If the yearbook claim wasn't dead before

My original statement still stands true today. Why did none of these women come forward during his forty years of service? If you argue because it is now national news, then A. it must never bothered the actual women who came forward since they didn't come forward in that forty years of service or B, it never happened. so if it is so egregious then coming forward should have been done earlier in his life. All waiting forty years does is create speculation. and no, i do not find any of these women credible. I'm still waiting on the famous 12 from Trump. were are they?

That's ridiculous. If you honestly believe that all the people who have hidden abuse they suffered or misconduct committed against them weren't bothered by it, you are a fool. People neither always act rationally, nor logically. Victims may feel shame, may think people will not believe them, may feel threatened by their attacker or abuser, etc. I have no idea if any of the accusations against Moore are true, and the time gap between the supposed events and the accusations means they are difficult, if not impossible, to prove. However, your binary choice clearly does not cover all the options.
so why do they come forward only when a person makes national news? dude, don't make me laugh. Again, these women did not come forward on their own, so don't tell me this was bothering them their life. The primary made national news, and none of them came out then. makey uppy shit is all we have here. created by a narrative of a reported.

bring enough forward the majority will lean to the women. not this time. it smells waaaaaay tooooooo much.

I already gave a few examples of reasons people don't come forward about misconduct or abuse. Perhaps these women felt emboldened by the post-Weinstein, #Metoo movement. Perhaps they are all lying. Perhaps after the first woman came forward, it spurred others to come forward as well. I don't know. Your argument that the women must not have cared because they didn't come forward earlier, however, is still ridiculous. Do you assume that anyone who hides a crime being committed against them does so only because they aren't bothered by it?
dude they didn't come out on their own. a reporter hunted them down. that does scream at me anything except fake.
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

You fucking moron
Why did you make me click a link that does NOTHING to prove your claim?

But did she see him sign it?” Tur asked.

“You know, I don’t — I haven’t asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question,” Allred responded. “What she alleges was that she put it on the counter; that I think she asked to sign — or that he did sign it. That’s all.”

Allred never asked if she saw Creepy Roy actually signing it

Allred said she never bothered to ask
Your claim.....she put the yearbook on the counter and someone swooped in and signed Roy's name while nobody was looking

Attorneys don't ask questions when they have doubts about their clients stories. That way they can't be charged with suborning perjury if their client lies. Alred seems to have it a bit backwards, it's on her to provide credible evidence to support a demand for a hearing, not as a condition for getting one. Her projection in the second clip was apparent. She's doing the same thing she's accusing Moore of.


Well said
As you can see here, Carbon 14 dating smply isn't accurate enough to make the determination:

Illustrative Mathematics

As such, the reported half life of 5730±40 years means that 40 years is the standard deviation for the process and so we expect that roughly 68 percent of the time half of the Carbon 14 in a given sample will decay within the time span of 5730±40 years. If greater likelihood is sought, we could look at the interval 5730±80 years, encompassing two standard deviations, and the likelihood that the half-life of a given sample of Carbon 14 will fall in this range is a little over 95 percent.

There may be other dating methods that are more accurate, but I'm not aware of them.
Perhaps, but is the chemistry of the ink the same for the entire note? Is the chemistry of today's ink the same as it was 40 years ago?
has nothing to do with that. it's how long the ink was on the page. saturation levels.
I am obviously not a expert on the ink. However, I do expect that there are a verity of attributes that can be examined to verify the authenticity of the note in the year book.

Certainly. They can do a microscopic examination. Perhaps one pen leaves a different patter of indentations than another. The texture of the ink may be different. However, I'm not aware of any means for determining the absolute age. Perhaps they can tell one is older than another, but that's all. They can probably determine when each ink type was produced, but that might be a wide range of years for each.
I agree, it would probably be difficult to determine the exact age of the ink. But it may not be difficult to determine if the ink could be nearly 40 years old or not.
again, the issue would be to compare the two inks, the one with the signature against the actual message and see if they have been on the page the same length of time.
From a bit of reading I've done, forensic handwriting analysis is another example of a technique that is not necessarily that accurate. Here's an example: How Handwriting Analysis Works

It is supposed to be harder to do when comparing to writing from a long time ago.


Laser spectroscopy can prove if the two entries were written at the same time with the same pen and is nondestructive.

WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

Certainly you would think the accuser would want the signature verified?

If she is sure it is real, no reason not to let an expert check it out.

There is enough evidence to put the matter before a civil grand jury. Moore v. all of his accusers, all under oath and in jeopardy of committing a felony.

What's a "civil grand jury?" The statute of limitations expired long ago, so there is no legal basis for taking it to a grand jury.

Moore was an elected official when he is alleged to have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, thus:

Civil Grand Jury. Print. Every year, in each of California's 58 counties, a group of ordinary citizens takes an oath to serve as grand jurors. Its function is to investigate the operations of the various officers, departments and agencies of local government.
bring it to court, I'd love to see these false claims out in the open. file the claim then.
Moore is the only one who can get the case in court and have a court ordered examination and analysis by certified experts.
Avatar4321 , you seem like a pretty smart guy so i really don't understand how you can not see how this is a non story created to distract from roy moore's predatory abuse of power, by many many many accounts of locals who witnessed his deplorable behavior first-hand...

he signed her yearbook and dated it "Christmas 77" and then she or someone else wrote the location and the exact date.

so what??
Certainly you would think the accuser would want the signature verified?

If she is sure it is real, no reason not to let an expert check it out.

There is enough evidence to put the matter before a civil grand jury. Moore v. all of his accusers, all under oath and in jeopardy of committing a felony.

What's a "civil grand jury?" The statute of limitations expired long ago, so there is no legal basis for taking it to a grand jury.

Moore was an elected official when he is alleged to have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, thus:

Civil Grand Jury. Print. Every year, in each of California's 58 counties, a group of ordinary citizens takes an oath to serve as grand jurors. Its function is to investigate the operations of the various officers, departments and agencies of local government.
bring it to court, I'd love to see these false claims out in the open. file the claim then.
Moore is the only one who can get the case in court and have a court ordered examination and analysis by certified experts.

The yearbook owner can voluntarily submit it for examination, so that dog won't hunt.
Certainly you would think the accuser would want the signature verified?

If she is sure it is real, no reason not to let an expert check it out.

There is enough evidence to put the matter before a civil grand jury. Moore v. all of his accusers, all under oath and in jeopardy of committing a felony.

What's a "civil grand jury?" The statute of limitations expired long ago, so there is no legal basis for taking it to a grand jury.

Moore was an elected official when he is alleged to have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, thus:

Civil Grand Jury. Print. Every year, in each of California's 58 counties, a group of ordinary citizens takes an oath to serve as grand jurors. Its function is to investigate the operations of the various officers, departments and agencies of local government.
bring it to court, I'd love to see these false claims out in the open. file the claim then.
Moore is the only one who can get the case in court and have a court ordered examination and analysis by certified experts.
well no, he has to get the yearbook released, which allred is opposing.
Avatar4321 , you seem like a pretty smart guy so i really don't understand how you can not see how this is a non story created to distract from roy moore's predatory abuse of power, by many many many accounts of locals who witnessed his deplorable behavior first-hand...

he signed her yearbook and dated it "Christmas 77" and then she or someone else wrote the location and the exact date.

so what??
folks you can't make this shit up. you've been listening to too much George Carlin. Hey Father.
^ evidently YOU can :eusa_clap:

he signed a girl's yearbook then she added a descriptor for posterity therefore roy moore is not a creepy predator??


^ evidently YOU can :eusa_clap:

he signed a girl's yearbook then she added a descriptor for posterity therefore roy moore is not a creepy predator??


it's called tampering. you should use the internet for your inspectors badge.
There is enough evidence to put the matter before a civil grand jury. Moore v. all of his accusers, all under oath and in jeopardy of committing a felony.

What's a "civil grand jury?" The statute of limitations expired long ago, so there is no legal basis for taking it to a grand jury.

Moore was an elected official when he is alleged to have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, thus:

Civil Grand Jury. Print. Every year, in each of California's 58 counties, a group of ordinary citizens takes an oath to serve as grand jurors. Its function is to investigate the operations of the various officers, departments and agencies of local government.
bring it to court, I'd love to see these false claims out in the open. file the claim then.
Moore is the only one who can get the case in court and have a court ordered examination and analysis by certified experts.
well no, he has to get the yearbook released, which allred is opposing.
Allred has said the yearbook would be available to a Senate committee. If he files a claim for a lawsuit the yearbook would become available via a court-ordered analysis. A real one, not like the fake one by some blogger running as a thread here on USMB.
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

Certainly you would think the accuser would want the signature verified?

If she is sure it is real, no reason not to let an expert check it out.

There is enough evidence to put the matter before a civil grand jury. Moore v. all of his accusers, all under oath and in jeopardy of committing a felony.

Never heard of a civil grand jury, can you provide an example where they actually exist?

What's a "civil grand jury?" The statute of limitations expired long ago, so there is no legal basis for taking it to a grand jury.

Moore was an elected official when he is alleged to have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior, thus:

Civil Grand Jury. Print. Every year, in each of California's 58 counties, a group of ordinary citizens takes an oath to serve as grand jurors. Its function is to investigate the operations of the various officers, departments and agencies of local government.
bring it to court, I'd love to see these false claims out in the open. file the claim then.
Moore is the only one who can get the case in court and have a court ordered examination and analysis by certified experts.
well no, he has to get the yearbook released, which allred is opposing.
Allred has said the yearbook would be available to a Senate committee. If he files a claim for a lawsuit the yearbook would become available via a court-ordered analysis. A real one, not like the fake one by some blogger running as a thread here on USMB.
And how long after the election will this take place? Allred doesn't have to get it analyzed to prove it's real. She just wants to run out the clock.
omg you moore apologists are so dense... she probably wrote it in there when she was 16.
^ evidently YOU can :eusa_clap:

he signed a girl's yearbook then she added a descriptor for posterity therefore roy moore is not a creepy predator??


it's called tampering. you should use the internet for your inspectors badge.
When did it become evidence and for what?
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
omg you moore apologists are so dense... she probably wrote it in there when she was 16.
well again, the age of the ink on the page will validate that. why are you against that? why are you opposed to the truth? it's out there.
The truth is Moore is a scumbag. He always has been. From robbing the cradle to trying to be a law unto himself. Moore has already provided all the evidence for decent people to know that he is unethical scum. For the unethical scum he's their kind of guy and they will defend him to the death. Even if we had video of a 14-year-old down to her bra and panties with Moore it wouldn't matter to scum like those defending Moore. Like Trump nothing will change the fact that no decent person would even vote for Moore but he will get plenty of votes in a state with not nearly enough decent people.
^ evidently YOU can :eusa_clap:

he signed a girl's yearbook then she added a descriptor for posterity therefore roy moore is not a creepy predator??


it's called tampering. you should use the internet for your inspectors badge.
When did it become evidence and for what?
what is it then? And, why do you have the information you have? so she just wanted to let people know she had a yearbook? whoopi do
Moore said he did not know the girl, basically calling her a liar. The yearbook is proof she was not lying.
WATCH: Allred Admits She Does Not Know If Moore Signed Accuser's Yearbook

It's certainly dead now. Allred admits she doesn't know if Moore actually signed the yearbook.

No attorney would admit this if there was any chance it was true.

Certainly explains why she won't let it be analyzed

Sounds like she is trying to make an out for a defamation suit.

Shortly after the press conference, Allred phoned into CNN's "The Situation Room" and told host Wolf Blitzer that she and her client would be willing to submit the yearbook to an expert for evaluation but only if Moore was going to testify under oath before Senate leaders.

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