If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.

I never need to seek an opportunity to marginalize Trump, whose every word exposes himself as an ignorant, narcissistic, pathologically lying, racist, dysfunctional, immature, asshole.
Your are illustrating my point that Democrats are apparently unable to focus on anything but their hatred of the President and they don't understand why they hate him.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.

I never need to seek an opportunity to marginalize Trump, whose every word exposes himself as an ignorant, narcissistic, pathologically lying, racist, dysfunctional, immature, asshole.
Your are illustrating my point that Democrats are apparently unable to focus on anything but their hatred of the President and they don't understand why they hate him.

I don't understand why I hate trump? Man, you have had way too much Kool-Aid already1
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.

I never need to seek an opportunity to marginalize Trump, whose every word exposes himself as an ignorant, narcissistic, pathologically lying, racist, dysfunctional, immature, asshole.

You are projecting your faults onto Trump. Your posts show you to be an ignorant, narcissistic, racist, dysfunctional, immature asshole who can't stop pathologically lying. Honestly, I don't know why I've wasted this much time reading your stupid pablum because you really never say anything other than "I don't like Trump, he's bad cause I say so!",
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.

I never need to seek an opportunity to marginalize Trump, whose every word exposes himself as an ignorant, narcissistic, pathologically lying, racist, dysfunctional, immature, asshole.

You are projecting your faults onto Trump. Your posts show you to be an ignorant, narcissistic, racist, dysfunctional, immature asshole who can't stop pathologically lying. Honestly, I don't know why I've wasted this much time reading your stupid pablum because you really never say anything other than "I don't like Trump, he's bad cause I say so!",

Then, you really are not reading my posts, because I have posted very clearly on this and other threads all the reasons why Trump closing the border would be an economic disaster, and, fortunately, the congressional republicans talked him out of it.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.

I never need to seek an opportunity to marginalize Trump, whose every word exposes himself as an ignorant, narcissistic, pathologically lying, racist, dysfunctional, immature, asshole.

You are projecting your faults onto Trump. Your posts show you to be an ignorant, narcissistic, racist, dysfunctional, immature asshole who can't stop pathologically lying. Honestly, I don't know why I've wasted this much time reading your stupid pablum because you really never say anything other than "I don't like Trump, he's bad cause I say so!",

Then, you really are not reading my posts, because I have posted very clearly on this and other threads all the reasons why Trump closing the border would be an economic disaster, and, fortunately, the congressional republicans talked him out of it.
Economical disaster for the Mehicans maybe.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
This is the way Trump operates. He first creates the a crisis then creates a solution.

He tells the entire world specifically Mexico and Central American countries that he's going to build an impenetrable wall at the southern border. He reveals his plan to stop financial aid to Central America, making life even harder for the poor. They he begins issuing threats of border closings. The message to anyone who has considered migrating north is "get the hell out now while you can." Record numbers are now showing up at the border asking for asylum. Numbers of apprehensions and successful border intrusions are also way up as are number of admitted asylum seekers.:cuckoo:
The asylum seekers are not in response to us stopping payments to third world countries. Our payments stopping to third world countries is in reaction to their asylum seekers.
Making their life in those countries even worst is not going to encourage them to stay. Violence, instability, and poverty in Central America is driving the migration. When America cut's foreign aid that is providing job training for the unemployed, helping small business startups, and strengthening community programs for youth, it only provides more incentive to get out and head north.
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Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
This is the way Trump operates. He first creates the a crisis then creates a solution.

He tells the entire world specifically Mexico and Central American countries that he's going to build an impenetrable wall at the southern border. He reveals his plan to stop financial aid to Central America, making life even harder for the poor. They he begins issuing threats of border closings. The message to anyone who has considered migrating north is "get the hell out now while you can." Record numbers are now showing up at the border asking for asylum. Numbers of apprehensions and successful border intrusions are also way up as are number of admitted asylum seekers.:cuckoo:
The asylum seekers are not in response to us stopping payments to third world countries. Our payments stopping to third world countries is in reaction to their asylum seekers.
Violence, instability, and poverty in Central America is driving the migration. When America cut's foreign aid that is providing job training for the unemployed, helping small business startups, and strengthening community programs for youth, it only provides more incentive to get out and head north.
Our aid was filling the pockets of a despot.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
This is the way Trump operates. He first creates the a crisis then creates a solution.

He tells the entire world specifically Mexico and Central American countries that he's going to build an impenetrable wall at the southern border. He reveals his plan to stop financial aid to Central America, making life even harder for the poor. They he begins issuing threats of border closings. The message to anyone who has considered migrating north is "get the hell out now while you can." Record numbers are now showing up at the border asking for asylum. Numbers of apprehensions and successful border intrusions are also way up as are number of admitted asylum seekers.:cuckoo:
The asylum seekers are not in response to us stopping payments to third world countries. Our payments stopping to third world countries is in reaction to their asylum seekers.
Violence, instability, and poverty in Central America is driving the migration. When America cut's foreign aid that is providing job training for the unemployed, helping small business startups, and strengthening community programs for youth, it only provides more incentive to get out and head north.
Our aid was filling the pockets of a despot.
That is the perception but not the facts. The vast majority of U.S. assistance goes directly to non-profit and civil society organizations, that run programs that promote economic development, and job training. Programs that support the efforts of Central American governments focus on strengthening law enforcement and security.
If Trump wants to encourage the migration and thus support his claim of a national emergency, this is the way to do it.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
This is the way Trump operates. He first creates the a crisis then creates a solution.

He tells the entire world specifically Mexico and Central American countries that he's going to build an impenetrable wall at the southern border. He reveals his plan to stop financial aid to Central America, making life even harder for the poor. They he begins issuing threats of border closings. The message to anyone who has considered migrating north is "get the hell out now while you can." Record numbers are now showing up at the border asking for asylum. Numbers of apprehensions and successful border intrusions are also way up as are number of admitted asylum seekers.:cuckoo:
The asylum seekers are not in response to us stopping payments to third world countries. Our payments stopping to third world countries is in reaction to their asylum seekers.
Violence, instability, and poverty in Central America is driving the migration. When America cut's foreign aid that is providing job training for the unemployed, helping small business startups, and strengthening community programs for youth, it only provides more incentive to get out and head north.
Our aid was filling the pockets of a despot.
That is the perception but not the facts. The vast majority of U.S. assistance goes directly to non-profit and civil society organizations, that run programs that promote economic development, and job training. Programs that support the efforts of Central American governments focus on strengthening law enforcement and security.
If Trump wants to encourage the migration and thus support his claim of a national emergency, this is the way to do it.
Their problems are not our problem. There are 350 million people living in poverty. We can't help them all.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.

I never need to seek an opportunity to marginalize Trump, whose every word exposes himself as an ignorant, narcissistic, pathologically lying, racist, dysfunctional, immature, asshole.

You are projecting your faults onto Trump. Your posts show you to be an ignorant, narcissistic, racist, dysfunctional, immature asshole who can't stop pathologically lying. Honestly, I don't know why I've wasted this much time reading your stupid pablum because you really never say anything other than "I don't like Trump, he's bad cause I say so!",

Then, you really are not reading my posts, because I have posted very clearly on this and other threads all the reasons why Trump closing the border would be an economic disaster, and, fortunately, the congressional republicans talked him out of it.
Economical disaster for the Mehicans maybe.

Don't give up your day job to become an economist. BTW, my Republican governor here in AZ asked Trump not to close the border because it would cost AZ $4 billion per day.
San Yisidro border crossing tallied up how much money they lost last year when Trump completely shut down the border for 5 hours.

Over that 5 hours, they lost 5.2 million dollars. And that was at just ONE border crossing.
This is the way Trump operates. He first creates the a crisis then creates a solution.

He tells the entire world specifically Mexico and Central American countries that he's going to build an impenetrable wall at the southern border. He reveals his plan to stop financial aid to Central America, making life even harder for the poor. They he begins issuing threats of border closings. The message to anyone who has considered migrating north is "get the hell out now while you can." Record numbers are now showing up at the border asking for asylum. Numbers of apprehensions and successful border intrusions are also way up as are number of admitted asylum seekers.:cuckoo:
The asylum seekers are not in response to us stopping payments to third world countries. Our payments stopping to third world countries is in reaction to their asylum seekers.
Violence, instability, and poverty in Central America is driving the migration. When America cut's foreign aid that is providing job training for the unemployed, helping small business startups, and strengthening community programs for youth, it only provides more incentive to get out and head north.
Our aid was filling the pockets of a despot.
That is the perception but not the facts. The vast majority of U.S. assistance goes directly to non-profit and civil society organizations, that run programs that promote economic development, and job training. Programs that support the efforts of Central American governments focus on strengthening law enforcement and security.
If Trump wants to encourage the migration and thus support his claim of a national emergency, this is the way to do it.
Their problems are not our problem. There are 350 million people living in poverty. We can't help them all.
We don't have to solve the problem. We just need to give people hope and that is exactly what this foreign aid to these countries do. When we remove that aid, it sends a clear signal that the terrible conditions are going to get worse and the only option is to get out.

Considering that the this aid is only .035% of the budget, it is a wise investment at this this time. We will spend far more than that in processing refuges and apprehending and processing illegal immigrants from these countries.
The asylum seekers are not in response to us stopping payments to third world countries. Our payments stopping to third world countries is in reaction to their asylum seekers.
Violence, instability, and poverty in Central America is driving the migration. When America cut's foreign aid that is providing job training for the unemployed, helping small business startups, and strengthening community programs for youth, it only provides more incentive to get out and head north.
Our aid was filling the pockets of a despot.
That is the perception but not the facts. The vast majority of U.S. assistance goes directly to non-profit and civil society organizations, that run programs that promote economic development, and job training. Programs that support the efforts of Central American governments focus on strengthening law enforcement and security.
If Trump wants to encourage the migration and thus support his claim of a national emergency, this is the way to do it.
Their problems are not our problem. There are 350 million people living in poverty. We can't help them all.
We don't have to solve the problem. We adjust need to give people hope and that is exactly what this foreign aid to these countries do. When we remove that aid, it sends a clear signal that the terrible conditions are going to get worse and the only option is to get out.

Considering that the this aid is only .035% of the budget, it is a wise investment at this this time. We will spend far more than that in processing refuges and apprehending and processing illegal immigrants from these countries.
ok, no harm in helping those who needs help except we are doing it with money borrowed from China. Until we balance the budget we shouldn't be giving any aid to anybody. Plus any aid should have conditions attached to it, like they don't come here with their problems they stay there.
Violence, instability, and poverty in Central America is driving the migration. When America cut's foreign aid that is providing job training for the unemployed, helping small business startups, and strengthening community programs for youth, it only provides more incentive to get out and head north.
Our aid was filling the pockets of a despot.
That is the perception but not the facts. The vast majority of U.S. assistance goes directly to non-profit and civil society organizations, that run programs that promote economic development, and job training. Programs that support the efforts of Central American governments focus on strengthening law enforcement and security.
If Trump wants to encourage the migration and thus support his claim of a national emergency, this is the way to do it.
Their problems are not our problem. There are 350 million people living in poverty. We can't help them all.
We don't have to solve the problem. We adjust need to give people hope and that is exactly what this foreign aid to these countries do. When we remove that aid, it sends a clear signal that the terrible conditions are going to get worse and the only option is to get out.

Considering that the this aid is only .035% of the budget, it is a wise investment at this this time. We will spend far more than that in processing refuges and apprehending and processing illegal immigrants from these countries.
ok, no harm in helping those who needs help except we are doing it with money borrowed from China. Until we balance the budget we shouldn't be giving any aid to anybody. Plus any aid should have conditions attached to it, like they don't come here with their problems they stay there.
By the time we work all that out, Central America will be located in South Texas and East LA.

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