If Trump loses a billion dollars in one year, imagine what he'll do to the economy

Considering the administration pushed us to 20 TRILLION in debt a man losing a billion of his OWN MONEY is a huge plus for Trump.

Raygun tripled the national debt....Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years....Bubba Clinton only added one trillion and balanced the budget...Shrub Jr. destroyed the balanced budget in his first six months, giving welfare tax cuts to millionaires, destroyed the whole U.S. and global economies, and left office with a $1.2 trillion annual deficit for Obama to clean up....the national debt was almost $12 trillion when Obama took office....it's now only $17 trillion....the $5 trillion Obama added was cleaning up the republicans GREAT RECESSION.

Your shit don't flush.
He also declared bankruptcy six times. If he gets the White House, he's going to void all trade agreements and make Bush's economic collapse look like a picnic.

Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations....spending a trillion dollars on deporting Mexicans.....$200 billion for a wall that they will just dig under......another $10 trillion to re-invade Iraq.....start a war with Iran and try to take their oil too.....

all this adds up to defaulting on the national debt.....then nobody's money is worth anything, and neither is the U.S.

How anyone can think this extremist is smart, just shows that what he said about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters, is about the only true thing he has said in his whole campaign.

It is so pitiful that so many in this country are that stupid. They still don't get that he's calling them morons.
He also declared bankruptcy six times out of how many businesses? Whats that success rate? 95%?
Six times too many.
You start 400 businesses and see how many you declare bankruptcy with.
That's like trying to defend Bernie Madoff.
"If Trump loses a billion dollars in one year, imagine what he'll do to the economy"

Yikes....he could add nearly $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years, just like Barry did or lose $6 Billion like Hillary did!

He also declared bankruptcy six times. If he gets the White House, he's going to void all trade agreements and make Bush's economic collapse look like a picnic.

Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations....spending a trillion dollars on deporting Mexicans.....$200 billion for a wall that they will just dig under......another $10 trillion to re-invade Iraq.....start a war with Iran and try to take their oil too.....

all this adds up to defaulting on the national debt.....then nobody's money is worth anything, and neither is the U.S.

How anyone can think this extremist is smart, just shows that what he said about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters, is about the only true thing he has said in his whole campaign.

It is so pitiful that so many in this country are that stupid. They still don't get that he's calling them morons.
He also declared bankruptcy six times out of how many businesses? Whats that success rate? 95%?
Six times too many.
You start 400 businesses and see how many you declare bankruptcy with.
That's like trying to defend Bernie Madoff.
Lol, no it isn't. At all.
He also declared bankruptcy six times. If he gets the White House, he's going to void all trade agreements and make Bush's economic collapse look like a picnic.

Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations....spending a trillion dollars on deporting Mexicans.....$200 billion for a wall that they will just dig under......another $10 trillion to re-invade Iraq.....start a war with Iran and try to take their oil too.....

all this adds up to defaulting on the national debt.....then nobody's money is worth anything, and neither is the U.S.

How anyone can think this extremist is smart, just shows that what he said about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters, is about the only true thing he has said in his whole campaign.

It is so pitiful that so many in this country are that stupid. They still don't get that he's calling them morons.
How dew ewe feel about obam single handedly doubling the national debt in eight years? Were you concerned about that? And, we ain't got shit to show for it except all the corporations moved out and the only jobs left is in gov. Or flipping burgers? Ewe like that don't ewe?
The national debt was almost $12 trillion when Obama took office....it's now $17 trillion.... yours is CON FUZZY MATH.
He also declared bankruptcy six times. If he gets the White House, he's going to void all trade agreements and make Bush's economic collapse look like a picnic.

Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations....spending a trillion dollars on deporting Mexicans.....$200 billion for a wall that they will just dig under......another $10 trillion to re-invade Iraq.....start a war with Iran and try to take their oil too.....

all this adds up to defaulting on the national debt.....then nobody's money is worth anything, and neither is the U.S.

How anyone can think this extremist is smart, just shows that what he said about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters, is about the only true thing he has said in his whole campaign.

It is so pitiful that so many in this country are that stupid. They still don't get that he's calling them morons.

Trump has never declared bankruptcy you dumbass.
Being that ignorant makes it easy for Trump to fool you.
[where do you asshats get the idea that losing money is a good thing?
if dump is elected you'll never see a benefit of any kind.

It's not my money, you fucking retard.

Now the Billion Obama lost on Solyndra WAS my money (taxpayers.) Funny how you mindless hacks have no problem with that....
So funny how cons like you point to Obama losing a billion, but oblivious to Raygun tripling the national debt, Shrub daddy doubling it again in only four years, and Shrub Jr. doubling it again and destroying the whole U.S. and global economies. We need a new word for cons, because morons is too much of an understatement.
Ok ...so what, even if he is worth 2 billion


So what?

He did not build any of that 2 billion himself. He promoted real estate development projects where other investors put in all the money. The plan he put in place was unsustainable, which is why in 1990 the taxpayers had to bail him out and subsidize this parasites continued existence.

To top everything off, the guy is a notorious crook. So.... what?

Then who built it...the fucking president?

A troubled empire Trump gambled on junk bonds, and lost.

He lost his own money. not 6 billion in taxpayer money!
No, he lost his investors money...and he skates away with his.
It is pathetic how dishonest Democrats are. The Democrats want to STEAL STEAL STEAL which requires their pols to SPEND SPEND SPEND. When Reagan was in office, the Congress was under the control of House Speaker Jim Wright (D) who went to prison for STEAL STEAL STEALING, and Senate Majority Leader Robert KKK Byrd, the King of Pork (D). Reagan sent balanced budgets to Congress that were then loaded up with pork and waste. HW had the same problem.

Clinton wanted to spend. First it was to socialize health care, but Dem bickering prevented that, and a Bob Dole filibuster stopped a grab-fest at the end of 1994. In comes Newt Gingrich, and all of a sudden the first SIX years of Clinton have NO SPENDING INCREASES, validating conservative economists Milton Friedman and others (supply side, "trickle down" whatever - IT WORKED while Demos OPPOSED IT and SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN in 1995 to bitch for MORE SPENDING). Notice when the US prospered and when it didn't. The less government spends, the better off the country is, and the Dems HATE that TRUTH...


So funny how cons like you point to Obama losing a billion, but oblivious to Raygun tripling the national debt, Shrub daddy doubling it again in only four years, and Shrub Jr. doubling it again and destroying the whole U.S. and global economies. We need a new word for cons, because morons is too much of an understatement.

Obama adds more debt in the average week than Reagan did in 8 years, but this isn't about the debt the little shit is adding; this is about BUSINESS LOSSES. Obama lost a billion dollars of taxpayer money on a bad business deal, Solyndra. You mindless hacks spew shit at Trump, but he used his own money, fucktarded Obama used OUR money. No matter how how (or Soros) spin it, that hurts taxpayer. Trump did not.
Trump said he would bankrupt the US. His economic plan explodes the deficit & debt. His said he was the "King of Debt" and would default on all our creditors.
Trump said he would bankrupt the US.

Hillary said she would kill every last white person in in America in a complete genocide.

His economic plan explodes the deficit & debt. His said he was the "King of Debt" and would default on all our creditors.

Hillary said that Christians would follow right after.

Standard Disclaimer: Crazy lies do little to further reasoned discussions.
He also declared bankruptcy six times. If he gets the White House, he's going to void all trade agreements and make Bush's economic collapse look like a picnic.

Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations....spending a trillion dollars on deporting Mexicans.....$200 billion for a wall that they will just dig under......another $10 trillion to re-invade Iraq.....start a war with Iran and try to take their oil too.....

all this adds up to defaulting on the national debt.....then nobody's money is worth anything, and neither is the U.S.

How anyone can think this extremist is smart, just shows that what he said about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters, is about the only true thing he has said in his whole campaign.

It is so pitiful that so many in this country are that stupid. They still don't get that he's calling them morons.
Just imagine all those jobs pouring in from China. Wow! That would be great!

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