If this isn't collusion what would you call it?

On June 14, 2016, the DNC and its cyber-response team announced the breach of the DNC network and suspected theft of DNC documents. In the statements, the cyber-response team alleged that Russian state-sponsored actors (which they referred to as “Fancy Bear”) were responsible for the breach.145 Apparently in response to that announcement, on June 15, 2016, GRU officers using the persona Guccifer 2.0 created a WordPress blog. In the hours leading up to the launch of that WordPress blog, GRU officers logged into a Moscow-based server used and managed by Unit 74455 and searched for a number of specific words and phrases in English, including “some hundred sheets,” “illuminati,” and “worldwide known.” Approximately two hours after the last of those searches, Guccifer 2.0 published its first post, attributing the DNC server hack to a lone Romanian hacker and using several of the unique English words and phrases that the GRU officers had searched for that day.
That's a claim with no independent means of support. It's bullshit.

The Justice Department of the Government of the United States of America, says you're lying.

Just like the corona virus, Trump cannot wish this away.
Wrong, turd, the DOJ just released a 6000 page report that says Russia had nothing to do with it.
A. GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign 1. GRU Units Tai·get the Clinton Cainpaign Two milita1y units of the GRU carried out the computer intrusions into the Clinton Campaign, DNC, and DCCC: Militaiy Units 26165 and 74455. GRU Military Unit 26165 is a GRU cyber unit dedicated to targeting military, political, governmental, and non-governmental organizations outside of Russia, including in the United States. u 1 The unit was sub-divided into departments with different specialties. One department, for example, developed specialized malicious software "malware" while another detachment conducted large-scale spearphishing campaigns. (b)(7)(E)-2 u 2 Militia a bitcoin mining operation to secure bitcoins used to purchase computer infrastructure used in hacking operations. 113 Military Unit 74455 is a related GRU unit with multiple departments that engaged in cyber operations. Unit 74455 assisted in the release of documents stolen by Unit 26165, the promotion of those releases, an d the publication of anti-Clinton content on social media accounts operated by th e GRU. Officers from Unit 74455 separately hacked computers belonging to state boards of elections, secretaries of state, and U.S. companies that supplied software and other technology related to the administration of U.S. elections.114 Beginning in mid-March 2016, Unit 26165 had primarily responsibility for hacking the DCCC an d DNC, as well as email accounts of individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign: 115
A. GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign 1. GRU Units Tai·get the Clinton Cainpaign Two milita1y units of the GRU carried out the computer intrusions into the Clinton Campaign, DNC, and DCCC: Militaiy Units 26165 and 74455. GRU Military Unit 26165 is a GRU cyber unit dedicated to targeting military, political, governmental, and non-governmental organizations outside of Russia, including in the United States. u 1 The unit was sub-divided into departments with different specialties. One department, for example, developed specialized malicious software "malware" while another detachment conducted large-scale spearphishing campaigns. (b)(7)(E)-2 u 2 Militia a bitcoin mining operation to secure bitcoins used to purchase computer infrastructure used in hacking operations. 113 Military Unit 74455 is a related GRU unit with multiple departments that engaged in cyber operations. Unit 74455 assisted in the release of documents stolen by Unit 26165, the promotion of those releases, an d the publication of anti-Clinton content on social media accounts operated by th e GRU. Officers from Unit 74455 separately hacked computers belonging to state boards of elections, secretaries of state, and U.S. companies that supplied software and other technology related to the administration of U.S. elections.114 Beginning in mid-March 2016, Unit 26165 had primarily responsibility for hacking the DCCC an d DNC, as well as email accounts of individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign: 115
I'm beginning to realize you deniers are seeing some of Mueller's report for the first time.
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

“our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.”

When the Russians finally released the emails, what did they say? Link?
I'm beginning to understand where the horseshit claim about what the Crowdstrike CEO said came from. Looks like RealClearInvestigations (an offshoot of the right wing propaganda site RealClearPolitics) wrote a disingenuous article twisting CEO Henry's words.
This pile of shit was followed up on by the bloviating liar Rushbo.

You've been duped again, nitwits.
The interview with CEO Henry the bullshit RCI article refers to took place in 2017.

Since then Henry has affirmed that what RCI claimed he said is a distortion of what he actually said.

A. GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign 1. GRU Units Tai·get the Clinton Cainpaign Two milita1y units of the GRU carried out the computer intrusions into the Clinton Campaign, DNC, and DCCC: Militaiy Units 26165 and 74455. GRU Military Unit 26165 is a GRU cyber unit dedicated to targeting military, political, governmental, and non-governmental organizations outside of Russia, including in the United States. u 1 The unit was sub-divided into departments with different specialties. One department, for example, developed specialized malicious software "malware" while another detachment conducted large-scale spearphishing campaigns. (b)(7)(E)-2 u 2 Militia a bitcoin mining operation to secure bitcoins used to purchase computer infrastructure used in hacking operations. 113 Military Unit 74455 is a related GRU unit with multiple departments that engaged in cyber operations. Unit 74455 assisted in the release of documents stolen by Unit 26165, the promotion of those releases, an d the publication of anti-Clinton content on social media accounts operated by th e GRU. Officers from Unit 74455 separately hacked computers belonging to state boards of elections, secretaries of state, and U.S. companies that supplied software and other technology related to the administration of U.S. elections.114 Beginning in mid-March 2016, Unit 26165 had primarily responsibility for hacking the DCCC an d DNC, as well as email accounts of individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign: 115
I'm beginning to realize you deniers are seeing some of Mueller's report for the first time.
Just another observation about the liars, RCI, who published the article misrepresenting what Henry said. It contained this caption to a picture of Schiff.........."Rep. Adam Schiff: Democrat held up interview transcripts, but finally relented after acting intel director Richard Grenell suggested he would release them himself."

That is also a lie. Schiff did not hold up the transcripts. They were being held up by the WH.

After Being Delayed by White House for Almost a Year, Transcripts from House Intelligence Committee Russia Investigation Released
Transcripts Reaffirm Mueller’s Findings That Russia Interfered to Hurt Clinton and Help Trump, the Campaign Invited and Made Full Use of Illicit Russian Help, and Trump Lied to Cover It Up White House Would Not Allow Release of All Transcripts for More Than a Year By Holding Up Declassification Process Until this Week

Accompanying today’s release, the Committee has sent a letter informing Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell that the Committee is releasing the transcripts with the redactions applied by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), now that the White House has abandoned its improper effort to interfere politically in the classification review. In the interest of transparency, the Committee is also making public correspondence between the Committee and the White House and ODNI related to the White House’s effort to intercede in the classification review.

In September 2019, the Committee again voted to release the transcripts. Nevertheless, the White House continued to insist on a prior review and the right to redact non-classified matters that it alleged would implicate their “equities.” The Committee continued to reject this unprecedented interference in the classification review, and continues to reject the idea that the White House can exert some after the fact rationale to deprive Congress of the ability to release its own work product to the public.

Only this week, the Acting DNI finally informed the Committee that the White House was abandoning its hold. As of May 4, the ODNI reported that “the interagency review of the remaining ten transcripts has been completed,” and that ODNI completed the redaction process begun 18 months ago. The Committee, after a review of the 53 transcripts which totaled tens of thousands of pages and to avoid any further delays, has allowed all of the redactions proposed by ODNI despite our concerns that the ODNI excessively over-redacted information that has since been declassified.

"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

And because deplorables are shameless, they will suffer bigly when pussygrabber in chief is kicked outta WH in november...

Unit 26165 used (b) (7)(A), (b) (7)(E) (b) (7)(A), (b) (7)(E) (b)(7)(E)-2 began before the GRU had obtained any credentials or gained access to these networks, indicating that the later DCCC and DNC intrusions were not crimes of opportunity but rather the result of targeting. 116 GRU officers also sent hundreds of spearphishing emails to the work and personal email accounts of Clinton Campaign employees and volunteers. Between March 10, 2016 and Mai·ch 15, 2016, Unit 26165 appears to have sent approximately 90 spearphishing emails to email accounts at hillaryclinton.com. Starting on March 15, 2016, the GRU began targeting Google email accounts used by Clinton Campaign employees, along with a smaller number of dnc.org 117 email accounts. The GRU spearphishing operation enabled it to gain access to numerous email accounts of Clinton Campaign employees and volunteers, including campaign chairman John Podesta, junior volunteers assigned to the Clinton Campaign 's advance team, informal Clinton Campaign advisors, an d a DNC employee.118 GRU officers stole tens of thousands of emails from spearphishing victims, including various Clinton Campaign-related communications.
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Unit 26165 used (b) (7)(A), (b) (7)(E) (b) (7)(A), (b) (7)(E) (b)(7)(E)-2 began before the GRU had obtained any credentials or gained access to these networks, indicating that the later DCCC and DNC intrusions were not crimes of opportunity but rather the result of targeting.116 GRU officers also sent hundreds of spearphishing emails to the work and personal email accounts of Clinton Campaign employees and volunteers. Between Mai·ch 10, 2016 and Mai·ch 15, 2016, Unit 26165 appears to have sent approximately 90 speai-phishing emails to email accounts at hillaryclinton.com. Starting on March 15, 2016, the GRU began targeting Google email accounts used by Clinton Campaign employees, along with a smaller number of dnc.org 117 email accounts. The GRU spearphishing operation enabled it to gain access to numerous email accounts of Clinton Campaign employees and volunteers, including campaign chairman John Podesta, junior volunteers assigned to the Clinton Campaign 's advance team, informal Clinton Campaign advisors, an d a DNC employee.118 GRU officers stole tens of thousands of emails from spearphishing victims, including vai·ious Clinton Campaign-related communications.
Phishing scams aren't a hack, numbnutz.
Just another observation about the liars, RCI, who published the article misrepresenting what Henry said. It contained this caption to a picture of Schiff.........."Rep. Adam Schiff: Democrat held up interview transcripts, but finally relented after acting intel director Richard Grenell suggested he would release them himself."

That is also a lie. Schiff did not hold up the transcripts. They were being held up by the WH.

After Being Delayed by White House for Almost a Year, Transcripts from House Intelligence Committee Russia Investigation Released
Transcripts Reaffirm Mueller’s Findings That Russia Interfered to Hurt Clinton and Help Trump, the Campaign Invited and Made Full Use of Illicit Russian Help, and Trump Lied to Cover It Up White House Would Not Allow Release of All Transcripts for More Than a Year By Holding Up Declassification Process Until this Week

Accompanying today’s release, the Committee has sent a letter informing Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell that the Committee is releasing the transcripts with the redactions applied by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), now that the White House has abandoned its improper effort to interfere politically in the classification review. In the interest of transparency, the Committee is also making public correspondence between the Committee and the White House and ODNI related to the White House’s effort to intercede in the classification review.

In September 2019, the Committee again voted to release the transcripts. Nevertheless, the White House continued to insist on a prior review and the right to redact non-classified matters that it alleged would implicate their “equities.” The Committee continued to reject this unprecedented interference in the classification review, and continues to reject the idea that the White House can exert some after the fact rationale to deprive Congress of the ability to release its own work product to the public.

Only this week, the Acting DNI finally informed the Committee that the White House was abandoning its hold. As of May 4, the ODNI reported that “the interagency review of the remaining ten transcripts has been completed,” and that ODNI completed the redaction process begun 18 months ago. The Committee, after a review of the 53 transcripts which totaled tens of thousands of pages and to avoid any further delays, has allowed all of the redactions proposed by ODNI despite our concerns that the ODNI excessively over-redacted information that has since been declassified.

Still trying to drag that Mueller nothingburger made of beaten dead horse across the finish line, are ya?

Whtta maroon.
Just another observation about the liars, RCI, who published the article misrepresenting what Henry said. It contained this caption to a picture of Schiff.........."Rep. Adam Schiff: Democrat held up interview transcripts, but finally relented after acting intel director Richard Grenell suggested he would release them himself."

That is also a lie. Schiff did not hold up the transcripts. They were being held up by the WH.

After Being Delayed by White House for Almost a Year, Transcripts from House Intelligence Committee Russia Investigation Released
Transcripts Reaffirm Mueller’s Findings That Russia Interfered to Hurt Clinton and Help Trump, the Campaign Invited and Made Full Use of Illicit Russian Help, and Trump Lied to Cover It Up White House Would Not Allow Release of All Transcripts for More Than a Year By Holding Up Declassification Process Until this Week

Accompanying today’s release, the Committee has sent a letter informing Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell that the Committee is releasing the transcripts with the redactions applied by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), now that the White House has abandoned its improper effort to interfere politically in the classification review. In the interest of transparency, the Committee is also making public correspondence between the Committee and the White House and ODNI related to the White House’s effort to intercede in the classification review.

In September 2019, the Committee again voted to release the transcripts. Nevertheless, the White House continued to insist on a prior review and the right to redact non-classified matters that it alleged would implicate their “equities.” The Committee continued to reject this unprecedented interference in the classification review, and continues to reject the idea that the White House can exert some after the fact rationale to deprive Congress of the ability to release its own work product to the public.

Only this week, the Acting DNI finally informed the Committee that the White House was abandoning its hold. As of May 4, the ODNI reported that “the interagency review of the remaining ten transcripts has been completed,” and that ODNI completed the redaction process begun 18 months ago. The Committee, after a review of the 53 transcripts which totaled tens of thousands of pages and to avoid any further delays, has allowed all of the redactions proposed by ODNI despite our concerns that the ODNI excessively over-redacted information that has since been declassified.

That's Adolph Schiffler propaganda.
Just another observation about the liars, RCI, who published the article misrepresenting what Henry said. It contained this caption to a picture of Schiff.........."Rep. Adam Schiff: Democrat held up interview transcripts, but finally relented after acting intel director Richard Grenell suggested he would release them himself."

That is also a lie. Schiff did not hold up the transcripts. They were being held up by the WH.

After Being Delayed by White House for Almost a Year, Transcripts from House Intelligence Committee Russia Investigation Released
Transcripts Reaffirm Mueller’s Findings That Russia Interfered to Hurt Clinton and Help Trump, the Campaign Invited and Made Full Use of Illicit Russian Help, and Trump Lied to Cover It Up White House Would Not Allow Release of All Transcripts for More Than a Year By Holding Up Declassification Process Until this Week

Accompanying today’s release, the Committee has sent a letter informing Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell that the Committee is releasing the transcripts with the redactions applied by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), now that the White House has abandoned its improper effort to interfere politically in the classification review. In the interest of transparency, the Committee is also making public correspondence between the Committee and the White House and ODNI related to the White House’s effort to intercede in the classification review.

In September 2019, the Committee again voted to release the transcripts. Nevertheless, the White House continued to insist on a prior review and the right to redact non-classified matters that it alleged would implicate their “equities.” The Committee continued to reject this unprecedented interference in the classification review, and continues to reject the idea that the White House can exert some after the fact rationale to deprive Congress of the ability to release its own work product to the public.

Only this week, the Acting DNI finally informed the Committee that the White House was abandoning its hold. As of May 4, the ODNI reported that “the interagency review of the remaining ten transcripts has been completed,” and that ODNI completed the redaction process begun 18 months ago. The Committee, after a review of the 53 transcripts which totaled tens of thousands of pages and to avoid any further delays, has allowed all of the redactions proposed by ODNI despite our concerns that the ODNI excessively over-redacted information that has since been declassified.

That is directly from the lying sack Schifferbrains, Moron
Just another observation about the liars, RCI, who published the article misrepresenting what Henry said. It contained this caption to a picture of Schiff.........."Rep. Adam Schiff: Democrat held up interview transcripts, but finally relented after acting intel director Richard Grenell suggested he would release them himself."

That is also a lie. Schiff did not hold up the transcripts. They were being held up by the WH.

After Being Delayed by White House for Almost a Year, Transcripts from House Intelligence Committee Russia Investigation Released
Transcripts Reaffirm Mueller’s Findings That Russia Interfered to Hurt Clinton and Help Trump, the Campaign Invited and Made Full Use of Illicit Russian Help, and Trump Lied to Cover It Up White House Would Not Allow Release of All Transcripts for More Than a Year By Holding Up Declassification Process Until this Week

Accompanying today’s release, the Committee has sent a letter informing Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Richard Grenell that the Committee is releasing the transcripts with the redactions applied by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), now that the White House has abandoned its improper effort to interfere politically in the classification review. In the interest of transparency, the Committee is also making public correspondence between the Committee and the White House and ODNI related to the White House’s effort to intercede in the classification review.

In September 2019, the Committee again voted to release the transcripts. Nevertheless, the White House continued to insist on a prior review and the right to redact non-classified matters that it alleged would implicate their “equities.” The Committee continued to reject this unprecedented interference in the classification review, and continues to reject the idea that the White House can exert some after the fact rationale to deprive Congress of the ability to release its own work product to the public.

Only this week, the Acting DNI finally informed the Committee that the White House was abandoning its hold. As of May 4, the ODNI reported that “the interagency review of the remaining ten transcripts has been completed,” and that ODNI completed the redaction process begun 18 months ago. The Committee, after a review of the 53 transcripts which totaled tens of thousands of pages and to avoid any further delays, has allowed all of the redactions proposed by ODNI despite our concerns that the ODNI excessively over-redacted information that has since been declassified.

That is directly from the lying sack Schifferbrains, Moron
He must have been told this fact ten times now, and he keeps pretending that it didn't happen.
The proof is in the SWORN TESTIMONY -before your demigod Adam Scitt no less- of the President of CrowdStrike, shitferbrains.
Get with the program. I have already debunked your lie. The CEO of Crowdstrike DID NOT SAY WHAT YOU LYING MORONS CLAIM HE SAID.

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