If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""
Well we can thank Pelosi and Schumer for this. Trump ran on the border and they block him every chance they can. If they cared about our security, this wouldn't happen.

They offered Trump the full amount for his wall back in Feb 2018, he turned it down. He is not an innocent bystander in this process.
This should cause Mexico great pain but what else?
It will cause great pain for a lot of Americans but what would closing border actually accomplish?
Would migrants turn around and walk back to Central America?
Would Mexico arrest people that aren't breaking any law?
Would Mexico shelter and feed these people?
Lastly would it reduce illegal immigration?

The answer is obviously no to all the above. What it would do is create a real emergency on southern border and declare to world that the most powerful nation on earth can't protect it's own borders.
The President has said what he expects Mexico to do, build the fence on Mexico's southern border to prevent the Central Americans from crossing Mexico to get to the US border. Obama paid Mexico to put up that fence, but when the caravans came, the Mexicans just stood by while the Central Americans tore down Obama's fence. Clearly, President Trump is demanding Mexico enforce its own border security laws and build the fence and defend it this time.
Trump's demands that Mexican wall off their southern border or stop migrants approaching the US border should be ignored. It is not their responsibility. The Federal Police do have that authority under Mexican law to stop or detain people that are legally in their country. The fact that Donald Trump can't control illegal immigration is not Mexico's problem.

Trump's promise to build a wall across the southern border and restrict immigration has created a sense of urgency throughout Central America to come to the US now. His promise to close border crossing is sending migrants to to more vulnerable sections of the border which will guarantee more illegal immigration.

There was no national emergency when Trump ceased the money to build a wall but his latest actions will certainly create one.
Obama also pushed Mexico to build a fence along its border with Central America, and they did because Obama paid them to, but when the Central Americans tore it down, the Mexicans just stood by and watched. This time around there will be none of the begging and bribing they enjoyed from Obama, and when the Central Americans again try to tear down the fence Mexico will be expected to behave in good faith to protect the fence Americans paid them to build. The alternative will be to see businesses in Mexico that want to sell to the US leave Mexico and take their jobs with them, tourists to stop coming, etc. Had the Mexicans behaved responsibly and protected the fence Obama paid for, none of this would be necessary now.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

It very well could result in a spike in new business start-ups to make up for the items we get from mexico . it could also increase trade with other nations.

Cut back on illegals and drugs which cost up untold billions in lost jobs health care and productivity .
Mexico has opened its southern boarder and doing nothing to stop the flow.screw them stomp their economy into the dirt
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

I was going to say that apparently they did not teach Economics at that school for the elite, that Trump attended. On second thought, they may have, but Trump did not learn anything, which is more likely.
You people must be as stupid as rocks. We can't afford to pay for these invaders coming in daily. Mexico wont stop them so we have to.
Here is an idea how about both parties stop playing the political games they have been playing for decades in regards to the border and do their dam job. They are all more interested in having the border as fucked up as possible so they can keep using it as a campaign issue give Trump the money he wants for the wall or whatever you want to call it in exchange for a pathway to citizenship for the dreamers both sides get something they want and you deal with two big problems.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

It very well could result in a spike in new business start-ups to make up for the items we get from mexico . it could also increase trade with other nations.

Cut back on illegals and drugs which cost up untold billions in lost jobs health care and productivity .
Mexico has opened its southern boarder and doing nothing to stop the flow.screw them stomp their economy into the dirt

Really? It could result in a spike in new business start ups? How? You do realize that a lot of the goods we get from Mexico is car parts that are made there, right? In order to do a "start up" as you claimed, factories would need to be built and people hired to do the work, but that could take several years to come around. What do businesses do in the meantime?

Remember, the last time Trump completely shut down the border it was only for 5 hours, and San Yisidro ended up losing about a million bucks an hour for a total of 5 million in lost revenue.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""
If Trump is true to form, he will announce that Mexico has agreed to his demands and he is happy to announce that the border will remain open. Mexico will say there was no agreement and Trump will declare another victory at his next rally. How long are the American people going put up with this nonsense.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""

It very well could result in a spike in new business start-ups to make up for the items we get from mexico . it could also increase trade with other nations.

Cut back on illegals and drugs which cost up untold billions in lost jobs health care and productivity .
Mexico has opened its southern boarder and doing nothing to stop the flow.screw them stomp their economy into the dirt

Really? It could result in a spike in new business start ups? How? You do realize that a lot of the goods we get from Mexico is car parts that are made there, right? In order to do a "start up" as you claimed, factories would need to be built and people hired to do the work, but that could take several years to come around. What do businesses do in the meantime?

Remember, the last time Trump completely shut down the border it was only for 5 hours, and San Yisidro ended up losing about a million bucks an hour for a total of 5 million in lost revenue.
Maybe mexico should stop the invasion.
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

Let's see how farmers, grocers, restaurants, schools, colleges, cruise ships, hospitals and moms feel about him when they either can't get produce or else they pay through the ass for it.

When his antics start to hit the pocketbook, that's when stupid people wake the fuck up.
None of that happened when Bush shut the border down. Mexico had a few pains but we never did.

That border should have been shut down a year ago. The situation at that border is out of control. The cities along the border are at the breaking point and more are coming. We cannot tolerate this kind of invasion. There are no jobs or housing. Medical care and food is strained to the point of breaking. End it now.
Bush never shut the border down for more than a few hours after 9/11.... Totally different.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""
If Trump is true to form, he will announce that Mexico has agreed to his demands and he is happy to announce that the border will remain open. Mexico will say there was no agreement and Trump will declare another victory at his next rally. How long are the American people going put up with this nonsense.

They are like little children, they just want to believe daddy, even when daddy hurts them.
None of that happened when Bush shut the border down. Mexico had a few pains but we never did.

That border should have been shut down a year ago. The situation at that border is out of control. The cities along the border are at the breaking point and more are coming. We cannot tolerate this kind of invasion. There are no jobs or housing. Medical care and food is strained to the point of breaking. End it now.
Bush never shut the border down for more than a few hours after 9/11.... Totally different.

We're talking George W. Bush?

The guy who opened up the border to Mexican truckers?

THAT Bush?

Bush Opens Our Border To Mexican Trucks - Eagle Forum
Mar 14, 2007 - So we're not happy that President Bush's latest concession to Mexico is to allow Mexican trucks for the first time to have open access to all our ...
Bush opens truck access from Mexico - Chicago Tribune
Bush opens truck access from Mexico
Nov 28, 2002 - "President Bush has made good on his commitment to open the border to international trucking and cross-border regular route bus service," ...
Bush to Open Country to Mexican Truckers - The New York Times
Feb 7, 2001 - Bush administration intends to reverse Clinton administration policy and begin allowing ... groups; 41 percent of Mexican trucks fail US inspections at border (S) ... Mexican officials say opening the border will save American ...
We are in this mess because democrats (and cowardly republicans) kicked it down the road for decades. The democrat solution....send more money to the crooked regimes.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""
The hell with lettuce; what about my OREO'S!!!!!

Damn, you're right! Luckily, I think there's a new bag in the kitchen here.

Ford Motor Co. will bite the big one on this, too.
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

Let's see how farmers, grocers, restaurants, schools, colleges, cruise ships, hospitals and moms feel about him when they either can't get produce or else they pay through the ass for it.

When his antics start to hit the pocketbook, that's when stupid people wake the fuck up.
What lies will you spread when that doesn't happen?
Another OMG! Trump's going to kill us all! Thread.

First of all you aren't going to die because you can't get a damn avocado any minute you want one. Hell maybe if we had certain fruits and veggies you copuld get when they are in season some of these left wing idiots would pay a little more attention to how food is produced. It wasn't that long ago seeing watermelons at the store was pretty damn exciting.

Second, closing a border doesn't mean all trucking stops. Get a damn grip. They can still go through the inspection process at the ports. Unless the invaders start dressing up like avocado's or spark plugs it's not a problem.
We are in this mess because democrats (and cowardly republicans) kicked it down the road for decades. The democrat solution....send more money to the crooked regimes.

There's a lot more (cowardly republicans) now than ever.
Trump controls them, they are like the new "Body Snatchers".
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.
at about half the rate that citizens do, super duper. And they do not vote or get welfare, they work like hell and the only thing they get is schooling for the children.pass a goddamn ID card like other countries with this problem have done and enforce it. This is a GOP scam, your Masters and brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. we should spend about 10 billion dollars on these Central American countries and legalize pot while we're at it.
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

Let's see how farmers, grocers, restaurants, schools, colleges, cruise ships, hospitals and moms feel about him when they either can't get produce or else they pay through the ass for it.

When his antics start to hit the pocketbook, that's when stupid people wake the fuck up.
It seems like as soon as Trump gave us all a tax break, he turned around and started screwing around making prices higher for everything. Thanks a bunch.

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