Zone1 If There Is No Sin In Heaven Then How Could Lucifer Sin?

I thought Trump was my God?

Y'all really need to get together and decide what I think, so you don't contridict each other.

Or to make it easier on yourselves, you could just let my words speak for themselves instead of constantly assigning me opinions.

OK now you have to quote me in any post where I have said I support Trump.

When you can't will; you admit you just made this up so you could argue against a straw man?
OK now you have to quote me in any post where I have said I support Trump.
Well, no I don't, because I never said you said you support Trump.
When you can't will; you admit you just made this up so you could argue against a straw man?
If that is what you thought I meant, you misread it. I'll explain:

Many posters accuse me of having Trump for my God. Re-read and maybe it will make sense.
Well, no I don't, because I never said you support Trump.

If that is what you thought I meant, you misread it. I'll explain:

Many posters accuse me of having Trump for my God. Re-read and maybe it will make sense.
Then why are you talking to me about Trump being a god?

and saying I need to get together with other people to decide what I think?

You're just making shit up and arguing with me about shit I never said or implied
Well, no I don't, because I never said you said you support Trump.

If that is what you thought I meant, you misread it. I'll explain:

Many posters accuse me of having Trump for my God. Re-read and maybe it will make sense.
Idiot still doesn't get it!
God was not having a tantrum because that would be sinful. He was simply just punishing those who disobeyed Him. However, what I've always found rather difficult to believe is that Noah and his family were the only good ones that got to go on the ark to be saved.
In the Hebrew water covered earth (the ground), not The Earth (planet). The flood is not the story, it is the setting chosen for the story. The people of that time believed God sent natural disasters. The story was written well after the flood occurred, not while it was occurring. The Story Question was, Why did God send a flood?

1. The story notes that Noah was listening to God, implying no one else was bothering to listen.

2. Next, the people were being horrible, but Noah was doing right. What were the people doing that was so bad, but that Noah got right?

Our ancestors were masterful storytellers. Read it through and notice Noah never speaks until...he curses his son. In those days words had power. They still do, but it seems people were more cognizant of that in Biblical times. The huge irony of the story is that before the flood when it appears all the people around him were wickedly using words against one another, Noah didn't. He remained silent.

In Judaism, as great as Noah is considered for listening to and obeying God, his silence about not speaking out about the flood is a criticism against him. He didn't tell the people, and he didn't ask God not to bring about the disaster as Lot would later implore God not to do in Sodom and Gomorrah.

The great irony in Noah's story that smacks us in the face, is the righteous Noah who never speaks out and apparently never has a bad thing to say about anyone, survives the flood and his first words are a curse that brings about a new division to his family and then to the nations of Earth. The moral of the story: Watch your words, watch what you say. Words have power, words hurt.

If There Is No Sin In Heaven Then How Could Lucifer Sin?​

A question that I've been wondering for a while now, I just forgot to post it here. Any ideas?

I thought the Bible answered that. Really simple obvious answer to the question.
Then why are you talking to me about Trump being a god?

and saying I need to get together with other people to decide what I think?

You're just making shit up and arguing with me about shit I never said or implied
I can admit when I’m wrong.

Though it is common for other posters, I don’t remember you saying Trump is my God.

Now, I must ask about this:
You wouldn't want to live under a government where the leaders acted like your god. If you really do then you could move to North Korea
Who or what is “my God,” and how did you come to that conclusion?
First of all I never read anything about "Lucifer" what not had been nonsense. All interpretations about this name are absurde constructs. The strange thing is that Lucifer (=the lightbringer) is also an attribute of Jesus and Satan (=the challenger) is also called a "son of god" what's also an attribute of Jesus but also an attribute of all Christians (=adopted children of god). So no wonder when a lot of confusion exists. Confusion is typical for everything what has to do with this theme.

From my point of view your idea "In heaven is no sin" is an empty double combination. A place where is no sin is always heaven. And hell is the place where is sin. So most people think heaven is where god lives and hell is where the devil lives. They use in this case not really a Christian form to think but more an shoroastrian form to think which separates the creation into the spiritually good world of Ahura Mazda and the evil world of Ahriman. Between "truth" and "lie" - I guess the better words had been in this case between sincerity and dishonesty.

If you take now a look again at your question then this is the same as to ask: "If there is no hell in heaven then how could hell sin?" The answer is in this case: There is no hell in heaven. And the confusion "Then how could hell sin" is exactly this: a confusion. Devilish, isn't it?

No guarantee for anything. I hope I made no mistake. I am no theologist. One thing is for sure clear: right and wrong exist. Always it's difficult but sometimes it is even impossible to find out what's right or wrong. So we need the help of god to find the best of all possible ways in this world here. And this is for sure the way how god thought us to be. So the best is "In god we trust".

Wasn't Lucifer already in Heaven though?

Lucifer was already in Heaven! The scripture is clearly talking about unrepentant humans!

Oh, okay. Well that makes perfect sense actually. Except infants and young children who don't know any better probably get a free pass just like all animals do.

Really simple obvious answer to the question.

Which is what in your opinion?
I can admit when I’m wrong.

Though it is common for other posters, I don’t remember you saying Trump is my God.

Now, I must ask about this:

Who or what is “my God,” and how did you come to that conclusion?

The god in heaven.

after all wasn't it that god the "cast out the undesireables"?
Which is what in your opinion?

C'mon, RR! You are an intelligent girl! You have an inquiring mind. I know you know the answer in your heart, you just have to listen to your inner self.

WHAT IS HEAVEN? Heaven is the Abode of God. It is nowhere you can get to though by rocket nor plane. God neither created it nor it created God, instead, it is part of God. It is God's eternal abode regardless of what he does or where he appears in the phenomenal universe, heaven is where God eternally resides in his true form. But Heaven is an attainment not a guarantee! Heaven is like finally saving up for a weekend stay at the Waldorf Astoria--- your booking guarantees you passage to go there, not a guarantee that you can STAY there irregardless of your acts! Damage the room and you will be thrown out! So attaining heaven is not relief from your personal responsibility.

Every living soul is a plenary portion of God who originated in Heaven but fell from grace through personal sin. This usually comes in the form of ego identification seeing oneself as separate from God and master of your own domain when indeed we are all servants to God. This leads to forgetfulness of God, separation and a falling from his Grace. This is not a punishment, rather, God's freedom of giving us both free choice and karma for our actions.

Therefore, rather than think of Heaven as a place where there is no sin, think of it as a place one may attain once one attains a purity of state and remains free of sin.

WHO WAS LUCIFER? Lucifer was an angel. But rather than choosing to remain with God, he dared see himself as equal, so fell from grace. So, Heaven does not prevent sin but rather insists on freedom from sin.

And who can really say? Could Lucifer repent and rejoin God in heaven? I think so. But I personally suspect that this is all part of God's design, for you see, Good cannot exist without Evil just as there can be no UP without a DOWN. What would heaven be without its polar opposite? Without Hell, Good would have no meaning if that is all there was. How can there be a good without a bad? So, perhaps Lucifer is by choice and design eternally condemned to Hell and damnation so that we can have free choice. That way, we all have a choice on where we go, depending on our deeds and actions. Before us is an infinity of choices depending on our actions and advancement in life, from eventually attaining an abode of infinite Love, to a place of utter suffering and misery.

Like Lucifer, each of us is free to choose.

If There Is No Sin In Heaven Then How Could Lucifer Sin?​

A question that I've been wondering for a while now, I just forgot to post it here. Any ideas?
It was a heavenly angel that sinned while in heaven, but the sin is in the mind. That is why after being kicked out of heaven and becoming a serpent/dragon the sin continued.

It's not the destination/location of the sinner that is the focus because sin starts in the mind. The sin is within them wherever they go until they repent and are born again or changed... regenerated and sanctified.
I thought the Bible answered that. ...

The bible gives some information. Much more than anyone needs but somehow perhaps also much less than you personally need. You are the answer. What will you tell god in the end? And are you ready now if this end will come within the next 10 seconds or within the next 10 minutes or within the next 10 years or 1000 years?

The name "lucifer" for a devil is - and always had been - nothing else than bullshit - except that only "fake-Lucifers" say sentences like "to announce "holy war" against Taylor Swift". What u-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e anti-Christian idiots. I will never understand why Donald Trump got more than one vote in whatever voting.

Oh by the way, Taylor Swift - don't worry. Although you do not know me and I do not know you my prayers will be your spiritual shield. Whatever will happen in this world here - do not worry. God loves you!

Same to you, toobfreak : God loves you! Do you need to know more?

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The bible gives some information. Much more than anyone needs but somehow perhaps also much less than you personally need.

I like information. I have questions. The Bible is great, but it is only one book, much of which is merely chronological of names and events. For the truly curious and investigative, other religions give information up into the HUNDREDS of books. So, yeah, the Bible is a great book, but it is not the only book on God.
I like information. I have questions. The Bible is great, but it is only one book, much of which is merely chronological of names and events. For the truly curious and investigative, other religions give information up into the HUNDREDS of books. So, yeah, the Bible is a great book, but it is not the only book on God.

And what will help you the bible and one of this "hundreds books on god" - no idea what you speak about concrete - when you will have to go home naked and you will have to leave here everything and more what is not you on your own?


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