If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

and MOST or MANY are 'DUAL CITIZENS' that vote to help their mother country with American money over the USA Flopper .
May I ask any of you? Do you think that Mexico and the United States have been good friends for the lets say 150/170 years or so? Do you believe there is resentment at all by Mexico?
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
So is Mexico, and it hurts them a lot more than it hurts us.
So is Mexico, and it hurts them a lot more than it hurts us.


"It seems unlikely that Trump will actually follow through and seal the frontier with Mexico, if only because no one else thinks it's a good idea.

"Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, has warned of the 'potentially catastrophic economic impact' of such a move.

"The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is warning that a border shutdown would 'tank the economy.'

"And Trump's senior aides at the White House are reportedly bombarding the president with statistics, charts, and economic papers that illustrate that even a one-day closure would hurt the United States far more than Mexico.

"Here are some of the numbers at play:

  • 3,145 kilometres — the length of the U.S./Mexico frontier.
  • 500,000 — the number of people who legally cross the border each day in Texas alone.
    • 3rd — Mexico's rank among U.S. trading partners, behind Canada and China.
    • $612 billion — the total value of cross-border trade in 2018.

    • $3 billion — the value of American corn exports to Mexico.
    • 58 — the number of electoral college votes in the corn belt.
    • 5 of 6 — how many of those states Trump carried in his narrow 2016 win.

    • 88-0 — the U.S. Senate vote approving The Refugee Act of 1980, which permits anyone to claim asylum in the United States once they are 'physically present' in the country or at a 'land border or port of entry.'"
May I ask any of you? Do you think that Mexico and the United States have been good friends for the lets say 150/170 years or so? Do you believe there is resentment at all by Mexico?
------------------------------------------ my OPINION . Sure there is resentment from 'mexico' to the USA . Heck , mexico is a dump compared to USA and 'mexico' believe that they own 'california' and other areas of the USA '22' . 'imo'
May I ask any of you? Do you think that Mexico and the United States have been good friends for the lets say 150/170 years or so? Do you believe there is resentment at all by Mexico?
Mexico–United States relations - Wikipedia

"Since the late nineteenth century during the regime of President Porfirio Díaz (1876–1911), the two countries have had close diplomatic and economic ties. During Díaz's long presidency, Mexico was opened to foreign investment and U.S. entrepreneurs invested in ranching and agricultural enterprises and mining.

"The U.S. played an important role in the course of the Mexican Revolution (1910–20) with direct actions of the U.S. government in supporting or repudiating support of revolutionary factions."

Diaz is credited with the observation Mexico is so far from God and so close to the US. I suspect many Mexicans have good reasons to harbor resentments against this country.

NAFTA and the Small Mexican Farmer - ppt video online download
i just looks at the southern border and i see 'mex' and other 'otm' invading the USA . I just look at Minnesota and 'dearborniatan Michigan and i see lots of 'muslims' . I don't like any of the groups that i mentioned but its not due to fear , its due to dislike of the groups that i mention because they are third worlders Flopper .
It is certainly your right to hate or dislike anyone or any group and to voice your opinion. The reason why so many people disagree with you is because this nation is founded on the idea that we judge people based on their individual merits, who they are not where they came from, their religion, or color.

When you say I hate Mexicans, you are including all Mexicans regardless of their individual merits. You're talking about Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia who was awarded the Congressional Metal of Honor, Marie Sanchez, who at age 12 rushed into a burning building in Los Angeles to save her two brothers and although badly burned she returned to save others and died trying. And Tessy Maria Lopez Goerne, who was raised in poverty, suffer from both a stroke and cancer at early age yet became one Mexico's greatest scientist, winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for her work that benefits all mankind. People deserve to be treated as individuals and judged on their own merits, not some preconceived ideas of their race, ethnicity, or religion.
------------------------- and i don't HATE , i dislike their foreign ways of thinking and influence plus the swelling population that they bring to the USA Flopper .
Since my grandparents parents came from "shithole" countries, I don't share your beliefs. Today 26% of Americans are 1st or 2nd generation immigrants. At 3rd generation we're talking over half the population. And if we could calculate 4th generation it would be somewhere around 90%. So when people say we are a nation of immigrants, it's true and it always has been and I doubt it's going change despite Trump and his racist supporters.
And here you go pismoe,

A white male American
W. Va. man guilty of murdering, raping 10-month-old girl; no mercy recommended

A White American Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Ohio

A Colorado father gets life for killing pregnant wife, two daughters

I could go down at least 2 page of these crimes without finding a single immigrant but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words



Colorado father gets life for killing pregnant wife, two daughters
Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Elyria
Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Elyria
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And here you go pismoe,

A white male American
W. Va. man guilty of murdering, raping 10-month-old girl; no mercy recommended

A White American Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Ohio

A Colorado father gets life for killing pregnant wife, two daughters

I could go down at least 2 page of these crimes without finding a single immigrant.

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ..

Colorado father gets life for killing pregnant wife, two daughters
Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Elyria
Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Elyria
Yeah but the crime Pismoe posted could've been prevented if the criminal had been deported in the first damn place like he was supposed to.
as pointed out to you , the 'illegals' and in my opinion the so called LEGALS don't belong in the USA [you imported third worlder lover] Flopper !! --:afro:
And here you go pismoe,

A white male American
W. Va. man guilty of murdering, raping 10-month-old girl; no mercy recommended

A White American Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Ohio

A Colorado father gets life for killing pregnant wife, two daughters

I could go down at least 2 page of these crimes without finding a single immigrant.

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit ..

Colorado father gets life for killing pregnant wife, two daughters
Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Elyria
Man accused of raping child with disabilities arrested in Elyria
Yeah but the crime Pismoe posted could've been prevented if the criminal had been deported in the first damn place like he was supposed to.
If, If,... If we did have all these white native born Americans, our homicide rate we would be down 25%.
USA is a very peaceful country . I know as i have lived in the USA for ALL of my 70 years . There is no reason to import 3rd worlders to do some murdering , drunk driving , wrong way driving on the highways because they can't read English and other crimes Flopper .
USA is a very peaceful country . I know as i have lived in the USA for ALL of my 70 years . There is no reason to import 3rd worlders to do some murdering , drunk driving , wrong way driving on the highways because they can't read English and other crimes Flopper .
Compared to the Sudan, Afghanistan, or Syria, I guess you could call America peaceful. I want bother quoting you any actually facts that dispute your illusion about immigrants and America because I'm sure your beliefs are well fixed and nothing is going change them.
agree with you post # 315 conclusion , and i ask , WHY would MY and my kids country need or want more diversity and people when the USA already has 310 million Census counted people in 2010 plus millions of uncounted third worlders inside USA Borders Flopper ??
Sure, just like NK.

Well, I am sure that it is ok with you, because you are not a Latino American citizen with relatives in Mexico. They are, after all, 2nd class American citizens.
Oh, please, you are bringing tears to my eyes. If there is a shutdown, it cannot last for too long because it will destroy the Mexican economy if it does. All your latino American friends should write to their families in Mexico to get their government to start building fence on Mexico's southern border in time for their birthday visits.

..and your cruise to the Caribbean has been canceled due to Trump's closing the ports of the Gulf to anyone returning from Central America and Mexico.
Omg, the sky is falling!

No, that sound you hear is your civil rights disintegrating.

You have a civil right to allow people to illegally cross the Mexican border?
agree with you post # 315 conclusion , and i ask , WHY would MY and my kids country need or want more diversity and people when the USA already has 310 million Census counted people in 2010 plus millions of uncounted third worlders inside USA Borders Flopper ??
A shrinking workforce due to baby boomer retirements and decreasing birthrates leave immigration as the only long term alternative.

Opponents of immigration are quick to point out crimes by illegal immigrants but ignore the fact that undocumented immigrants have lower crime rates than native born Americans and legal immigrants have much lower crime rates. Opponents outrageously exaggerate the use of social welfare by immigrants ignoring the fact that legal immigrants receive less social welfare than native born Americans and it's illegal to use federal dollars to support undocumented immigrants. The benefits of immigration far outweigh the costs.

Increase diversity is inevitable. Over 70 million foreigner come to the US every year and that number is likely to increase by 50% over the next 20 years. The number of Americans going abroad and living abroad increases every year. 41 million jobs in America depend on foreign trade. Every year thousands of new businesses owned by foreign corporation open in the US. Regardless what we do diversity of culture and ideas in America will increase which is a good thing because our future depends on it.
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