If "the stimulus worked" why did we need a $100 billion "jobs bill?"

Feb 28, 2009
The two circumstances don't logically fit together.

We were promised the stimulus would keep unemployment at 8% or under. This hasn't happened. Yet we hear every day "the stimulus worked." Please.

If it worked, why did we need the $100 billion "jobs" bill? Why, if it worked, are they talking about doing yet ANOTHER "stimulus" bill?

Occam's Razor clears the fog: The fucking stimulus did NOT fucking work.

So just, use a brain cell for a change.
It worked, just not the way they billed.

They wanted to fulfill ol dem wish lists of projects and use fed money for state payrolls, and they did it.

The only thing 'shovel ready' was the reasons they gave for the massive waste and corruption it actually was.
But we hear them yelling, the economy is great, there is improvement, we're headed in the right direction, so much tiresome BS lies from Washington. They'll say anything to save their own asses and preserve the lifestyles they are accustomed to, while we the taxpayers struggle day to day

I can't get over how they think most of us believe their lies. Well we don't, and people like Bill Clinton are now stirring the pot against those who disagree with this dictatorship in Washington D.C.
Clintons comments include.
He mentioned the rancorous fight over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Passage of the law elicited threats against some lawmakers.
Making threats to lawmakers is wrong, aside from threatening not to vote for them in the next election, but people are frustrated Mr. Clinton you 'butthead', it's because you and people like you in Washington, refuse to do what the majority wants, their doing what THEY want.

My Way News - Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

I guess if Clinton can convince those in D.C. that we, the citizens are 'deeply troubled' that they may perceive most of us to be on the edge of insanity giving the government an excuse to intervene in some manner, and most of you know what I am talking about.
But we hear them yelling, the economy is great, there is improvement, we're headed in the right direction, so much tiresome BS lies from Washington. They'll say anything to save their own asses and preserve the lifestyles they are accustomed to, while we the taxpayers struggle day to day

I can't get over how they think most of us believe their lies. Well we don't, and people like Bill Clinton are now stirring the pot against those who disagree with this dictatorship in Washington D.C.
Clintons comments include.
He mentioned the rancorous fight over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Passage of the law elicited threats against some lawmakers.
Making threats to lawmakers is wrong, aside from threatening not to vote for them in the next election, but people are frustrated Mr. Clinton you 'butthead', it's because you and people like you in Washington, refuse to do what the majority wants, their doing what THEY want.

My Way News - Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matter

I guess if Clinton can convince those in D.C. that we, the citizens are 'deeply troubled' that they may perceive most of us to be on the edge of insanity giving the government an excuse to intervene in some manner, and most of you know what I am talking about.
That is becase people like Bill think they know best, and if you disagree something is wrong with you, and they fill in the blank of what they think it is, the two favorite being racism or lack of intelligence.
The stimulus was too small and shouldn't have been pared down. The economy needed more spending not less. The jobs bill is still a good start to stimulate small business
The stimulus was too small and shouldn't have been pared down. The economy needed more spending not less. The jobs bill is still a good start to stimulate small business
You're admitting it didn't work, correct?

Because it was "too small" and "shouldn't have been pared down."

I suppose you're going to say Repugs pared it down, dooming it to failure and it's ALLLLLL repug's fault it didn't work, right?

When will this officially be the talking point? It has the advantage of being at least partially honest.
But we hear them yelling, the economy is great,Go get the qupote where someone said this? there is improvement, we're headed in the right direction, so much tiresome BS lies from Washington. They'll say anything to save their own asses and preserve the lifestyles they are accustomed to, while we the taxpayers struggle day to dayThe economic indicatoors are up, to call actual documented numbers BS and lies is partisan hackery on your part

I can't get over how they think most of us believe their lies. Well we don't, and people like Bill Clinton are now stirring the pot against those who disagree with this dictatorship in Washington D.C.IT IS AN ELECTED GOVERNMENT YOU LYING SACK OF SHIT
Clintons comments include.
He mentioned the rancorous fight over President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Passage of the law elicited threats against some lawmakers.
Making threats to lawmakers is wrong, aside from threatening not to vote for them in the next election, but people are frustrated Mr. Clinton you 'butthead', it's because you and people like you in Washington, refuse to do what the majority wants, their doing what THEY want.OBAMA WAS ELECTED AND IS DOING WHAT HE WAS ELECTED ON. BUSH DID MANY THINGS WITHOUT PUBLIC POLL SUPPORT

My Way News - Clinton alludes to 1995 bombing, says words matterI guess if Clinton can convince those in D.C. that we, the citizens are 'deeply troubled' that they may perceive most of us to be on the edge of insanity giving the government an excuse to intervene in some manner, and most of you know what I am talking about.

McVeigh killed 168 Americans for his beliefs. Ossama Killed 3000. They both hated America and could have been stopped if idiots would have listened to the building threats.

Right now you are refusing to listen to the building threats.

Militia movement have grown in huge precentages since Obama was elected.

This is because you people lap up lies and ignore facts just like McVeigh did before he parked a truck BOMB in front of a government building day care.
The stimulus was too small and shouldn't have been pared down. The economy needed more spending not less. The jobs bill is still a good start to stimulate small business
You're admitting it didn't work, correct?

Because it was "too small" and "shouldn't have been pared down."

I suppose you're going to say Repugs pared it down, dooming it to failure and it's ALLLLLL repug's fault it didn't work, right?

When will this officially be the talking point? It has the advantage of being at least partially honest.

No asshole he is saying the right demanded the stim be cut back from its originally planned size and now we need to continue to stimulate the economy just like Obama originally planned.
The stimulus was too small and shouldn't have been pared down. The economy needed more spending not less. The jobs bill is still a good start to stimulate small business
You're admitting it didn't work, correct?

Because it was "too small" and "shouldn't have been pared down."

I suppose you're going to say Repugs pared it down, dooming it to failure and it's ALLLLLL repug's fault it didn't work, right?

When will this officially be the talking point? It has the advantage of being at least partially honest.

No asshole he is saying the right demanded the stim be cut back from its originally planned size and now we need to continue to stimulate the economy just like Obama originally planned.
"Obama originally planned" which means, carrying on Bush's failed policies.

Please show evidence that "the right" cut back the stimulus, while you're finally admitting it didn't work but are trying to blame others for that.
McVeigh killed 168 Americans... blah blah blah
Create a McVeigh thread. This one is about how the stimulus didn't work, troll.

I've updated Godwin's law in your honor:
"If an online discussion is started on USMB, the probability of truthmattersnot evoking a comparison involving McVeigh is 1."

I did not bring the subject up you fucking idiot
You did bring up the false claims. Gatekeeper's post was on topic, your troll post was not.

Did you actually read gatekeeper's post?
If "the stimulus worked" why did we need a $100 billion "jobs bill?"

We are told that: the stimulus IS WORKING, not that it has worked.

FWIW, I don't think it is working, really.

In fact I think it is merely setting us up for an even great problem down the line.
No asshole he is saying the right demanded the stim be cut back from its originally planned size and now we need to continue to stimulate the economy just like Obama originally planned.
This lie almost sounds good, until one realizes that Obama, Pelosi and Reid hailed the stimulus, celebrated it, said nothing at all about how it wasn't enough, and instead said it would keep unemployment at or below 8%. And still continue to shine all good praises on it, and still say it worked. They STILL say it worked.

You fucking moron.
I asked the same question when the Democrats passed it. Never got a logical or coherent answer. Just more Hopey Changey cheerleading rhetoric instead. Any jobs created by this Administration are only going to be Government jobs. Those jobs will be a massive net loss for American Tax Payers in the end. What a mess.
I asked the same question when the Democrats passed it. Never got a logical or coherent answer. Just more Hopey Changey cheerleading rhetoric instead. Any jobs created by this Administration are only going to be Government jobs. Those jobs will be a massive net loss for American Tax Payers in the end. What a mess.
Now at least we're getting the hacks admitting the stimulus doesn't work, even though I don't think they realize they're admitting that, yet.

Soon the denials will start, the accusations of me taking them out of context as they made their excuses for something that worked, or that I don't understand all the nuances....

But, newsflash: You don't make excuses for failure unless it fails.
If "the stimulus worked" why did we need a $100 billion "jobs bill?"

We are told that: the stimulus IS WORKING, not that it has worked.

FWIW, I don't think it is working, really.

In fact I think it is merely setting us up for an even great problem down the line.
Actually, lately they have been using the past tense, for some reason. Even though most of this "stimulus" isn't spent yet.
Some Government jobs have been created with their "Stimulus" and "Jobs Bill" but that's about it. Those Government jobs created are going to cost the American Tax Payers several more $Billions in the end. Most Government workers stay on the Tax Payer payroll for at least twenty years according to recent studies. So take their $Trillion Stimulus plus their $100 Billion Jobs Bill and then add several more $Billions to the cost of these Government workers over the several years they will be on the Tax Payer payroll. Obviously these jobs will be a massive net loss for Americans in the end. It is very sad but it is what it is.
The stimulus was too small and shouldn't have been pared down. The economy needed more spending not less. The jobs bill is still a good start to stimulate small business
You're admitting it didn't work, correct?

Because it was "too small" and "shouldn't have been pared down."

I suppose you're going to say Repugs pared it down, dooming it to failure and it's ALLLLLL repug's fault it didn't work, right?

When will this officially be the talking point? It has the advantage of being at least partially honest.

Within the scope of the stimulus it worked better than we could have expected. Its biggest contribution was that it sent a message that the Government was willing to invest in the economy. The economic panic subsided and investors returned to the market.
The rate of loss of jobs reversed within weeks of the stimulus passing as companies became more confident.
I would not oppose a second stimulus package

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