If Trump Carries Through on Threat to close ports of entry?

Oh, please, you are bringing tears to my eyes. If there is a shutdown, it cannot last for too long because it will destroy the Mexican economy if it does. All your latino American friends should write to their families in Mexico to get their government to start building fence on Mexico's southern border in time for their birthday visits.

..and your cruise to the Caribbean has been canceled due to Trump's closing the ports of the Gulf to anyone returning from Central America and Mexico.
Omg, the sky is falling!

No, that sound you hear is your civil rights disintegrating.
Now you're really pulling out your big guns, right?

Have some more Kool Aid. Trump's threat to close the border has absolutely nothing to do with you. It only takes rights away from people who are not important.
-------------------------------- what 'rights' would those be VS .
lol Of course not. The purpose of the shutdown will be hurt the Mexican economy until Mexico takes steps to stop the flow of Central Americans across its southern border on the way to the US. The exceptions will be, imo, things of a critical nature such as medical emergencies of certain supplies to avoid a humanitarian crisis, but the shutdown is supposed to hurt, so find another favorite restaurant until it is over.

..and an American dentist who will replace my crown for $400? I don't think so. But that isn't really the point. Southern AZ is full of Latino American citizens with families in Mexico. Close the border, and free Americans are no longer free to leave the country to visit their families. Welcome to N. Korea.
Sure, just like NK.

Well, I am sure that it is ok with you, because you are not a Latino American citizen with relatives in Mexico. They are, after all, 2nd class American citizens.
Oh, please, you are bringing tears to my eyes. If there is a shutdown, it cannot last for too long because it will destroy the Mexican economy if it does. All your latino American friends should write to their families in Mexico to get their government to start building fence on Mexico's southern border in time for their birthday visits.

..and your cruise to the Caribbean has been canceled due to Trump's closing the ports of the Gulf to anyone returning from Central America and Mexico.
------------------------------------------ There is NO RIGHT to travel to the Caribbean VS .
He said it would be closed but there will probably be some exceptions, but probably not to get to your favorite Mexican restaurant.

Oh, so there will "probably" be some exceptions. so, what you are saying is that I should not change my plans to go to Mexico, because I "probably' will not be barred from returning across the closed border, so to be on the safe side, I should bring enough money for a couple of weeks in a Mexican hotel?
lol Of course not. The purpose of the shutdown will be hurt the Mexican economy until Mexico takes steps to stop the flow of Central Americans across its southern border on the way to the US. The exceptions will be, imo, things of a critical nature such as medical emergencies of certain supplies to avoid a humanitarian crisis, but the shutdown is supposed to hurt, so find another favorite restaurant until it is over.

..and an American dentist who will replace my crown for $400? I don't think so. But that isn't really the point. Southern AZ is full of Latino American citizens with families in Mexico. Close the border, and free Americans are no longer free to leave the country to visit their families. Welcome to N. Korea.
Sure, just like NK.

Well, I am sure that it is ok with you, because you are not a Latino American citizen with relatives in Mexico. They are, after all, 2nd class American citizens.
---------------------------------------- Probably DUALIES with no loyalty for the USA VS ,
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist?
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist
Denying legitimate claims of political asylum is consistent with the actions of a lifelong bigot whose name was first published in his hometown newspaper as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"In the run-up to the mid-term elections, President Trump focused much of his rhetoric on 'the caravan' of migrants heading north through Mexico.

"The caravan, which included many refugees, was, in the president’s telling, a would-be 'invasion' of the United States by 'bad people,' 'terrorists,' and 'Middle Easterners.'

"This purported threat to the country’s security was his stated rationale for deploying thousands of troops and, later, for firing tear gas at a group of migrants as they approached the border.

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'"
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
We import more than we export so I don't see the problem.
We import more than we export so I don't see the problem
How are you interpreting the phrase "close the border?"

Border closure could cost billions

"Mexico is America's third-largest trade partner, and the two economies are deeply intertwined, with $558 billion in goods crossing the border in two-way trade last year alone.

"The Commerce Department estimated that in 2015, nearly 100,000 American jobs were supported by goods trade with Mexico.

"If the border were to be shut down, experts say, the consequences would be immediate.

"'The first thing you’d start to see is a spike in car prices and factories in trouble,' said Richard Miles, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies’s Americas program.

"A huge portion of American trade with Mexico deals in parts, so shutting the border would immediately throw a wrench into the auto supply chain, as well as other manufacturing.

"Another major casualty would be agriculture, which would hit farm states already facing a squeeze from a trade war with China."
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist
Denying legitimate claims of political asylum is consistent with the actions of a lifelong bigot whose name was first published in his hometown newspaper as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"In the run-up to the mid-term elections, President Trump focused much of his rhetoric on 'the caravan' of migrants heading north through Mexico.

"The caravan, which included many refugees, was, in the president’s telling, a would-be 'invasion' of the United States by 'bad people,' 'terrorists,' and 'Middle Easterners.'

"This purported threat to the country’s security was his stated rationale for deploying thousands of troops and, later, for firing tear gas at a group of migrants as they approached the border.

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'"
Stop with the bullchitt. This issue is decades old. This is not being mean. And it is an issue that needs to be addressed. I feel sorry for the young people in our nation. All of those in your face out of shape people who are Progs are carcasses waiting for the feeding. The 1980's had Paul Volcker as the Fed chairman squeezing out debt with double digit interest rates. We had a massive stock market drop several years later. We had astock market collapse in Bill Clinton's last year as president. We had a housing collpapse because of the Progs delaying it for giving people who never paid off a debt loans in the first decade of this century. And we needed massive fiat currency infusion that screwed the taxpayer over. The next stock market downturn will be far worse as pensions will be affected and loans will collapse and even medical may be rationed.
Trump is just playing to his clueless base.
He needs them in a constant state of agitation.
Jeh Johnson's comments supercharged everything, though.

Neither end of this argument is making themselves look very good right now.

Did he say it during a rally?

Usually when he wants cheers, he says something outrageous about Messicans and his worshippers go bananas.
Trump is just playing to his clueless base.
He needs them in a constant state of agitation.
Jeh Johnson's comments supercharged everything, though.

Neither end of this argument is making themselves look very good right now.

Did he say it during a rally?

Usually when he wants cheers, he says something outrageous about Messicans and his worshippers go bananas.
You won't find two more polar opposites in temperament than Trump and Johnson.

Johnson was just being honest.
Oh, please, you are bringing tears to my eyes. If there is a shutdown, it cannot last for too long because it will destroy the Mexican economy if it does. All your latino American friends should write to their families in Mexico to get their government to start building fence on Mexico's southern border in time for their birthday visits.

..and your cruise to the Caribbean has been canceled due to Trump's closing the ports of the Gulf to anyone returning from Central America and Mexico.
Omg, the sky is falling!

No, that sound you hear is your civil rights disintegrating.
Now you're really pulling out your big guns, right?

Have some more Kool Aid. Trump's threat to close the border has absolutely nothing to do with you. It only takes rights away from people who are not important.
That's right, I forgot. If a Republican did it it must be racist.
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Border closure could cost billions

"'There’s about a billion dollars of commerce that crosses the border every single day, so every day it’s closed we’re losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars,' he added."

Trump Distraction Syndrome?
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
There is no way to reduce the backlog without discouraging the illegals from falsely claiming they need asylum. Only about 15% of the asylum requests are legitimate according to border officials, but activists encourage all the illegals to request asylum in order to create a humanitarian crisis that might lead to illegals being allowed in with a summons they can then ignore. Legitimate asylum seekers are the victims of the activists who are trying to break the system.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Yes it would but how much is it worth to stop the illegals coming up from Central America? The Democrats in their bogus opposition to border security have created security and humanitarian crises so now the President has to find a way to quickly stop all the illegals the Democrats have invited.
Perhaps the money Trump wants to spend on his wall could be put to better use funding more asylum courts and related infrastructure?
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
The best use for it is to keep the illegals out by building the fence, but if the Democrats hadn't refused funding for more detention facilities, the growing humanitarian crisis they created could have been eased.
"Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%"

Trump plan fails to cut immigration court backlog, as caseload soars more than 26%

"The Trump administration's controversial plan to shrink the ballooning backlog of immigration cases by pushing judges to hear more cases has failed, according to the latest data, with the average wait for an immigration hearing now more than two years.

"Since October 2017, when the Justice Department approved a plan aimed at reducing the backlog in immigration court, the pending caseload has grown by more than 26%, from 655,932 cases to just shy of 830,000, according to Syracuse University’s Transactional Access Records Clearinghouse, which tracks data from immigration courts."

Why are you surprised when an idiot racist makes legal immigration into a humanitarian disaster?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist?
Huh?? Controlling the border is racist
Denying legitimate claims of political asylum is consistent with the actions of a lifelong bigot whose name was first published in his hometown newspaper as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit.

Refugee Blockade: The Trump Administration’s Obstruction of Asylum Claims at the Border

"In the run-up to the mid-term elections, President Trump focused much of his rhetoric on 'the caravan' of migrants heading north through Mexico.

"The caravan, which included many refugees, was, in the president’s telling, a would-be 'invasion' of the United States by 'bad people,' 'terrorists,' and 'Middle Easterners.'

"This purported threat to the country’s security was his stated rationale for deploying thousands of troops and, later, for firing tear gas at a group of migrants as they approached the border.

"But Human Rights First’s research shows that the Trump Administration itself has cultivated this alleged crisis.

"The actual threat to the law comes not from refugees seeking asylum but from the Trump Administration seeking to restrict this right.

"Instead of managing migration and processing refugee protection requests in an orderly way that upholds U.S. law and ideals, border officials are illegally turning away asylum seekers and have slowed processing of asylum claims at 'ports of entry.'"
Since the immigration courts find only about 15% of the asylum claimants are legitimate, your post is nothing but racist nonsense.
..and your cruise to the Caribbean has been canceled due to Trump's closing the ports of the Gulf to anyone returning from Central America and Mexico.
Omg, the sky is falling!

No, that sound you hear is your civil rights disintegrating.
Now you're really pulling out your big guns, right?

Have some more Kool Aid. Trump's threat to close the border has absolutely nothing to do with you. It only takes rights away from people who are not important.
That's right, I forgot. If a Republican did it it must be racist.

"Racist"? your word, not mine. Trump is not my president. if your president denies basic American freedoms to certain American citizens, just own it, and be proud.

In the meantime, clueless Trump continues his quest to destroy the American economy:

Avocado shortages, virgin margaritas: Border shutdown would hit American palates
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This should cause Mexico great pain but what else?
It will cause great pain for a lot of Americans but what would closing border actually accomplish?
Would migrants turn around and walk back to Central America?
Would Mexico arrest people that aren't breaking any law?
Would Mexico shelter and feed these people?
Lastly would it reduce illegal immigration?

The answer is obviously no to all the above. What it would do is create a real emergency on southern border and declare to the world that the most powerful nation on earth can't protect it's own borders.
This should cause Mexico great pain but what else?
It will cause great pain for a lot of Americans but what would closing border actually accomplish?
Would migrants turn around and walk back to Central America?
Would Mexico arrest people that aren't breaking any law?
Would Mexico shelter and feed these people?
Lastly would it reduce illegal immigration?

The answer is obviously no to all the above. What it would do is create a real emergency on southern border and declare to world that the most powerful nation on earth can't protect it's own borders.
The President has said what he expects Mexico to do, build the fence on Mexico's southern border to prevent the Central Americans from crossing Mexico to get to the US border. Obama paid Mexico to put up that fence, but when the caravans came, the Mexicans just stood by while the Central Americans tore down Obama's fence. Clearly, President Trump is demanding Mexico enforce its own border security laws and build the fence and defend it this time.

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