If this is true...

Good for you to find a far left publication to suit your far left religious dogma..
You're telling this to a moderator... In all honesty, people like you have no place on this site and actually need to be banned.

More proof that the far left religion is the most dangerous religion on the planet.

Anyone can be a mod here even far left drones..
Who is "they"? The people of Ferguson? The black people of Ferguson? The people who rioted and burned the lady's sewing store or the people who contribuited to rebuilding it? The people who got bussed in for the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?
No, this is a pattern of people thinking there is a phenomenon and then trying to create it. It goes along with the fake "campus rape culture", the fake "GOP War on Women," the fake "bakers discriminate against gays" and now the fake "police target young black men." All fakes. All inventions of the media and supported by opportunistic politicians.
You do realize white folks and others have rioted over sporting events and caused more damage? Every tragedy that is protested usually has a minority that riot, which is what the media grabs onto to stereotype, and it's what is happening here.
Please post examples of white people rioting over sporting events and burning and looting stores.
11 Stupid Reasons White People Have Rioted Alternet


Alternet is not trustworthy.

They're all documented. Oopsie.
These days, I don't attack the messenger..
I was at this riot:

Still does not prove the far left religious dogma that "white people riot for no reason"..
Who is "they"? The people of Ferguson? The black people of Ferguson? The people who rioted and burned the lady's sewing store or the people who contribuited to rebuilding it? The people who got bussed in for the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore?
No, this is a pattern of people thinking there is a phenomenon and then trying to create it. It goes along with the fake "campus rape culture", the fake "GOP War on Women," the fake "bakers discriminate against gays" and now the fake "police target young black men." All fakes. All inventions of the media and supported by opportunistic politicians.
You do realize white folks and others have rioted over sporting events and caused more damage? Every tragedy that is protested usually has a minority that riot, which is what the media grabs onto to stereotype, and it's what is happening here.
Please post examples of white people rioting over sporting events and burning and looting stores.
11 Stupid Reasons White People Have Rioted Alternet


Alternet is not trustworthy.
You're denying these riots happened?

Yeah, I am.

Your article nonchalantly blames all of these riots on white people. Can it prove that white people were actually responsible for the riots? The first two examples don't even cite white people as the cause of the riots. More importantly, it looks to sports for the examples. Fan bases don't purely consist of white people, which this article fails to point out, moreover, basketball is very popular among African Americans (just watch any NBA game), the citation of the riots in Kentucky are dishonest.

Baseball is the same way. In fact, I would posit that the fan base is by far more diverse than basketball's, Hispanic, African American, Japanese, just to name a few.

Number 5 in particular is quite dishonest, somehow pinning the blame on white people, and accusing them of supporting or in some way condoning the behavior of Jerry Sandusky. That's where any credibility this article had went out the window.
You do realize white folks and others have rioted over sporting events and caused more damage? Every tragedy that is protested usually has a minority that riot, which is what the media grabs onto to stereotype, and it's what is happening here.
Please post examples of white people rioting over sporting events and burning and looting stores.
11 Stupid Reasons White People Have Rioted Alternet


Alternet is not trustworthy.
You're denying these riots happened?

Yeah, I am.

Your article nonchalantly blames all of these riots on white people. Can it prove that white people were actually responsible for the riots? The first two examples don't even cite white people as the cause of the riots. More importantly, it looks to sports for the examples. Fan bases don't purely consist of white people, which this article fails to point out, moreover, basketball is very popular among African Americans (just watch any NBA game), the citation of the riots in Kentucky are dishonest.

Baseball is the same way. In fact, I would posit that the fan base is by far more diverse than basketball's, Hispanic, African American, Japanese, just to name a few.

Number 5 in particular is quite dishonest, somehow pinning the blame on white people, and accusing them of supporting or in some way condoning the behavior of Jerry Sandusky. That's where any credibility this article had went out the window.
It never says white people are specifically to blame, it says:
White People Have Rioted - It doesn't blame the riots on white people.
Black folks are so easily angered. I blame their "leaders". The poverty pimps and misery merchants like Al "knotso" Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et.al.. They've got to stop believing they're victims.....
jail house informant? :rolleyes-41: :rofl:

Unlike Obama, I am going to wait until all of the facts are in before rushing to judgement.

There's still no reason for the rioting and looting. That shit's gotta stop....
You actually think all of this is about a single incident? :disbelief:
YES...but you ignorant bastards obviously don't. You porch monkeys better know this shit off before it's to goddamn late.

Generally we post in English here.
Obviously though, there are exceptions.


Leave it to the far left drones to show their bigotry!
I was at this riot:

Still does not prove the far left religious dogma that "white people riot for no reason"..

It wasn't for "no reason".

It was because the Giants won the World Series.

And thus you defeated the far left talking points! Although their were not just "white" people doing it..

I would say maybe one out of fifty guys there were black.

Once again proving the racist nature of the far left drones..

I guess you too believe in the "white" Hispanic theory pushed in the Zimmerman days..

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