If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""
Short term both countries would suffer, but while the US could adjust to a long term shutdown without too much trouble, Mexico would be devastated. This is one of the consequences to the Democrats' bogus opposition to border security.
Another OMG! Trump's going to kill us all! Thread.

First of all you aren't going to die because you can't get a damn avocado any minute you want one. Hell maybe if we had certain fruits and veggies you copuld get when they are in season some of these left wing idiots would pay a little more attention to how food is produced. It wasn't that long ago seeing watermelons at the store was pretty damn exciting.

Second, closing a border doesn't mean all trucking stops. Get a damn grip. They can still go through the inspection process at the ports. Unless the invaders start dressing up like avocado's or spark plugs it's not a problem.
There is nothing wrong with American grown avocados. Tens of thousands of people are assaulting the border. They need to be stopped. We cannot take these people in.
Another OMG! Trump's going to kill us all! Thread.

First of all you aren't going to die because you can't get a damn avocado any minute you want one. Hell maybe if we had certain fruits and veggies you copuld get when they are in season some of these left wing idiots would pay a little more attention to how food is produced. It wasn't that long ago seeing watermelons at the store was pretty damn exciting.

Second, closing a border doesn't mean all trucking stops. Get a damn grip. They can still go through the inspection process at the ports. Unless the invaders start dressing up like avocado's or spark plugs it's not a problem.

Thanks for your opinion, completely barren of any facts.
That's the way you roll.

Post a link to the rules and regs of Trump's shut down or STFU.

Obviously produce moves in trucks, and those aren't going to be able to cross.
Another OMG! Trump's going to kill us all! Thread.

First of all you aren't going to die because you can't get a damn avocado any minute you want one. Hell maybe if we had certain fruits and veggies you copuld get when they are in season some of these left wing idiots would pay a little more attention to how food is produced. It wasn't that long ago seeing watermelons at the store was pretty damn exciting.

Second, closing a border doesn't mean all trucking stops. Get a damn grip. They can still go through the inspection process at the ports. Unless the invaders start dressing up like avocado's or spark plugs it's not a problem.
There is nothing wrong with American grown avocados. Tens of thousands of people are assaulting the border. They need to be stopped. We cannot take these people in.

Then Trump can create jobs, jobs, jobs by enhancing the CBP and DHS.

Shutting down one of our largest trading partners is a juvenile, vapid, stupid idea.

Like Trump himself.
Another OMG! Trump's going to kill us all! Thread.

First of all you aren't going to die because you can't get a damn avocado any minute you want one. Hell maybe if we had certain fruits and veggies you copuld get when they are in season some of these left wing idiots would pay a little more attention to how food is produced. It wasn't that long ago seeing watermelons at the store was pretty damn exciting.

Second, closing a border doesn't mean all trucking stops. Get a damn grip. They can still go through the inspection process at the ports. Unless the invaders start dressing up like avocado's or spark plugs it's not a problem.

Thanks for your opinion, completely barren of any facts.
That's the way you roll.

Post a link to the rules and regs of Trump's shut down or STFU.

Obviously produce moves in trucks, and those aren't going to be able to cross.
Omg, are you saying we'll have to try new salads?
Another OMG! Trump's going to kill us all! Thread.

First of all you aren't going to die because you can't get a damn avocado any minute you want one. Hell maybe if we had certain fruits and veggies you copuld get when they are in season some of these left wing idiots would pay a little more attention to how food is produced. It wasn't that long ago seeing watermelons at the store was pretty damn exciting.

Second, closing a border doesn't mean all trucking stops. Get a damn grip. They can still go through the inspection process at the ports. Unless the invaders start dressing up like avocado's or spark plugs it's not a problem.
There is nothing wrong with American grown avocados. Tens of thousands of people are assaulting the border. They need to be stopped. We cannot take these people in.

Then Trump can create jobs, jobs, jobs by enhancing the CBP and DHS.

Shutting down one of our largest trading partners is a juvenile, vapid, stupid idea.

Like Trump himself.
If the shutdown lasts, it will actually create American jobs since those companies in Mexico that want to sell to the American market will have to leave Mexico and many will come here. Mexico, however, will be left in tatters.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""
Short term both countries would suffer, but while the US could adjust to a long term shutdown without too much trouble, Mexico would be devastated. This is one of the consequences to the Democrats' bogus opposition to border security.

More hard data and crunched numbers from a Trumpanzee.

Try reading the article before you blow methane from your pie hole:

"""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone."""

There should not be any trade or commerce across that border. Those companies doing so can accept the consequences of their immoral practices if the border is shut down.
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

Let's see how farmers, grocers, restaurants, schools, colleges, cruise ships, hospitals and moms feel about him when they either can't get produce or else they pay through the ass for it.

When his antics start to hit the pocketbook, that's when stupid people wake the fuck up.

Just admit it, you hope that people will suffer so that Trump doesn't get elected.
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

So ? Are you willing to pay $2.00 for lettuce? Hmm?

To save my fellow Americans from getting killed, raped, robbed, assaulted by illegals I'd pay $5 for lettuce fool. You may go now I give you permission. :eusa_hand:
Awwww cry me a river. Mexico SHOULD be devastated. Stop the fucking invasion and you won't be devastated.

Shut the border make it really really REALLY hurt.
Hopefully it will be a wake up call to you fucking idiot Dimocrats who refuse to admit we have a fucking crisis.

At least one Obama era sec has the guts to break away from the Dimocrat border narrative:

Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson: ‘We Are Truly in a Crisis’ on the Border
by Julio Rosas | Mar 29th, 2019, 3:17 pm 938

Former President Barack Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson told Morning Joe on Friday the high number of migrants being appended at the U.S.-Mexico border shows it is a crisis.

Johnson said when he oversaw the department, he would be put in a bad mood if over 1,000 people were appended at the border in a given day. Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said they had detained more than 4,100 migrants on Tuesday..

Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson: ‘We Are Truly in a Crisis’ on the Border
Everyone realizes there is a crisis now duh... It just started the last month or two. Great job! Pass a national ID card, enforce it and end this GOP scam forever, like other modern countries have already done....

"Everyone" ? Lol !!! So now you're admitting your side has been full of shit all this time ?
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.
at about half the rate that citizens do, super duper. And they do not vote or get welfare, they work like hell and the only thing they get is schooling for the children.pass a goddamn ID card like other countries with this problem have done and enforce it. This is a GOP scam, your Masters and brainwashers love the cheap easily bullied labor and the wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. we should spend about 10 billion dollars on these Central American countries and legalize pot while we're at it.

The rate should be ZERO because they should not be in OUR country in the first place. Because terrorists killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 its okay for others to kill 1,500 Americans is that your libtard logic? Or are you just desperate to deflect. I think we all know the answer. Franco come here...:itsok:
It seems like as soon as Trump gave us all a tax break, he turned around and started screwing around making prices higher for everything. Thanks a bunch.

LMAO okay, name specifically what items have gone up in price due to Trump's policies and decisions. Or admit you just made that crap up.
Apparently president Trump has gotten under your skin again. Illegals are killing and raping Americans, so yes the border may need to be shut down.

So ? Are you willing to pay $2.00 for lettuce? Hmm?

To save my fellow Americans from getting killed, raped, robbed, assaulted by illegals I'd pay $5 for lettuce fool. You may go now I give you permission. :eusa_hand:
People no longer harvest lettuce

I have told the libtards this but they continue to claim crops will rot in our fields if we don't let 50 million illegals flood into our country. I guess because libs are lying lowlife filthy scumbag pond scum sucking tick infested sickos.
Trump is threatening to shut down the Mexican border.
Says he's not kidding.
Says it will be an economic boom for the U.S.

What a fucking idiot.

I hope he does shut the border down, but it's the only way to get through the thick skulls of his supporters: through their jobs and the food on their tables.

""""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone. The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,” said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China.

Miles noted that corn and soybean exports to Mexico are big business for farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana.

American consumers would see the difference at the supermarket, said Wilson.

Many foods such as avocados, tomatoes, lettuce, celery and a variety of berries come to the United State by way of Mexico."""
Short term both countries would suffer, but while the US could adjust to a long term shutdown without too much trouble, Mexico would be devastated. This is one of the consequences to the Democrats' bogus opposition to border security.

More hard data and crunched numbers from a Trumpanzee.

Try reading the article before you blow methane from your pie hole:

"""Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone."""

Now that we know you can read, let's see if you can think. US foreign trade last year was about $4.2 trillion, and of that about $265 billion in US exports went to Mexico while the balance of the $558 billion represented Mexican exports to the US, so while the shutdown would be disruptive for us it would be devastating to Mexico's much smaller economy, and that's why the shutdown will be successful in persuading Mexico to rebuild the fence on its southern border that Obama paid for and this time to protect it when the Central Americans try to tear it down. Of course, none of this would be necessary if it were not for the Democrats' bogus opposition to US border security.
Simply put, our Country is failing as we slouch forward with a do-nothing Congress.
Not enough adults in Congress for a long time and anymore.
What we have is a 2 branch Gov't that our forefathers never considered happening to this degree.
Our Constitution won't save us!
Another OMG! Trump's going to kill us all! Thread.

First of all you aren't going to die because you can't get a damn avocado any minute you want one. Hell maybe if we had certain fruits and veggies you copuld get when they are in season some of these left wing idiots would pay a little more attention to how food is produced. It wasn't that long ago seeing watermelons at the store was pretty damn exciting.

Second, closing a border doesn't mean all trucking stops. Get a damn grip. They can still go through the inspection process at the ports. Unless the invaders start dressing up like avocado's or spark plugs it's not a problem.

Thanks for your opinion, completely barren of any facts.
That's the way you roll.

Post a link to the rules and regs of Trump's shut down or STFU.

Obviously produce moves in trucks, and those aren't going to be able to cross.
Do you have all the details? No? Then go fuck yourself you hysterical twit. You're predicting a damn economic collapse over border control. Get a grip.
Yet another "the sky is falling" thread from a triggered TDS patient. This is the most entertaining part of this Forum, and WaitingFor2020 is one of my favorites. But I guess you have to post a lot when your username will expire soon!

But here's the facts: We don't really know what "close the border" means, because the President has not defined it. TDS sufferers pretend it means "block all roads with tanks and troops" because that fits their warped narrative, but there's no reason to assume this. It could just as easily mean "cease all immigrant processing", we really don't know.

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