If this [U.S. et.al. Iran] agreement turns out to be effective, will R-W'ers apologize?

To the OP..............yes I believe in Santa Claus, Reindeer, the Easter Bunny and all still......................

Elves and Pixies as well.................

It will turn out just as well as Clinton's deal..............This is just a show............with dancing chickens on the stage.............it will achieve nothing but laughs from our enemies..........and Iran is most certainly our enemy.
Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Nope...pointing out the facts. You idiots seriously think Iran is going to Nuke the US OR you are using that as an excuse for your real reason to take out Iran which is they might take out Israel.
To the OP..............yes I believe in Santa Claus, Reindeer, the Easter Bunny and all still......................

Elves and Pixies as well.................

It will turn out just as well as Clinton's deal..............This is just a show............with dancing chickens on the stage.............it will achieve nothing but laughs from our enemies..........and Iran is most certainly our enemy.

In other words, Beagle......since this deal is not worth anything for you ilk.....just a fairytale....Nothing has changed ......So, what the heck is all the bashing about???
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Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Nope...pointing out the facts. You idiots seriously think Iran is going to Nuke the US OR you are using that as an excuse for your real reason to take out Iran which is they might take out Israel.
Riddle me this...............If Al Queda took over Pakistan today and got control of the Nukes there what would you do...................................................
To the OP..............yes I believe in Santa Claus, Reindeer, the Easter Bunny and all still......................

Elves and Pixies as well.................

It will turn out just as well as Clinton's deal..............This is just a show............with dancing chickens on the stage.............it will achieve nothing but laughs from our enemies..........and Iran is most certainly our enemy.

In other words, Beagle......since this deal is not worth anything for you ilk.....just a fairytale....Nothing has changed ......So, what the heck is all the abashing about???
I'm taking the opportunity to call you punks out on it....................Some have enough sense to know that Iran will not honor any deal.............You are just defending your HERO................

Clinton did the same damned deal with North Korea and promised it would stop it................It didn't do a damned thing, just as this deal will do nothing as well..................

It only works in LIBERAL UTOPIA...................Mr. Twinkle Toes,.
Do you sit around thinking of the most stupid thing you can post?
It is inevitable given the lack of will by thi president to prevent it, even though h could.

Sure Obama could prevent it ??? Anything besides "bomb, bomb, Iran?" ......You nitwits never saw a war you didn't like, unless someone else's kids die for your sins.
You amaze me in how you retail the stupidest talking points, like a retarded parrot.
The alternative is not war but an agreement that is verifiable and subject to reimposition of sanctions.
Again, I ask, (follow me on this):

Right wingers must believe that Israel has a stronger lobby than South Korea..........Isn't it so?

(Or is it that Israel can drum up the hate of Obama much more than South Koreans)
Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Nope...pointing out the facts. You idiots seriously think Iran is going to Nuke the US OR you are using that as an excuse for your real reason to take out Iran which is they might take out Israel.
Riddle me this...............If Al Queda took over Pakistan today and got control of the Nukes there what would you do...................................................
Not a damn thing. Simply because if that's what they wanted to do they already would have. AQ is a CIA invention and if they wanted to make things worse they would and could. They did just enough to get the US involved in afghanistan so the CIA could make some nice wealth off of the poppy fields.
You amaze me in how you retail the stupidest talking points, like a retarded parrot.
The alternative is not war but an agreement that is verifiable and subject to reimposition of sanctions.

Bullshit.......Such would never happen and someone with more than a half brain would admit to it,,,,

Let's say Saudi Arabia wanted to impose sanctions of their oil...unless we dismantled our nukes....and they INSISTED that such a deal were "verifiable and subject to reimposition {sic} of sanctions........Would you agree with the Saudi........or we are so damn "exceptional" that no other country would dare?
Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Nope...pointing out the facts. You idiots seriously think Iran is going to Nuke the US OR you are using that as an excuse for your real reason to take out Iran which is they might take out Israel.
No one wants to take out Iran nor is anyone afraid of their nukes except Israel is concerned. There used to be a saying in Europe: "Give a German a gun and he'll march to France." If Iran gets a bomb, they have already said they will nuke Israel. That is why tomorrow either the USAF or IAF should put some bunker busters to use. Isreal has already done that to Syria and Iraq so they could be going for a hat trick. And Iran wouldn't do a thing about it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Giving a scientific defense of the emerging nuclear deal with Iran, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz called the plan a "forever agreement" that would block all pathways to a nuclear weapon and set up tough international inspections with no end date. Moniz, a nuclear physicist, spoke at the White House on Monday as the Obama administration ramped up its campaign for a framework deal with Iran that has drawn criticism from congressional Republicans, the Israeli government and skeptical Arab allies of the U.S.

Under the agreement, Moniz said, all plutonium created as a byproduct of Iran's nuclear power production would be sent out of the country so it couldn't be used to make weapons. And international inspectors would watch over all stages of Iran's nuclear program to ensure Tehran sticks to the agreement.
"This is not built upon trust, this is built upon hard-nosed requirements," Moniz said, describing the deal as providing "unprecedented access and transparency" to Iran's nuclear program. The White House says the tougher inspection requirements would continue in perpetuity.

Many Congress members, including several Democrats, have worried that the final deal may lift sanctions on Iran without ensuring that Tehran keeps its word.
At the same time, skeptical Arab allies worry about Iran's destabilizing activity in the region. President Barack Obama has invited leaders of six Gulf nations to Washington this spring and said he wanted to "formalize" U.S. assistance.

Obama is staunchly defending the framework agreement worked out with other world powers as a "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" to prevent an Iranian bomb and bring longer-term stability to the Middle East. He insists the U.S. would stand by Israel if it were to come under attack, but acknowledged that his pursuit of diplomacy with Tehran has caused strain with the close ally.
"It's been a hard period," Obama said in an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. He added that it is "personally difficult" for him to hear his administration accused of not looking out for Israel's interests.

The framework reached with Iran last week clears the way for negotiators to hammer out technical details ahead of a June 30 deadline for a final deal.
Obama argued that successful negotiations presented the most effective way to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but insisted he would keep all options on the table if Tehran were to violate the terms.

"I've been very clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch, and I think they should understand that we mean it," Obama said in the interview published Sunday.
The president said there are many details that still need to be worked out with the Iranians and cautioned that there would be "real political difficulties" in implementing an agreement in both countries. He reiterated his opposition to legislation that would give the U.S. Congress final say in approving or rejecting a deal, but said he hoped to find a path to allow Congress to "express itself."
Associated Press writers Hope Yen, Connie Cass and Josh Lederman contributed to this report.

No. Republicans WANT to go to war.
Riddle me this...............If Al Queda took over Pakistan today and got control of the Nukes there what would you do...................................................

That is actually a very good question.......and I'd do EXACTLY what you would do......

(Actually, my first priority is to get whatever money I have invested in India......LOL)
You amaze me in how you retail the stupidest talking points, like a retarded parrot.
The alternative is not war but an agreement that is verifiable and subject to reimposition of sanctions.

Bullshit.......Such would never happen and someone with more than a half brain would admit to it,,,,

Let's say Saudi Arabia wanted to impose sanctions of their oil...unless we dismantled our nukes....and they INSISTED that such a deal were "verifiable and subject to reimposition {sic} of sanctions........Would you agree with the Saudi........or we are so damn "exceptional" that no other country would dare?
What? Do you have something to contribute that isn't an idiotic hypothetical that ignores every fact in the situation?
But at least you are admitting, against Obama, that Iran will never agree to verifications that mean a shit.
Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Nope...pointing out the facts. You idiots seriously think Iran is going to Nuke the US OR you are using that as an excuse for your real reason to take out Iran which is they might take out Israel.
Riddle me this...............If Al Queda took over Pakistan today and got control of the Nukes there what would you do...................................................
Not a damn thing. Simply because if that's what they wanted to do they already would have. AQ is a CIA invention and if they wanted to make things worse they would and could. They did just enough to get the US involved in afghanistan so the CIA could make some nice wealth off of the poppy fields.
Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Nope...pointing out the facts. You idiots seriously think Iran is going to Nuke the US OR you are using that as an excuse for your real reason to take out Iran which is they might take out Israel.
No one wants to take out Iran nor is anyone afraid of their nukes except Israel is concerned. There used to be a saying in Europe: "Give a German a gun and he'll march to France." If Iran gets a bomb, they have already said they will nuke Israel. That is why tomorrow either the USAF or IAF should put some bunker busters to use. Isreal has already done that to Syria and Iraq so they could be going for a hat trick. And Iran wouldn't do a thing about it.
Then why are you against Iran getting a nuke when they probably aren't even getting one...just using nuclear energy...
No one wants to take out Iran nor is anyone afraid of their nukes except Israel is concerned. There used to be a saying in Europe: "Give a German a gun and he'll march to France." If Iran gets a bomb, they have already said they will nuke Israel. That is why tomorrow either the USAF or IAF should put some bunker busters to use. Isreal has already done that to Syria and Iraq so they could be going for a hat trick. And Iran wouldn't do a thing about it.

Sooooo, let Israel take the lead......Why does Netanyahu have to stir division in our own country......
Riddle me this...............If Al Queda took over Pakistan today and got control of the Nukes there what would you do...................................................

That is actually a very good question.......and I'd do EXACTLY what you would do......

(Actually, my first priority is to get whatever money I have invested in India......LOL)
So under the same question............what if they give the bomb or DIRTY BOMB to their proxies Hamas and Hezballah.............

You don't need a nuclear bomb to make a city or area uninhabitable..........You just use Nuclear Waste Materials.................

We are still allowing them to proceed in that area.
Are all republicans scared little bitches? Sure act like it....OH NOES! IRAN MIGHT HAVE 1 NUKE! We have 300 at least but they are gonna wipe us off the earth! Jesus...stop wetting your pants...fucking wimps
Are you having an anxiety attack? Here's a remedy.>>>>>>:booze::bang3:
Nope...pointing out the facts. You idiots seriously think Iran is going to Nuke the US OR you are using that as an excuse for your real reason to take out Iran which is they might take out Israel.
No one wants to take out Iran nor is anyone afraid of their nukes except Israel is concerned. There used to be a saying in Europe: "Give a German a gun and he'll march to France." If Iran gets a bomb, they have already said they will nuke Israel. That is why tomorrow either the USAF or IAF should put some bunker busters to use. Isreal has already done that to Syria and Iraq so they could be going for a hat trick. And Iran wouldn't do a thing about it.
Then why are you against Iran getting a nuke when they probably aren't even getting one...just using nuclear energy...
Same thing as a cop going into a bar fight to arrest the one who started it and giving him a gun.
No one wants to take out Iran nor is anyone afraid of their nukes except Israel is concerned. There used to be a saying in Europe: "Give a German a gun and he'll march to France." If Iran gets a bomb, they have already said they will nuke Israel. That is why tomorrow either the USAF or IAF should put some bunker busters to use. Isreal has already done that to Syria and Iraq so they could be going for a hat trick. And Iran wouldn't do a thing about it.

Sooooo, let Israel take the lead......Why does Netanyahu have to stir division in our own country......
Rumor has it they have already tried it and were told to turn back by us...............aka Obama..................

They can't attack when we in full combat mode in the region unless we get out of the way.................

I'm all for letting Israel take out the Nuke sites............they have already done so in Iraq and Syria already.

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