If this is true...

You shit on Alternet as a source in a pretty lame attempt to ignore the content of the article, so I posted the same damn article from NY Magazine.

Which was cited by Alternet. How can you see that as objective? If someone like Alternet cites that article, one must call into question its honesty and integrity.
You could just research the individual riots cited by alternet, and see what alternet is getting them from, but that might end the finger pointing you're doing.

But it's Alternet. It isn't credible. If that gets you to beat your head incessantly on a wall, go for it. I wager the wall has a better argument than you.
Jesus.... Fine, I'll individually find a different source regarding each riot for you, although It's a waste of my time.
Giants win in World Series spawns riot in San Francisco

Lets just stop at this one. In the very opening moments of the video on that link, you can see clearly a BLACK MAN turning to face the camera. At the 12 second mark, you can see a black individual standing in the midst of the crowd, to the lower middle of the screen. At the 30 second mark, you can see an Asian turn his face to the camera. Tell me, what does that do to your argument? Not all of them were white. Nowhere even close.
Freddie Gray's criminal history per wiki. Like Trayvon and Michael Brown...just a sweet innocent black boy.

"Freddie Gray was the 25-year-old son of Gloria Darden. He had a twin sister, Fredericka, as well as another sister, Carolina.[8] At the time of his death, Gray lived in the home owned by his sisters in the Gilmor Homes neighborhood.[8] He stood 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and weighed 145 pounds (66 kg).[9] Gray had a criminal record, mainly for misdemeanors and drug-related offenses.[9] He had been arrested a total of 22 times in Maryland, primarily for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics.[10] Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases—five of which were still active as of his death."[11][9]

Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Misdemeanors and drugs? Yeah, that's not bad at all, in all honesty.

Sure....22 arrests and 20 criminal court cases....and the dude was 25 years old.

By young black male standards, you're right, not too bad. :) Those cops sure are mean.
You shit on Alternet as a source in a pretty lame attempt to ignore the content of the article, so I posted the same damn article from NY Magazine.

Which was cited by Alternet. How can you see that as objective? If someone like Alternet cites that article, one must call into question its honesty and integrity.
You could just research the individual riots cited by alternet, and see what alternet is getting them from, but that might end the finger pointing you're doing.

But it's Alternet. It isn't credible. If that gets you to beat your head incessantly on a wall, go for it. I wager the wall has a better argument than you.
Jesus.... Fine, I'll individually find a different source regarding each riot for you, although It's a waste of my time.
Giants win in World Series spawns riot in San Francisco

Lets just stop at this one. In the very opening moments of the video on that link, you can see clearly a BLACK MAN turning to face the camera. At the 12 second mark, you can see a black individual standing in the midst of the crowd, to the lower middle of the screen. At the 30 second mark, you can see an Asian turn his face to the camera. Tell me, what does that do to your argument? Not all of them were white. Nowhere even close.
I never said all of them were white. Keep throwing out false accusations.
Freddie Gray's criminal history per wiki. Like Trayvon and Michael Brown...just a sweet innocent black boy.

"Freddie Gray was the 25-year-old son of Gloria Darden. He had a twin sister, Fredericka, as well as another sister, Carolina.[8] At the time of his death, Gray lived in the home owned by his sisters in the Gilmor Homes neighborhood.[8] He stood 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and weighed 145 pounds (66 kg).[9] Gray had a criminal record, mainly for misdemeanors and drug-related offenses.[9] He had been arrested a total of 22 times in Maryland, primarily for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics.[10] Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases—five of which were still active as of his death."[11][9]

Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Misdemeanors and drugs? Yeah, that's not bad at all, in all honesty.

Sure....22 arrests and 20 criminal court cases....and the dude was 25 years old.

By young black male standards, you're right, not too bad. :) Those cops sure are mean.
For misdemeanors and drugs.. Come on now.
the attitude of the loonies is still the same. well,uhm,uh, Its Still Bush's Fault Anyway !!!
When did anyone claim this?
what i was getting at was how the left reacts every time they are proven wrong. the same pattern with all of the past events. no one is found guilty, but we must riot anyway! kinda like when a hometown wins/loses the stanley cup, THEY MUST RIOT!
Who was proven wrong?
Lets use the Ferguson riots as an example. even though the cop was sent free, all facts prove he had to defend himself, the locals didnt except it and burned and looted cause they wanted free stuff.
No one addressed the Ferguson riots in this thread except for you, stay on topic.

Why don't you stay on topic far left drone?

This thread is not about "white" people rioting or dealing with the riots at all..
It's interesting that the crowd that's been trashing black people for being feral animal thugs, suddenly another thug recounts the circumstances of his own arrest and they can't bend over backward fast enough to take his word as Gospel. When it suits the script that is.

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Are you trying to say that you can't tell the difference between the statements "the vast majority of the crowd were white" and "the crowd was wholly white"?

No. I'm saying that you are pinning the blame for these riots solely and WHOLLY on white people. See the difference, sir?
No, he's not pinning the blame, he's saying they were the majority.
There is no "onus". How can I "prove" it to you? I can't show you my memories.

Then how can you prove your argument? Case closed.
Videos, photos.. Which I've given.

Just watched them, says you're wrong. Just because you see white people in the video doesn't mean that white people make up the majority of the rioteers.
Jesus man... keep denying reality and being a hypocrite.
Freddie Gray's criminal history per wiki. Like Trayvon and Michael Brown...just a sweet innocent black boy.

"Freddie Gray was the 25-year-old son of Gloria Darden. He had a twin sister, Fredericka, as well as another sister, Carolina.[8] At the time of his death, Gray lived in the home owned by his sisters in the Gilmor Homes neighborhood.[8] He stood 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and weighed 145 pounds (66 kg).[9] Gray had a criminal record, mainly for misdemeanors and drug-related offenses.[9] He had been arrested a total of 22 times in Maryland, primarily for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics.[10] Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases—five of which were still active as of his death."[11][9]

Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Misdemeanors and drugs? Yeah, that's not bad at all, in all honesty.

Sure....22 arrests and 20 criminal court cases....and the dude was 25 years old.

By young black male standards, you're right, not too bad. :) Those cops sure are mean.
For misdemeanors and drugs.. Come on now.

It said "mainly" for drugs and misdemeanors. We don't know all the charges or convictions. Still...22 arrests and he was only 25 years old? Impressive. :thup:
There is no "onus". How can I "prove" it to you? I can't show you my memories.

Then how can you prove your argument? Case closed.
Videos, photos.. Which I've given.

Just watched them, says you're wrong. Just because you see white people in the video doesn't mean that white people make up the majority of the rioteers.

Your constant denial isn't going to make it any less true.

Why is it so hard for you to rap your mind around the idea that perhaps "rioting" is not just a "black thing"?
There is no "onus". How can I "prove" it to you? I can't show you my memories.

Then how can you prove your argument? Case closed.

The fact that white people riot too is not my "argument", and I don't particularly care whether you believe me or not.

Then why make an argument you can't prove? Or assertions that neither you nor I can confirm? What point is there to debate further, then?
Freddie Gray's criminal history per wiki. Like Trayvon and Michael Brown...just a sweet innocent black boy.

"Freddie Gray was the 25-year-old son of Gloria Darden. He had a twin sister, Fredericka, as well as another sister, Carolina.[8] At the time of his death, Gray lived in the home owned by his sisters in the Gilmor Homes neighborhood.[8] He stood 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) and weighed 145 pounds (66 kg).[9] Gray had a criminal record, mainly for misdemeanors and drug-related offenses.[9] He had been arrested a total of 22 times in Maryland, primarily for possession and distribution of illegal narcotics.[10] Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases—five of which were still active as of his death."[11][9]

Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Misdemeanors and drugs? Yeah, that's not bad at all, in all honesty.

Sure....22 arrests and 20 criminal court cases....and the dude was 25 years old.

By young black male standards, you're right, not too bad. :) Those cops sure are mean.
For misdemeanors and drugs.. Come on now.

It said "mainly" for drugs and misdemeanors. We don't know all the charges or convictions. Still...22 arrests and he was only 25 years old? Impressive. :thup:
Yeah, black teenagers in places like Baltimore are badly influences, but it's just drugs and minor crimes, he didn't deserve what happened.

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