If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

It's not rocket science...Close the border to all non-commercial traffic.

If someone lives in Mexico, but their job is in America, would those workers be considered as commercial traffic? Their work contributes to the economy of this country, and there are a lot of them.

Basically, it's a nice thought, but impossible to implement.
Sorry - no entry for them. They can blame their home country of Mexico for playing the part of a 'hamster tube' helping to funnel illegals from South America into the US.

Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

Making it harder to get through the border because there are fewer agents isn't shutting it down, it's SLOWING it down.

Face it, your Cheeto in Chief lied to you and you don't care. I'm guessing at this time next year, immigration numbers are going to be around the same, but Trump's threat to impose tariffs on Mexico will be long forgotten. Trump's followers have the attention spans of goldfish.
Clearly, you have no interest in discussing the issue but only in insulting the President and his supporters. If you ever become interested in any issues, let me know.

To tell the truth, I'm not sure if you were serious about discussing the issue, because you seem to think that a slowdown is the same as a shutdown on the border.
Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

Making it harder to get through the border because there are fewer agents isn't shutting it down, it's SLOWING it down.

Face it, your Cheeto in Chief lied to you and you don't care. I'm guessing at this time next year, immigration numbers are going to be around the same, but Trump's threat to impose tariffs on Mexico will be long forgotten. Trump's followers have the attention spans of goldfish.
Clearly, you have no interest in discussing the issue but only in insulting the President and his supporters. If you ever become interested in any issues, let me know.

To tell the truth, I'm not sure if you were serious about discussing the issue, because you seem to think that a slowdown is the same as a shutdown on the border.
Dude a slowdown was effective in getting his point across.
Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

Making it harder to get through the border because there are fewer agents isn't shutting it down, it's SLOWING it down.

Face it, your Cheeto in Chief lied to you and you don't care. I'm guessing at this time next year, immigration numbers are going to be around the same, but Trump's threat to impose tariffs on Mexico will be long forgotten. Trump's followers have the attention spans of goldfish.
Clearly, you have no interest in discussing the issue but only in insulting the President and his supporters. If you ever become interested in any issues, let me know.

To tell the truth, I'm not sure if you were serious about discussing the issue, because you seem to think that a slowdown is the same as a shutdown on the border.
Are you trying to sound stupid?
Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

Making it harder to get through the border because there are fewer agents isn't shutting it down, it's SLOWING it down.

Face it, your Cheeto in Chief lied to you and you don't care. I'm guessing at this time next year, immigration numbers are going to be around the same, but Trump's threat to impose tariffs on Mexico will be long forgotten. Trump's followers have the attention spans of goldfish.
Clearly, you have no interest in discussing the issue but only in insulting the President and his supporters. If you ever become interested in any issues, let me know.

To tell the truth, I'm not sure if you were serious about discussing the issue, because you seem to think that a slowdown is the same as a shutdown on the border.
Are you trying to sound stupid?

No, but apparently you are. You were the one that said Trump reduced the number of border agents, slowing the process, and that was the "shutdown" that made Mexico stop immigrants at their southern border.

I'm the one telling you that a shutdown isn't the same as a slowdown. What you described is a slowdown, but what Trump was calling for was a complete shutdown of the border, and it never happened.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Our economy would suffer as well. That is one of those lies that Trump sold you that you believe.
Tell me, snowflake...

If you could go back in time before 9/11/01... If someone could warn you about the 9/11/01 hijackers so you could prevent the attack and save 3,000 American lives ...

...but to do so you would have to do something that would cost the US economy $1 trillion and layoff 1 million US workers ...


Your argument for not securing the US Border and preventing 1+ million new unidentified illegals into the US this year seems to be 'it will hurt the US economy'...


Your argument for not closing the Border and preventing 1.5 million new illegals from coming into the United States this year seems to be that it would hurt our economy...

What if I told you in 2018 over 2,000 Americans were murdered by illegals? Would it make a difference that these Americans were not killed in large numbers on a plane by Islamic Terrorists?

I wonder what the economic ... and emotional, and moral ... impact was / is of those 2,000+ Americans being murdered by illegals ....

I wonder...

Does it even matter to you?

"Operations report, the criminal records of people arrested by ICE for being illegally in the country included 2,028 homicide offenses."

No, 63K Americans have not been killed by illegal immigrants

That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

Making it harder to get through the border because there are fewer agents isn't shutting it down, it's SLOWING it down.

Face it, your Cheeto in Chief lied to you and you don't care. I'm guessing at this time next year, immigration numbers are going to be around the same, but Trump's threat to impose tariffs on Mexico will be long forgotten. Trump's followers have the attention spans of goldfish.
Clearly, you have no interest in discussing the issue but only in insulting the President and his supporters. If you ever become interested in any issues, let me know.

To tell the truth, I'm not sure if you were serious about discussing the issue, because you seem to think that a slowdown is the same as a shutdown on the border.
Are you trying to sound stupid?

No, but apparently you are. You were the one that said Trump reduced the number of border agents, slowing the process, and that was the "shutdown" that made Mexico stop immigrants at their southern border.

I'm the one telling you that a shutdown isn't the same as a slowdown. What you described is a slowdown, but what Trump was calling for was a complete shutdown of the border, and it never happened.
I hear you. Now you're saying you don't have to try to sound stupid.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Our economy would suffer as well. That is one of those lies that Trump sold you that you believe.
Tell me, snowflake...

If you could go back in time before 9/11/01... If someone could warn you about the 9/11/01 hijackers so you could prevent the attack and save 3,000 American lives ...

...but to do so you would have to do something that would cost the US economy $1 trillion and layoff 1 million US workers ...


Your argument for not securing the US Border and preventing 1+ million new unidentified illegals into the US this year seems to be 'it will hurt the US economy'...


Your argument for not closing the Border and preventing 1.5 million new illegals from coming into the United States this year seems to be that it would hurt our economy...

What if I told you in 2018 over 2,000 Americans were murdered by illegals? Would it make a difference that these Americans were not killed in large numbers on a plane by Islamic Terrorists?

I wonder what the economic ... and emotional, and moral ... impact was / is of those 2,000+ Americans being murdered by illegals ....

I wonder...

Does it even matter to you?

"Operations report, the criminal records of people arrested by ICE for being illegally in the country included 2,028 homicide offenses."

No, 63K Americans have not been killed by illegal immigrants


You are pulling out situations that don't fit with the current narrative. But, when faced with a lose/lose situation, the military taught me to choose the one that would cause the least amount of damage to the command.

And, trying to say that Trump is trying to prevent another 9/11 by shutting down the border is nothing more than that "truthful hyperbole" that Trump and you supporters like to throw around.

By the way..................there is no such thing as truthful hyperbole.
You are pulling out situations that don't fit with the current narrative.

So you refuse to answer the question....

This was not about TRUMP. This was to get you to think about your own comments, to look deeper at what they reflect.

This was about how you claim to be all patriotic and pissed when a handful of terrorists murder 3,000 Americans on one day ...

... but you don't seem to mind 1.5 million illegals / trespassers 'climbing through our window' and murdering 2,000+ of our 'family members' ... as long as they don't kill them all on the same day....


Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

I just love it when Trump doesn't follow through on what he said he would do, and then his supporters chime in by telling us what he "meant" when he said it! Apparently, one has to have a secret decoder ring to interpret what Trump really means when he says something.
Oh, please, you are bringing tears to my eyes. If there is a shutdown, it cannot last for too long because it will destroy the Mexican economy if it does. All your latino American friends should write to their families in Mexico to get their government to start building fence on Mexico's southern border in time for their birthday visits.

..and your cruise to the Caribbean has been canceled due to Trump's closing the ports of the Gulf to anyone returning from Central America and Mexico.
Omg, the sky is falling!

No, that sound you hear is your civil rights disintegrating.

You have a civil right to allow people to illegally cross the Mexican border?

Closing the border means that Trump would take away your civil right to leave the USA through the border. If you are OK with that, you have already drunk the kool-Aid, and there is no hope for you.
Trump hasn't made it clear exactly what he means by closing the border. I assume it will mean closing the 42 border crossing on the southern border to incoming traffic. Outgoing traffic would not be effected unless Mexico followings the US lead by closing it's border which is likely. In other words, legal traffic would be stopped while illegal traffic along the 2000 miles of border would continue and increase with the border crossings being closed.:cuckoo:
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Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

I just love it when Trump doesn't follow through on what he said he would do, and then his supporters chime in by telling us what he "meant" when he said it! Apparently, one has to have a secret decoder ring to interpret what Trump really means when he says something.
In fact, the President did follow through on his threat. He had said he would close the border if Mexico didn't behave responsibly and he gave Obrador a taste of what it would be like by removing agents who checked cars and trucks from Mexico causing long delays, and Obrador got the message and began cooperating with the US. It's very sad that you are so blinded by partisan loyalties that you can see this.
Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

I just love it when Trump doesn't follow through on what he said he would do, and then his supporters chime in by telling us what he "meant" when he said it! Apparently, one has to have a secret decoder ring to interpret what Trump really means when he says something.
In fact, the President did follow through on his threat. He had said he would close the border if Mexico didn't behave responsibly and he gave Obrador a taste of what it would be like by removing agents who checked cars and trucks from Mexico causing long delays, and Obrador got the message and began cooperating with the US. It's very sad that you are so blinded by partisan loyalties that you can see this.

And, where did you get the information that Mexico has made changes and is now cooperating with us on immigration issues? Why, you got that from Trump, of course! And, Trump NEVER lies!
And, where did you get the information that Mexico has made changes and is now cooperating with us on immigration issues? Why, you got that from Trump, of course! And, Trump NEVER lies!

You know, one day Trump threatened to completely shut down the border with Mexico. Then, the next day he says that Mexico has started to come around and we will give them a year to see how they do. If no improvement is made, he will impose the tariffs. If the tariffs don't work, he will then shut down the border.

I think it was damage control, because Trump turned around pretty fast on that one. Personally? I think some people in his cabinet told him how bad it would be on the economy, and then cooked up the tariff thing as a way for him to try to save face.
Hey Toomuchtime, are you SURE that Trump's threat to close down the border changed Mexico's stance? All we have on that count is Trump's word. He said he was going to shut down the border, but then a day later, he says that Mexico is stopping immigrants at their southern border, and instead of shutting down the border, he's gonna see how it goes for a year, and if it's not improved, then he will do tariffs and if that doesn't work, THEN he will shut down the border.

Wanna know how I think it went? I think that Trump made his threat to shut down the border, then a whole bunch of people told him it was a bad idea because it would have detrimental effects on OUR economy. Trump then looked for ways to not shut down the border and save face. He then says that Mexico has shut down immigration on their southern border (and more than likely they haven't), so he will give them a year and we'll see if tariffs need to be imposed.

Do I believe that Trump got Mexico to shut down their southern border? About as much as I believe that Trump got N. Korea to denuclearize.
That may be your fantasy, but Trump followed up on his threat to close the border by reducing the number of agents checking cars and trucks coming from Mexico so that the wait time was as much as two days on weekends and following that Obrador stated that he would enforce "order" on the Central Americans. Closing the border just means removing enough agents who check cars and trucks from Mexico to make it unprofitable to sell to the US so while you were hoping the US would lose, Trump began the shutdown and Obrador capitulated.

I just love it when Trump doesn't follow through on what he said he would do, and then his supporters chime in by telling us what he "meant" when he said it! Apparently, one has to have a secret decoder ring to interpret what Trump really means when he says something.
In fact, the President did follow through on his threat. He had said he would close the border if Mexico didn't behave responsibly and he gave Obrador a taste of what it would be like by removing agents who checked cars and trucks from Mexico causing long delays, and Obrador got the message and began cooperating with the US. It's very sad that you are so blinded by partisan loyalties that you can see this.

And, where did you get the information that Mexico has made changes and is now cooperating with us on immigration issues? Why, you got that from Trump, of course! And, Trump NEVER lies!
lol A broken clock is right at least twice a day, but that is a much better record than you have. Obrador said a few days after Trump threatened to close the border that he would impose order on the illegals travelling through Mexico, and he has.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
This is the way Trump operates. He first creates the a crisis then creates a solution.

He tells the entire world specifically Mexico and Central American countries that he's going to build an impenetrable wall at the southern border. He reveals his plan to stop financial aid to Central America, making life even harder for the poor. They he begins issuing threats of border closings. The message to anyone who has considered migrating north is "get the hell out now while you can." Record numbers are now showing up at the border asking for asylum. Numbers of apprehensions and successful border intrusions are also way up as are number of admitted asylum seekers.:cuckoo:
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
This is the way Trump operates. He first creates the a crisis then creates a solution.

He tells the entire world specifically Mexico and Central American countries that he's going to build an impenetrable wall at the southern border. He reveals his plan to stop financial aid to Central America, making life even harder for the poor. They he begins issuing threats of border closings. The message to anyone who has considered migrating north is "get the hell out now while you can." Record numbers are now showing up at the border asking for asylum. Numbers of apprehensions and successful border intrusions are also way up as are number of admitted asylum seekers.:cuckoo:
The asylum seekers are not in response to us stopping payments to third world countries. Our payments stopping to third world countries is in reaction to their asylum seekers.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.
Trump has an interesting way of handling things. He threatens to close the border, which would virtually destroy the US economy, and also create a situation where the ONLY people crossing the borer are illegals! Then, he is talked out of doing that, and claims victory anyway! Meantime, Another caravan has crossed into Mexico from Honduras, heading for the US! And how does Trump react to that? Well, he gives bad advice to France on putting out the fire in Norte Dame!
In other words, you don't actually have anything to say about the situation on the border but you wanted to take this opportunity to talk shit about the President.

I never need to seek an opportunity to marginalize Trump, whose every word exposes himself as an ignorant, narcissistic, pathologically lying, racist, dysfunctional, immature, asshole.

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