If There Was No Fraud, Why?

Why does a simple tabulation machine have an algorithm within it?

That is Prima Facie evidence of vote fraud no matter how much you want to deny it.
But what makes you say a vote tabulator has an or any algorithm in it???
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That goes for all the crap the NYT and WP push. None of it is fact based or even checked for accuracy. They know you are stupid and that is how they treat you. The scary part is that you love it.
Of course they are fact based...

Sure, once in a blue moon they get it wrong, but when and if they do get it wrong, by law, they have to retract it.

There are no such journalistic laws or standards covering an internet site like the gateway pundit....they can manufacture, or create, any conspiracy or lies they want, 24/7.
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Of course they are fact based...

Sure, once in a blue moon they get it wrong, but when and if they do get it wrong, by law, they have to retract it.

There are no such journalistic laws or standards covering an internet site like the gateway pundit....they can manufacture, or create, any conspiracy or lies they want, 24/7.

Karl Marx: “Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”​

Oh my God how many threads are we going to see on this dead horse. Give it up Bender, Lord Trump is not coming back to the WH.
I guarantee you that living will not get better for African Americans from now on as Progs are consolidating the globalist agendas. Some will prosper. The decline of America is being blurred by massive payouts from the government. What you see now in inflation is really 15% by the standards of 1982. At that time the prime rate was in double digits to quell debt and inflation. the prime funds rate now is about as low as it can be, and the prime rate is 3.25%. Imagine 15% prime rate.
Exactly what I've written about. If there was no fraud conducted during the 2020 election, why the continued interference in the truth from the Left?
That's the problem, you guys aren't posting any truth. It has been proven over and over that there was NO FRAUD, but you Trump Humpers just can't accept the fact that he lost. The only fraud that has been found was done by republicans. The Courts won't even listen to that bullshit, let it go on concentrate on the elections ahead because 2020 is a rap.
So, they gave the documents subpoenaed but the private information was redacted?

Btw, if it weren't a conspiracy, then the gateway pundit wouldn't have an article on it....imo.

Dominion voting machines do not report the absolute number or sorting of the ballots as cast.......instead, they allow the ‘adjusting’ of the number and selection of the votes.

In the contracts that Dominion signs with municipalities, we find the following:

AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA AND DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, INC. This Agreement is entered into between the County of Santa Clara (“County”) and Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (“Contractor” or “Dominion”) (collectively, the “Parties”).

Section 2.26 "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images."

Dominion voting machines do not report the absolute number or sorting of the ballots as cast.......instead, they allow the ‘adjusting’ of the number and selection of the votes.

In the contracts that Dominion signs with municipalities, we find the following:

AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA AND DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, INC. This Agreement is entered into between the County of Santa Clara (“County”) and Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (“Contractor” or “Dominion”) (collectively, the “Parties”).

Section 2.26 "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images."

View attachment 614990
Dominion voting machines do not report the absolute number or sorting of the ballots as cast.......instead, they allow the ‘adjusting’ of the number and selection of the votes.

In the contracts that Dominion signs with municipalities, we find the following:

AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA AND DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, INC. This Agreement is entered into between the County of Santa Clara (“County”) and Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (“Contractor” or “Dominion”) (collectively, the “Parties”).

Section 2.26 "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images."

View attachment 614990
Show us the actual results versus corrections and how it is done all you have is flow chart information.
The people who insist there was no fraud keep acting like there was when they refuse to comply a subpoena.

If there was no insurrection why did Trump fight all the way to the SCOTUS to keep his documents from that day secret?
If there was no insurrection why did Trump fight all the way to the SCOTUS to keep his documents from that day secret?

Any violence was on the part of the Democrat operatives who had plenty of practice.....12 thousand riots leading up to the stolen election.

But, on your other point....I always wondered why the candidate you guys called god, Jesus and the messiah, ordered his college records closed.
But, on your other point....I always wondered why the candidate you guys called god, Jesus and the messiah, ordered his college records closed.

I have never called any human god, Jesus and the messiah.

Do try and keep up.
“Throughout the past several months since our investigation began, the Wolf Administration, Senate Democrats and Attorney General Shapiro have unfairly denied a co-equal branch
Lol. Fucking snowflakes.
of government the tools necessary to repair the vulnerabilities of our election system.
What vulnerabilities? The magaturd party has provided absolutely no proof of said vulnerabilities. Oops.

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