If This Cancer-Ridden Criminal is Elected President of the U.S.

LOL more small minded "we can't defend our beliefs so attack another poster" BS

Daws, consider yourself in the same category as Bodecea, to be mocked only. Have a nice day
Then why did you not address Tom Horn since he was the first to bring IQ up in this thread?

You're lying again...Jilly brought it up first by calling me "low IQ"...your attention span ever been longer than a minute or two?
LOL more small minded "we can't defend our beliefs so attack another poster" BS

Daws, consider yourself in the same category as Bodecea, to be mocked only. Have a nice day
Once again, you seem to be leaving Tom Horn out of your scolding.....Did you not see that he brought up my sexuality in this thread even tho I didn't bring it up and it has nothing to do with the topic?

Selective outrage on your part yet again?
LOL more small minded "we can't defend our beliefs so attack another poster" BS

Daws, consider yourself in the same category as Bodecea, to be mocked only. Have a nice day
lol! the coward backs out .
nothing I've said needs defending.
The United States is more fucked-up than I originally imagined.
Two fuck-ups with Obama... yeah, I can understand it. Black, gotta try something new.
But this fucking would-be felon? Please America - don't be this fucking dumb

Clinton's Cough Attack Returns

How do you know Hillary has cancer? I admit that neither her nor Bill seem very well, Bill especially looks terrible.
do you have any idea how much wear and tear political candidates endure ?
Imbeciles like you - voting for stupidity.

Were you under the impression I'm a Hillary supporter? Poor you!

Go fuck yourself.

Right on cue - bravo!

The USMB RW Hillary Manifesto:
Hillary is dying. Because we say so.

Because she fainted four years ago. And she coughs. That proves she’s dying. Because we say so.

Don’t bother asking us to prove it. We’ll just tell you to GFY.

When her medical records are released, we’ll insist that they’ve been falsified. Maybe we’ll even claim she was born in Kenya.

Hillary is dying. Because we say so. And we’re going to keep on saying it in thread after thread until it magically comes true.
All our current choices are crap. Your decision is to just pick which crap offends you least.
Trump: Another P.T. Barnum (quoted as saying: "There's a sucker born every minute.")
Cruz: A major sleaze factor whose stance is so far to the right, it borders on insanity and in the pockets of the ultra-rich.
Kasich: Too milk-toast and again, too far to the right and beholding to the uber-rich.
Clinton: Too far left and funded by the Saudis as well as other stinking Muslim countries.
Sanders: So far left as to be out of the ballpark. A dreamer who talks as though our lawmakers would actually fund free college and other social issues.
That leaves us with no one. Well, there are a few "independent" candidates such as Libertarians (Woe be our environment if they got in), Green Party (I'm all for the environment, but they want "reparations" for the blacks for slavery and if there were any slaves alive today, I would agree with, but not for people just because they share a skin color) Socialist Party (think Bernie Sanders heavy) and Communist Party (which no one in their right mind wants). So best of luck in selecting a candidate from the total garbage provided us.
The woman isn't well. I'm thinking she has congestive heart failure.

Clinton's Cough Attack Returns


You know, I don't wish death on anyone, well except ISIL/ISIS/Daesh. There are Leftists who wish death on Right-Wingers, but I won't lower myself to their level.

I like you very much koshergrl, but, you're better than this, I know you are.
She's old, it would be better for the world if she died.

I hope she's saved by the grace of God before she goes. But she needs to go.
The woman isn't well. I'm thinking she has congestive heart failure.

Clinton's Cough Attack Returns

What Are the Symptoms of Heart Failure?

You may not have any symptoms of heart failure, or the symptoms may be mild to severe. Symptoms can be constant or can come and go. The symptoms can include:

Congested lungs. Fluid backup in the lungs can cause shortness of breath with exercise or difficulty breathing at rest or when lying flat in bed. Lung congestion can also cause a dry, hacking cough or wheezing.
Fluid and water retention. Less blood to your kidneys causes fluid and water retention, resulting in swollen ankles, legs, abdomen (called edema), and weight gain. Symptoms may cause an increased need to urinate during the night. Bloating in your stomach may cause a loss of appetite or nausea.
Dizziness, fatigue, and weakness. Less blood to your major organs and muscles makes you feel tired and weak. Less blood to the brain can cause dizziness or confusion.
Rapid or irregular heartbeats. The heart beats faster to pump enough blood to the body. This can cause a rapid or irregular heartbeat.
Another one of the symptoms is compulsive lying and using your own server when you signed an agreement not to.....then swearing on a stack of Bibles you never sent any classified communications knowing you had....and then trying to erase them after the fact.
The woman isn't well. I'm thinking she has congestive heart failure.

Clinton's Cough Attack Returns


You know, I don't wish death on anyone, well except ISIL/ISIS/Daesh. There are Leftists who wish death on Right-Wingers, but I won't lower myself to their level.

I like you very much koshergrl, but, you're better than this, I know you are.
She's old, it would be better for the world if she died.

I hope she's saved by the grace of God before she goes. But she needs to go.
I don't want her to die......I just want her to go away.

Once again you seem to be leaving Tom Horn out of your scolding.....Did you not see that he brought up my sexuality in this thread even tho I didn't bring it up and it has nothing to do with the topic?

Selective outrage on your part yet again?

First you should apologize for lying on the IQ question...maybe then we can explore your inner-lesbian to find the source of your personality problems.

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