If The Senate shuts this down....

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
The media is downplaying Trumps Actual popularity and the landslide coming this year is going to be massive..

It should be if the economy keeps going. Trump just signed a huge deal with China, and we have over a million jobs available with nobody to work them as it is. America is going to be very busy for a long time. We had the Reagan Democrats, now we are going to have the Trump Democrats.

Phase I was signed. It was not a "huge deal", it wasn't worth the ink used in the pen to sign it.

Not if you use one of Piglosi's commemorative pens. It's only a measly 200 billion dollar deal. Should put 20 or 30 people to work.

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of Independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial
New evidence should have been brought up in the house hearing.
Gee, wouldn't that be great. A Plutocracy of old white men.

Who are your two leading candidates?


It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of Independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial
New evidence should have been brought up in the house hearing.

Yep. The house is the prosecutor and the senate is the jury. In a jury trial the jury doesn't get to call witnesses.

I thought the liberals told me they had this slam dunk case against Trump. Why do they insist on more witnesses after they said they had all they needed to get him?
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Do you speak for all Democrats? Remember, the Democratic Party has been and remains a diverse group. That cannot be said for the Republican Party. Though one time they claimed to be a Big Tent Party, that failed right quickly.


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November
JOHN CARNEY 6 Dec 2019

The imaginary recession of 2019 is over.

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years.

Economists had expected the economy to add 180,000 jobs and for unemployment to remain unchanged at 3.6 percent, according to Econoday.

Adding to the picture of strength for the labor market, previous jobs numbers were revised up. September’s figure was revised up by 13,000 to 193,000. October was revised up by 28,000 to 156,000. Together, that adds 41,000 more jobs than previously reported.


Average hourly wages are up 3.14 percent compared with last year, above economist expectations. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 40.5 hours. Average hourly ages of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 7 cents in the month to $23.83, a 0.22 percent gain.


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November | Breitbart


Wall Street soars after economy added robust 266,000 jobs in November


USMCA: Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement
10 December 2019

The US, Mexico and Canada have finalised a trade deal that will replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).

Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement

The house did call these people. tRump obstructed.

President Donald Trump obstructed Joe and Hunter Biden from testifying? Who knew?
Why would they need to testify?

They aren't directly involved in anything to do with this. They were simply unlucky enough to be the victim of a Russian backed conspiracy theory.

Do you always do what the Russians tell you to?

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial

How is calling witnesses fair? The House did not call these people, so why should the Senate? You numbers are indicative of the poor education these people received. Most of them probably don't vote.

The house did call these people. tRump obstructed.

Just acting like the house did with witnesses Trump wanted to call.
tRump wanted to push his buddy Vladimir's conspiracy theories.

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of Independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial

So far, Republicans have dismissed the new evidence with juvenile logic games. “If the existing case is strong, there’s no need for the judge and jury to reopen the investigation. If the existing case is weak, House Democrats should not have impeached in the first place,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. (Obviously, the strength of evidence is a continuum, not a binary choice of either “strong” or “weak.” It can be strong enough to satisfy House Democrats yet not strong enough for Senate Republicans, in which case the higher bar merits additional evidence.) Senator Susan Collins expressed her lack of interest in new documents furnished in January by wondering “why the House did not put that into the record and it’s only now being revealed.” When a reporter replied that the documents had been blocked until then, she shot back, “Well, doesn’t that suggest that the House did an incomplete job, then?” The more new evidence of guilt that is revealed, the more evidence there is that the prosecution is weak. Therefore, it should be ignored.

Republicans Don’t Even Know What They’re Covering Up

This came to mind after reading your post. There is one thing that is very certain here, and Pelosi left it out of her comment. Trump will recieve at least 47 votes to convict.
Of course they want power, so does everyone in life. But my point was, the R's want power for the sake of power, and self interest. The D's I know, and that includes several who are or were members of Congress have the same values which I hold - equal rights and equal opportunities for all.

We have that, what is your other excuses?
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Phase I was signed. It was not a "huge deal", it wasn't worth the ink used in the pen to sign it.

But it is a giant step in the right direction.

US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products
By Michelle Toh, CNN Business
11 hrs ago [Jan 16. 2020]

China has agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products from the United States as part of their "phase one" trade deal.

The agreement signed Wednesday will have Beijing purchase an additional $200 billion of US goods and services over the next two years.

The increase in purchases will be compared to 2017, before the trade war started. China imported over $185 billion in total US goods and services that year.

In exchange, Washington has agreed to reduce tariffs on $120 billion in Chinese products from 15% to 7.5%.

Taken together, the phased purchases by China would result in a dramatic surge in US exports. Total exports to China would increase to over $260 billion in 2020, and roughly $310 billion in 2021 if the deal holds

US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products
No, you're not curious, mocking my comment was a subtle personal attack. "That depends" means I don't have any documents or witnesses which the Southern District of NY has. Nor do you. What I do have, are the eyes, ears and sense that Donald Trump is corrupt, and having spent 32 years as an officer of the court I have seen how some many corrupt and narcissist people end up gong to prison.

So the Democrats Impeached President Donald Trump without a crime. You have a SENSE that Trump is corrupt. Democrats and the media have been giving Trump an investigation colonoscopy since the day he announced that he was running. Here we are FOUR YEARS LATER and nothing, nada, zip, zero!

Your desperation is duly noted!

The house did call these people. tRump obstructed.

President Donald Trump obstructed Joe and Hunter Biden from testifying? Who knew?
Why would they need to testify?

They aren't directly involved in anything to do with this. They were simply unlucky enough to be the victim of a Russian backed conspiracy theory.

Do you always do what the Russians tell you to?

Did you really say "they aren't directly involved in anything to do with this"?

As you know, and know well, they are the central figures being investigated in Ukraine. IF Hunter Biden, a cocaine addict, had not been cashing monthly checks for $83,000 a month for being an ignorant "Director" on the board of an oil and gas company to influence his father, you would be right.

You are not.
So far no convincing post has been presented by the supporters of trump. I suppose the theory of their defense is that everyone but they and trump are liars. The irony which they will never admit, and likely can't even comprehend, is that lying to mislead the public is daily ritual coming from the White House and the words of The President at rallies, pressers and in tweets.

You cannot prove a negative. You also cannot prove someone innocent. Hence, that is our system of justice.

It used to be our system of justice, it changed when the GOP members of Congress continued to attack HRC, and disappeared when trump led his mob in the chant, "lock her up".

BTW, your comment does not jib with my post, your dishonesty is noted once again. I can provide evidence which is probative and no credible rebuttal can attest that trump is not a consummate liar.

The person you replied to is either lying or an idiot.

Of course a person can be proven innocent of a crime.

DNA, fingerprints, an iron clad alibi are just a few. If a robbery was committed yet the accused was miles away at work with time cards etc to prove it. That's proof of innocence. A murder happened. Blood with DNA containing the murderer are evidence left behind. If a person's DNA doesn't match, that's proof of innocence. Same with fingerprints left behind. If the prints don't match, that's proof of innocence.

What that person really meant is trump can't be proven innocent because all the evidence including trump's own words, prove he's guilty.
That depends on what evidence the prosecutors in the S. Dist of NY have uncovered. Trump's great ability is to create enemies, those he cheated, and those such as his lawyer Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas - how many more will have documents and will testify of crimes committed by the Donald?

When asked, "what crime", our brilliant Rye Catcher responds with the above, "THAT DEPENDS"!

This is pretty basic but shouldn't they have a crime BEFORE they impeach someone? Just curious.

No, you're not curious, mocking my comment was a subtle personal attack. "That depends" means I don't have any documents or witnesses which the Southern District of NY has. Nor do you. What I do have, are the eyes, ears and sense that Donald Trump is corrupt, and having spent 32 years as an officer of the court I have seen how some many corrupt and narcissist people end up gong to prison.

Right. The guy has been a successful businessman his entire life. Audited God knows how many times by the IRS. Has been involved with international deals and companies. But now that he's President, all of a sudden he's a criminal because the commies said so.

Oooh..successful?..losing all the money his father gave (lent) him?...a decade of real estate losses in the millions??...bankrupted and shuttered casinos?...I'm sorry, how many times has he filed for bankruptcy and gamed the system? How many companies has he lent his name (only) to and they've gone belly up?..Trump Steaks, Vodka, etc, etc....the financial success of Trump University? I'm here all night, I could go on and on.

Face it. He doesn't want people to see his tax records because they would expose him as a fraud. Money loser. Minuses are what those brackets on your tax returns represent.
A legacy of failure...until...he started investing with the Russians...coincidence?...I think not. :)
That depends on what evidence the prosecutors in the S. Dist of NY have uncovered. Trump's great ability is to create enemies, those he cheated, and those such as his lawyer Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas - how many more will have documents and will testify of crimes committed by the Donald?

When asked, "what crime", our brilliant Rye Catcher responds with the above, "THAT DEPENDS"!

This is pretty basic but shouldn't they have a crime BEFORE they impeach someone? Just curious.

No, you're not curious, mocking my comment was a subtle personal attack. "That depends" means I don't have any documents or witnesses which the Southern District of NY has. Nor do you. What I do have, are the eyes, ears and sense that Donald Trump is corrupt, and having spent 32 years as an officer of the court I have seen how some many corrupt and narcissist people end up gong to prison.

Right. The guy has been a successful businessman his entire life. Audited God knows how many times by the IRS. Has been involved with international deals and companies. But now that he's President, all of a sudden he's a criminal because the commies said so.

Oooh..successful?..losing all the money his father gave (lent) him?...a decade of real estate losses in the millions??...bankrupted and shuttered casinos?...I'm sorry, how many times has he filed for bankruptcy and gamed the system? How many companies has he lent his name (only) to and they've gone belly up?..Trump Steaks, Vodka, etc, etc....the financial success of Trump University? I'm here all night, I could go on and on.

Face it. He doesn't want people to see his tax records because they would expose him as a fraud. Money loser. Minuses are what those brackets on your tax returns represent.
A legacy of failure...until...he started investing with the Russians...coincidence?...I think not. :)

He has never declared bankruptcy.

In 2008-2009, millions of people had their houses foreclosed and declared bankruptcy. Was that all their fault?

Your desperation is duly noted.

That depends on what evidence the prosecutors in the S. Dist of NY have uncovered. Trump's great ability is to create enemies, those he cheated, and those such as his lawyer Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas - how many more will have documents and will testify of crimes committed by the Donald?

When asked, "what crime", our brilliant Rye Catcher responds with the above, "THAT DEPENDS"!

This is pretty basic but shouldn't they have a crime BEFORE they impeach someone? Just curious.

No, you're not curious, mocking my comment was a subtle personal attack. "That depends" means I don't have any documents or witnesses which the Southern District of NY has. Nor do you. What I do have, are the eyes, ears and sense that Donald Trump is corrupt, and having spent 32 years as an officer of the court I have seen how some many corrupt and narcissist people end up gong to prison.

Right. The guy has been a successful businessman his entire life. Audited God knows how many times by the IRS. Has been involved with international deals and companies. But now that he's President, all of a sudden he's a criminal because the commies said so.

Oooh..successful?..losing all the money his father gave (lent) him?...a decade of real estate losses in the millions??...bankrupted and shuttered casinos?...I'm sorry, how many times has he filed for bankruptcy and gamed the system? How many companies has he lent his name (only) to and they've gone belly up?..Trump Steaks, Vodka, etc, etc....the financial success of Trump University? I'm here all night, I could go on and on.

Face it. He doesn't want people to see his tax records because they would expose him as a fraud. Money loser. Minuses are what those brackets on your tax returns represent.
A legacy of failure...until...he started investing with the Russians...coincidence?...I think not. :)

Donald Trump has filed business bankruptcies three times in his career. Not a good record if he only owned or operated a couple of businesses. However Donald Trump has owned or operated over 500 in his career. You don't become a financial success by consistent failures. And any business investor will tell you that it's unrealistic to expect every investment you make to be a success.
So far no convincing post has been presented by the supporters of trump. I suppose the theory of their defense is that everyone but they and trump are liars. The irony which they will never admit, and likely can't even comprehend, is that lying to mislead the public is daily ritual coming from the White House and the words of The President at rallies, pressers and in tweets.

You cannot prove a negative. You also cannot prove someone innocent. Hence, that is our system of justice.

It used to be our system of justice, it changed when the GOP members of Congress continued to attack HRC, and disappeared when trump led his mob in the chant, "lock her up".

BTW, your comment does not jib with my post, your dishonesty is noted once again. I can provide evidence which is probative and no credible rebuttal can attest that trump is not a consummate liar.

The person you replied to is either lying or an idiot.

Of course a person can be proven innocent of a crime.

DNA, fingerprints, an iron clad alibi are just a few. If a robbery was committed yet the accused was miles away at work with time cards etc to prove it. That's proof of innocence. A murder happened. Blood with DNA containing the murderer are evidence left behind. If a person's DNA doesn't match, that's proof of innocence. Same with fingerprints left behind. If the prints don't match, that's proof of innocence.

What that person really meant is trump can't be proven innocent because all the evidence including trump's own words, prove he's guilty.

In our country, we lived by the code where all are innocent until proven guilty.....that is until Democrats actually change that.

And what words of President Trump proves his guilt that you speak of? I want to see the exact quote of Trump telling Zelensky he will not forward aid unless his demands are met. I want to see the exact quote of Trump saying he wanted information on Biden because he was a political opponent.

Show me these quotes, and I'll join your side.
Not like Dems haven't been squirming since Trump won.
This whole affair is in hopes that they can either force Trump out or create enough dislike to make their candidate look better.

To tell the truth I hope that Trump wins a second term, the house and senate go to the Republicans with enough of a lean that no matter what is proposed the Dems don't have enough to shut it down.

Then just for giggles I would love the house to propose to exhonerarte his impeachment just I could watch Pelosi have a stroke.

We already know republicans want a permanent one-party state and an absolute plutocratic ruler.

yea like the democrats dont want one party rule...

Do you speak for all Democrats? Remember, the Democratic Party has been and remains a diverse group. That cannot be said for the Republican Party. Though one time they claimed to be a Big Tent Party, that failed right quickly.
do you?....i worked with enough of your fellow democrats to know exactly what they want.....their party in charge....go ahead deny that wry....

Of course they want power, so does everyone in life. But my point was, the R's want power for the sake of power, and self interest. The D's I know, and that includes several who are or were members of Congress have the same values which I hold - equal rights and equal opportunities for all.
yea sure wry....democrats dont want power for the sake of power and self interest....they sure stuck a flag in your ass...
So far no convincing post has been presented by the supporters of trump. I suppose the theory of their defense is that everyone but they and trump are liars. The irony which they will never admit, and likely can't even comprehend, is that lying to mislead the public is daily ritual coming from the White House and the words of The President at rallies, pressers and in tweets.

You cannot prove a negative. You also cannot prove someone innocent. Hence, that is our system of justice.

It used to be our system of justice, it changed when the GOP members of Congress continued to attack HRC, and disappeared when trump led his mob in the chant, "lock her up".

BTW, your comment does not jib with my post, your dishonesty is noted once again. I can provide evidence which is probative and no credible rebuttal can attest that trump is not a consummate liar.

The person you replied to is either lying or an idiot.

Of course a person can be proven innocent of a crime.

DNA, fingerprints, an iron clad alibi are just a few. If a robbery was committed yet the accused was miles away at work with time cards etc to prove it. That's proof of innocence. A murder happened. Blood with DNA containing the murderer are evidence left behind. If a person's DNA doesn't match, that's proof of innocence. Same with fingerprints left behind. If the prints don't match, that's proof of innocence.

What that person really meant is trump can't be proven innocent because all the evidence including trump's own words, prove he's guilty.

Here’s a lesson for you uneducated Dims. In this country, a person does NOT have to prove innocence. Burden of proof is on the one bringing the charge. Because you’re a bunch of idiots who screwed the pooch on your “investigation”, Trump needs no defense. You have NO case. The liar or idiot? Well, look in the mirror. Where’s your evidence? Oh yes, it doesn’t exist.

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