is definitely a problem. Without free speech and dissemination of accurate information to the people, Democracy will always fail. That seems to be where we are at these days, with such a polarized media, each claiming to represent the truth. I do not know if there is a good solution for this problem, although today's "settlement" between Dominion and FOX is not a good step in the direction of free speech.
But this is why the start-up model included a reset switch: an Article V Convention
Amendments to the subsisting American charters cannot correctly adjust the separation of government. The separation of government is related to the separation of the articles of its charter. This is the untold dilemma that the Founders encountered that forced them to abandon their commissions to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Founders could not amend the Articles, because the order of its articles was not compatible with the order needed to deploy the Three-part Separation Theory. The Founders needed Articles One, Two, and Three, to demarcate the three branches of government, subsequently, formatting the charter.

In essence, government chartering is much more similar to computer programming than architectural drafting, but when the rhetorical analogy was devised nobody understood computer programming. As computer programming has become better known, it seems that not enough computer programmers understand government chartering to correct the analogy. But that will change very soon, because there are several big tech companies seeking to establish townships for their corporate employees.

The separation of government is supposed to be demarcated by certain sections of law, and then those partitions are subdivided into the familiar three branches, or more accurately, the three general processes of law. Although, there are a lot of sections of law, there are just a handful of sections that are significant to the balance of government powers, and all of the other sections fall under those in an orderly formulation to fulfill the mission of the respective governing partition.

Each partition will have its three processes for a specific section of the law and formulated subsections; a legislative assembly, security department, and judicial supervision. The formulation of each partition with its own security department provides for a direct law enforcement check on the other partitions of the government, compared to the subsisting dubious and disappointing need for bipartisan committees, and independent investigations.

The request for independent investigations obviously indicates that there is a problem with the separation of government powers, and that is because the three parts of government are not inherently in a contest with each other – they are cooperative processes, and the checks on power had to be assigned to the entities, and that tends to be vulnerable to the oligarchy contest for control of the three parts.
Amendments to the subsisting American charters cannot correctly adjust the separation of government. The separation of government is related to the separation of the articles of its charter. This is the untold dilemma that the Founders encountered that forced them to abandon their commissions to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Founders could not amend the Articles, because the order of its articles was not compatible with the order needed to deploy the Three-part Separation Theory. The Founders needed Articles One, Two, and Three, to demarcate the three branches of government, subsequently, formatting the charter.

In essence, government chartering is much more similar to computer programming than architectural drafting, but when the rhetorical analogy was devised nobody understood computer programming. As computer programming has become better known, it seems that not enough computer programmers understand government chartering to correct the analogy. But that will change very soon, because there are several big tech companies seeking to establish townships for their corporate employees.

The separation of government is supposed to be demarcated by certain sections of law, and then those partitions are subdivided into the familiar three branches, or more accurately, the three general processes of law. Although, there are a lot of sections of law, there are just a handful of sections that are significant to the balance of government powers, and all of the other sections fall under those in an orderly formulation to fulfill the mission of the respective governing partition.

Each partition will have its three processes for a specific section of the law and formulated subsections; a legislative assembly, security department, and judicial supervision. The formulation of each partition with its own security department provides for a direct law enforcement check on the other partitions of the government, compared to the subsisting dubious and disappointing need for bipartisan committees, and independent investigations.

The request for independent investigations obviously indicates that there is a problem with the separation of government powers, and that is because the three parts of government are not inherently in a contest with each other – they are cooperative processes, and the checks on power had to be assigned to the entities, and that tends to be vulnerable to the oligarchy contest for control of the three parts.

This is an interesting perspective.

Personally, I suspect some of the issues we are seeing today stem from overstepping of bounds. The bounds of each branch have become more like opinions, susceptible to interpretation using whatever new definitions of the language anyone chooses.

And opinions are just like assholes, everyone has one.
This is an interesting perspective.

Thank you. I have years of contemplation on the subject. Attached is the complete introduction

Personally, I suspect some of the issues we are seeing today stem from overstepping of bounds.
The partisan strategies for control of the three branches can be misconstrued and manipulated in various ways, and the information chaos causes some to fear for their sense of trust in the government; thereby, fulfilling a precursor from the CIA’s Watch List. The political frustration leads some to believe that they can be heroic by shocking the public to fix the system through their disruption of utilities, commerce, and cultural events; or by the execution of horrendous violence. Fulfilling the CIA’s other major precursor. The prediction of the final failure event is probably still marginalized in years, but the increased incidents of social disorderliness probably accelerate the more focused rebellion.

The three-part separation does not work as expected.


  • slcs.us4cc.intro.legal.2023.pdf
    318.2 KB · Views: 8
Thank you. I have years of contemplation on the subject. Attached is the complete introduction

The partisan strategies for control of the three branches can be misconstrued and manipulated in various ways, and the information chaos causes some to fear for their sense of trust in the government; thereby, fulfilling a precursor from the CIA’s Watch List. The political frustration leads some to believe that they can be heroic by shocking the public to fix the system through their disruption of utilities, commerce, and cultural events; or by the execution of horrendous violence. Fulfilling the CIA’s other major precursor. The prediction of the final failure event is probably still marginalized in years, but the increased incidents of social disorderliness probably accelerate the more focused rebellion.

The three-part separation does not work as expected.
The paper would be good food for thought for those embarking on the endeavor to hold the Convention of States (Convention of States Action). There are some good points, like

...the primary doctrine of the shared duopoly
evolved into doing whatever it takes to win public elections, rather than
guarding systems of principles;...

There are some invalid points (IMO), like

the flawed formulations of government are
ultimately the primary cause of the civil wars, because a perfectly
organized government should not have such a problem.

I believe civil wars (like the future one predicted by the CIA report) are more a function of morally flawed public opinion which turns into Mass Formation Psychosis. The slave culture that took root in the South is our historical example. It grew over a period of several centuries. Slave traders and plantation owners were able to operate freely in the new colonies without much contest, despite it being contrary to Christian morality. By the time 80 years of the new Constitutional rule had passed, it was too late to change the psychosis that had taken over society in the South. The only way to end it was through force. (I know, I know, many historians disagree that the Civil War was about slavery, but that's another debate)

Likewise, the next civil war will similarly be brought about by Mass Formation Psychosis. It seems that the current psychosis developing is the idea that the government structures should have all power at the top. People are being coached by big tech and big media into believing they will be better off surrendering their freedoms, rights, and most of their earnings to those big government structures in exchange for the promise of security. Basically, surrender to the new age slave system. They promise great rewards for those who do! As long as you agree to the new social hierarchy, you will profit and advance. If you don't, you will remain one of the lowliest slaves and not advance. This is already a palpable reality, as the State only hires from those who indicate a willingness to go along with it. And the State has the majority of the jobs with the best benefits and salary.

Marxism. Socialism is a bad description because other meanings of the word "social" are good; like it is good to be socially active and have social skills. As a description for a system of government, economy, and private ownership, Socialism is something else entirely.

The influence of big tech and big media companies on the population is very real and very pronounced. If the citizens are not allowed to hear all relevant arguments, they can not make good decisions at the polling place. It is common practice for these sources of information to gaslight, censor, and manipulate any opinion that goes against increased big brother control. People are being trained to believe this sort of thing is okay: it's for your own safety that some ideas are censored.
The paper would be good food for thought for those embarking on the endeavor to hold the Convention of States (Convention of States Action).

Yeah, I am working on the cover letters for Convention of States and several other such groups, that I am aware of.

I believe civil wars (like the future one predicted by the CIA report) are more a function of morally flawed public opinion which turns into Mass Formation Psychosis. The slave culture that took root in the South is our historical example. It grew over a period of several centuries. Slave traders and plantation owners were able to operate freely in the new colonies without much contest, despite it being contrary to Christian morality. By the time 80 years of the new Constitutional rule had passed, it was too late to change the psychosis that had taken over society in the South. The only way to end it was through force. (I know, I know, many historians disagree that the Civil War was about slavery, but that's another debate)
That's an interesting theory, and I will agree that it is probable.
Likewise, the next civil war will similarly be brought about by Mass Formation Psychosis. It seems that the current psychosis developing is the idea that the government structures should have all power at the top. People are being coached by big tech and big media into believing they will be better off surrendering their freedoms, rights, and most of their earnings to those big government structures in exchange for the promise of security.
That is because the proverbial "box" that we live in of an imperfect government with imperfect regulations causes many different problems.

Basically, surrender to the new age slave system. They promise great rewards for those who do! As long as you agree to the new social hierarchy, you will profit and advance.

The imperfect government has an imperfect hierarchy, and it trickles down into private businesses because their corporate charters are unformatted and peculiar to the founder's original recipe for success. As the founder passes, the corporation lacks the innovation traits of the founder's path, and that can be the end of the business if they cannot generate a practical charter for making decisions in the interest of the stockholders.

If you don't, you will remain one of the lowliest slaves and not advance. This is already a palpable reality, as the State only hires from those who indicate a willingness to go along with it. And the State has the majority of the jobs with the best benefits and salary.
Interesting point I have wondered about.

Marxism. Socialism is a bad description because other meanings of the word "social" are good; like it is good to be socially active and have social skills. As a description for a system of government, economy, and private ownership, Socialism is something else entirely.
I think that is why Marx, or whoever designated the economic theory.

The influence of big tech and big media companies on the population is very real and very pronounced. If the citizens are not allowed to hear all relevant arguments, they can not make good decisions at the polling place. It is common practice for these sources of information to gaslight, censor, and manipulate any opinion that goes against increased big brother control. People are being trained to believe this sort of thing is okay: it's for your own safety that some ideas are censored.
But keep believing that it cannot be avoided. You keep thinking that way. Good luck to you.

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