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If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

He is a joke, and yes, "a loudmouth...ignoramus." How can someone who has gone bankrupt four times manage American's economy? How can someone who speaks so offensively to others manage America's international diplomacy? As president, he'd be the worst nightmare America has ever experienced.
He hasn't gone bankrupt four times. That's a liberal myth.

This is correct. There is a big difference between an individual filing a ch. 7 bankruptcy and a corporation restructuring under a ch. 11.
We realize that. But he has done it four times. He is abusing the bankruptcy code to rip off investors. Once is ok. There are force majeure reasons to do that, so twice, while pushing it, can happen. But four times is deliberate fraud

What congress, the Federal Reserve system, and the Bansksters did with tax payer money during the last economic crash was complete fraud too. Sounds like he is more than qualified.
Trump was a developer in NYC. You cannot have done that not bribed people.

Well, I'll believe you when you have proof of it.
Sorry for your ignroance. I grew up in NYC in the 1970s and remember Trump and that is how it was.

I h
Having tits is no recommendation to be president.


That's... actually pretty sexist.

No, the way she kicked Trump's ass in that debate was my recommendation.

Trump is equally a criminal. He is a New York developer

Show me a list of actionable crimes he's committed, and I'll drop the issue right here.
Actually the opposite is sexist. Fortunately Fiorina is not running to be "the first female president" which is a mark for her.
Kicking ass in a debate is not qualification to be president. It is qualification to be a contestant on a game show.
Trump was a developer in NYC. You cannot have done that not bribed people.

And if Trump can bribe, certainly so can the Walton clan as I pointed out in the other thread. Thanks for inadvertently making my point.
He is a joke, and yes, "a loudmouth...ignoramus." How can someone who has gone bankrupt four times manage American's economy? How can someone who speaks so offensively to others manage America's international diplomacy? As president, he'd be the worst nightmare America has ever experienced.
He hasn't gone bankrupt four times. That's a liberal myth.

This is correct. There is a big difference between an individual filing a ch. 7 bankruptcy and a corporation restructuring under a ch. 11.
We realize that. But he has done it four times. He is abusing the bankruptcy code to rip off investors. Once is ok. There are force majeure reasons to do that, so twice, while pushing it, can happen. But four times is deliberate fraud

Those ch 11 filings probably involved different companies. Also, equity holders usually get paid pretty well as administrative claimants.
He is a joke, and yes, "a loudmouth...ignoramus." How can someone who has gone bankrupt four times manage American's economy? How can someone who speaks so offensively to others manage America's international diplomacy? As president, he'd be the worst nightmare America has ever experienced.
He hasn't gone bankrupt four times. That's a liberal myth.

This is correct. There is a big difference between an individual filing a ch. 7 bankruptcy and a corporation restructuring under a ch. 11.
We realize that. But he has done it four times. He is abusing the bankruptcy code to rip off investors. Once is ok. There are force majeure reasons to do that, so twice, while pushing it, can happen. But four times is deliberate fraud

Those ch 11 filings probably involved different companies. Also, equity holders usually get paid pretty well as administrative claimants.

Plus, you do not know what legal fraud is, you nitwit.
OP I'm just glad you have no hope of being elected president wow!!
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.

Lets assume that's true, how is that worse than these lying scum asshole establishment politicians? So called professional politicians have become a wrecking ball, they lie, they are corrupt, worse they are blithering idiots who have borrowed and squandered over $18 trillion dollars mortgaging the next several generation's wealth. I keep asking this question but no Trump haters have an answer, how is Trump worse?
He's worse because he is an entertainer, not a statesman. He's worse because he is not only completely inexperienced with national affairs, he is completely inexperienced with and ignorant of international affairs. He's worse because he has absolutely no skills in diplomacy. He's a joke. A complete joke.

And? Again the so called professional politicians have been a colossal failure in all of these areas, how exactly can Trump be even worse? Obama was a total newbie with a big fat ZERO experience. He even sucked at being a lawyer his profession. Trump vs Obama its not even a contest Obama is a loser in comparison. What the hell has Hillary accomplished in her few jobs besides breaking the law, making idiot decisions, and screwing up. Arab Spring? Yeah a cluster fuck and dead Americans. As for our group of GOP establishment clown candidates, many of whom are too gutless to challenge a lame duck Obama with a majority in both houses. Talk about your face palms. I also don't like that they LIED, they ran over 40,000 ads in the last election promising to defund Obamacare and his executive order amnesty then...the first thing they did was throw in with the Democrats and fund both of them.

People I'm not saying Trump is my guy or would be a good president. I'm saying you people are in no position to say these other clowns would be better.
He has lots of different corps under his umbrella. He can have lots of things happening under one chapter 11. You can have a huge number of entities under one filing. This wasn't four entities under one chapter 11, this was four chapter 11's. One of which is notorious in the fact creditors got 10¢ and the minority stakeholders got 20¢. He is a fraud, impure and devious
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Hey, it's better than electing someone who has to prove that she is a "real person."
Trump is better than Hillary Clinton! Now there's a slogan. Clinton is the worst human on the planet just about. I'd like to aim a little higher than "second worst human on the planet."

Whatever floats your boat, Rabbi. I'm not a Trump fan (anymore). Fiorina is my front runner.

However Trump is better than Clinton. He isn't a criminal. What Hillary has done and is doing now makes Trump look like a choirboy.

Funny, when we got tired of the moderates, we wanted an "outsider," and when one bucks that moderate trend, we're begging for moderation. Satisfaction never guaranteed. Just an observation.
So youv'e jumped from one incompentent noob to another. Having tits is no recommendation to be president. Trump is equally a criminal. He is a New York developer. That means he engaged in payoffs and bribes and other unsavory business practicies.

IF true......Trump would have used HIS money, not our Tax dollars or donations/bribes to the foundation. He earned it. You don't successfully manage a $10B empire if incompetent lying fool.
Earned it? He inherited millions and went bankrupt four times, with the taxpayers bailing him out.
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.
Hillary or Trump?
Hillary actually has recognizable positions she has been more or less consistent on. She wasnt for gun control before she was against it. Trump has been all over the map on every single posiiton.
Hillary Clinton’s changing position on same-sex marriage
Matt Vespa - CNN Panel Amused By Hillary’s Changing Political Positions
Hillary Clinton's flip-flop on immigration
I wrote more or less. Sure she has flipped on a bunch, esp gay marriage, as politics has changed. But she wasnt a Republican 5 years ago. Trump was a Democrat then.

Shes a crook who sells out this country for profit. Her and her husband are lowlife scum. Anyone who votes for Hillary is a traitor to this country
What an absolutely ridiculous statement.
OP I'm just glad you have no hope of being elected president wow!!
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.

Lets assume that's true, how is that worse than these lying scum asshole establishment politicians? So called professional politicians have become a wrecking ball, they lie, they are corrupt, worse they are blithering idiots who have borrowed and squandered over $18 trillion dollars mortgaging the next several generation's wealth. I keep asking this question but no Trump haters have an answer, how is Trump worse?
He's worse because he is an entertainer, not a statesman. He's worse because he is not only completely inexperienced with national affairs, he is completely inexperienced with and ignorant of international affairs. He's worse because he has absolutely no skills in diplomacy. He's a joke. A complete joke.

And? Again the so called professional politicians have been a colossal failure in all of these areas, how exactly can Trump be even worse? Obama was a total newbie with a big fat ZERO experience. He even sucked at being a lawyer his profession. Trump vs Obama its not even a contest Obama is a loser in comparison. What the hell has Hillary accomplished in her few jobs besides breaking the law, making idiot decisions, and screwing up. Arab Spring? Yeah a cluster fuck and dead Americans. As for our group of GOP establishment clown candidates, many of whom are too gutless to challenge a lame duck Obama with a majority in both houses. Talk about your face palms. I also don't like that they LIED, they ran over 40,000 ads in the last election promising to defund Obamacare and his executive order amnesty then...the first thing they did was throw in with the Democrats and fund both of them.

People I'm not saying Trump is my guy or would be a good president. I'm saying you people are in no position to say these other clowns would be better.
Maybe your politicians have been colossal failures at national and international affairs and at the economy, but not the democratic administrations. Bill Clinton's administration was admired the world over for his foreign relations and he is still admired and loved across the globe. His internal national programs brought our country prosperity; he is considered, by presidential historians, one of the best presidents the US has had. Obama's presidency has not been a failure: that is a myth perpetuated by the right wing. At this point in time, our economy is in a better recovery from the recession that either China or Europe. We have positive and strong international relations, as opposed to GW Bush who ruined our global relationships, was hated by most of the world, and prompted the Nobel program to give Obama a peace prize simply because he was replacing the reviled GW Bush.
OP I'm just glad you have no hope of being elected president wow!!
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.
Hillary or Trump?
Hillary actually has recognizable positions she has been more or less consistent on. She wasnt for gun control before she was against it. Trump has been all over the map on every single posiiton.

Just goes to show you that people have no idea what they talk about!

OP I'm just glad you have no hope of being elected president wow!!
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.

Lets assume that's true, how is that worse than these lying scum asshole establishment politicians? So called professional politicians have become a wrecking ball, they lie, they are corrupt, worse they are blithering idiots who have borrowed and squandered over $18 trillion dollars mortgaging the next several generation's wealth. I keep asking this question but no Trump haters have an answer, how is Trump worse?
He's worse because he is an entertainer, not a statesman. He's worse because he is not only completely inexperienced with national affairs, he is completely inexperienced with and ignorant of international affairs. He's worse because he has absolutely no skills in diplomacy. He's a joke. A complete joke.

And? Again the so called professional politicians have been a colossal failure in all of these areas, how exactly can Trump be even worse? Obama was a total newbie with a big fat ZERO experience. He even sucked at being a lawyer his profession. Trump vs Obama its not even a contest Obama is a loser in comparison. What the hell has Hillary accomplished in her few jobs besides breaking the law, making idiot decisions, and screwing up. Arab Spring? Yeah a cluster fuck and dead Americans. As for our group of GOP establishment clown candidates, many of whom are too gutless to challenge a lame duck Obama with a majority in both houses. Talk about your face palms. I also don't like that they LIED, they ran over 40,000 ads in the last election promising to defund Obamacare and his executive order amnesty then...the first thing they did was throw in with the Democrats and fund both of them.

People I'm not saying Trump is my guy or would be a good president. I'm saying you people are in no position to say these other clowns would be better.
Maybe your politicians have been colossal failures at national and international affairs and at the economy, but not the democratic administrations. Bill Clinton's administration was admired the world over for his foreign relations and he is still admired and loved across the globe. His internal national programs brought our country prosperity; he is considered, by presidential historians, one of the best presidents the US has had. Obama's presidency has not been a failure: that is a myth perpetuated by the right wing. At this point in time, our economy is in a better recovery from the recession that either China or Europe. We have positive and strong international relations, as opposed to GW Bush who ruined our global relationships, was hated by most of the world, and prompted the Nobel program to give Obama a peace prize simply because he was replacing the reviled GW Bush.

If only Bill wasn't a sexual predator, adulterer, liar, hadn't attacked Iraq setting that whole fiasco in motion, hadn't got a bunch of our military killed in Somalia, hadn't botched it leading to the 911 attacks, hadn't fought the balanced budget tooth and nail...etc. etc. etc. he'd have been a great president. /sarcasm
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.

Lets assume that's true, how is that worse than these lying scum asshole establishment politicians? So called professional politicians have become a wrecking ball, they lie, they are corrupt, worse they are blithering idiots who have borrowed and squandered over $18 trillion dollars mortgaging the next several generation's wealth. I keep asking this question but no Trump haters have an answer, how is Trump worse?
He's worse because he is an entertainer, not a statesman. He's worse because he is not only completely inexperienced with national affairs, he is completely inexperienced with and ignorant of international affairs. He's worse because he has absolutely no skills in diplomacy. He's a joke. A complete joke.

And? Again the so called professional politicians have been a colossal failure in all of these areas, how exactly can Trump be even worse? Obama was a total newbie with a big fat ZERO experience. He even sucked at being a lawyer his profession. Trump vs Obama its not even a contest Obama is a loser in comparison. What the hell has Hillary accomplished in her few jobs besides breaking the law, making idiot decisions, and screwing up. Arab Spring? Yeah a cluster fuck and dead Americans. As for our group of GOP establishment clown candidates, many of whom are too gutless to challenge a lame duck Obama with a majority in both houses. Talk about your face palms. I also don't like that they LIED, they ran over 40,000 ads in the last election promising to defund Obamacare and his executive order amnesty then...the first thing they did was throw in with the Democrats and fund both of them.

People I'm not saying Trump is my guy or would be a good president. I'm saying you people are in no position to say these other clowns would be better.
Maybe your politicians have been colossal failures at national and international affairs and at the economy, but not the democratic administrations. Bill Clinton's administration was admired the world over for his foreign relations and he is still admired and loved across the globe. His internal national programs brought our country prosperity; he is considered, by presidential historians, one of the best presidents the US has had. Obama's presidency has not been a failure: that is a myth perpetuated by the right wing. At this point in time, our economy is in a better recovery from the recession that either China or Europe. We have positive and strong international relations, as opposed to GW Bush who ruined our global relationships, was hated by most of the world, and prompted the Nobel program to give Obama a peace prize simply because he was replacing the reviled GW Bush.

If only Bill wasn't a sexual predator, adulterer, liar, hadn't attacked Iraq setting that whole fiasco in motion, hadn't got a bunch of our military killed in Somalia, hadn't botched it leading to the 911 attacks, hadn't fought the balanced budget tooth and nail...etc. etc. etc. he'd have been a great president. /sarcasm
You can be as sarcastic as you want, but presidential historians place him in the top 10 of US presidents, while Obama is ranked 18th, and GW Bush among the worst: he was ranked 35 overall.

New ranking of U.S. presidents puts Lincoln at No. 1, Obama at 18; Kennedy judged most overrated
Trump has said he would put boots on the ground against Isis. You guys do know.what that means don't you?
I don't think we can be anymore SCREWED than we have these LAST seven years and ONE more to go to get screwed even more. well, I take back, you put in Hilary then we aren't just screwed, WE ARE DONE

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If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Trump is great, your establishment pigs asslicked by Fox are the ones who have caused the trouble.
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

LMAO Like we aren't screwed with all of them??

Trump isn't a politician and he's a billionaire so he can't be bought. He doesn't have a PC bone in his body.

He's refreshing after all the mouth breathing professional politicians we have.

Professional politicians haven't done a very good job of late. Something different is needed and that something might well be Trump.

Grow a pair. Get over it. He may be our next POTUS. LOL

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