If this isn't collusion what would you call it?

"If we had confidence that Bigfoot doesn't exist, we would have said so" :abgg2q.jpg:

Reality is not something you have a close relationship with.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:

Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.

Mr. Assange confessed that he received them from a DNC Whistleblower, not Uncle Pooty. Putin as well admits that he had nothing to do with it either- in fact the President of the Russian Federation invited Bob Mueller to Moscow to interview the indicted Russians who he would make available.
You honestly are selling the fact that Putin denied it as evidence?
You will be remembered as a hero, comrade.
Bannon says Stone claimed contacts with WikiLeaks

President Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon testified against political consultant Roger Stone on Friday, telling a federal jury that he thought of Stone as the Trump campaign’s liaison to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.
Bannon, a high-profile figure in the Trump campaign and the early days of the Trump administration, told the jury he was appearing only because he had been subpoenaed.
While Bannon was one of the most anticipated witnesses at Stone’s trial for allegedly lying to Congress about his efforts in 2016 to contact WikiLeaks, he was also one of the briefest, spending less than an hour under direct examination by prosecutors.

His testimony bolstered the government’s allegations that Stone lied to the House committee investigating Russian election interference when he denied discussing with the Trump campaign WikiLeaks’ release of emails damaging to political rival Hillary Clinton.

So what? Stone says a lot of things, I'm sure that he wanted Bannon to think he did. Stone is a covert,political operative, and sometimes wants to "set the table". But that doesn't mean that he did.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:

Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.

Mr. Assange confessed that he received them from a DNC Whistleblower, not Uncle Pooty. Putin as well admits that he had nothing to do with it either- in fact the President of the Russian Federation invited Bob Mueller to Moscow to interview the indicted Russians who he would make available.
You honestly are selling the fact that Putin denied it as evidence?
You will be remembered as a hero, comrade.

Putin has no reason to lie about this. President Trump believed him when he asked the Russian in Helsinki.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
There's no factual basis for your claim.
There's no factual basis for your claim.
There is. It's been posted repeatedly throughout this thread.
When it comes right down to it Trumpleheads believe the IC got it wrong, Vindman is lying, black is white, all the whistleblowers are lying, Mueller got it wrong, Crowdstrike got it wrong, Gates is lying, Papadopoulos is lying, Bannon is lying, Linick is out to get Pompeo, Dr. Bright is lying, Comey is lying, McCabe is lying, Strzok is lying, Flynn was lying when he said he lied, the deep state is out to get Trump, all the media does is tell lies, the Russians were working for Hillary even though all the stolen info they released thru Wikileaks hurt her, and the documented pathological liar in the Oval Office is telling the truth.

Delusional much?
Bannon says Stone claimed contacts with WikiLeaks

President Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon testified against political consultant Roger Stone on Friday, telling a federal jury that he thought of Stone as the Trump campaign’s liaison to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.
Bannon, a high-profile figure in the Trump campaign and the early days of the Trump administration, told the jury he was appearing only because he had been subpoenaed.
While Bannon was one of the most anticipated witnesses at Stone’s trial for allegedly lying to Congress about his efforts in 2016 to contact WikiLeaks, he was also one of the briefest, spending less than an hour under direct examination by prosecutors.

His testimony bolstered the government’s allegations that Stone lied to the House committee investigating Russian election interference when he denied discussing with the Trump campaign WikiLeaks’ release of emails damaging to political rival Hillary Clinton.
So? It's not a crime for stone to talk to people, you fucking moron. What Bannon thought of stone is irrelevant. Unless the FBI has some actual recordings of discussions between Stone and Trump, anything it claims is bullshit.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
There's no factual basis for your claim.
There's no factual basis for your claim.
There is. It's been posted repeatedly throughout this thread.
I have seen no such evidence.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:

Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.

Mr. Assange confessed that he received them from a DNC Whistleblower, not Uncle Pooty. Putin as well admits that he had nothing to do with it either- in fact the President of the Russian Federation invited Bob Mueller to Moscow to interview the indicted Russians who he would make available.
You honestly are selling the fact that Putin denied it as evidence?
You will be remembered as a hero, comrade.

Putin has no reason to lie about this. President Trump believed him when he asked the Russian in Helsinki.
Putin has no reason to lie about this. President Trump believed him when he asked the Russian in Helsinki.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
There's no factual basis for your claim.
There's no factual basis for your claim.
There is. It's been posted repeatedly throughout this thread.
I have seen no such evidence.
I have seen no such evidence.
I don't dobut that at all.
So? It's not a crime for stone to talk to people
Can you even hear yourself? If Stone was in communication with Wikileaks and telling the Trump campaign about the content and timing of their document dumps that's the ballgame for Big Fat Don.

Why do you think Trump and Barr are working so hard to spin a false narrative about the whole matter?
The proof is in the SWORN TESTIMONY -before your demigod Adam Scitt no less- of the President of CrowdStrike, shitferbrains.
Get with the program. I have already debunked your lie. The CEO of Crowdstrike DID NOT SAY WHAT YOU LYING MORONS CLAIM HE SAID.
"The program" is that it's a matter of sworn testimony, and in the public record.

So suck it, assface.
Phishing scams aren't a hack, numbnutz.
The result was the same. E-mails were stolen from Podesta and used in Russia's efforts to smear Hillary for Trump's benefit.............numbnuts.
There was no hack, dumbfuck....The data transfer speeds show that the info couldn't have gone out over the internet...It was an inside job.
Bingo, that's exactly right. The Intel Community is totally committed to deposing Trump
That, as you know, is conspiratorial horseshit.

If it were true, why didn't the FBI leak their investigation in to contacts between Russians and the campaign to the media before the 2016 election?
There was no hack, dumbfuck....The data transfer speeds show that the info couldn't have gone out over the internet...It was an inside job.
That's nutbag horseshit. Stuff you fools are up to your eyebrows in. You better keep throwing crap on the walls or you will drown in it.
Bingo, that's exactly right. The Intel Community is totally committed to deposing Trump
That, as you know, is conspiratorial horseshit.

If it were true, why didn't the FBI leak their investigation in to contacts between Russians and the campaign to the media before the 2016 election?

Because the FBI thought they had it in the bag for Hillary already and didn't think it was necessary. They used every other dirty trick in the book
Bingo, that's exactly right. The Intel Community is totally committed to deposing Trump
That, as you know, is conspiratorial horseshit.

If it were true, why didn't the FBI leak their investigation in to contacts between Russians and the campaign to the media before the 2016 election?
Because that's illegal, and they thought Hillary was going to win.

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