If There Was A Mouse In Your House, Would You Kill It?

there's a mouse in your house. you...

  • get a non-kill trap and set it free in the woods

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • get a snap/glue trap and kill it

    Votes: 22 71.0%

  • Total voters
Thread about rat poisons and traps.
Ban rat poison - Save lives US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I posted these photos of birds in glue traps -




that is a bad deal there
I kill them, but in my own way.

Behead them on youtube? :) Sorry, couldn't resist.

I was going to do simulated drowning, but I didn't want to copy Americans.

The saying, Fred, is drowned like a rat. NOT drown the rat. You Asians do not think like the West! Think western. We never actually go through with it. We just "talk about it"..!

I say, steady on, old chap, I'm bally well British.
would you kill a mouse, or set it free in the woods?

I kill them, but in my own way.

I kill them, but in my own way.

Behead them on youtube? :) Sorry, couldn't resist.

I was going to do simulated drowning, but I didn't want to copy Americans.

Tiny explosive vests would be quicker ... and the dirty little secret about Americans is we dont kill our mice, we hold them indefinately without a trial.
would you kill a mouse, or set it free in the woods?

I kill them, but in my own way.

I kill them, but in my own way.

Behead them on youtube? :) Sorry, couldn't resist.

I was going to do simulated drowning, but I didn't want to copy Americans.

Tiny explosive vests would be quicker ... and the dirty little secret about Americans is we dont kill our mice, we hold them indefinately without a trial.

Perhaps teach them to fly little airliner or four into a couple of tower blocks, both the planes and buildings filled with kafir mice.
Question is, would the Israeli intel services set the whole thing up for us, as it would be impossible without them.
would you kill a mouse, or set it free in the woods?

I kill them, but in my own way.

I kill them, but in my own way.

Behead them on youtube? :) Sorry, couldn't resist.

I was going to do simulated drowning, but I didn't want to copy Americans.

Tiny explosive vests would be quicker ... and the dirty little secret about Americans is we dont kill our mice, we hold them indefinately without a trial.

Perhaps teach them to fly little airliner or four into a couple of tower blocks, both the planes and buildings filled with kafir mice.
Question is, would the Israeli intel services set the whole thing up for us, as it would be impossible without them.

kafir mice, eh? Were three of them blind?
Is that a torture video? The mice should have their own jihad book published! Call it, "My Struggle"!

Don't you mean, "Mice Truggle"?

Are you sure you don't get paid for this?

( that was brilliant! - good one, House!)
Take it up with c_k, I'm sure he'd be open to the suggestion. ;)

Not a chance! I'm not giving him any ideas! You could be dangerous to my threads! I already saw what happened to the one last night!
( yikes....)
Is that a torture video? The mice should have their own jihad book published! Call it, "My Struggle"!

Don't you mean, "Mice Truggle"?

Are you sure you don't get paid for this?

( that was brilliant! - good one, House!)
Take it up with c_k, I'm sure he'd be open to the suggestion. ;)

Not a chance! I'm not giving him any ideas! You could be dangerous to my threads! I already saw what happened to the one last night!
( yikes....)
What?? I posted almost as much as you!
Thread about rat poisons and traps.
Ban rat poison - Save lives US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I posted these photos of birds in glue traps -




that is a bad deal there

Yes, Jon - that is why I despise glue traps. You do not know what is going to get stuck in those things. People throw them out - they end up in a garbage dump and some tiny bird gets caught in one. Or you put them out in your barn - instead of owning a cat - which would keep the mice away - and other little animals passing through get caught in it. Even birds that find their way into a barn get caught in those. It is horrific, isn't it? Poor little things. God have mercy. People just do not realize the suffering these little creatures go through being trapped in one of those things. Starvation is a very slow and painful death not to mention they are totally vulnerable to anything coming after them like a cat or some other animal - they cannot get away! It is prolonged suffering and we do not know the half of what they go through. Those traps should be outlawed.
Is that a torture video? The mice should have their own jihad book published! Call it, "My Struggle"!

Don't you mean, "Mice Truggle"?

Are you sure you don't get paid for this?

( that was brilliant! - good one, House!)
Take it up with c_k, I'm sure he'd be open to the suggestion. ;)

Not a chance! I'm not giving him any ideas! You could be dangerous to my threads! I already saw what happened to the one last night!
( yikes....)
What?? I posted almost as much as you!

I know! That thread is deader than a door nail now! People didn't know whether to go to Steak n shake, study WWII or go watch a good comedy on tv after reading that thread. I read it today, it was so confusing even I got confused! I'm back to the drawing board! ( and I will remember not to let you know about it! lol! )
Snaptrap count 5.
#4 literally shit itself and #5 was so excited about the peanut butter just SITTING there to feast upon it had a woodie.:shock:

Wonder if I'll find another customer in the morning.
Is that a torture video? The mice should have their own jihad book published! Call it, "My Struggle"!

Don't you mean, "Mice Truggle"?

Good one.

Some years ago, I had a problem with mice and would bait live traps with a glob of peanut butter, trap the little suckers and haul them out to the desert.

I think they were beating me back to the house.

The running joke was that we could hear them, "Nice place to live, they feed you good and take you for nice little walks in the morning ... "

Then I started feeding them to hawks and owls.

We have had to trap wood rats at our lake house and we take them a l-o-n-g way before releasing them. There are some really nice ponds a couple of miles away and that's where they get to live.

There were people who would live traps rats and mice and bring them to the rehab facility to be fed to hawks and owls. We called them Meals on Wheels. If you're live-trapping, you might check to see if there are any rehab places who could use them. Buying purpose-bred rodents is really expensive and the rehabber would likely be very grateful. For those who think this is cruel, before carnivores can be released back to the wild, they must show that they can hunt for themselves.

I agree with snap traps. They get the job done and seem to be mostly humane.

Glue traps are needlessly cruel and poison kills so-called "non-target" animals.
I don't bother things that don't bother me. But, if a mouse is going to get into my house, then i am going to kill it.

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