If the gop gets the Whitehouse & holds onto the Senate Obamacare is gone.

Senate Dems would filibuster any atempt to repeal ACA until hell froze over, then retake the WH for generations to come.
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.

Grandpa..........if Trump or Cruz win the nomination, their whole campaign will be about Obamacare, (which only receives less than a 30% approval rating) and illegal aliens on the societal agenda for sure. That will be the 2 pronged attack, which is exactly why all you read on this forum is Trump/Cruz are racists, homophobes, and crooks.

The left can NOT win on the issues, so it has to be about personalities. They must make any GOPer awful, and make the Democratic nominee brilliant, and above the fray. They know this, and thus the posting board you see before your eyes.

Obama won on Obamacare in 2012

Beating a dead horse does not help Republicans. They have yet to come up with a comprehensive plan to replace it
Republicans run on rounding up 11 million people they will lose and lose big

Keep repeating it Jake, and finally, NOBODY believes you, lol.

I know, and you know, the Democrats are in trouble, but keep trying, because watching you run around and scream makes it a lot of fun!

I am sure you are aware of what the issue polls say, and if not, shame on you for pretending to know something you don't!

Right now, you guys are losing; even as you attempt to make this all out to be the GOP falling apart. What is actually happening is-------------> neither party can get any enthusiasm for the favorite establishment candidates. Both party's are in deep trouble, and if Trump ran as a Democrat, Hilly would already be pulled for a better opponent. How lucky you are that only Bernie stood up, because if more would have with national prominence, the headlines would be reading, "The Democrat party has fallen apart!"
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.

Grandpa..........if Trump or Cruz win the nomination, their whole campaign will be about Obamacare, (which only receives less than a 30% approval rating) and illegal aliens on the societal agenda for sure. That will be the 2 pronged attack, which is exactly why all you read on this forum is Trump/Cruz are racists, homophobes, and crooks.

The left can NOT win on the issues, so it has to be about personalities. They must make any GOPer awful, and make the Democratic nominee brilliant, and above the fray. They know this, and thus the posting board you see before your eyes.

Obama won on Obamacare in 2012

Beating a dead horse does not help Republicans. They have yet to come up with a comprehensive plan to replace it
Republicans run on rounding up 11 million people they will lose and lose big

Keep repeating it Jake, and finally, NOBODY believes you, lol.

I know, and you know, the Democrats are in trouble, but keep trying, because watching you run around and scream makes it a lot of fun!

I am sure you are aware of what the issue polls say, and if not, shame on you for pretending to know something you don't!

Right now, you guys are losing; even as you attempt to make this all out to be the GOP falling apart. What is actually happening is-------------> neither party can get any enthusiasm for the favorite establishment candidates. Both party's are in deep trouble, and if Trump ran as a Democrat, Hilly would already be pulled for a better opponent. How lucky you are that only Bernie stood up, because if more would have with national prominence, the headlines would be reading, "The Democrat party has fallen apart!"

Democrats will GLADLY run on Republicans taking away peoples healthcare and rounding up 11 million people rather than providing a path towards citizenship
Senate Dems would filibuster any atempt to repeal ACA until hell froze over, then retake the WH for generations to come.
Good luck with that. The healthcare industry is not going to foot the bill so it's DOA.
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.

Grandpa..........if Trump or Cruz win the nomination, their whole campaign will be about Obamacare, (which only receives less than a 30% approval rating) and illegal aliens on the societal agenda for sure. That will be the 2 pronged attack, which is exactly why all you read on this forum is Trump/Cruz are racists, homophobes, and crooks.

The left can NOT win on the issues, so it has to be about personalities. They must make any GOPer awful, and make the Democratic nominee brilliant, and above the fray. They know this, and thus the posting board you see before your eyes.

Obama won on Obamacare in 2012

Beating a dead horse does not help Republicans. They have yet to come up with a comprehensive plan to replace it
Republicans run on rounding up 11 million people they will lose and lose big

Keep repeating it Jake, and finally, NOBODY believes you, lol.

I know, and you know, the Democrats are in trouble, but keep trying, because watching you run around and scream makes it a lot of fun!

I am sure you are aware of what the issue polls say, and if not, shame on you for pretending to know something you don't!

Right now, you guys are losing; even as you attempt to make this all out to be the GOP falling apart. What is actually happening is-------------> neither party can get any enthusiasm for the favorite establishment candidates. Both party's are in deep trouble, and if Trump ran as a Democrat, Hilly would already be pulled for a better opponent. How lucky you are that only Bernie stood up, because if more would have with national prominence, the headlines would be reading, "The Democrat party has fallen apart!"

Democrats will GLADLY run on Republicans taking away peoples healthcare and rounding up 11 million people rather than providing a path towards citizenship

And as long as the illegals can't vote, you will lose, and lose badly-)

Jake, do you really have no idea what is happening, or are you just trying to save face? I am here to tell you, that if Trump keeps his nose clean, he could carry Michigan, Penn, and or Virginia.

Why do you think both party's are having hissy fits! Their whole shtick has been one way, and now their voters are telling them they don't like it. It isn't just the GOP. Where do you think a lot of Trump's support comes from?

If you like your rose colored glasses, that is fine with me. The GOP may get Trump to go down, but if they don't, this country is going to change course real quick because if the Democrat nominee is Hillary, a whole bunch of her blue collar support is going Trump, and besides minorities, the rest might stay home.
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.

Grandpa..........if Trump or Cruz win the nomination, their whole campaign will be about Obamacare, (which only receives less than a 30% approval rating) and illegal aliens on the societal agenda for sure. That will be the 2 pronged attack, which is exactly why all you read on this forum is Trump/Cruz are racists, homophobes, and crooks.

The left can NOT win on the issues, so it has to be about personalities. They must make any GOPer awful, and make the Democratic nominee brilliant, and above the fray. They know this, and thus the posting board you see before your eyes.

Obama won on Obamacare in 2012

Beating a dead horse does not help Republicans. They have yet to come up with a comprehensive plan to replace it
Republicans run on rounding up 11 million people they will lose and lose big

Keep repeating it Jake, and finally, NOBODY believes you, lol.

I know, and you know, the Democrats are in trouble, but keep trying, because watching you run around and scream makes it a lot of fun!

I am sure you are aware of what the issue polls say, and if not, shame on you for pretending to know something you don't!

Right now, you guys are losing; even as you attempt to make this all out to be the GOP falling apart. What is actually happening is-------------> neither party can get any enthusiasm for the favorite establishment candidates. Both party's are in deep trouble, and if Trump ran as a Democrat, Hilly would already be pulled for a better opponent. How lucky you are that only Bernie stood up, because if more would have with national prominence, the headlines would be reading, "The Democrat party has fallen apart!"

Democrats will GLADLY run on Republicans taking away peoples healthcare and rounding up 11 million people rather than providing a path towards citizenship

And as long as the illegals can't vote, you will lose, and lose badly-)

Jake, do you really have no idea what is happening, or are you just trying to save face? I am here to tell you, that if Trump keeps his nose clean, he could carry Michigan, Penn, and or Virginia.

Why do you think both party's are having hissy fits! Their whole shtick has been one way, and now their voters are telling them they don't like it. It isn't just the GOP. Where do you think a lot of Trump's support comes from?

If you like your rose colored glasses, that is fine with me. The GOP may get Trump to go down, but if they don't, this country is going to change course real quick because if the Democrat nominee is Hillary, a whole bunch of her blue collar support is going Trump, and besides minorities, the rest might stay home.

Trump will have a difficult enough time holding on to red states North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana and Arizona
GOP will need 60 votes in the Senate...they don't have it

What happens when you strip the mandate? You lose the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't good ol' Trump APPROVE of the ACA mandate?

I think that all right wingers should stop paying for their car insurance...after all, who the hell are the states to mandate such coverage....right?
Grandpa..........if Trump or Cruz win the nomination, their whole campaign will be about Obamacare, (which only receives less than a 30% approval rating) and illegal aliens on the societal agenda for sure. That will be the 2 pronged attack, which is exactly why all you read on this forum is Trump/Cruz are racists, homophobes, and crooks.

The left can NOT win on the issues, so it has to be about personalities. They must make any GOPer awful, and make the Democratic nominee brilliant, and above the fray. They know this, and thus the posting board you see before your eyes.

Obama won on Obamacare in 2012

Beating a dead horse does not help Republicans. They have yet to come up with a comprehensive plan to replace it
Republicans run on rounding up 11 million people they will lose and lose big

Keep repeating it Jake, and finally, NOBODY believes you, lol.

I know, and you know, the Democrats are in trouble, but keep trying, because watching you run around and scream makes it a lot of fun!

I am sure you are aware of what the issue polls say, and if not, shame on you for pretending to know something you don't!

Right now, you guys are losing; even as you attempt to make this all out to be the GOP falling apart. What is actually happening is-------------> neither party can get any enthusiasm for the favorite establishment candidates. Both party's are in deep trouble, and if Trump ran as a Democrat, Hilly would already be pulled for a better opponent. How lucky you are that only Bernie stood up, because if more would have with national prominence, the headlines would be reading, "The Democrat party has fallen apart!"

Democrats will GLADLY run on Republicans taking away peoples healthcare and rounding up 11 million people rather than providing a path towards citizenship

And as long as the illegals can't vote, you will lose, and lose badly-)

Jake, do you really have no idea what is happening, or are you just trying to save face? I am here to tell you, that if Trump keeps his nose clean, he could carry Michigan, Penn, and or Virginia.

Why do you think both party's are having hissy fits! Their whole shtick has been one way, and now their voters are telling them they don't like it. It isn't just the GOP. Where do you think a lot of Trump's support comes from?

If you like your rose colored glasses, that is fine with me. The GOP may get Trump to go down, but if they don't, this country is going to change course real quick because if the Democrat nominee is Hillary, a whole bunch of her blue collar support is going Trump, and besides minorities, the rest might stay home.

Trump will have a difficult enough time holding on to red states North Carolina, Georgia, Indiana and Arizona

Glad to see you are soooo confidant, lol. If I was you, I would be quiet, shhh! You don't want a real fight from the mighty Rubio, now do you-)
GOP will need 60 votes in the Senate...they don't have it

What happens when you strip the mandate? You lose the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't good ol' Trump APPROVE of the ACA mandate?

I think that all right wingers should stop paying for their car insurance...after all, who the hell are the states to mandate such coverage....right?

Not required to drive if you don't want to, are you?
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.
Donald Trump: "I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare."

He flipped on that too. He used to love him some gummint hc, now trump hates it. He won't have none of it now.
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.
Donald Trump: "I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare."

He flipped on that too. He used to love him some gummint hc, now trump hates it. He won't have none of it now.

RS in the senate have no nads. They only vote against ocare when it's symbolism. Idiots.
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.
Donald Trump: "I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare."

He flipped on that too. He used to love him some gummint hc, now trump hates it. He won't have none of it now.
The pseudo-conservatives didn't blink an eye when discovering Trump was a cut-and-run anti-war Democrat who wanted to impeach Bush for Iraq.

UHC is coming, baby. Just like I have been saying for years. We will see it in our lifetimes.

The GOP sold us down the UHC river decades ago. Everything else has been theater for the rubes.

Trump saw that and, like the Pied Piper, he is marching the pseudo-con rubes toward Democratic goals.

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