If this is progress...

I listed several.... and true to form, you ran away from them like the girlieman that you are.

go back and address the errors I just pointed out. show me where the "if" magically disappeared. show me where we had a 60% decrease in American casualties in Iraq because of the success of the surge. SHow me where I ever expressed my desire that America would be defeated in Iraq. Quit spinning and shucking and jiving and bullshitting and blowing smoke...quit the talk and own up to your own mistakes. I dare you.
I listed several.... and true to form, you ran away from them like the girlieman that you are.

go back and address the errors I just pointed out. show me where the "if" magically disappeared. show me where we had a 60% decrease in American casualties in Iraq because of the success of the surge. SHow me where I ever expressed my desire that America would be defeated in Iraq. Quit spinning and shucking and jiving and bullshitting and blowing smoke...quit the talk and own up to your own mistakes. I dare you.

I have

You just do not get it
no....I listed several errors you have made and you have yet to address any of them.... all you do is tap dance and spin and wiggle away from them.

Post #62 in this very thread, for example. an error on your part. unexplained, unretracted.

No 60% decrease in American casualties.... DoD casualty figures confirm that. An error on your part. unexplained. unretracted.

case closed.
no....I listed several errors you have made and you have yet to address any of them.... all you do is tap dance and spin and wiggle away from them.

Post #62 in this very thread, for example. an error on your part. unexplained, unretracted.

No 60% decrease in American casualties.... DoD casualty figures confirm that. An error on your part. unexplained. unretracted.

case closed.

Facts do tend to go over your head
nothing over my head....you are running away. why do you not just answer those points I raised. If I am wrong about your mistake in post #62 of this thread, just show me where I am wrong. If you can prove that AMerican casualties in Iraq decreased by 60% because the success of the surge, just show me.

I am asking you to use these "facts" you claim to have at your disposal to prove your case. Show us all how those statements are not mistakes.

I dare you.
nothing over my head....you are running away. why do you not just answer those points I raised. If I am wrong about your mistake in post #62 of this thread, just show me where I am wrong. If you can prove that AMerican casualties in Iraq decreased by 60% because the success of the surge, just show me.

I am asking you to use these "facts" you claim to have at your disposal to prove your case. Show us all how those statements are not mistakes.

I dare you.

I have and you continue to ignore
no...you never have.... and all your continued false assertions that you have answered questions that you have not, will not make those lies the truth.

Go back to post #62 and explain how that is not an error.

Please explain how we can lose 81 soldiers in january, 80 in February and 82 in March and that somehow equates to a 60% decrease.
simple questions... why not just quickly explain yourself instead of wasting all this time running away from having to explain yourself?

no...you never have.... and all your continued false assertions that you have answered questions that you have not, will not make those lies the truth.

Go back to post #62 and explain how that is not an error.

Please explain how we can lose 81 soldiers in january, 80 in February and 82 in March and that somehow equates to a 60% decrease.
come on RSR.... shows some balls. step up and use your own words to either explain your statements or admit they were misstatements.... you can do it.

no...you never have.... and all your continued false assertions that you have answered questions that you have not, will not make those lies the truth.

Go back to post #62 and explain how that is not an error.

Please explain how we can lose 81 soldiers in january, 80 in February and 82 in March and that somehow equates to a 60% decrease.
Have not heard of much more progress..Gota wait till the end of summer..and go onto Plan B...Evacuation of forces...Gota happen sooner..or later.

Unless McCaine is elected.....He lost alot of support through alot of vets..and those who served....Overnight.

We sure as shit aint protecting the pipe line any more.....or sure as shit aint gona pay for all of this with Iraqi oil.....It's comming outa our pockets..and veins to fund this crapoo.....

17 decomposing bodies found in Ramadi
AP - Tue Apr 17, 4:40 PM ET

BAGHDAD - Police in Ramadi uncovered 17 decomposing corpses buried beneath two schoolyards in a district that until recently was under the control of al-Qaida fighters. At least 85 people were killed or found dead across the country Tuesday.

The un-accounted there...is not put into the figures....

I gave up on caring for the Iraqi people..To care for this..is prolonging it...I have lost faith we can help them..and they have no faith in us..want nothing to do with us...

How can any of you say..Iraq is ever gona be an ally..on the so called war on terror?

Big Ass Gaza Strip is what it is......

If you wana respond to this post..point out what we have accomplished...Nothing else.

quit posting links to stuff that doesn't explain how we experienced a 60% decrease in casualties. I posted the DoD numbers.... they were from a website that YOU suggested. WHy can't you own up to your own misstatements ever?
quit posting links to stuff that doesn't explain how we experienced a 60% decrease in casualties. I posted the DoD numbers.... they were from a website that YOU suggested. WHy can't you own up to your own misstatements ever?

Translation - Stop posting how the surge is working. Good news is the last things I want to read
and I sure as hell HOPE that when we put 21 THOUSAND more troops on the streets of Baghdad, that it would slow down the violence a little.... the poiont is: the violence nation-wide has merely moved out of Baghdad.... Iraqis are dying at the same rate, and Americans are dying at the same rate.... just in places other than Baghdad.

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