If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

You know, I said it earlier in this thread, that Trump was going to come up with some excuse as to why he can't (or won't) shut down the border. And, guess what? It showed up today in Trump's presser.

Seems that now, he's going to give Mexico a year to reduce the amount of drugs and people that gets sent here. If they don't do anything by next year, he's gonna impose tariffs on Mexico and their autos. If that doesn't work, THEN he's gonna shut down the border.

See? I told you guys he wasn't going to do it!

President Trump says he will delay closing the border with Mexico for a year

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday he would delay closing the border with Mexico for a year, apparently backtracking on his earlier threat to seal off the southern border as early as this week.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he would give Mexico a year to halt the flow of illegal drugs coming into the United States. If the drugs don’t stop, he said, the U.S. will impose tariffs on Mexican autos. If that doesn’t work, Trump said, then the U.S. would close the U.S.-Mexican border.

“That will be a very powerful incentive,” he said.

Trump insisted he wasn't bluffing.

"I will do it," he said. "I don't play games."

Trump’s remarks are the latest signal that the administration is toning down its rhetoric after days of relentlessly attacking Mexico over illegal border crossings.
You know, I said it earlier in this thread, that Trump was going to come up with some excuse as to why he can't (or won't) shut down the border. And, guess what? It showed up today in Trump's presser.

Seems that now, he's going to give Mexico a year to reduce the amount of drugs and people that gets sent here. If they don't do anything by next year, he's gonna impose tariffs on Mexico and their autos. If that doesn't work, THEN he's gonna shut down the border.

See? I told you guys he wasn't going to do it!

President Trump says he will delay closing the border with Mexico for a year

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday he would delay closing the border with Mexico for a year, apparently backtracking on his earlier threat to seal off the southern border as early as this week.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he would give Mexico a year to halt the flow of illegal drugs coming into the United States. If the drugs don’t stop, he said, the U.S. will impose tariffs on Mexican autos. If that doesn’t work, Trump said, then the U.S. would close the U.S.-Mexican border.

“That will be a very powerful incentive,” he said.

Trump insisted he wasn't bluffing.

"I will do it," he said. "I don't play games."

Trump’s remarks are the latest signal that the administration is toning down its rhetoric after days of relentlessly attacking Mexico over illegal border crossings.

I think that it is a safe bet that the drugs won't "stop". First of all, Mexico can't even round up the cartel members themselves, in spite of, and maybe because, they assassinate Mexican politicians. Second, the NRA would never stand for it. They are financed by the American gun manufacturers, who do a very lucrative business shipping guns to Mexican cartels who buy them with drug profits from the USA.
You know, I said it earlier in this thread, that Trump was going to come up with some excuse as to why he can't (or won't) shut down the border. And, guess what? It showed up today in Trump's presser.

Seems that now, he's going to give Mexico a year to reduce the amount of drugs and people that gets sent here. If they don't do anything by next year, he's gonna impose tariffs on Mexico and their autos. If that doesn't work, THEN he's gonna shut down the border.

See? I told you guys he wasn't going to do it!

President Trump says he will delay closing the border with Mexico for a year

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday he would delay closing the border with Mexico for a year, apparently backtracking on his earlier threat to seal off the southern border as early as this week.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he would give Mexico a year to halt the flow of illegal drugs coming into the United States. If the drugs don’t stop, he said, the U.S. will impose tariffs on Mexican autos. If that doesn’t work, Trump said, then the U.S. would close the U.S.-Mexican border.

“That will be a very powerful incentive,” he said.

Trump insisted he wasn't bluffing.

"I will do it," he said. "I don't play games."

Trump’s remarks are the latest signal that the administration is toning down its rhetoric after days of relentlessly attacking Mexico over illegal border crossings.
In a year from now Trump will be in the middle of the primaries. He'll tell his supporters that Mexico has reduced drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country and of course they will believe.
You know, I said it earlier in this thread, that Trump was going to come up with some excuse as to why he can't (or won't) shut down the border. And, guess what? It showed up today in Trump's presser.

Seems that now, he's going to give Mexico a year to reduce the amount of drugs and people that gets sent here. If they don't do anything by next year, he's gonna impose tariffs on Mexico and their autos. If that doesn't work, THEN he's gonna shut down the border.

See? I told you guys he wasn't going to do it!

President Trump says he will delay closing the border with Mexico for a year

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday he would delay closing the border with Mexico for a year, apparently backtracking on his earlier threat to seal off the southern border as early as this week.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he would give Mexico a year to halt the flow of illegal drugs coming into the United States. If the drugs don’t stop, he said, the U.S. will impose tariffs on Mexican autos. If that doesn’t work, Trump said, then the U.S. would close the U.S.-Mexican border.

“That will be a very powerful incentive,” he said.

Trump insisted he wasn't bluffing.

"I will do it," he said. "I don't play games."

Trump’s remarks are the latest signal that the administration is toning down its rhetoric after days of relentlessly attacking Mexico over illegal border crossings.
In a year from now Trump will be in the middle of the primaries. He'll tell his supporters that Mexico has reduced drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country and of course they will believe.

That isn't as much of a winning strategy as Trump thinks. People are starting to understand he lies like a rug and many are starting to lose faith in him.

I have a friend who used to be a rabid Trump supporter, but, when she realized her Medicare was in trouble because of him, she became less enchanted with him.
Yeah , it was ' turrible ' no avocado or bimbo cakes , we had to eat Hostess :afro:. But sure , we had 'mexican' , we had cookbooks but avocado were unavailable going by memory . Point I make is feck mexico , its avocados and 'bimbo cakes' BSilor .
A New Hope!

You know, I said it earlier in this thread, that Trump was going to come up with some excuse as to why he can't (or won't) shut down the border. And, guess what? It showed up today in Trump's presser.

Seems that now, he's going to give Mexico a year to reduce the amount of drugs and people that gets sent here. If they don't do anything by next year, he's gonna impose tariffs on Mexico and their autos. If that doesn't work, THEN he's gonna shut down the border.

See? I told you guys he wasn't going to do it!

President Trump says he will delay closing the border with Mexico for a year

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday he would delay closing the border with Mexico for a year, apparently backtracking on his earlier threat to seal off the southern border as early as this week.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he would give Mexico a year to halt the flow of illegal drugs coming into the United States. If the drugs don’t stop, he said, the U.S. will impose tariffs on Mexican autos. If that doesn’t work, Trump said, then the U.S. would close the U.S.-Mexican border.

“That will be a very powerful incentive,” he said.

Trump insisted he wasn't bluffing.

"I will do it," he said. "I don't play games."

Trump’s remarks are the latest signal that the administration is toning down its rhetoric after days of relentlessly attacking Mexico over illegal border crossings.
In a year from now Trump will be in the middle of the primaries. He'll tell his supporters that Mexico has reduced drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country and of course they will believe.

That isn't as much of a winning strategy as Trump thinks. People are starting to understand he lies like a rug and many are starting to lose faith in him.

I have a friend who used to be a rabid Trump supporter, but, when she realized her Medicare was in trouble because of him, she became less enchanted with him.
------------------------ Sounds like one of those that thinks she will live FOREVER eh Bsailor .
You know, I said it earlier in this thread, that Trump was going to come up with some excuse as to why he can't (or won't) shut down the border. And, guess what? It showed up today in Trump's presser.

Seems that now, he's going to give Mexico a year to reduce the amount of drugs and people that gets sent here. If they don't do anything by next year, he's gonna impose tariffs on Mexico and their autos. If that doesn't work, THEN he's gonna shut down the border.

See? I told you guys he wasn't going to do it!

President Trump says he will delay closing the border with Mexico for a year

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump said Thursday he would delay closing the border with Mexico for a year, apparently backtracking on his earlier threat to seal off the southern border as early as this week.

Trump told reporters at the White House that he would give Mexico a year to halt the flow of illegal drugs coming into the United States. If the drugs don’t stop, he said, the U.S. will impose tariffs on Mexican autos. If that doesn’t work, Trump said, then the U.S. would close the U.S.-Mexican border.

“That will be a very powerful incentive,” he said.

Trump insisted he wasn't bluffing.

"I will do it," he said. "I don't play games."

Trump’s remarks are the latest signal that the administration is toning down its rhetoric after days of relentlessly attacking Mexico over illegal border crossings.
In a year from now Trump will be in the middle of the primaries. He'll tell his supporters that Mexico has reduced drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the country and of course they will believe.

That isn't as much of a winning strategy as Trump thinks. People are starting to understand he lies like a rug and many are starting to lose faith in him.

I have a friend who used to be a rabid Trump supporter, but, when she realized her Medicare was in trouble because of him, she became less enchanted with him.
There’s no doubt that Trump has said and done many things that would have been political suicide for any other Republican. Trump appears to be almost totally bulletproof. 96% of democrats and 87% of independents think he's doing a poor job as president while his republican support is as firm as the rock of Gibraltar.

The only thing that might be more perplexing than the psychology of Donald Trump is the psychology of his supporters. In their eyes, The Donald can do no wrong. Even Trump himself seems to be astonished by this phenomenon. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible."

Conservatives in general and Trump supporters in particular have a hypersensitivity to threats. So as long as Trump continues his fear mongering by constantly portraying Muslims, immigrants, and foreigners in general as imminent dangers, his followers will support him because they see America as being in a crisis. Logic and reason is a waste of time because they will not listen. Trump has known this from the beginning which is why he never bothers with any real facts and he has no problem creating his own because his base is not going to question him.

What democrats should do is forget Trump's base. There is nothing they can say or do that will get through to them. Appealing to independents and soft democrats and republicans is the only way.
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i just looks at the southern border and i see 'mex' and other 'otm' invading the USA . I just look at Minnesota and 'dearborniatan Michigan and i see lots of 'muslims' . I don't like any of the groups that i mentioned but its not due to fear , its due to dislike of the groups that i mention because they are third worlders Flopper .
i just looks at the southern border and i see 'mex' and other 'otm' invading the USA . I just look at Minnesota and 'dearborniatan Michigan and i see lots of 'muslims' . I don't like any of the groups that i mentioned but its not due to fear , its due to dislike of the groups that i mention because they are third worlders Flopper .
It is certainly your right to hate or dislike anyone or any group and to voice your opinion. The reason why so many people disagree with you is because this nation is founded on the idea that we judge people based on their individual merits, who they are not where they came from, their religion, or color.

When you say I hate Mexicans, you are including all Mexicans regardless of their individual merits. You're talking about Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia who was awarded the Congressional Metal of Honor, Marie Sanchez, who at age 12 rushed into a burning building in Los Angeles to save her two brothers and although badly burned she returned to save others and died trying. And Tessy Maria Lopez Goerne, who was raised in poverty, suffer from both a stroke and cancer at early age yet became one Mexico's greatest scientist, winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for her work that benefits all mankind. People deserve to be treated as individuals and judged on their own merits, not some preconceived ideas of their race, ethnicity, or religion.
i never say that i HATE 'mex' . And we will see , i do believe that i will have the last laugh at the immigration advocates Flopper .
and 'mex' is only one Group but when i say 'mex' i mean ALL OTM and All third worlders from zhithole countries that are flooding the USA with their third world ways , See the murderer of Mollie Tibbits for one example . See 'ilham omar' and 'talib' see the 'muslims' in Minnesota that woud like to see 'sharia' law in the USA . See the 'mex' murderer of 'Kate Steinle' Flopper .
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i just looks at the southern border and i see 'mex' and other 'otm' invading the USA . I just look at Minnesota and 'dearborniatan Michigan and i see lots of 'muslims' . I don't like any of the groups that i mentioned but its not due to fear , its due to dislike of the groups that i mention because they are third worlders Flopper .
It is certainly your right to hate or dislike anyone or any group and to voice your opinion. The reason why so many people disagree with you is because this nation is founded on the idea that we judge people based on their individual merits, who they are not where they came from, their religion, or color.

When you say I hate Mexicans, you are including all Mexicans regardless of their individual merits. You're talking about Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia who was awarded the Congressional Metal of Honor, Marie Sanchez, who at age 12 rushed into a burning building in Los Angeles to save her two brothers and although badly burned she returned to save others and died trying. And Tessy Maria Lopez Goerne, who was raised in poverty, suffer from both a stroke and cancer at early age yet became one Mexico's greatest scientist, winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for her work that benefits all mankind. People deserve to be treated as individuals and judged on their own merits, not some preconceived ideas of their race, ethnicity, or religion.
----------------------------------------- but i laugh at your list of HERO'S because , after all , aren't some of you hero's actually Americans Flopper
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and 'mex' is only one Group but when i say 'mex' i mean ALL OTM and All third worlders from zhithole countries that are flooding the USA with their third world ways , See the murderer of Mollie Tibbits for one example . See 'ilham omar' and 'talib' see the 'muslims' in Minnesota that woud like to see 'sharia' law in the USA . See the 'mex' murderer of 'Kate Steinle' Flopper .
Wow! I thought you really didn't mean to include the innocent with guilty but no, you really do.
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
We import more than we export so I don't see the problem.

You also don’t understand economics.
Does Trump?

He's amassed quite a fortune over the years, so I'd say so! :funnyface:
and example of fureign ideologies being brought to the USA . --- --- That account for the 'elections of 'omar' and 'talib' Flopper .
and example of fureign ideologies being brought to the USA . --- --- That account for the 'elections of 'omar' and 'talib' Flopper .

White phosphorous. That place will have to be walled off like "Escape from New York."

PS: Jihad + Starbucks. :aargh:

They all need deported.
and 'mex' is only one Group but when i say 'mex' i mean ALL OTM and All third worlders from zhithole countries that are flooding the USA with their third world ways , See the murderer of Mollie Tibbits for one example . See 'ilham omar' and 'talib' see the 'muslims' in Minnesota that woud like to see 'sharia' law in the USA . See the 'mex' murderer of 'Kate Steinle' Flopper .
Wow! I thought you really didn't mean to include the innocent with guilty but no, you really do.
------------------------------------------------------------ see down town 'los angeles' to see a zhithole built by the worlders in the USA . Also see 'nan nuys' california for and 'zhithole example built by third worlders Flopper .
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Shut it and all immigration down, now! Let's heal our country and work on what we have right now!
i just looks at the southern border and i see 'mex' and other 'otm' invading the USA . I just look at Minnesota and 'dearborniatan Michigan and i see lots of 'muslims' . I don't like any of the groups that i mentioned but its not due to fear , its due to dislike of the groups that i mention because they are third worlders Flopper .
It is certainly your right to hate or dislike anyone or any group and to voice your opinion. The reason why so many people disagree with you is because this nation is founded on the idea that we judge people based on their individual merits, who they are not where they came from, their religion, or color.

When you say I hate Mexicans, you are including all Mexicans regardless of their individual merits. You're talking about Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia who was awarded the Congressional Metal of Honor, Marie Sanchez, who at age 12 rushed into a burning building in Los Angeles to save her two brothers and although badly burned she returned to save others and died trying. And Tessy Maria Lopez Goerne, who was raised in poverty, suffer from both a stroke and cancer at early age yet became one Mexico's greatest scientist, winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for her work that benefits all mankind. People deserve to be treated as individuals and judged on their own merits, not some preconceived ideas of their race, ethnicity, or religion.
------------------------- and i don't HATE , i dislike their foreign ways of thinking and influence plus the swelling population that they bring to the USA Flopper .

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