If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

American citizens are fine, you can't stop a American citizen from entry.
From a legal standpoint you're correct. From practical standpoint you're wrong. If we only allow Americans to cross the border, Mexico will only allow Mexicans to cross the border which means nobody crosses.

I'll be flying into TJ, so not my problem. My better half's parents built a home in Baja, so if wanna go down and sit on the balcony by the oceanside for a few weeks, I'm going, screw Trump. My passport is valid and up to date.
If Trump closes the border, I doubt it will go beyond the 48 border crossings. Air, rail, and sea ports of entry will probably still be open.
This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.
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Well, in the presser that Trump is currently giving after meeting with the NATO leader, when asked about shutting down the border, he said that Mexico is starting to stop people at their southern border, and if that continues, he won't see any reason to shut down the border.


What a joke. Mexico is doing nothing different, who does he think he is kidding??
I think this going to be just like North Korea. Trump's going announce he spoke to Obrador and he agreed to meet Trump's demands so he's proud to announce the border will stay open or will open. His supporters will go wild and Obrador will say what agreement? I didn't agree to anything.

I do believe you are correct sir. Yesterday, after meeting with the leader of NATO, Trump started to lay down the groundwork for his excuse. He said he would shut down the border unless Mexico shut down their southern border, and he believes Mexico is already doing something like that.

He's not gonna shut down the border, this is just tough talk from a blowhard who happens to have lucked his way into the Oval Office.
This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
The bogus "asylum seekers" take so much processing the truck and train entries are effectively closed due to insufficient border patrol agents . My guess is that this problem will have major knock on effects all the way to Columbia and maybe further south.
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This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
He declared a national emergency and both the opposition and his own party saw no emergency so he has to give them one. The reason for the emergency is all wrapped up in his get tough policy on illegal immigration.

At first, he left those applying for asylum in Mexico till their case could be heard which seemed reasonable since he had no place for them. Then he decides to bring them in which created a hell of crisis because he not only didn't have room for them but had to separate the kids from their family. If that wasn't bad enough, he abandon the quick turnaround for those captured at the border which was used for years to return Mexicans to Mexico in 24 hours without detainment and waiting weeks to go before a judge. So now he say, we have a crisis because we have no room.

As part of his get tough policy he announces to the World that he is building a great wall across the border then announces he's considering closing the border entirely which of course sends tens of thousands of migrants rushing to the border.

Now, we have an emergency.
Last I heard Kudlow convinced Trump to keep the freight lanes open, so no big deal. People-NO, freight-YES
Doesn't the idiot realize that's the primary means used to bring illegals into the country through ports of entry.
This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
He declared a national emergency and both the opposition and his own party saw no emergency so he has to give them one. The reason for the emergency is all wrapped up in his get tough policy on illegal immigration.

At first, he left those applying for asylum in Mexico till their case could be heard which seemed reasonable since he had no place for them. Then he decides to bring them in which created a hell of crisis because he not only didn't have room for them but had to separate the kids from their family. If that wasn't bad enough, he abandon the quick turnaround for those captured at the border which was used for years to return Mexicans to Mexico in 24 hours without detainment and waiting weeks to go before a judge. So now he say, we have a crisis because we have no room.

As part of his get tough policy he announces to the World that he is building a great wall across the border then announces he's considering closing the border entirely which of course sends tens of thousands of migrants rushing to the border.

Now, we have an emergency.
The reason for the emergency is illegals flooding onto our country. If Mexico doesn't stop this we should bomb them.
This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
He declared a national emergency and both the opposition and his own party saw no emergency so he has to give them one. The reason for the emergency is all wrapped up in his get tough policy on illegal immigration.

At first, he left those applying for asylum in Mexico till their case could be heard which seemed reasonable since he had no place for them. Then he decides to bring them in which created a hell of crisis because he not only didn't have room for them but had to separate the kids from their family. If that wasn't bad enough, he abandon the quick turnaround for those captured at the border which was used for years to return Mexicans to Mexico in 24 hours without detainment and waiting weeks to go before a judge. So now he says, we have a crisis because we have no room.

As part of his get tough policy he announces to the World that he is building a great wall across the border then announces he's considering closing the border entirely which of course sends tens of thousands of migrants rushing to the border.

Now, we have an emergency.
The reason for the emergency is illegals flooding onto our country. If Mexico doesn't stop this we should bomb them.
And they flooded in because they believed they soon would not be able to get in. That's on Trump. He never should announced he was considering closing the border. That just about guaranteed tens of thousand would head toward the border.
This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
He declared a national emergency and both the opposition and his own party saw no emergency so he has to give them one. The reason for the emergency is all wrapped up in his get tough policy on illegal immigration.

At first, he left those applying for asylum in Mexico till their case could be heard which seemed reasonable since he had no place for them. Then he decides to bring them in which created a hell of crisis because he not only didn't have room for them but had to separate the kids from their family. If that wasn't bad enough, he abandon the quick turnaround for those captured at the border which was used for years to return Mexicans to Mexico in 24 hours without detainment and waiting weeks to go before a judge. So now he say, we have a crisis because we have no room.

As part of his get tough policy he announces to the World that he is building a great wall across the border then announces he's considering closing the border entirely which of course sends tens of thousands of migrants rushing to the border.

Now, we have an emergency.
The reason for the emergency is illegals flooding onto our country. If Mexico doesn't stop this we should bomb them.
Do you really believe America is so weak and inept that it can't protect it's own borders.
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This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
He declared a national emergency and both the opposition and his own party saw no emergency so he has to give them one. The reason for the emergency is all wrapped up in his get tough policy on illegal immigration.

At first, he left those applying for asylum in Mexico till their case could be heard which seemed reasonable since he had no place for them. Then he decides to bring them in which created a hell of crisis because he not only didn't have room for them but had to separate the kids from their family. If that wasn't bad enough, he abandon the quick turnaround for those captured at the border which was used for years to return Mexicans to Mexico in 24 hours without detainment and waiting weeks to go before a judge. So now he say, we have a crisis because we have no room.

As part of his get tough policy he announces to the World that he is building a great wall across the border then announces he's considering closing the border entirely which of course sends tens of thousands of migrants rushing to the border.

Now, we have an emergency.
The reason for the emergency is illegals flooding onto our country. If Mexico doesn't stop this we should bomb them.
Do really believe America is so weak and inept that it can't protect it's own borders.
Why aren't we liar?
This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
He declared a national emergency and both the opposition and his own party saw no emergency so he has to give them one. The reason for the emergency is all wrapped up in his get tough policy on illegal immigration.

At first, he left those applying for asylum in Mexico till their case could be heard which seemed reasonable since he had no place for them. Then he decides to bring them in which created a hell of crisis because he not only didn't have room for them but had to separate the kids from their family. If that wasn't bad enough, he abandon the quick turnaround for those captured at the border which was used for years to return Mexicans to Mexico in 24 hours without detainment and waiting weeks to go before a judge. So now he says, we have a crisis because we have no room.

As part of his get tough policy he announces to the World that he is building a great wall across the border then announces he's considering closing the border entirely which of course sends tens of thousands of migrants rushing to the border.

Now, we have an emergency.
The reason for the emergency is illegals flooding onto our country. If Mexico doesn't stop this we should bomb them.
And they flooded in because they believed they soon would not be able to get in. That's on Trump. He never should announced he was considering closing the border. That just about guaranteed tens of thousand would head toward the border.
It's on Mexico, bomb them.
This leftist support of the invasion is the cause of de facto closure of the southern border.
Illegal border crossings have been going down for years at least until Trump started talking about closing the border. The feeling of urgency among migrants has sent tens of thousands of Central American migrants to our borders.

The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration but have actually encourage it.

I was watching VICE News last night on HBO, and they were doing a story on this. When they interviewed some immigrants and asked them why they came now instead of later, they said that there were murmurings down south about how the border was going to be closed in May, and they were just trying to get here before the border closed. And, when they interviewed some women with kids, they said that they had heard it was now easier to cross if came with your kids.

The reason for the southern border crisis is because of Trump.
He declared a national emergency and both the opposition and his own party saw no emergency so he has to give them one. The reason for the emergency is all wrapped up in his get tough policy on illegal immigration.

At first, he left those applying for asylum in Mexico till their case could be heard which seemed reasonable since he had no place for them. Then he decides to bring them in which created a hell of crisis because he not only didn't have room for them but had to separate the kids from their family. If that wasn't bad enough, he abandon the quick turnaround for those captured at the border which was used for years to return Mexicans to Mexico in 24 hours without detainment and waiting weeks to go before a judge. So now he say, we have a crisis because we have no room.

As part of his get tough policy he announces to the World that he is building a great wall across the border then announces he's considering closing the border entirely which of course sends tens of thousands of migrants rushing to the border.

Now, we have an emergency.
The reason for the emergency is illegals flooding onto our country. If Mexico doesn't stop this we should bomb them.
Do really believe America is so weak and inept that it can't protect it's own borders.

Not without a giant wall, made of unobtanium.

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