If this isn't collusion what would you call it?

Throughout the trial, prosecutors used Stone’s own text messages and emails — some of which appeared to contradict his congressional testimony — to lay out their case that he lied to Congress and threatened a witness.

Rick Gates, who was Trump’s deputy campaign chairman and became a key cooperator in the special counsel’s Russia probe, told jurors he received a text message from Stone on June 15, 2016, asking for Kushner’s contact information. He said Stone wanted to “debrief” Kushner on developments about the hacked emails. Kushner was a senior campaign adviser at the time.

Gates did not say if Stone received Kushner’s information. Kushner’s attorney did not respond to a message seeking comment.

The prosecution rested its case after recalling a former FBI agent who had previously testified about a series of phone calls between Stone and then-candidate Trump — including three calls on July 14, 2016 — the day that a massive hack of the Democratic National Committee’s servers was reported.

The president told special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors in written responses to questions that he had no recollection of any particular conversations about the hacked emails.

The president told special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors in written responses to questions that he had no recollection of any particular conversations about the hacked emails.
How convenient. He left wiggle room in case his lie was exposed. But Stone kept quiet.
Phishing scams aren't a hack, numbnutz.
The result was the same. E-mails were stolen from Podesta and used in Russia's efforts to smear Hillary for Trump's benefit.............numbnuts.

E-mails were stolen from Podesta and used in Russia's efforts to smear Hillary for Trump's benefit

Awful! Just terrible!!!

Bad Russians!!!!!

Dem and Hillary corruption must never be exposed.
Dem and Hillary corruption must always remain hidden.

It's a law.....or something.
Once again a cultist rationalizes Russia's illegal interference in the election.............and trump eager solicitation of the help it was to him. It's traitorous, but what do the cultists care?

Once again a cultist rationalizes Russia's illegal interference in the election..........

Dems have been fellating Russia since their revolution.
Who knew all it took for them to see the light was for their corrupt sot to lose?
Stone was in contact with Wikileaks regarding the timing, content, or both of Wikileaks' document dumps

Is it illegal for Stone, or anyone, to be in contact with Wikileaks?
No. But it's illegal for Stone to be a middleman, coordinating the issuance of stolen info between Wikileaks and the campaign.

He was "middleman" of nothing, moron. He coordinated nothing. All he did is ask Assange what he was going to release. That's a crime only to deluded brain-damaged TDS morons.
Stone was in contact with Wikileaks regarding the timing, content, or both of Wikileaks' document dumps

Is it illegal for Stone, or anyone, to be in contact with Wikileaks?
No. But it's illegal for Stone to be a middleman, coordinating the issuance of stolen info between Wikileaks and the campaign.

But it's illegal for Stone to be a middleman,

Middleman for what? Link?

Is it illegal if a whistleblower steals info, hands it to a New York Times reporter who has it published?

I think you're confused.

coordinating the issuance of stolen info between Wikileaks and the campaign.

What does that even mean? Stone getting a tip and telling Trump isn't illegal for either.
The president told special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors in written responses to questions that he had no recollection of any particular conversations about the hacked emails.
How convenient. He left wiggle room in case his lie was exposed. But Stone kept quiet.
It was "convenient" that he didn't admit to any crimes?

So being innocent is a "convenience?"
Stone was in contact with Wikileaks regarding the timing, content, or both of Wikileaks' document dumps

Is it illegal for Stone, or anyone, to be in contact with Wikileaks?
No. But it's illegal for Stone to be a middleman, coordinating the issuance of stolen info between Wikileaks and the campaign.

But it's illegal for Stone to be a middleman,

Middleman for what? Link?

Is it illegal if a whistleblower steals info, hands it to a New York Times reporter who has it published?

I think you're confused.

coordinating the issuance of stolen info between Wikileaks and the campaign.

What does that even mean? Stone getting a tip and telling Trump isn't illegal for either.
I marvel at the way berg80 and protray pefectly innocent behavior as some kind of sinister conspiracy.
"If we had confidence that Bigfoot doesn't exist, we would have said so" :abgg2q.jpg:

Reality is not something you have a close relationship with.
Th innerweb irony meter just pegged out.
When it comes right down to it Trumpleheads believe the IC got it wrong, Vindman is lying, black is white, all the whistleblowers are lying, Mueller got it wrong, Crowdstrike got it wrong, Gates is lying, Papadopoulos is lying, Bannon is lying, Linick is out to get Pompeo, Dr. Bright is lying, Comey is lying, McCabe is lying, Strzok is lying, Flynn was lying when he said he lied, the deep state is out to get Trump, all the media does is tell lies, the Russians were working for Hillary even though all the stolen info they released thru Wikileaks hurt her, and the documented pathological liar in the Oval Office is telling the truth.

Delusional much?
No, Mueller got it right.

Phishing scams aren't a hack, numbnutz.
The result was the same. E-mails were stolen from Podesta and used in Russia's efforts to smear Hillary for Trump's benefit.............numbnuts.

E-mails were stolen from Podesta and used in Russia's efforts to smear Hillary for Trump's benefit

Awful! Just terrible!!!

Bad Russians!!!!!

Dem and Hillary corruption must never be exposed.
Dem and Hillary corruption must always remain hidden.

It's a law.....or something.
Once again a cultist rationalizes Russia's illegal interference in the election.............and trump eager solicitation of the help it was to him. It's traitorous, but what do the cultists care?
All US intel agencies: Russia didn't change a single vote.
Once again a cultist rationalizes Russia's illegal interference in the election..........

Dems have been fellating Russia since their revolution.
Who knew all it took for them to see the light was for their corrupt sot to lose?
Sorry I exposed your ineffectual attempt to engage in revisionist history. Better luck next time.
I marvel at the way berg80 and protray pefectly innocent behavior as some kind of sinister conspiracy.
Conspiring with Wikileaks, an entity being used as a Russian asset during 2016, to disseminate stolen documents with the intent to influence the election is sinister and illegal behavior. Those who believe otherwise are blind to the truth and or in denial of it.
Once again a cultist rationalizes Russia's illegal interference in the election..........

Dems have been fellating Russia since their revolution.
Who knew all it took for them to see the light was for their corrupt sot to lose?
Sorry I exposed your ineffectual attempt to engage in revisionist history. Better luck next time.

Maybe you need to be more flexible?
Push that reset button?
The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.

Eh comrade?
I marvel at the way berg80 and protray pefectly innocent behavior as some kind of sinister conspiracy.
Conspiring with Wikileaks, an entity being used as a Russian asset during 2016, to disseminate stolen documents with the intent to influence the election is sinister and illegal behavior. Those who believe otherwise are blind to the truth and or in denial of it.

Conspiring with Wikileaks, an entity being used as a Russian asset during 2016, to disseminate stolen documents with the intent to influence the election is sinister and illegal behavior.

I marvel at the way berg80 and protray pefectly innocent behavior as some kind of sinister conspiracy.
Conspiring with Wikileaks, an entity being used as a Russian asset during 2016, to disseminate stolen documents with the intent to influence the election is sinister and illegal behavior. Those who believe otherwise are blind to the truth and or in denial of it.
Wikileaks is not a "Russian asset," whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. Hillary claimed Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset. There's no evidence that Wikileaks ever had any contact with any Russian. That is pure TDS paranoid conspiracy theory.

Only the dumbest kind TDS moron posts idiocies like yours.
He was "middleman" of nothing, moron. He coordinated nothing. All he did is ask Assange what he was going to release. That's a crime only to deluded brain-damaged TDS morons.
Pardon me if I go with the informed opinions of legal experts and not your's.

"A legally important question is what the Trump campaign did after the Russians previewed that they could help disseminate the stolen emails. If Trump campaign officials consulted with the Russians on their plans to disseminate the emails, it could involve direct violations of campaign finance laws (see the statement below from leading election law expert Paul Seamus Ryan). If Trump campaign officials gave tacit assent or approval or support, it could directly implicate them in the “conspiracy to defraud the United States” by evading the Federal Election Commission—the very conspiracy for which Mueller has already indicted thirteen Russian nationals (see the statement below by former White House official and also top election law expert Bob Bauer). If Papadopoulos intentionally encouraged the Russians and if he was instructed to do so by other campaign officials, they could be liable as accomplices (see statements below from law professors and former federal prosecutors Barbara McQuade and Alex Whiting). The Trump campaign as an organization could also be criminally liable (see statement below from McQuade). Finally, if members of the Trump campaign tried to conceal the facts of a crime (potentially including either the original DNC hack or the dissemination of the stolen emails) they could be guilty of “misprision of a felony” (see statements below by former federal prosecutors including Renato Mariotti)."
Russia "Previewed" Plan to Disseminate Emails with Trump Campaign - Just Security
He was "middleman" of nothing, moron. He coordinated nothing. All he did is ask Assange what he was going to release. That's a crime only to deluded brain-damaged TDS morons.
Pardon me if I go with the informed opinions of legal experts and not your's.

"A legally important question is what the Trump campaign did after the Russians previewed that they could help disseminate the stolen emails. If Trump campaign officials consulted with the Russians on their plans to disseminate the emails, it could involve direct violations of campaign finance laws (see the statement below from leading election law expert Paul Seamus Ryan). If Trump campaign officials gave tacit assent or approval or support, it could directly implicate them in the “conspiracy to defraud the United States” by evading the Federal Election Commission—the very conspiracy for which Mueller has already indicted thirteen Russian nationals (see the statement below by former White House official and also top election law expert Bob Bauer). If Papadopoulos intentionally encouraged the Russians and if he was instructed to do so by other campaign officials, they could be liable as accomplices (see statements below from law professors and former federal prosecutors Barbara McQuade and Alex Whiting). The Trump campaign as an organization could also be criminally liable (see statement below from McQuade). Finally, if members of the Trump campaign tried to conceal the facts of a crime (potentially including either the original DNC hack or the dissemination of the stolen emails) they could be guilty of “misprision of a felony” (see statements below by former federal prosecutors including Renato Mariotti)."
Russia "Previewed" Plan to Disseminate Emails with Trump Campaign - Just Security
A lot of 'ifs' and 'coulds' in everything you post asshole! Now Fuck off!
Schiff is a known liar. To quote anything from his memo is ludicrous in the extreme.

Well that’s a lovely but false excuse for denying the truth.

Donald Trump is a provable liar but you continue to believe him. You believe Trump’s lies but deny the Truth from Adam Schiff.

Adam Schiff quotes conversations he fabricated in his head as fact.
Conspiring with Wikileaks, an entity being used as a Russian asset during 2016, to disseminate stolen documents with the intent to influence the election is sinister and illegal behavior.

I'm sorry that you find the facts inconvenient to the fatuous lies being spun by Trump, Barr, and RWM. But forensic evidence proves Russia stole the material and gave it to Wikileaks to publish. These facts are beyond dispute. Multiple members of the campaign cited Stone as their contact with Wikileaks. Mueller has evidence in his report of Stone's contacts with Wikileaks. Only Stone's refusal to cooperate with Mueller prevented Mueller from being able to prove a conspiracy.

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