If There Is No God, Murder Is Not Wrong

If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Here is one of Christianity’s flaws. It allows Christians to accept mass shootings. Any Christians murdered just went to heaven. And anyone else? Fuck them.

Your straw men are getting dumber by the day.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Code of Ur-Nammu
Laws against murdering were around long before the Christian god because it makes for a good society. Also, laws against theft were around long before the Christian god.

Mere opinions. Many steal, many murder, simply because they feel they won’t get caught.

Not possible with God.

No. Those were laws. Not opinions.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Code of Ur-Nammu
Laws against murdering were around long before the Christian god because it makes for a good society. Also, laws against theft were around long before the Christian god.

Mere opinions. Many steal, many murder, simply because they feel they won’t get caught.

Not possible with God.

No. Those were laws. Not opinions.

And some societies allow me to put a bullet in your head so I can take your daughter.

Laws are mere opinion on paper. Which most people violate because they think they won’t be caught.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Here is one of Christianity’s flaws. It allows Christians to accept mass shootings. Any Christians murdered just went to heaven. And anyone else? Fuck them.

Your straw men are getting dumber by the day.

You guys don’t care enough about life. Healthcare, environment, poor people, foreigners.

You only care about seeds.

So if we become a pro life country will we start a war with Canada because they are murdering babies in the womb? But we would intervene if a country was really committing real genocide. You know it’s not murder. Is that another straw Man?
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Here is one of Christianity’s flaws. It allows Christians to accept mass shootings. Any Christians murdered just went to heaven. And anyone else? Fuck them.

Your straw men are getting dumber by the day.

You guys don’t care enough about life. Healthcare, environment, poor people, foreigners.

You only care about seeds.

So if we become a pro life country will we start a war with Canada because they are murdering babies in the womb? But we would intervene if a country was really committing real genocide. You know it’s not murder. Is that another straw Man?

Says lefty who wants to murder babies as they’re born and keep mass murderers alive to be released back onto the streets later.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Code of Ur-Nammu
Laws against murdering were around long before the Christian god because it makes for a good society. Also, laws against theft were around long before the Christian god.

Mere opinions. Many steal, many murder, simply because they feel they won’t get caught.

Not possible with God.

No. Those were laws. Not opinions.

And some societies allow me to put a bullet in your head so I can take your daughter.

Laws are mere opinion on paper. Which most people violate because they think they won’t be caught.

I'm not sure what you think you accomplish by raising your fist in defiance and yelling out that someday that person will get theirs when they die. It's a temporary feel good moment that justice will be done.............someday. Maybe.

There were laws to make sure that there would be justice to maintain a functional society.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Code of Ur-Nammu
Laws against murdering were around long before the Christian god because it makes for a good society. Also, laws against theft were around long before the Christian god.

Mere opinions. Many steal, many murder, simply because they feel they won’t get caught.

Not possible with God.

Cops just shot and killed/murdered a black teen for running. Now you know you wouldn’t like it if your kid was running from the cops and they shot him in the back. You were young once right?

Anyways, what I see is our Christian conservatives defending these cops.

But we as a society say a cop can’t shoot someone for running away. Is that correct or not? Do you want to change the law so cops can shoot people who run away? Well then let’s have that debate. What it will expose is your racism, ignorance and the fact you cons don’t really value human life.
If there is no God, murder isn't wrong. You may think it's wrong, but how do you know it's wrong? As Dennis Prager explains, without God, all morality is mere opinion.

Here is one of Christianity’s flaws. It allows Christians to accept mass shootings. Any Christians murdered just went to heaven. And anyone else? Fuck them.

Your straw men are getting dumber by the day.

You guys don’t care enough about life. Healthcare, environment, poor people, foreigners.

You only care about seeds.

So if we become a pro life country will we start a war with Canada because they are murdering babies in the womb? But we would intervene if a country was really committing real genocide. You know it’s not murder. Is that another straw Man?

Says lefty who wants to murder babies as they’re born and keep mass murderers alive to be released back onto the streets later.

I would love to institute the death penalty for slam dunk cases where the person was evil in their intentions. Like I don’t like it that Scott Peterson is on death row for Lacey and her unborn baby. Not a slam dunk case. If it was no question he did it, kill him. I mean he did go out on a boat the day she disappeared. I guess I would kill him too.

Maybe this is something we can get passed. If we agree on executing slam dunk evil people, I’m all for it.

But it’s got to be fair. If it’s proven trump killed Epstein then trump gets the chair.

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