If The Senate shuts this down....

If the Senate does not impeach him (he has not been yet) then the Democrats will initiate actions against the senators

For what?
For not doing what they want. Such thing is a crime. Trump won, they did not want that so he’s being impeached for that “crime”

Trump HAS BEEN IMPEACHED! Don't pretend, or echo, what others tell you to believe. Trump has won nothing, he is the third president in centuries to be impeached, and may if the Senate takes the oath of office yesterday they promised to do, he will be the first president of the U. S. removed from office, and I suspect (and hope) is indicted for other crimes.
What Crime?

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of Independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial
Only an anti American moron thinks the charade needs to be taken seriously.
I'm sure that will take place if we also dominate the House as well. Trump winning is a shoe-in. That's what Democrats fear the most. So our real focus should be on the House. Piglosi will not only be the first female SOH, but one that lost her position twice in her career.

No offense Ray, but I think the real focus should be on the Senate, so they can keep on filling those federal judge positions and also the president's cabinet. Not to mention another Supreme Court replacement or 2. Maybe 3?

Totally agree. At this point, I think Americans are so sick of these leftist antics they want them all gone. Hopefully I'm correct. BuzzBerg can't hold on another five years. She's barely making it now.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
No offense Ray, but I think the real focus should be on the Senate, so they can keep on filling those federal judge positions and also the president's cabinet. Not to mention another Supreme Court replacement or 2. Maybe 3?

Totally agree. At this point, I think Americans are so sick of these leftist antics they want them all gone. Hopefully I'm correct. BuzzBerg can't hold on another five years. She's barely making it now.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
The media is downplaying Trumps Actual popularity and the landslide coming this year is going to be massive..
lol...this is just another hoax in a long line of hoax'...
there will be no blow back for the GOP, no repercussions, the impeachment proceedings were an all liberal show of incompetence, they're problem was they did not look any different from who they really are...
The gop senate will lhave no such worries, mitch could declare case closed and hold up the middle finger and nothing will make them look like the congressional impeachment hoax, or the mueller hoax, or any of the other hoax' past, present or future.
and when Barr and Durham get through with their investigation i have a feeling the public is going to forget all about the sham impeachment !
If Trump actually viliorated laws, impeach him . And on that same note, "nobody is above the law " note, lets investigate ALL politicians and the dynamics of sanctuary cities. Lets institute fair and open hearings investigating Democrats aiding and abetting people that violate immigration law. Without our consent or our knowledge. Lets look into THAT.
If the Senate does not impeach him (he has not been yet) then the Democrats will initiate actions against the senators

For what?
For not doing what they want. Such thing is a crime. Trump won, they did not want that so he’s being impeached for that “crime”

Trump HAS BEEN IMPEACHED! Don't pretend, or echo, what others tell you to believe. Trump has won nothing, he is the third president in centuries to be impeached, and may if the Senate takes the oath of office yesterday they promised to do, he will be the first president of the U. S. removed from office, and I suspect (and hope) is indicted for other crimes.

They are going to adhere to their oath of office. They were handed down phony impeachment articles with zero crimes. They are going to properly dismiss this garbage and reject this abuse of power.
Totally agree. At this point, I think Americans are so sick of these leftist antics they want them all gone. Hopefully I'm correct. BuzzBerg can't hold on another five years. She's barely making it now.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
The media is downplaying Trumps Actual popularity and the landslide coming this year is going to be massive..

It should be if the economy keeps going. Trump just signed a huge deal with China, and we have over a million jobs available with nobody to work them as it is. America is going to be very busy for a long time. We had the Reagan Democrats, now we are going to have the Trump Democrats.
No offense Ray, but I think the real focus should be on the Senate, so they can keep on filling those federal judge positions and also the president's cabinet. Not to mention another Supreme Court replacement or 2. Maybe 3?

Totally agree. At this point, I think Americans are so sick of these leftist antics they want them all gone. Hopefully I'm correct. BuzzBerg can't hold on another five years. She's barely making it now.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.
If the Senate does not impeach him (he has not been yet) then the Democrats will initiate actions against the senators

For what?
For not doing what they want. Such thing is a crime. Trump won, they did not want that so he’s being impeached for that “crime”

Trump HAS BEEN IMPEACHED! Don't pretend, or echo, what others tell you to believe. Trump has won nothing, he is the third president in centuries to be impeached, and may if the Senate takes the oath of office yesterday they promised to do, he will be the first president of the U. S. removed from office, and I suspect (and hope) is indicted for other crimes.

What Crime?

That depends on what evidence the prosecutors in the S. Dist of NY have uncovered. Trump's great ability is to create enemies, those he cheated, and those such as his lawyer Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas - how many more will have documents and will testify of crimes committed by the Donald?
If the Senate does not impeach him (he has not been yet) then the Democrats will initiate actions against the senators

For what?
For not doing what they want. Such thing is a crime. Trump won, they did not want that so he’s being impeached for that “crime”

Trump HAS BEEN IMPEACHED! Don't pretend, or echo, what others tell you to believe. Trump has won nothing, he is the third president in centuries to be impeached, and may if the Senate takes the oath of office yesterday they promised to do, he will be the first president of the U. S. removed from office, and I suspect (and hope) is indicted for other crimes.

They are going to adhere to their oath of office. They were handed down phony impeachment articles with zero crimes. They are going to properly dismiss this garbage and reject this abuse of power.


The house did call these people. tRump obstructed.

President Donald Trump obstructed Joe and Hunter Biden from testifying? Who knew?
Why would they need to testify?

Totally agree. At this point, I think Americans are so sick of these leftist antics they want them all gone. Hopefully I'm correct. BuzzBerg can't hold on another five years. She's barely making it now.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
The media is downplaying Trumps Actual popularity and the landslide coming this year is going to be massive..
Hold that thought and try not to get lost in the woods, Billybob. Maybe you will find your way out. Trump is not what America is supposed to look like. God save us from the one party system, where everyone else is assumed evil. It is not what the framer had in mind.
Totally agree. At this point, I think Americans are so sick of these leftist antics they want them all gone. Hopefully I'm correct. BuzzBerg can't hold on another five years. She's barely making it now.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.

It's called enthusiasm my friend. There is nothing to be enthused about on your side. You have Socialist, a washed up politician, a fake Indian, and a gay guy who was a lousy Mayor.

People don't jump out of bed on voting day to pick any of those, especially when they are making more money, getting a higher refund check or paying lower taxes, and have the availability to find other or additional work if desired.

Regardless of party loyalty, many people still live by the old saying, if it's not broke--don't fix it.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
The media is downplaying Trumps Actual popularity and the landslide coming this year is going to be massive..

It should be if the economy keeps going. Trump just signed a huge deal with China, and we have over a million jobs available with nobody to work them as it is. America is going to be very busy for a long time. We had the Reagan Democrats, now we are going to have the Trump Democrats.

Phase I was signed. It was not a "huge deal", it wasn't worth the ink used in the pen to sign it.
That depends on what evidence the prosecutors in the S. Dist of NY have uncovered. Trump's great ability is to create enemies, those he cheated, and those such as his lawyer Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas - how many more will have documents and will testify of crimes committed by the Donald?

When asked, "what crime", our brilliant Rye Catcher responds with the above, "THAT DEPENDS"!

This is pretty basic but shouldn't they have a crime BEFORE they impeach someone? Just curious.
At the moment, the American public is actually a little more sick of the tactics and antics of the right and especially this President, according to polling. Senate is walking tightrope, having to care about visible image or fairness or lack there of, being burned into the minds of the electorate. The image presented may very last through the election. There is the real possibility, they will win the battle, and at the same time assure the losing of the war and possibly the electability party itself.

You can keep that dream if you like. Nobody is pissed at the Republicans because they are not playing games. Once they vote to acquit, they won't be smiling and passing out $2,000 pens as souvenirs. They won't be putting on a stage show like marching in lockstep like little Nazi's.
Maybe. Going to be an interesting year.

It will be more than an interesting year. Because as the polls keep telling us BS how Trump is barely holding on to half of the country, Trump rallies are still packing them in arenas with standing room outside only. The Democrat contenders can sometimes not pack an elementary school cafeteria.

Shocking 57.9% of attendees at President’s rally in Milwaukee were NOT Republicans
I go to packed rock concerts, but would be foolish enough to vote the misguided singer or his band into public office. I am not impressed.

It's called enthusiasm my friend. There is nothing to be enthused about on your side. You have Socialist, a washed up politician, a fake Indian, and a gay guy who was a lousy Mayor.

People don't jump out of bed on voting day to pick any of those, especially when they are making more money, getting a higher refund check or paying lower taxes, and have the availability to find other or additional work if desired.

Regardless of party loyalty, many people still live by the old saying, if it's not broke--don't fix it.
Glad I'm not tied by a noose to one of those sides. Good luck as you continue to try to rise through Maslow's hierarchy. Long term fulfillment is not found in filling lower needs. Remember, tribalism is not a healthy substitute for belonging.
That depends on what evidence the prosecutors in the S. Dist of NY have uncovered. Trump's great ability is to create enemies, those he cheated, and those such as his lawyer Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas - how many more will have documents and will testify of crimes committed by the Donald?

When asked, "what crime", our brilliant Rye Catcher responds with the above, "THAT DEPENDS"!

This is pretty basic but shouldn't they have a crime BEFORE they impeach someone? Just curious.

No, you're not curious, mocking my comment was a subtle personal attack. "That depends" means I don't have any documents or witnesses which the Southern District of NY has. Nor do you. What I do have, are the eyes, ears and sense that Donald Trump is corrupt, and having spent 32 years as an officer of the court I have seen how some many corrupt and narcissist people end up gong to prison.

It's crystal clear that Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are eager to sweep this Senate impeachment trial under the rug, shut it down, and allow no new evidence or witnesses. But what happens if they try to do that? Will other Republican Senators march in lockstep, and try to deal with the coming election fallout in November? Will they break ranks and join the Democrats in insisting documents and witnesses being suppressed by President Trump be revealed? Recent polling shows:

71% of Democrats, 56% of independents and 40% of Republicans say Senate should call additional witnesses to testify.

51% say Senate should remove Trump from office.

Either way, Senate Republicans are in a tough spot. Do they cave in to public opinion and hold a fair trial? or do they cave in to Donald Trump and risk being removed from office in November?

JMHO - Too close to call right now.


Most Voters Want More Impeachment Witnesses as Senate Prepares for Trial

How is calling witnesses fair? The House did not call these people, so why should the Senate? You numbers are indicative of the poor education these people received. Most of them probably don't vote.

The house did call these people. tRump obstructed.

Just acting like the house did with witnesses Trump wanted to call.
That depends on what evidence the prosecutors in the S. Dist of NY have uncovered. Trump's great ability is to create enemies, those he cheated, and those such as his lawyer Michael Cohen and Lev Parnas - how many more will have documents and will testify of crimes committed by the Donald?

When asked, "what crime", our brilliant Rye Catcher responds with the above, "THAT DEPENDS"!

This is pretty basic but shouldn't they have a crime BEFORE they impeach someone? Just curious.

No, you're not curious, mocking my comment was a subtle personal attack. "That depends" means I don't have any documents or witnesses which the Southern District of NY has. Nor do you. What I do have, are the eyes, ears and sense that Donald Trump is corrupt, and having spent 32 years as an officer of the court I have seen how some many corrupt and narcissist people end up gong to prison.

Right. The guy has been a successful businessman his entire life. Audited God knows how many times by the IRS. Has been involved with international deals and companies. But now that he's President, all of a sudden he's a criminal because the commies said so.

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