If this is true...


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I'm not touting this as fact, it is still as yet unverified, however, a prisoner in the same van with Freddie Gray claims that Gray was extremely violent while on the way to the booking station and heard him "banging his head" on the metal partition separating the two, which resulted in his fatal injuries. Basically, Gray inflicted these injuries on himself. If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police, and will further discredit the anti-cop movement, while further vindicating good police officers everywhere.

Anyway, make your own judgements on this. Please be reminded once again, this has not been verified...yet.

BALTIMORE — A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety.

The document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first glimpse of what might have happened inside the van. It is not clear whether any additional evidence backs up the prisoner’s version, which is just one piece of a much larger probe.

Gray was found unconscious in the wagon when it arrived at a police station on April 12. The 25-year-old had suffered a spinal injury and died a week later, touching off waves of protests across Baltimore, capped by a riot Monday in which hundreds of angry residents torched buildings, looted stores and pelted police officers with rocks.

Police have said they do not know whether Gray was injured during the arrest or during his 30-minute ride in the van. Local police and the U.S. Justice Department both have launched investigations of Gray’s death.

Jason Downs, one of the attorneys for the Gray family, said the family had not been told of the prisoner’s comments to investigators.

“We disagree with any implication that Freddie Gray severed his own spinal cord,” Downs said. “We question the accuracy of the police reports we’ve seen thus far, including the police report that says Mr. Gray was arrested without force or incident.”

Baltimore police said they will wrap up their investigation Friday and turn the results over to the Baltimore state’s attorney’s office, which will decide whether to seek an indictment. Six police officers, including a lieutenant and a sergeant, have been suspended.

Capt. Eric Kowalczyk, chief spokesman for the Baltimore Police Department, declined to comment on the affidavit, citing the ongoing investigation.

The affidavit is part of a search warrant seeking the seizure of the uniform worn by one of the officers involved in Gray’s arrest or transport. It does not say how many officers were in the van, whether any reported that they heard banging or whether they would have been able to help Gray if he was seeking to injure himself. Police have mentioned only two prisoners in the van.

Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was trying to injure himself document says - The Washington Post
:hellno:. Oh Oh! If the reports are correct, and for those of you who believed that Freddie Gray banged his head to the extent of severing his spine, you may be right. This is the main story on Sean Hannity right now. He has been getting some new details/facts on the events of the night Freddie was arrested. If this turns out to be true, "Who Will Look Like A Total Baffoon"? at least four or five well known Liberals? And to think of all that destruction in Baltimore, due to a suspect who pretty much committed suicide in a police vehicle.:hmpf:
I'm not touting this as fact, it is still as yet unverified, however, a prisoner in the same van with Freddie Gray claims that Gray was extremely violent while on the way to the booking station and heard him "banging his head" on the metal partition separating the two, which resulted in his fatal injuries. Basically, Gray inflicted these injuries on himself. If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police, and will further discredit the anti-cop movement, while further vindicating good police officers everywhere.

Anyway, make your own judgements on this. Please be reminded once again, this has not been verified...yet.

BALTIMORE — A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post.

The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray by a metal partition and could not see him. His statement is contained in an application for a search warrant, which is sealed by the court. The Post was given the document under the condition that the prisoner not be named because the person who provided it feared for the inmate’s safety.

The document, written by a Baltimore police investigator, offers the first glimpse of what might have happened inside the van. It is not clear whether any additional evidence backs up the prisoner’s version, which is just one piece of a much larger probe.

Gray was found unconscious in the wagon when it arrived at a police station on April 12. The 25-year-old had suffered a spinal injury and died a week later, touching off waves of protests across Baltimore, capped by a riot Monday in which hundreds of angry residents torched buildings, looted stores and pelted police officers with rocks.

Police have said they do not know whether Gray was injured during the arrest or during his 30-minute ride in the van. Local police and the U.S. Justice Department both have launched investigations of Gray’s death.

Jason Downs, one of the attorneys for the Gray family, said the family had not been told of the prisoner’s comments to investigators.

“We disagree with any implication that Freddie Gray severed his own spinal cord,” Downs said. “We question the accuracy of the police reports we’ve seen thus far, including the police report that says Mr. Gray was arrested without force or incident.”

Baltimore police said they will wrap up their investigation Friday and turn the results over to the Baltimore state’s attorney’s office, which will decide whether to seek an indictment. Six police officers, including a lieutenant and a sergeant, have been suspended.

Capt. Eric Kowalczyk, chief spokesman for the Baltimore Police Department, declined to comment on the affidavit, citing the ongoing investigation.

The affidavit is part of a search warrant seeking the seizure of the uniform worn by one of the officers involved in Gray’s arrest or transport. It does not say how many officers were in the van, whether any reported that they heard banging or whether they would have been able to help Gray if he was seeking to injure himself. Police have mentioned only two prisoners in the van.

Prisoner in van said Freddie Gray was trying to injure himself document says - The Washington Post

Well it must be true if the far left Washington Post is publishing it..
It makes sense if true.
You've got Baltimore cops who are well aware of what happened in ferguson, probably had the riot act read to them by the black chief of police. They must be extra sensitive not to give the appearance of mistreating black prisoners. This guy is an asshole and probably on drugs (the autopsy will be interesting). Makes more sense he self inflicted.
But again, I'll wait for more info.
:hellno:. Oh Oh! If the reports are correct, and for those of you who believed that Freddie Gray banged his head to the extent of severing his spine, you may be right. This is the main story on Sean Hannity right now. He has been getting some new details/facts on the events of the night Freddie was arrested. If this turns out to be true, "Who Will Look Like A Total Baffoon"? at least four or five well known Liberals? And to think of all that destruction in Baltimore, due to a suspect who pretty much committed suicide in a police vehicle.:hmpf:
and as i am watching sean speak to at least two "Obama Supporters" in Baltimore, they are already denying the report, even though the autopsy has been released. just wait till the official report is out, and then the 60 billion residents of Baltimore find out that freddie bashed a few too many times and died.
You actually think all of this is about a single incident? :disbelief:

What are you talking about?

Read your own OP, Dumbass...

If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police,

Oh, the "anti-cop movement" was pretty funny too. Not to leave that out.

I did read my own OP, I wrote it dumbass.

Oh, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is pretty funny too, lets not leave that out.

It's one movement after another, rushing to judgement of police before the facts are revealed. You have been swept in with that torrent of ignorance, and if this is true, it will make you all look stupid.
You actually think all of this is about a single incident? :disbelief:

What are you talking about?

Read your own OP, Dumbass...

If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police,

Oh, the "anti-cop movement" was pretty funny too. Not to leave that out.

I did read my own OP, I wrote it dumbass.

Oh, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is pretty funny too, lets not leave that out.

It's one movement after another, rushing to judgement of police before the facts are revealed. You have been swept in with that torrent of ignorance, and if this is true, it will make you all look stupid.

No, you're really not understanding the point.

It's not "one movement after another", it's the same movement, and they are judging based on their personal experiences with police.
You actually think all of this is about a single incident? :disbelief:

What are you talking about?

Read your own OP, Dumbass...

If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police,

Oh, the "anti-cop movement" was pretty funny too. Not to leave that out.

I did read my own OP, I wrote it dumbass.

Oh, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is pretty funny too, lets not leave that out.

It's one movement after another, rushing to judgement of police before the facts are revealed. You have been swept in with that torrent of ignorance, and if this is true, it will make you all look stupid.

No, you're really not understanding the point.

It's not "one movement after another", it's the same movement, and they are judging based on their personal experiences with police.
Who is "they"? The people of Ferguson? The black people of Ferguson? The people who rioted and burned the lady's sewing store or the people who contribuited to rebuilding it? The people who got bussed in for the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?
No, this is a pattern of people thinking there is a phenomenon and then trying to create it. It goes along with the fake "campus rape culture", the fake "GOP War on Women," the fake "bakers discriminate against gays" and now the fake "police target young black men." All fakes. All inventions of the media and supported by opportunistic politicians.
You actually think all of this is about a single incident? :disbelief:

What are you talking about?

Read your own OP, Dumbass...

If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police,

Oh, the "anti-cop movement" was pretty funny too. Not to leave that out.

I did read my own OP, I wrote it dumbass.

Oh, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is pretty funny too, lets not leave that out.

It's one movement after another, rushing to judgement of police before the facts are revealed. You have been swept in with that torrent of ignorance, and if this is true, it will make you all look stupid.

No, you're really not understanding the point.

It's not "one movement after another", it's the same movement, and they are judging based on their personal experiences with police.
Who is "they"? The people of Ferguson? The black people of Ferguson? The people who rioted and burned the lady's sewing store or the people who contribuited to rebuilding it? The people who got bussed in for the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?
No, this is a pattern of people thinking there is a phenomenon and then trying to create it. It goes along with the fake "campus rape culture", the fake "GOP War on Women," the fake "bakers discriminate against gays" and now the fake "police target young black men." All fakes. All inventions of the media and supported by opportunistic politicians.
You do realize white folks and others have rioted over sporting events and caused more damage? Every tragedy that is protested usually has a minority that riot, which is what the media grabs onto to stereotype, and it's what is happening here.
It's not "one movement after another", it's the same movement, and they are judging based on their personal experiences with police.

And, as we both know, anecdotal evidence hold little weight. It is indeed easier to believe someone's testimony than to understand complex facts across a continuum. Surely you know better than that, Doc.
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What are you talking about?

Read your own OP, Dumbass...

If this is verified, it will go down in history as another rush to judgement of police,

Oh, the "anti-cop movement" was pretty funny too. Not to leave that out.

I did read my own OP, I wrote it dumbass.

Oh, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is pretty funny too, lets not leave that out.

It's one movement after another, rushing to judgement of police before the facts are revealed. You have been swept in with that torrent of ignorance, and if this is true, it will make you all look stupid.

No, you're really not understanding the point.

It's not "one movement after another", it's the same movement, and they are judging based on their personal experiences with police.
Who is "they"? The people of Ferguson? The black people of Ferguson? The people who rioted and burned the lady's sewing store or the people who contribuited to rebuilding it? The people who got bussed in for the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?
No, this is a pattern of people thinking there is a phenomenon and then trying to create it. It goes along with the fake "campus rape culture", the fake "GOP War on Women," the fake "bakers discriminate against gays" and now the fake "police target young black men." All fakes. All inventions of the media and supported by opportunistic politicians.
You do realize white folks and others have rioted over sporting events and caused more damage? Every tragedy that is protested usually has a minority that riot, which is what the media grabs onto to stereotype, and it's what is happening here.
Please post examples of white people rioting over sporting events and burning and looting stores.
Read your own OP, Dumbass...

Oh, the "anti-cop movement" was pretty funny too. Not to leave that out.

I did read my own OP, I wrote it dumbass.

Oh, "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is pretty funny too, lets not leave that out.

It's one movement after another, rushing to judgement of police before the facts are revealed. You have been swept in with that torrent of ignorance, and if this is true, it will make you all look stupid.

No, you're really not understanding the point.

It's not "one movement after another", it's the same movement, and they are judging based on their personal experiences with police.
Who is "they"? The people of Ferguson? The black people of Ferguson? The people who rioted and burned the lady's sewing store or the people who contribuited to rebuilding it? The people who got bussed in for the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?
No, this is a pattern of people thinking there is a phenomenon and then trying to create it. It goes along with the fake "campus rape culture", the fake "GOP War on Women," the fake "bakers discriminate against gays" and now the fake "police target young black men." All fakes. All inventions of the media and supported by opportunistic politicians.
You do realize white folks and others have rioted over sporting events and caused more damage? Every tragedy that is protested usually has a minority that riot, which is what the media grabs onto to stereotype, and it's what is happening here.
Please post examples of white people rioting over sporting events and burning and looting stores.
11 Stupid Reasons White People Have Rioted Alternet
Maybe this is why they been yapping........"decades and decades of abuse", they knew it wasnt brutality in this case so prepared their fallback excuse in advance

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