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If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

I'm no Trump supporter, but really, with the string of HW, Slick, Slick, W, W, Hussein, Hussein, how really can he be any worse? Yeah, I'd like to shoot for better, just addressing your title

A man who said he gets his military advice from watching TV shows and would send American troops into the anarchy of Iraq and Syria to seize oil fields, and who would unilaterally instigate global trade wars would almost certainly be worse than anything we've had over the past three decades.
Where do you think Obama got his military advice?

Sure as heck isn't his generals!

You know, I'm getting fed the fuck up with people constantly misquoting Trump.

You dumbasses are creating this composite of everything negative you can imagine and assigning it to Trump. This is a byproduct of overactive imaginations and being directed by the ruling class with the intention of bamboozling the public into voting for their do-nothing candidates, Hillary and Bush.
It reminds me of the way Sarah Palin was treated. What was her biggest crime? Stepping on a bunch of life long bureaucrats toes.
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A man who said he gets his military advice from watching TV shows and would send American troops into the anarchy of Iraq and Syria to seize oil fields, and who would unilaterally instigate global trade wars would almost certainly be worse than anything we've had over the past three decades.

Oh, noes, not Trade Wars!!!! We might actually have to employ Americans to make things! How can Pompous T. Moneybags afford a Dressage Horse if that happens?

I don't think Trump would make a good president, but I love how he makes you Wall Street types shit your silk trousers.
Here's the thing about Trump.

For 40 years, the GOP has gotten working class white people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their religious, sexual, racial and security fears.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" got replaced with "Those gays and Feminists and darkies are after your children." It started with Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's Welfare Queens, Willie Horton, Bush Jr. campaigning against gay marriage.

And along comes Trump, mastering the same kind of demagougery while the "establishment" GOP types just promise more of the same.

The middle east is in flames with a flood of immigrants trying to escape and now the largest terrorist state on the planet has now been given nukes and a wad of cash by a community organizer and you are worried that Trump will make things worse?

I think part of the problem may be that there are too many "experts" out there who have "fixed" things in the Middle East.

Some things you just can't fix and the more money and time you spend trying to fix it makes you look like an idiot.

Except no one gave them nukes, and we wouldn't have a flood of refugees if Bush hadn't toppled Saddam and created a terrorist army in a stable state.

"Obama, you're not fixing Bush's fuckups fast enough".
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Most left-wingers on this forum are loudmouths that think they succeed at debating.

After all the millions on millions of insults directed at Sarah Palin, by people who didn't know her... Hypocrite much?

Most politicians are a disaster waiting to happen. I'm convinced Hillary would be a bigger disaster by magnitude.

Foreign respect for the US? Under Obama?


African respect?


India respect?


Turkey respect?

And you are worried about Trump losing foreign respect? Little late to worry about something already lost.

I personally think we're in trouble, regardless of who wins. Obama has set the country on a course to bankruptcy, and anyone who wins the election, is going to have major problems.

The middle east is in flames with a flood of immigrants trying to escape and now the largest terrorist state on the planet has now been given nukes and a wad of cash by a community organizer and you are worried that Trump will make things worse?

I think part of the problem may be that there are too many "experts" out there who have "fixed" things in the Middle East.

Some things you just can't fix and the more money and time you spend trying to fix it makes you look like an idiot.

Except no one gave them nukes, and we wouldn't have a flood of refugees if Bush hadn't toppled Saddam and created a terrorist army in a stable state.

"Obama, you're not fixing Bush's fuckups fast enough".

7 years later, and the left still has only one never ending excuse "Bush did it!".
OP I'm just glad you have no hope of being elected president wow!!
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.

Lets assume that's true, how is that worse than these lying scum asshole establishment politicians? So called professional politicians have become a wrecking ball, they lie, they are corrupt, worse they are blithering idiots who have borrowed and squandered over $18 trillion dollars mortgaging the next several generation's wealth. I keep asking this question but no Trump haters have an answer, how is Trump worse?
He's worse because he is an entertainer, not a statesman. He's worse because he is not only completely inexperienced with national affairs, he is completely inexperienced with and ignorant of international affairs. He's worse because he has absolutely no skills in diplomacy. He's a joke. A complete joke.

And? Again the so called professional politicians have been a colossal failure in all of these areas, how exactly can Trump be even worse? Obama was a total newbie with a big fat ZERO experience. He even sucked at being a lawyer his profession. Trump vs Obama its not even a contest Obama is a loser in comparison. What the hell has Hillary accomplished in her few jobs besides breaking the law, making idiot decisions, and screwing up. Arab Spring? Yeah a cluster fuck and dead Americans. As for our group of GOP establishment clown candidates, many of whom are too gutless to challenge a lame duck Obama with a majority in both houses. Talk about your face palms. I also don't like that they LIED, they ran over 40,000 ads in the last election promising to defund Obamacare and his executive order amnesty then...the first thing they did was throw in with the Democrats and fund both of them.

People I'm not saying Trump is my guy or would be a good president. I'm saying you people are in no position to say these other clowns would be better.
Agreed. This thread is like having an argument with your TV. Someone posted what the media is saying about him, and basically, they can't think for themselves. Folks don't really KNOW what he would do, so the only thing they have on him is what the establishment is saying about him.

It's terrible when people can't think for themselves.

I noticed the same was true about Obama. Nobody knew what the hell he would do. The only thing anyone knew is who was backing him, what was written in his books, that he came off as a rock star, and that he never was really on record for anything.

Oh yeah, and that he didn't seem to have much of a history.

At least Trump has a history we can look back on. Though most folks can't even get that straight as the media likes to twist that all out of shape. lol
How can he be any worse? LOL. Yeah, lots worse. Trump is a goon, a self serving egomaniac with absolutely no idea how to govern. If you thought Obama sucked with his pen and phone imagine Trump in office. "You're fired" doesnt work well with elected members of Congress.

That's my favorite argument - "It couldn't get any worse."

Oh yes it could.

It could get a whole lot worse.

Who did you quote? It wasn't me and Rabbi was responding to me. I didn't say that brain dead statement. taking a statment, like I don't see Trump being worse than the last four occupants, isn't that absurd, extreme statement that you made up.

Also, you may want to review High School English to learn how to properly use quote marks, or in this case, not use them...

Stop being so butthurt.

"It couldn't get any worse" is an argument I've seen Trumptards make here. It wasn't directed at anyone in particular.

But if you think Trump couldn't be any than the last four occupants, you have a very limited imagination.

Wow, that stick is rammed up in there, chill, dude.

It was pretty clear you were. I do see though, when I said I'm not Trump fan, you assumed I was a Trump-tard. Can I assume then you're a re-tard?
I'm no Trump supporter, but really, with the string of HW, Slick, Slick, W, W, Hussein, Hussein, how really can he be any worse? Yeah, I'd like to shoot for better, just addressing your title

A man who said he gets his military advice from watching TV shows and would send American troops into the anarchy of Iraq and Syria to seize oil fields, and who would unilaterally instigate global trade wars would almost certainly be worse than anything we've had over the past three decades.

Again, logically, that doesn't logically refute my point. I can give lists of the last four disasters as well. Also, Trump is a showman, he's not as irrational when he has to actually discuss the issues.

Our last four presidents have been so incredibly bad, I just don't see Trump being worse. I know you like to go all liberal games on me. Oh, Trump can't be worse, so you mean no one could be worse. And oh, "can't" be worse, so you think it's not possible. And oh, you think the last four Presidents were awful and you think Trump isn't worse, so you like Trump. Yeah. Taking statements to the absurd extreme is their specialty, while they criticize others for being black and white.

Trump is an entertainer. He's no fiscal conservative. I'd like to try to do better. If you want to keep turning my statements into caricatures of what I said, go ahead, I'm not interested in defending Trump, that isn't what I said
This is correct. There is a big difference between an individual filing a ch. 7 bankruptcy and a corporation restructuring under a ch. 11.
We realize that. But he has done it four times. He is abusing the bankruptcy code to rip off investors. Once is ok. There are force majeure reasons to do that, so twice, while pushing it, can happen. But four times is deliberate fraud

Those ch 11 filings probably involved different companies. Also, equity holders usually get paid pretty well as administrative claimants.
Wrong. Equity holders typically are wiped out.

I know, I read that and I was WTF. It's amazing the leftist drivel they will state with no idea what they are talking about

I am a conservative, fuck face. I made a mistake and I admitted it. You are just as knee-jerk as the left. Eat my fuck, bitch.

Didn't see that, but as you so eloquently apologized, I graciously accept
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Most left-wingers on this forum are loudmouths that think they succeed at debating.

After all the millions on millions of insults directed at Sarah Palin, by people who didn't know her... Hypocrite much?

Most politicians are a disaster waiting to happen. I'm convinced Hillary would be a bigger disaster by magnitude.

Foreign respect for the US? Under Obama?


African respect?


India respect?


Turkey respect?

And you are worried about Trump losing foreign respect? Little late to worry about something already lost.

I personally think we're in trouble, regardless of who wins. Obama has set the country on a course to bankruptcy, and anyone who wins the election, is going to have major problems.

Hillary was asked this weekend what three words she felt best described her?

She started cackling in that terrible way that that is so irritating. That's what she always does when she is uncomfortable. Then she instead said she is a real person like everyone else.

I kept thinking, this is the fugly bitch that Democrats support over all others.....and that they have the gall to talk smack about Trump. She makes Donald seem pleasant on his worse day. She reminded me of watching Charles Manson tapes. Just gave me the creeps

What a sarcastic ****.
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I'm no Trump supporter, but really, with the string of HW, Slick, Slick, W, W, Hussein, Hussein, how really can he be any worse? Yeah, I'd like to shoot for better, just addressing your title

A man who said he gets his military advice from watching TV shows and would send American troops into the anarchy of Iraq and Syria to seize oil fields, and who would unilaterally instigate global trade wars would almost certainly be worse than anything we've had over the past three decades.
Do you think the American people could actually elect someone WORSE than those they elected the past three decades?


History has shown that nations have been destroyed by populist demagogues.

This is nothing.
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Most left-wingers on this forum are loudmouths that think they succeed at debating.

After all the millions on millions of insults directed at Sarah Palin, by people who didn't know her... Hypocrite much?

Most politicians are a disaster waiting to happen. I'm convinced Hillary would be a bigger disaster by magnitude.

Foreign respect for the US? Under Obama?


African respect?


India respect?


Turkey respect?

And you are worried about Trump losing foreign respect? Little late to worry about something already lost.

I personally think we're in trouble, regardless of who wins. Obama has set the country on a course to bankruptcy, and anyone who wins the election, is going to have major problems.

Hillary was asked this weekend what three words she felt best described her?

She started cackling in that terrible way that that is so irritating. That's what she always does when she is uncomfortable. Then she instead said she is a real person like everyone else.

I kept thinking, this is the fugly bitch that Democrats support over all others.....and that they have the gall to talk smack about Trump. She makes Donald seem pleasant on his worse day. She reminded me of watching Charles Manson tapes. Just gave me the creeps

What a sarcastic ****.

Actually, what bugs the crap out of me more than Hillary (and she's had far worse bouts of cackling than that), is the media and the left-wing.

Look at that awesome, deep, pertinent questioning! "Who is the 'real' really really real... Hillary Clinton? Who really real you?" And of course that all important follow up "What three words describe the really real you?"

For crying out load..... Where's the "Social Security is going broke. What's your solution?" Or "ISIS and Iran. Are you going to get involved, or stay out? What's your positions?" Of all the dozens of deep problems we have to deal with, and such a hard hitting, in your face, get to the major issues, program like Face the Nation!.... and what do they ask?

"Who is the real.... really real.... Hillary Clinton? Who is the real you?"

Oh for .. gah.... And then they say "faux snews ib by-assed!" because they can't spell or make a point.

Seriously? Fox might be biased in what they do ask, the mass left-wing media is biased in what they don't ask. We can't ask anything embarrassing, or difficult, or hard hitting, or anything remotely important...... "So who is the real you?"

If Donald Trump was on there, they'd be asking every difficult hard hitting question they could, and all you lefties know it.

You people....
Actually the OP is right. Trump is a loudmouth and an ignoramus. He switches positions like he changes underwear based on what he thinks people want to hear (no, they dont all do it). He has no guiding principles except ego. And the rubes eat it up.
Hillary or Trump?
Hillary actually has recognizable positions she has been more or less consistent on. She wasnt for gun control before she was against it. Trump has been all over the map on every single posiiton.
my previous post addressed your judgement generally. i could name, more but i wont. Trumps not my guy, but over Hillary absolutely. If Trump wins the nomination you can team up with your buddy Stat and campaign for Hillary ill be gong the other way
I probably wont vote at all if that's the choice. But it wont be. After New Hampshire things will look very different.
You're the reason we have this prick currently in the WH.

Because I voted for Romney in 2012 and McCain in 2008?
He hasn't gone bankrupt four times. That's a liberal myth.

This is correct. There is a big difference between an individual filing a ch. 7 bankruptcy and a corporation restructuring under a ch. 11.
We realize that. But he has done it four times. He is abusing the bankruptcy code to rip off investors. Once is ok. There are force majeure reasons to do that, so twice, while pushing it, can happen. But four times is deliberate fraud

Those ch 11 filings probably involved different companies. Also, equity holders usually get paid pretty well as administrative claimants.
Wrong. Equity holders typically are wiped out.

I stand corrected.
You just went up a notch or two. Thanks!
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Most left-wingers on this forum are loudmouths that think they succeed at debating.

After all the millions on millions of insults directed at Sarah Palin, by people who didn't know her... Hypocrite much?

Most politicians are a disaster waiting to happen. I'm convinced Hillary would be a bigger disaster by magnitude.

Foreign respect for the US? Under Obama?


African respect?


India respect?


Turkey respect?

And you are worried about Trump losing foreign respect? Little late to worry about something already lost.

I personally think we're in trouble, regardless of who wins. Obama has set the country on a course to bankruptcy, and anyone who wins the election, is going to have major problems.

Hillary was asked this weekend what three words she felt best described her?

She started cackling in that terrible way that that is so irritating. That's what she always does when she is uncomfortable. Then she instead said she is a real person like everyone else.

I kept thinking, this is the fugly bitch that Democrats support over all others.....and that they have the gall to talk smack about Trump. She makes Donald seem pleasant on his worse day. She reminded me of watching Charles Manson tapes. Just gave me the creeps

What a sarcastic ****.

Actually, what bugs the crap out of me more than Hillary (and she's had far worse bouts of cackling than that), is the media and the left-wing.

Look at that awesome, deep, pertinent questioning! "Who is the 'real' really really real... Hillary Clinton? Who really real you?" And of course that all important follow up "What three words describe the really real you?"

For crying out load..... Where's the "Social Security is going broke. What's your solution?" Or "ISIS and Iran. Are you going to get involved, or stay out? What's your positions?" Of all the dozens of deep problems we have to deal with, and such a hard hitting, in your face, get to the major issues, program like Face the Nation!.... and what do they ask?

"Who is the real.... really real.... Hillary Clinton? Who is the real you?"

Oh for .. gah.... And then they say "faux snews ib by-assed!" because they can't spell or make a point.

Seriously? Fox might be biased in what they do ask, the mass left-wing media is biased in what they don't ask. We can't ask anything embarrassing, or difficult, or hard hitting, or anything remotely important...... "So who is the real you?"

If Donald Trump was on there, they'd be asking every difficult hard hitting question they could, and all you lefties know it.

You people....

The Left likes their media biased. Of course, they don't think it is biased. They just think it is the way the media should be.
I'm no Trump supporter, but really, with the string of HW, Slick, Slick, W, W, Hussein, Hussein, how really can he be any worse? Yeah, I'd like to shoot for better, just addressing your title

A man who said he gets his military advice from watching TV shows and would send American troops into the anarchy of Iraq and Syria to seize oil fields, and who would unilaterally instigate global trade wars would almost certainly be worse than anything we've had over the past three decades.

Again, logically, that doesn't logically refute my point. I can give lists of the last four disasters as well. Also, Trump is a showman, he's not as irrational when he has to actually discuss the issues.

Our last four presidents have been so incredibly bad, I just don't see Trump being worse. I know you like to go all liberal games on me. Oh, Trump can't be worse, so you mean no one could be worse. And oh, "can't" be worse, so you think it's not possible. And oh, you think the last four Presidents were awful and you think Trump isn't worse, so you like Trump. Yeah. Taking statements to the absurd extreme is their specialty, while they criticize others for being black and white.

Trump is an entertainer. He's no fiscal conservative. I'd like to try to do better. If you want to keep turning my statements into caricatures of what I said, go ahead, I'm not interested in defending Trump, that isn't what I said
The last four presidents were hardly aweful. Obama is truly awful and his policies are a disaster. Bush was mostly good with some bad calls. Clinton was mostly bad with some good calls. Trump will be horrendous.
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Most left-wingers on this forum are loudmouths that think they succeed at debating.

After all the millions on millions of insults directed at Sarah Palin, by people who didn't know her... Hypocrite much?

Most politicians are a disaster waiting to happen. I'm convinced Hillary would be a bigger disaster by magnitude.

Foreign respect for the US? Under Obama?


African respect?


India respect?


Turkey respect?

And you are worried about Trump losing foreign respect? Little late to worry about something already lost.

I personally think we're in trouble, regardless of who wins. Obama has set the country on a course to bankruptcy, and anyone who wins the election, is going to have major problems.

Hillary was asked this weekend what three words she felt best described her?

She started cackling in that terrible way that that is so irritating. That's what she always does when she is uncomfortable. Then she instead said she is a real person like everyone else.

I kept thinking, this is the fugly bitch that Democrats support over all others.....and that they have the gall to talk smack about Trump. She makes Donald seem pleasant on his worse day. She reminded me of watching Charles Manson tapes. Just gave me the creeps

What a sarcastic ****.

Actually, what bugs the crap out of me more than Hillary (and she's had far worse bouts of cackling than that), is the media and the left-wing.

Look at that awesome, deep, pertinent questioning! "Who is the 'real' really really real... Hillary Clinton? Who really real you?" And of course that all important follow up "What three words describe the really real you?"

For crying out load..... Where's the "Social Security is going broke. What's your solution?" Or "ISIS and Iran. Are you going to get involved, or stay out? What's your positions?" Of all the dozens of deep problems we have to deal with, and such a hard hitting, in your face, get to the major issues, program like Face the Nation!.... and what do they ask?

"Who is the real.... really real.... Hillary Clinton? Who is the real you?"

Oh for .. gah.... And then they say "faux snews ib by-assed!" because they can't spell or make a point.

Seriously? Fox might be biased in what they do ask, the mass left-wing media is biased in what they don't ask. We can't ask anything embarrassing, or difficult, or hard hitting, or anything remotely important...... "So who is the real you?"

If Donald Trump was on there, they'd be asking every difficult hard hitting question they could, and all you lefties know it.

You people....

Yep....tough questions for Democrats are like what do you like....Boxer's or briefs?

The Republicans get questions that have no good answers, like:

Do you support Muslims taking over the white house, and if not, why are you such a racist?

Why do you suck ass so much?
If Trump is elected we are so screwed.

Trump says he will make foreign countries respect America more.

But how can he do that when nobody respects HIM.

Marco Rubio has deep knowledge of what's going on in the Middle East.

Trump promises that by the time he takes office, he will study up and be ready when he starts.

What's stopping him from studying NOW?

Trump's solution to the immigration crisis is to insult millions of Hispanics and turn them off the Republican Party.

Trump is a big loudmouth who thinks he's a big success story, but he has had to file for bankrupty four times.

Trump is a complete disaster waiting to happen.

Trump's insults of women show he doesn't even know how to act like a civilized person.

Most left-wingers on this forum are loudmouths that think they succeed at debating.

After all the millions on millions of insults directed at Sarah Palin, by people who didn't know her... Hypocrite much?

Most politicians are a disaster waiting to happen. I'm convinced Hillary would be a bigger disaster by magnitude.

Foreign respect for the US? Under Obama?


African respect?


India respect?


Turkey respect?

And you are worried about Trump losing foreign respect? Little late to worry about something already lost.

I personally think we're in trouble, regardless of who wins. Obama has set the country on a course to bankruptcy, and anyone who wins the election, is going to have major problems.

Hillary was asked this weekend what three words she felt best described her?

She started cackling in that terrible way that that is so irritating. That's what she always does when she is uncomfortable. Then she instead said she is a real person like everyone else.

I kept thinking, this is the fugly bitch that Democrats support over all others.....and that they have the gall to talk smack about Trump. She makes Donald seem pleasant on his worse day. She reminded me of watching Charles Manson tapes. Just gave me the creeps

What a sarcastic ****.

Actually, what bugs the crap out of me more than Hillary (and she's had far worse bouts of cackling than that), is the media and the left-wing.

Look at that awesome, deep, pertinent questioning! "Who is the 'real' really really real... Hillary Clinton? Who really real you?" And of course that all important follow up "What three words describe the really real you?"

For crying out load..... Where's the "Social Security is going broke. What's your solution?" Or "ISIS and Iran. Are you going to get involved, or stay out? What's your positions?" Of all the dozens of deep problems we have to deal with, and such a hard hitting, in your face, get to the major issues, program like Face the Nation!.... and what do they ask?

"Who is the real.... really real.... Hillary Clinton? Who is the real you?"

Oh for .. gah.... And then they say "faux snews ib by-assed!" because they can't spell or make a point.

Seriously? Fox might be biased in what they do ask, the mass left-wing media is biased in what they don't ask. We can't ask anything embarrassing, or difficult, or hard hitting, or anything remotely important...... "So who is the real you?"

If Donald Trump was on there, they'd be asking every difficult hard hitting question they could, and all you lefties know it.

You people....

The Left likes their media biased. Of course, they don't think it is biased. They just think it is the way the media should be.

Yep...being biased is their natural state and is highly ethical.

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