If There Was A Mouse In Your House, Would You Kill It?

there's a mouse in your house. you...

  • get a non-kill trap and set it free in the woods

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • get a snap/glue trap and kill it

    Votes: 22 71.0%

  • Total voters
We need a third option:

Set a non-kill trap and dissect it.

Or set up colony sized hamster wheels and let them generate and sell energy back to the power company. carbon offests on your tax bill as well!
(squeaky wheel gets the grease!)
You know, guys. Just a few more people people voting against glue traps and the mice might have a fighting chance here!

They could write a book about it called, "My Struggle". I figure Mein Kampf and Jihad are already taken but "my struggle" has a certain ring to it. Don't you think? Or am taking too much liberty here?
You know, guys. Just a few more people people voting against glue traps and the mice might have a fighting chance here!

They could write a book about it called, "My Struggle". I figure Mein Kampf and Jihad are already taken but "my struggle" has a certain ring to it. Don't you think? Or am taking too much liberty here?

Is that what this thread is about? Glue traps? oh hell yeah, I agree with you. When I was a little kid i lost one of my pet lizards and found it stuck in a GLUE roach motel. Many nightmares later I can honestly say Ive been unstable ever since. ( and i just thought we were all being silly here)
No, seriously the glue traps are being voted on. We need you to vote to against the glue traps! The mice will thank you and so will I!

I'm sorry to hear about your lizard! What a horrific end for the poor little fellow! I had a neighbor who lived across the street from me when I was a child - he stuffed a lizards throat with sand and baked him on a metal slide - his little sisters swing set - in the hot Florida sun. I was horrified and it bothered me for a very long time. He chopped his tail off too. I've never forgotten about it.
I vote we make more glue traps and sell them in a bundle with a scalpel set.
No my cat would. And leave it gift wrapped the next morning.

They think they are giving you a gift when they kill something and put it right in front of you. It is their way of giving you something back for all the love you give them.
would you kill a mouse, or set it free in the woods?

Catch and release is possible. While there's no shortage of mice in the world, one less is equally moot. So if I can avoid killing something I opt for that. Didn't choose to be born a mouse any more than I chose to be born a human. If the tables were turned, I'd like a second chance. :)
Fine, I'll dissect them after they snap their neck in the trap.
Beheading mice? Perhaps my thread has made more of an impact on you then I thought! I better put a warning sign up!
Is that a torture video? The mice should have their own jihad book published! Call it, "My Struggle"!
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Idea: mock terror group youtube video for an arab exterminator company holding up a mouse, hollering something in arabic, then scissor off it's head. :) then tagline with phone number advertizing an exterminator. :)
I kill them, but in my own way.

Behead them on youtube? :) Sorry, couldn't resist.

The good news is you won't kill a mouse and that says a lot about you, Delta. I bet you make a killer cupcake too! Thanks to House I am now hungry! He's over there talking about frisco burgers, gravy and bisquits and a chocolate milk shake. I've been ambushed by food on a jihad thread! Who would have thought?

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