If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

[QUOTE="Golfing Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago.

Exactly no one was there 40 years ago not Moore”s critics or his defenders neither side has provided proof of guilt or innocence the signature could do that. So in the prusit of the truth it seems having the signature checked would be a good thing if it’s his signature it would be evidence to show the allegations against him could be true if it’s not it could evidence to prove that they might be false. It would help us get to the truth assuming people really want to know the truth one way or the other.
the left wants this senate seat. gloves are off. anything goes. anything that interferes in that is not important to them. funny how certain people really don't want truths.

Republicans had an easy path to maintaining that Senate seat

Then they chose Roy Moore as a candidate

This could all be proven by submitting the only document known to exist to Forensic examination. Not seeing the left pressing for this. But the left doesn't like fair fights, right?

I'm all for it....let the FBI have a look
If conservative forensic "experts" are the same ones that they used on Obama's birth certificate?
I don't think so
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

You fucking moron
Why did you make me click a link that does NOTHING to prove your claim?

But did she see him sign it?” Tur asked.

“You know, I don’t — I haven’t asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question,” Allred responded. “What she alleges was that she put it on the counter; that I think she asked to sign — or that he did sign it. That’s all.”

Allred never asked if she saw Creepy Roy actually signing it

Allred said she never bothered to ask
Your claim.....she put the yearbook on the counter and someone swooped in and signed Roy's name while nobody was looking

Attorneys don't ask questions when they have doubts about their clients stories. That way they can't be charged with suborning perjury if their client lies. Alred seems to have it a bit backwards, it's on her to provide credible evidence to support a demand for a hearing, not as a condition for getting one. Her projection in the second clip was apparent. She's doing the same thing she's accusing Moore of.



So you are another one claiming someone swiped the yearbook off the counter while nobody was looking and quickly returned it with a fake signature?
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

Shortly after the press conference, Allred phoned into CNN's "The Situation Room" and told host Wolf Blitzer that she and her client would be willing to submit the yearbook to an expert for evaluation but only if Moore was going to testify under oath before Senate leaders.

ROFL! Why the condition? If it's authentic, they should want to have it examined, no strings attached. Obviously, it's a forgery. The whole thing is a publicity stunt and a smear.
^ evidently YOU can :eusa_clap:

he signed a girl's yearbook then she added a descriptor for posterity therefore roy moore is not a creepy predator??


it's called tampering. you should use the internet for your inspectors badge.
When did it become evidence and for what?
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
Moore said he did not know the girl, basically calling her a liar. The yearbook is proof she was not lying.
Not if the signature is forged, dumbass.
Will Roy Moore swear in a court of law that he never signed that yearbook?
We all know he never would

Will the girl swear that Roy signed it? Yes she will
omg you moore apologists are so dense... she probably wrote it in there when she was 16.
well again, the age of the ink on the page will validate that. why are you against that? why are you opposed to the truth? it's out there.

go for it, dumbo. anyone who knows how to think critically understands why it.just.doesn't.matter.
[QUOTE="Golfing Of course Aldred does not know 100% for sure Moore signed it, she was not there 40 years ago.

Exactly no one was there 40 years ago not Moore”s critics or his defenders neither side has provided proof of guilt or innocence the signature could do that. So in the prusit of the truth it seems having the signature checked would be a good thing if it’s his signature it would be evidence to show the allegations against him could be true if it’s not it could evidence to prove that they might be false. It would help us get to the truth assuming people really want to know the truth one way or the other.
the left wants this senate seat. gloves are off. anything goes. anything that interferes in that is not important to them. funny how certain people really don't want truths.

Republicans had an easy path to maintaining that Senate seat

Then they chose Roy Moore as a candidate

This could all be proven by submitting the only document known to exist to Forensic examination. Not seeing the left pressing for this. But the left doesn't like fair fights, right?

I'm all for it....let the FBI have a look
If conservative forensic "experts" are the same ones that they used on Obama's birth certificate?
I don't think so

There are 3rd party reputable forensic scientist that are very capable of doing this simple examination.

what are you so afraid of, and why do you hate science so? The experts would have their methods scrutinized after all.

Make some sense instead of acting like a political hack.
Will Roy Moore swear in a court of law that he never signed that yearbook?
We all know he never would

Will the girl swear that Roy signed it? Yes she will

That's irrelevant since that would only occur after the election. All you douchebag snowflakes are great at proclaiming your willingness to have the evidence examined when it's too late to make any difference. That's why we call you weasels and scumbags.
omg you moore apologists are so dense... she probably wrote it in there when she was 16.
well again, the age of the ink on the page will validate that. why are you against that? why are you opposed to the truth? it's out there.

go for it, dumbo. anyone who knows how to think critically understands why it.just.doesn't.matter.

It can't be done unless the accuser volunteers to allow it, and she isn't doing that.
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omg you moore apologists are so dense... she probably wrote it in there when she was 16.
well again, the age of the ink on the page will validate that. why are you against that? why are you opposed to the truth? it's out there.

go for it, dumbo. anyone who knows how to think critically understands why it.just.doesn't.matter.

It can't be done unless the accuser volunteers the to allow it, and she isn't doing that.

The question is, why? You brought it to a press conference to use it to convict in the court of public opinion, I would think you would want it validated.
^ evidently YOU can :eusa_clap:

he signed a girl's yearbook then she added a descriptor for posterity therefore roy moore is not a creepy predator??


it's called tampering. you should use the internet for your inspectors badge.
When did it become evidence and for what?
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
Moore said he did not know the girl, basically calling her a liar. The yearbook is proof she was not lying.
Moore has no problem telling lies. Like most of his ilk his entire life has been a lie.
based on what? what is it you know about his life exactly? please share your condescension of someone you know nothing about. what a fking hack you are.
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

You fucking moron
Why did you make me click a link that does NOTHING to prove your claim?

But did she see him sign it?” Tur asked.

“You know, I don’t — I haven’t asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question,” Allred responded. “What she alleges was that she put it on the counter; that I think she asked to sign — or that he did sign it. That’s all.”

Allred never asked if she saw Creepy Roy actually signing it

Allred said she never bothered to ask
Your claim.....she put the yearbook on the counter and someone swooped in and signed Roy's name while nobody was looking

Attorneys don't ask questions when they have doubts about their clients stories. That way they can't be charged with suborning perjury if their client lies. Alred seems to have it a bit backwards, it's on her to provide credible evidence to support a demand for a hearing, not as a condition for getting one. Her projection in the second clip was apparent. She's doing the same thing she's accusing Moore of.



So you are another one claiming someone swiped the yearbook off the counter while nobody was looking and quickly returned it with a fake signature?

The signature appears the same as the womans divorce decree, that was years later when Moore was a judge. There are very simple ways to determine if all the ink matches in chemical composition. Why is Allred refusing to allow it to be analyzed?

The truth is Moore is a scumbag. He always has been. From robbing the cradle to trying to be a law unto himself. Moore has already provided all the evidence for decent people to know that he is unethical scum. For the unethical scum he's their kind of guy and they will defend him to the death. Even if we had video of a 14-year-old down to her bra and panties with Moore it wouldn't matter to scum like those defending Moore. Like Trump nothing will change the fact that no decent person would even vote for Moore but he will get plenty of votes in a state with not nearly enough decent people.
So you know him personally and professionally? Too funny projectionist
I know his kind. Same as your kind. Blind and immoral. This isn't my first rodeo with men like Moore.
Better yet, I know your kind. you are a hack. you have no idea who he is. tell us his birthday? Tell us about his kids and grandkids. tell us what he has done in his life big guy.
The truth is Moore is a scumbag. He always has been. From robbing the cradle to trying to be a law unto himself. Moore has already provided all the evidence for decent people to know that he is unethical scum. For the unethical scum he's their kind of guy and they will defend him to the death. Even if we had video of a 14-year-old down to her bra and panties with Moore it wouldn't matter to scum like those defending Moore. Like Trump nothing will change the fact that no decent person would even vote for Moore but he will get plenty of votes in a state with not nearly enough decent people.
So you know him personally and professionally? Too funny projectionist
I know his kind. Same as your kind. Blind and immoral. This isn't my first rodeo with men like Moore.

Of course, unless you are one of those women making these specific charges, you don't know anymore than anyone else.

You kinda smell like a troll. You add nothing, just trolling the thread.
Moore himself has already provided all the evidence needed to know that he is scum who should never have been in office or in any position of authority.
You're obviously just a lying piece of crap whose only talent is spewing personal attacks.
I personally think it's kind of creepy that Moore went after 17/18 year old girls/women when he was in his 30s to date. However, that is not against the law and the age gap between Moore and his wife is a reflection of Moore having a thing for younger women.

This kind of behavior opens people up to believing that Moore did sexually assault a 14 year old. However, he denies that and there really isn't a way to prove it.
Why do you think the 7s looking different is bullshit? They are very different.
Omfg :rolleyes:
Omfg yourself. Most people don't switch the style in which they write their sevens in the same hand writing sample.
Oh really? Is that your expert opinion? Alred gambled it all and couldn’t even get a forger who knows how to write 7’s?

Or maybe, a persons 7’s look different when they try to make a nice one as part of a signature.

Want to pretend the Hickory House was just “Old” back then like other hack losers are doing too?
Maybe Moore has multiple personalities with a variety of different handwriting styles. The 7s make the signature questionable, that's all. An analysis of the age of the ink would probably be more telling.

There is nothing questionable in the signature

The creepy note and signature are obviously Roy Moore's

The note underneath with exact date and location were made by someone else....probably the girl herself

Horseshit. That claim has already been proved wrong 1000 times.
The truth is Moore is a scumbag. He always has been. From robbing the cradle to trying to be a law unto himself. Moore has already provided all the evidence for decent people to know that he is unethical scum. For the unethical scum he's their kind of guy and they will defend him to the death. Even if we had video of a 14-year-old down to her bra and panties with Moore it wouldn't matter to scum like those defending Moore. Like Trump nothing will change the fact that no decent person would even vote for Moore but he will get plenty of votes in a state with not nearly enough decent people.
So you know him personally and professionally? Too funny projectionist
I know his kind. Same as your kind. Blind and immoral. This isn't my first rodeo with men like Moore.

Of course, unless you are one of those women making these specific charges, you don't know anymore than anyone else.

You kinda smell like a troll. You add nothing, just trolling the thread.
Moore himself has already provided all the evidence needed to know that he is scum who should never have been in office or in any position of authority.
You're obviously just a lying piece of crap whose only talent is spewing personal attacks.
he's on a message board so he's a tough guy, know it all. too funny. knows roy moore. he's slime and he excretes his slime daily.
I personally think it's kind of creepy that Moore went after 17/18 year old girls/women when he was in his 30s to date. However, that is not against the law and the age gap between Moore and his wife is a reflection of Moore having a thing for younger women.

This kind of behavior opens people up to believing that Moore did sexually assault a 14 year old. However, he denies that and there really isn't a way to prove it.
Why do you think the 7s looking different is bullshit? They are very different.
Omfg :rolleyes:
Omfg yourself. Most people don't switch the style in which they write their sevens in the same hand writing sample.
Oh really? Is that your expert opinion? Alred gambled it all and couldn’t even get a forger who knows how to write 7’s?

Or maybe, a persons 7’s look different when they try to make a nice one as part of a signature.

Want to pretend the Hickory House was just “Old” back then like other hack losers are doing too?
Maybe Moore has multiple personalities with a variety of different handwriting styles. The 7s make the signature questionable, that's all. An analysis of the age of the ink would probably be more telling.

There is nothing questionable in the signature

The creepy note and signature are obviously Roy Moore's

The note underneath with exact date and location were made by someone else....probably the girl herself

1. I've pointed out that over half the letters in the signatures are not consistant

2. What is creepy about the note?

3. Forensic examination is the only way to prove who and when the notations were possibly made.

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