If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

Absolute nonsense. Every culture has had laws against harming others, whether murder, rape or just assault. There have been social classes that were exempt, but that is more about corruption than about morality.

I have had numerous people tell me that without God people would murder and rape as much as they wanted. I find that laughable. Right now I murder and rape as much as I want.
To be clear I am agnostic, not atheist. That being said I don't need a God to tell me that taking life from another human unnecessarily is wrong. Morality being constructed by humans doesn't bother me. It doesn't make it less relevant or meaningful to me. What kind of person needs divine guidance to not be a murderer?
Absolute nonsense. Every culture has had laws against harming others, whether murder, rape or just assault. There have been social classes that were exempt, but that is more about corruption than about morality.

I have had numerous people tell me that without God people would murder and rape as much as they wanted. I find that laughable. Right now I murder and rape as much as I want.
Many cultures have not. In just the past century godless Governments have slaughtered over 262 MILLION of their OWN CITIZENS.

And they did it because they FELT it was the right thing to do.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Not true....common decency (let me know if I need to explain that word to you), is that one doesn't do anything to someone that you wouldn't want done to yourself. The Golden Rule. Found in all cultures whether they have a god, many gods, or no god at all.
To be clear I am agnostic, not atheist. That being said I don't need a God to tell me that taking life from another human unnecessarily is wrong. Morality being constructed by humans doesn't bother me. It doesn't make it less relevant or meaningful to me. What kind of person needs divine guidance to not be a murderer?
Your personal opinion of murder is just as valid as Jeffery Dahmer’s was.
To be clear I am agnostic, not atheist. That being said I don't need a God to tell me that taking life from another human unnecessarily is wrong. Morality being constructed by humans doesn't bother me. It doesn't make it less relevant or meaningful to me. What kind of person needs divine guidance to not be a murderer?
It's not divine guidance the OP was talking about...it's divine punishment. In other words, he admits that those with a god ONLY behave because they are afraid of a hell after death or karma during.
Absolute nonsense. Every culture has had laws against harming others, whether murder, rape or just assault. There have been social classes that were exempt, but that is more about corruption than about morality.

I have had numerous people tell me that without God people would murder and rape as much as they wanted. I find that laughable. Right now I murder and rape as much as I want.
Many cultures have not. In just the past century godless Governments have slaughtered over 262 MILLION of their OWN CITIZENS.

And they did it because they FELT it was the right thing to do.
And god governments did the same....in the name of their god. Actually, they didn't have a god, they had a divine excuse. Is that what you are looking for? A divine excuse?
Absolute nonsense. Every culture has had laws against harming others, whether murder, rape or just assault. There have been social classes that were exempt, but that is more about corruption than about morality.

I have had numerous people tell me that without God people would murder and rape as much as they wanted. I find that laughable. Right now I murder and rape as much as I want.
Many cultures have not. In just the past century godless Governments have slaughtered over 262 MILLION of their OWN CITIZENS.

And they did it because they FELT it was the right thing to do.
And god governments did the same....in the name of their god. Actually, they didn't have a god, they had a divine excuse. Is that what you are looking for? A divine excuse?
If you want personal opinion to guide morality, go walk in downtown Baltimore tonight.
To be clear I am agnostic, not atheist. That being said I don't need a God to tell me that taking life from another human unnecessarily is wrong. Morality being constructed by humans doesn't bother me. It doesn't make it less relevant or meaningful to me. What kind of person needs divine guidance to not be a murderer?
It's not divine guidance the OP was talking about...it's divine punishment. In other words, he admits that those with a god ONLY behave because they are afraid of a hell after death or karma during.
It's not divine guidance the OP was talking about...it's divine punishment. In other words, he admits that those with a god ONLY behave because they are afraid of a hell after death or karma during.

And you fear going to prison.

Unless you think you can get away with it...
Your personal opinion of murder is just as valid as Jeffery Dahmer’s was.

Yeah, but more people agree with me than him, because non-murderous morality is far more typical. We collectively decided that killing others needlessly is not acceptable. Outliers like Dahmer are kind of irrelevant.
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It's not divine guidance the OP was talking about...it's divine punishment. In other words, he admits that those with a god ONLY behave because they are afraid of a hell after death or karma during.

The existence of divine punishment would be part of the divine guidance I think. It'd be a factor that compels people to be guided by God.
Your personal opinion of murder is just as valid as Jeffery Dahmer’s was.

Yeah, but more people agree with me than him, because non-murderous morality is far more typical. We collectively decided that killing other needlessly is not acceptable. Outliers like Dahmer are kind of irrelevant.
Because you were created in the image of God and choose to follow that belief.

If people want to argue that we are just animals evolved from dirt, it is illogical to say evolutionary acts are wrong. There’s no such thing as wrong in the animal kingdom.
Your religion says murder is ok, as long as it meets certain criteria.
Like banging your married neighbor.
A dude sucking a pecker condemns him to eternity of burning.
Not sure your god is that moral
Absolute nonsense. Every culture has had laws against harming others, whether murder, rape or just assault.

When has a law ever stopped anyone from harming others they chose to harm? Laws exist to provide a means of punishment after the fact. They may deter, but only to the degree a perpetrator is concerned with consequences.
Your religion says murder is ok, as long as it meets certain criteria.
Like banging your married neighbor.
A dude sucking a pecker condemns him to eternity of burning.
Not sure your god is that moral
Oh? Who can I murder today?
If people want to argue that we are just animals evolved from dirt, it is illogical to say evolutionary acts are wrong. There’s no such thing as wrong in the animal kingdom.

There is no objective right or wrong. So what? Clearly we don't need that. There's no objective meaning or purpose either. Everything is subjective and I'm fine with that.

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