Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023

1. Jury nullification. The suspect is clearly a victim of white racism, and social and economic injustice. He should be released.

2. Not guilty by reason of insanity. He needs years of expensive psychotherapy at government expense.

3. A slow, painful, humiliating, and public execution.

4. other
4. He should wake up everyday in prison for the rest of his life knowing that his life is over on a different level

Quick death is way too lenient
How about a slow, painful, humiliating death?
A maximum prison is like a vacation resort?

Got a link to that?
I do not need a link. I have heard ex cons brag about being sentenced to maximum security prisons.

Maximum security prions are expensive. I haver read that a year in a maximum security prison is as expensive as a year at Harvard.

The man in the video is a poster baby for capital punishment. I hope they catch him, and I hope a black jury does not acquit him like one acquited O.J. Simpson.

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