If this isn't collusion what would you call it?

The proof is in the SWORN TESTIMONY -before your demigod Adam Scitt no less- of the President of CrowdStrike, shitferbrains.

The interview with CEO Henry the bullshit RCI article refers to took place in 2017.

Since then Henry has affirmed that what RCI claimed he said is a distortion of what he actually said.


Our Work with the DNC: Setting the record straight
Get the key facts about CrowdStrike's work with the Democratic Natiional Committee in 2016 and debunk the false claims that have been made about our work.
Phishing scams aren't a hack, numbnutz.
The result was the same. E-mails were stolen from Podesta and used in Russia's efforts to smear Hillary for Trump's benefit.............numbnuts.
They were used in Russia's effort? Does that mean Russia did it? No. It's a weasel way for you to imply that without actually saying it.
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
They were used in Russia's effort? Does that mean Russia did it? No. It's a weasel way for you to imply that without actually saying it.
Yes, Russia did it. As proven in Mueller's report, Vol. I.

Remember that? It's the report that showed collusion, but couldn't prove a legally defined criminal conspiracy, largely because of Stone's refusal to tell Mueller about his contacts with Wikileaks.

Trump campaign wanted updates on 2016 WikiLeaks releases on Clinton: ex-aide testifies

Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:

Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.

Mr. Assange confessed that he received them from a DNC Whistleblower, not Uncle Pooty. Putin as well admits that he had nothing to do with it either- in fact the President of the Russian Federation invited Bob Mueller to Moscow to interview the indicted Russians who he would make available.
Yes, Russia did it. As proven in Mueller's report, Vol. I.

Remember that? It's the report that showed collusion, but couldn't prove a legally defined criminal conspiracy, largely because of Stone's refusal to tell Mueller about his contacts with Wikileaks.

There is a difference between an accusation and "proof". As far as Roger Stone is concerned, he has a right to remain silent just like anyone else. And no one knows what he would have said if he had talked to Mueller.

BTW, if Stone had lied to Mueller, it wouldn't have been "proof" of anything.
Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.
You're lying.

Rick Gates, testifying in the criminal trial in federal court in Washington of Trump’s longtime political adviser Roger Stone, said he witnessed a call between Trump and Stone related to the WikiLeaks website in late July 2016.

WikiLeaks disclosed several batches of stolen emails in the months before the November election that damaged Clinton. U.S. intelligence agencies and Special Counsel Robert Muller later concluded they had been stolen by Russian hackers.

Although Gates acknowledged he could not hear the contents of the call between then-candidate Trump and Stone as they were driving to LaGuardia Airport in New York City, he said that within 30 seconds or so of Trump hanging up, Trump said that “more information would be coming,” in an apparent reference to WikiLeaks.
BTW, if Stone had lied to Mueller, it wouldn't have been "proof" of anything.
The only things you folks consider to be unassailable proof is the garbage you read on disinformation sites like the Federalist and OAN.
Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.
You're lying.

Rick Gates, testifying in the criminal trial in federal court in Washington of Trump’s longtime political adviser Roger Stone, said he witnessed a call between Trump and Stone related to the WikiLeaks website in late July 2016.

WikiLeaks disclosed several batches of stolen emails in the months before the November election that damaged Clinton. U.S. intelligence agencies and Special Counsel Robert Muller later concluded they had been stolen by Russian hackers.

Although Gates acknowledged he could not hear the contents of the call between then-candidate Trump and Stone as they were driving to LaGuardia Airport in New York City, he said that within 30 seconds or so of Trump hanging up, Trump said that “more information would be coming,” in an apparent reference to WikiLeaks.

Gates is an ADMITTED and CONVICTED liar, berg. HIs word isn't worth anything and the fact that the Stone jury and judge listened to it proves how partisan they were.
There is a difference between an accusation and "proof".
So the intel community's investigation found Russia was responsible for the hacks and giving the material to Wikileaks.
So Mueller's team's independent investigation found Russia was responsible for the hacks and giving the material to Wikileaks.
Crowdstrike reached the same conclusion..........."With regards to our investigation of the DNC hack in 2016, we provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI," CrowdStrike said in a statement. "As we’ve stated before, we stand by our findings and conclusions that have been fully supported by the US intelligence community."

Yet, because it doesn't fit with the narrative Trump has been spinning from the beginning that Russia didn't help him you choose to believe Trump.................without evidence.................except for the lies you folks keep telling about the DOJ and Crowdstrike's CEO.
Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.
You're lying.

Rick Gates, testifying in the criminal trial in federal court in Washington of Trump’s longtime political adviser Roger Stone, said he witnessed a call between Trump and Stone related to the WikiLeaks website in late July 2016.

WikiLeaks disclosed several batches of stolen emails in the months before the November election that damaged Clinton. U.S. intelligence agencies and Special Counsel Robert Muller later concluded they had been stolen by Russian hackers.

Although Gates acknowledged he could not hear the contents of the call between then-candidate Trump and Stone as they were driving to LaGuardia Airport in New York City, he said that within 30 seconds or so of Trump hanging up, Trump said that “more information would be coming,” in an apparent reference to WikiLeaks.

Gates is an ADMITTED and CONVICTED liar, berg. HIs word isn't worth anything and the fact that the Stone jury and judge listened to it proves how partisan they were.
Who has more reason to lie about what Gates testified to..........Trump or Gates?

Did you really think Trump would say, "sure I remember that conversation. It was when Stone told me he had info about the next Wikileaks dump."
Mr. Papadopoulos didn't meet with any Russians at all. He met with Deep State Operatives masquerading as Russian agents trying to entrap him and "sting him", as well as to provide some kind of "justification" for all the FISA warrants that were drawn up to spy on the Trump Campaign.
Huh? He was bragging about Russians having "dirt" on Clinton

People who were only pretending to be Russians gave him that Disinformation, and then other Deep State operatives squeezed the information back out of him after getting him trashed in a bar. No real Russian agents were involved.
Then the real Russians actually released the hacked emails through wikileaks just like your " fake russians" had said they would.
How fortuitous for the "deep state operatives". :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::cuckoo:
There's no factual basis for your claim.
Actually, the Real Russians weren't the source of the emails exposed by Julian Assange's Wikileaks.
You're lying.

Rick Gates, testifying in the criminal trial in federal court in Washington of Trump’s longtime political adviser Roger Stone, said he witnessed a call between Trump and Stone related to the WikiLeaks website in late July 2016.

WikiLeaks disclosed several batches of stolen emails in the months before the November election that damaged Clinton. U.S. intelligence agencies and Special Counsel Robert Muller later concluded they had been stolen by Russian hackers.

Although Gates acknowledged he could not hear the contents of the call between then-candidate Trump and Stone as they were driving to LaGuardia Airport in New York City, he said that within 30 seconds or so of Trump hanging up, Trump said that “more information would be coming,” in an apparent reference to WikiLeaks.

Gates is an ADMITTED and CONVICTED liar, berg. HIs word isn't worth anything and the fact that the Stone jury and judge listened to it proves how partisan they were.
Who has more reason to lie about what Gates testified to..........Trump or Gates?

Did you really think Trump would say, "sure I remember that conversation. It was when Stone told me he had info about the next Wikileaks dump."
There are no actual facts in Gates' story. He didn't hear the call, and he said the reference to Wikileaks was "apparent."

It's a big nothing.
There is a difference between an accusation and "proof".
So the intel community's investigation found Russia was responsible for the hacks and giving the material to Wikileaks.
So Mueller's team's independent investigation found Russia was responsible for the hacks and giving the material to Wikileaks.
Crowdstrike reached the same conclusion..........."With regards to our investigation of the DNC hack in 2016, we provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI," CrowdStrike said in a statement. "As we’ve stated before, we stand by our findings and conclusions that have been fully supported by the US intelligence community."

Yet, because it doesn't fit with the narrative Trump has been spinning from the beginning that Russia didn't help him you choose to believe Trump.................without evidence.................except for the lies you folks keep telling about the DOJ and Crowdstrike's CEO.
By "the intel community" you mean a bunch of Obama appointed hacks.

Mueller had no evidence that Russia was responsible. None. The DOJ said so. So did the Crowdstrike CEO.
Bannon says Stone claimed contacts with WikiLeaks

President Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon testified against political consultant Roger Stone on Friday, telling a federal jury that he thought of Stone as the Trump campaign’s liaison to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.
Bannon, a high-profile figure in the Trump campaign and the early days of the Trump administration, told the jury he was appearing only because he had been subpoenaed.
While Bannon was one of the most anticipated witnesses at Stone’s trial for allegedly lying to Congress about his efforts in 2016 to contact WikiLeaks, he was also one of the briefest, spending less than an hour under direct examination by prosecutors.

His testimony bolstered the government’s allegations that Stone lied to the House committee investigating Russian election interference when he denied discussing with the Trump campaign WikiLeaks’ release of emails damaging to political rival Hillary Clinton.
There are no actual facts in Gates' story. He didn't hear the call, and he said the reference to Wikileaks was "apparent."
Because................you just don't want to believe the facts.

President Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon testified against political consultant Roger Stone on Friday, telling a federal jury that he thought of Stone as the Trump campaign’s liaison to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.
Bannon, a high-profile figure in the Trump campaign and the early days of the Trump administration, told the jury he was appearing only because he had been subpoenaed.
While Bannon was one of the most anticipated witnesses at Stone’s trial for allegedly lying to Congress about his efforts in 2016 to contact WikiLeaks, he was also one of the briefest, spending less than an hour under direct examination by prosecutors.

His testimony bolstered the government’s allegations that Stone lied to the House committee investigating Russian election interference when he denied discussing with the Trump campaign WikiLeaks’ release of emails damaging to political rival Hillary Clinton.
There is a difference between an accusation and "proof".
So the intel community's investigation found Russia was responsible for the hacks and giving the material to Wikileaks.
So Mueller's team's independent investigation found Russia was responsible for the hacks and giving the material to Wikileaks.
Crowdstrike reached the same conclusion..........."With regards to our investigation of the DNC hack in 2016, we provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI," CrowdStrike said in a statement. "As we’ve stated before, we stand by our findings and conclusions that have been fully supported by the US intelligence community."

Yet, because it doesn't fit with the narrative Trump has been spinning from the beginning that Russia didn't help him you choose to believe Trump.................without evidence.................except for the lies you folks keep telling about the DOJ and Crowdstrike's CEO.
By "the intel community" you mean a bunch of Obama appointed hacks.

Mueller had no evidence that Russia was responsible. None. The DOJ said so. So did the Crowdstrike CEO.

Bingo, that's exactly right. The Intel Community is totally committed to deposing Trump and has been from Day One. Like Chuck Schumer told his President "The Intel Community has 6 ways to sunday to get back at you" .

And their motive is clear, Trump has kept them out of the loop and they don't like that. Being part of intelligence but not being allowed to know anything is really frustrating , I'm sure.
"A significant recent revelation in the Russia investigation has been largely overlooked in the rush of several breaking news stories over the past few days. A nugget of information is contained in the memo written by Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee (the so-called Schiff Memo), which was released on Saturday morning.

Prior to the memo, we knew that a Russian agent told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos of “Moscow possessing ‘dirt’” on Hillary Clinton “in the form of ‘thousands of emails,’” according to Papadopoulos’s plea statement. The memo went a legally significant step further. As Rep. Adam Schiff recently told Chris Hayes, “our memo discloses for the first time that the Russians preview to Papadopoulos that they could help with disseminating these stolen emails.” Rep. Schiff added, “When Donald Trump openly called on the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, they’d be richly rewarded if they released these to the press, his campaign had already been put on notice that the Russians were prepared to do just that and disseminate these stolen emails.” (The full transcript and video clip is below.)"

Do we know all there is to know about the extent to which the Trump campaign was notified of, or involved in, the timing of Wikileaks' release of the hacked info given to them by the Russians? No.

Why is that? Most importantly, because Roger Stone was one of the Trump associates who either lied to or withheld truthful info from Mueller. He was the campaign's point man with respect to contacts with Wikileaks.

And this is just coming out now

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