If trump is not convicted...the GOP will become the QOP


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
I guess. There is no way Trump is going to be convicted of anything. He'll be president again, that's what's worrying you.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.

Your obsession over Trump continues, you must dream about him every night.

I doubt it. They're scare of Trumps influence, The secret vote on Cheney proves that most of Trumpybears support in the House is pseudo support
If I was a democrat I would not want to lose trump from the national stage. There is clear proof that America has rejected him and that is unlikely to change now he is in decline. Their strategists will relish the prospect of campaigning against the Qanon Gop in 2 years time and you can expect Jewish death rays and paedo pizzas to be a huge part of the narrative.

The QOP should retain its loony fringe but they will not be able to appeal to voters who have been educated. Goppers are cancelling their memberships every day.

People are leaving the GOP is droves. These people do not want to associate with a party that embraces lies, conspiracy theories, and violence. But if that is what you want, then hold onto to trump with both hands. You will become the QOP and will never be given a chance to govern again.

That is a Win/Win for Democrats. THANK YOU!

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
How does Trump run again? He lost to President Biden in a landslide, one of the greatest political defeats in history, the largest popular vote defeat in history. More impeachments than any other President in history, supporter of far right wing fringe movements, q-anon, anti-Semitics, 9-11 deniers, etc., liar extraordinary, etc, etc. I hope he does run, guaranteeing another Democrat landslide victory.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
Its okay, there will still be Trump posters available for you to buy....

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
How does Trump run again? He lost to President Biden in a landslide, one of the greatest political defeats in history, the largest popular vote defeat in history. More impeachments than any other President in history, supporter of far right wing fringe movements, q-anon, anti-Semitics, 9-11 deniers, etc., liar extraordinary, etc, etc. I hope he does run, guaranteeing another Democrat landslide victory.
Nope, all the kooks will have inhaled enough of their own CO2 wearing 4 masks and will move on to their favorite commie country. Then a real American can be president again.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
The Trump cult cannot change; they are tied to him forever, too weak to shed the shackles.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
It already is.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.

Your obsession over Trump continues, you must dream about him every night.

As opposed to praying to him every night?

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
The Trump cult cannot change; they are tied to him forever, too weak to shed the shackles.
Aww is your Trump centerfold stuck together again?

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
Its okay, there will still be Trump posters available for you to buy....
Life sized cutouts to embrace and fondle like MTG did at one of her rallies?

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
Its okay, there will still be Trump posters available for you to buy....
Life sized cutouts to embrace and fondle like MTG did at one of her rallies?
No, centerfolds for you wackos to take to the bathroom with you when fantasizing about Trump.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.

Huffpo editorial? Thanks for the morning comedy. In four years Trump will be a GOP memory and they will move on.

The GOP has a chance to drive a stake through the heart of QAnon. If they fail to convict the Liar in Chief, they will embolden the Q movement and trump will drag them around like chained puppies for the next decade. This is the chance for the GOP to get out from under the trump umbrella and return to responsible, conservative ideology. If they let him off the hook, he will rule the QOP for a generation or beyond.
I think they already are. But if the Qanon/Trump propaganda shit goes sideways on them (60% of REPUBLICANS support the $1400 stimulus) and the dems actually engineer an economic rebound even if it requires Republican-sized deficits, voters may tire of their shitshow

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