If the gop gets the Whitehouse & holds onto the Senate Obamacare is gone.

The only time ObamaCare will be repealed is so that it can be replaced by UHC.
The only time ObamaCare will be repealed is so that it can be replaced by UHC.

Indeed......It will take the resolution of voters to FINALLY call the bluff of insurance companies, drug cartels and hospital lobbyists. We do NOT have the best HC system in the world (that is a long debunked myth), BUT we are paying through the nose for a system that is very much flawed.
All the arguments about Obamacares merits or worth are completely moot at that point. At the very least the mandate will be stripped from it & it will collapse on itself.
--------------------------------------------- there you go Grandpa , strip out the mandate is ALL that i want . Boy , I'll be laughing at all the 26 year old children that are on the Daddies obamacare !!

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