If the Palestinians actually gained control of all Israel, would there actually be peace?


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
This question is again for those supporters of Hamas/ Palestinians who feel that Israel is not justified in taking the fight
to Hamas on their own ground.

My question, is do you really think that when you see all over the world right now the mindset of Palestinians as there are senseless knife attacks on innocent people in the host countries of these Palestinians, there could actually be peace with them? They dont demonstrate the will to coexist with other people and in my opinion, even if they controlled all of Palestine, they would simply then be looking for the next target that offends them. Be it the taking over of Britain, France or the U.S.

As I see it, Israel is currently the filter through which most of the Islamic hatred is flowing. Remove that filter and the destructiveness will then grow and metastasize into the other regions. I base this also on the open glee that you witness every time Innocents are killed by terrorists. Its celebrated and such a way of life, I cant see them ever putting it away until you take away their victories completely. Unfortunately we are dealing with a 14th century mindset.
This question is again for those supporters of Hamas/ Palestinians who feel that Israel is not justified in taking the fight
to Hamas on their own ground.

My question, is do you really think that when you see all over the world right now the mindset of Palestinians as there are senseless knife attacks on innocent people in the host countries of these Palestinians, there could actually be peace with them? They dont demonstrate the will to coexist with other people and in my opinion, even if they controlled all of Palestine, they would simply then be looking for the next target that offends them. Be it the taking over of Britain, France or the U.S.

As I see it, Israel is currently the filter through which most of the Islamic hatred is flowing. Remove that filter and the destructiveness will then grow and metastasize into the other regions. I base this also on the open glee that you witness every time Innocents are killed by terrorists. Its celebrated and such a way of life, I cant see them ever putting it away until you take away their victories completely. Unfortunately we are dealing with a 14th century mindset.

OH, I'm sure the Palestinians will fight among themselves if the Zionists left.

oh hell no. THat would empower them and they would go after the rest of the world in particular the United States. I think muslims are a lot like radical blacks and radical lgbtq..they can never be satisfied.

if they hate israel..they hate Christians.
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oh hell no. THat would empower them and they would go after the rest of the world in particular the United States. I think muslims are a lot like radical blacks and radical lgbtq..they can never be satisfied.

My thinking exactly. They are never happy with the good things they have enough to let it grow. They would only focus on the next insult that they felt. The best thing for the world then is actually a successful
This question is again for those supporters of Hamas/ Palestinians who feel that Israel is not justified in taking the fight
to Hamas on their own ground.

My question, is do you really think that when you see all over the world right now the mindset of Palestinians as there are senseless knife attacks on innocent people in the host countries of these Palestinians, there could actually be peace with them? They dont demonstrate the will to coexist with other people and in my opinion, even if they controlled all of Palestine, they would simply then be looking for the next target that offends them. Be it the taking over of Britain, France or the U.S.

As I see it, Israel is currently the filter through which most of the Islamic hatred is flowing. Remove that filter and the destructiveness will then grow and metastasize into the other regions. I base this also on the open glee that you witness every time Innocents are killed by terrorists. Its celebrated and such a way of life, I cant see them ever putting it away until you take away their victories completely. Unfortunately we are dealing with a 14th century mindset.

Hell no. This would be like the Sudan. You think there's peace because they split into two countries, then the two countries end up with loads of problems and civil war.

Hamas use the whole situation to keep themselves in power. What would those knuckledraggers do to keep themselves in power once Jews are gone?
Yes, there would be peace.....because no more Jews would be left.

The Nazis who support Hamas support genocide.

Or the European Jews can go back to Europe where they came from.

Here's an even better idea. Let's resettle all six million Israelis within the United States. Would probably be cheaper than the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East. They'll have a nicer place to live, the Arabs won't be antagonized by their presence. Everyone wins, amiright?
If the Muslims managed to kick all the Jews out the ME then the Jews would all come to the US.

Once in the US they would all vote for Democrats because that is what the stupid American Jews mostly ignorantly do.

Then the idiot Democrats would turn this country into a Socialist Shithole. It is already a Banana Republic but then it will be a Socialist Shithole Banana Republic.
This question is again for those supporters of Hamas/ Palestinians who feel that Israel is not justified in taking the fight
to Hamas on their own ground.

My question, is do you really think that when you see all over the world right now the mindset of Palestinians as there are senseless knife attacks on innocent people in the host countries of these Palestinians, there could actually be peace with them? They dont demonstrate the will to coexist with other people and in my opinion, even if they controlled all of Palestine, they would simply then be looking for the next target that offends them. Be it the taking over of Britain, France or the U.S.

As I see it, Israel is currently the filter through which most of the Islamic hatred is flowing. Remove that filter and the destructiveness will then grow and metastasize into the other regions. I base this also on the open glee that you witness every time Innocents are killed by terrorists. Its celebrated and such a way of life, I cant see them ever putting it away until you take away their victories completely. Unfortunately we are dealing with a 14th century mindset.
/---/ Nope. They would then turn their hatred towards another religious groups like Christians, Hindus, and Muslims that aren't hardcore radicals.
This question is again for those supporters of Hamas/ Palestinians who feel that Israel is not justified in taking the fight
to Hamas on their own ground.

My question, is do you really think that when you see all over the world right now the mindset of Palestinians as there are senseless knife attacks on innocent people in the host countries of these Palestinians, there could actually be peace with them? They dont demonstrate the will to coexist with other people and in my opinion, even if they controlled all of Palestine, they would simply then be looking for the next target that offends them. Be it the taking over of Britain, France or the U.S.

As I see it, Israel is currently the filter through which most of the Islamic hatred is flowing. Remove that filter and the destructiveness will then grow and metastasize into the other regions. I base this also on the open glee that you witness every time Innocents are killed by terrorists. Its celebrated and such a way of life, I cant see them ever putting it away until you take away their victories completely. Unfortunately we are dealing with a 14th century mindset.

Yes.....there would be peace because they would murder every Jew they could get their hands on.....that is why Isreal can never find peace with the muslims.
Or the European Jews can go back to Europe where they came from.

Here's an even better idea. Let's resettle all six million Israelis within the United States. Would probably be cheaper than the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East. They'll have a nicer place to live, the Arabs won't be antagonized by their presence. Everyone wins, amiright?

Yes.....there would be peace because they would murder every Jew they could get their hands on.....that is why Isreal can never find peace with the muslims.

I still dont think there would be peace. Iran would the want to expand the Muslim empire to at least control Britain and France more completely. With no Israel in the way all the Arab nations would also feel emboldened and that entire coast of the Mediterranean could then be used as a base of terror. As it is now,
Israel is a good buffer
Or the European Jews can go back to Europe where they came from.

Here's an even better idea. Let's resettle all six million Israelis within the United States. Would probably be cheaper than the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend playing Hall Monitor in the Middle East. They'll have a nicer place to live, the Arabs won't be antagonized by their presence. Everyone wins, amiright?

But there would still be Jews in Israel and Hamas would still want to kill those as well. I think your idea is bad, you cant go back and change history. You want to go back and change the problems caused by WW2 and the Ottoman Empire? British Empire? you have a big mess to sort out. You cant just pick and choose one thing you think was done incorrectly.

How about recognizing that Israel is now a country for some time now, and then we can recognize that Iran is the main aggressor against peace in the region. Take care of Iran and all of its surrogates will follow
I still dont think there would be peace. Iran would the want to expand the Muslim empire to at least control Britain and France more completely. With no Israel in the way all the Arab nations would also feel emboldened and that entire coast of the Mediterranean could then be used as a base of terror. As it is now,
Israel is a good buffer

Actually, no, it's a terrible buffer. Normally, the Persians and Arabs have no real love for each other. The Arabs are Sunnis, the Persians are Shi'ites. They've been fighting each other since the death of Mohammed's heirs.

Yes, the Iranians HAVE gained power in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon- all countries with large Shi'ite communities, and where the US and Israel have weakened the states they had.

Sounds like you want to blame Iran for our fuckups.

But there would still be Jews in Israel and Hamas would still want to kill those as well. I think your idea is bad, you cant go back and change history. You want to go back and change the problems caused by WW2 and the Ottoman Empire? British Empire? you have a big mess to sort out. You cant just pick and choose one thing you think was done incorrectly.

Sure, I can. the rest of those things are minor. the problem with Empires is that they are temporary. Empires rise, Empires fall, the people go on. Since the Romans dispersed the Jews in the second century, Palestine has been part of the Roman, Byzantine, Sassanid, Rashidun, Umayid, Abbasid, Fatamid, Crusader States, Ayubbid, Ottoman and British Empires. The people remained... pretty much the same. Until the Zionist squatters started pushing them off their land.

How about recognizing that Israel is now a country for some time now, and then we can recognize that Iran is the main aggressor against peace in the region. Take care of Iran and all of its surrogates will follow

Wait, isn't this what you fuckwads said about Iraq 20 years ago. We take care of Saddam, everyone will love the Zionist Entity?
This question is again for those supporters of Hamas/ Palestinians who feel that Israel is not justified in taking the fight
to Hamas on their own ground.

My question, is do you really think that when you see all over the world right now the mindset of Palestinians as there are senseless knife attacks on innocent people in the host countries of these Palestinians, there could actually be peace with them? They dont demonstrate the will to coexist with other people and in my opinion, even if they controlled all of Palestine, they would simply then be looking for the next target that offends them. Be it the taking over of Britain, France or the U.S.

As I see it, Israel is currently the filter through which most of the Islamic hatred is flowing. Remove that filter and the destructiveness will then grow and metastasize into the other regions. I base this also on the open glee that you witness every time Innocents are killed by terrorists. Its celebrated and such a way of life, I cant see them ever putting it away until you take away their victories completely. Unfortunately we are dealing with a 14th century mindset.
Remarkably stupid question. Remarkably.
Remarkably stupid question. Remarkably.

Well there are some people who believe Israel is the problem. Without them there would be peace in the M.E. I know at least one person in my life who believes that.
And yeah, it was sort of a loaded question, but not everyone has basic critical thinking ability.

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