If Trump loses a billion dollars in one year, imagine what he'll do to the economy

Obama loses a billion dollars of TAXPAYER funds on Solyndra - Soros declares "GOOD," all you drones chant accordingly


I am justifiably attacking Donald and not defending Barack.

Hillary loses $6.1 BILLION in State Dept. funds - taxpayer money - Soros declares "GOOD," all you drones chant accordingly


I am justifiable attacking Donald and not defending the State Department.

Trump loses a billion of his own and his fellow running dog capitalists PRIVATE money - Soros shrieks "HOW COULD HE - INCOMPETENT - INFIDEL"

Have you been listening?

It is not even his money that he lost. He stole it from everybody else.
Obama loses a billion dollars of TAXPAYER funds on Solyndra - Soros declares "GOOD," all you drones chant accordingly


I am justifiably attacking Donald and not defending Barack.

Hillary loses $6.1 BILLION in State Dept. funds - taxpayer money - Soros declares "GOOD," all you drones chant accordingly


I am justifiable attacking Donald and not defending the State Department.

Trump loses a billion of his own and his fellow running dog capitalists PRIVATE money - Soros shrieks "HOW COULD HE - INCOMPETENT - INFIDEL"

Have you been listening?

It is not even his money that he lost. He stole it from everybody else.

Stole it huh?

Yep, you're mentally retarded and not worth dealing with.
If Trump were to take our $1 TRILLION ANNUAL DEFICIT and turn it into a $1 BILLION ANNUAL DEFICIT, he would be the greatest economic President in the history of the USA.
If Trump were to take our $1 TRILLION ANNUAL DEFICIT and turn it into a $1 BILLION ANNUAL DEFICIT, he would be the greatest economic President in the history of the USA.

Never going to happen, lol.

Especially with his history of being an incompetent "businessman."
He also declared bankruptcy six times. If he gets the White House, he's going to void all trade agreements and make Bush's economic collapse look like a picnic.

Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations....spending a trillion dollars on deporting Mexicans.....$200 billion for a wall that they will just dig under......another $10 trillion to re-invade Iraq.....start a war with Iran and try to take their oil too.....

all this adds up to defaulting on the national debt.....then nobody's money is worth anything, and neither is the U.S.

How anyone can think this extremist is smart, just shows that what he said about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters, is about the only true thing he has said in his whole campaign.

It is so pitiful that so many in this country are that stupid. They still don't get that he's calling them morons.
Worthless in State: Hillary Lost $6 billion, Didn’t Oversee Security, Ignored Disposition of Funds | www.independentsentinel.com
Worthless in State: Hillary Lost $6 billion, Didn’t Oversee Security, Ignored Disposition of Funds
Not only did she lose 6 billion dollars, when she left the White House she was dead broke and stole the White House china. Not only a sick ass bitch, but also allowed 4 US citizens to die in Benghazi and blamed a movie(which was a lie) when she knew it was Al Qaeda. Cant get much suck ass as the dripping vagina candidate.
Trump dealt with real business issues, never broke the law, and ended up worth billions having employed tens of thousands of Americans.

Hillary's business career was 100% fraud = Whitewater, Castle Grande, and Madison Savings and Loan

Not even close.

Every time it is Hillary vs. Trump, Trump has the better record.

Trump University is under investigation.

Trump illegally used funds the Trump Foundation to payoff law suits.

Trump encouraged espionage and treason by encouraging Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails.

Trump is a Draft-Dodger.

Trump is a misogynistic, self involved, narcissistic racist.
Lying hacks are boring.

Fuck off now, you have nothing rational to add to the board.

This childish behavior is a defense mechanism. Own up to it and respond to the arguments I made.
Blah, blah, blah, another little petulant libtard who is going to watch the sick drippy vagina go down in one of the greatest losses in political history. You dumbasses have your heads so far up Uranus you cant see how the liberals have you so fooled.

Trump dealt with real business issues, never broke the law, and ended up worth billions having employed tens of thousands of Americans.

Hillary's business career was 100% fraud = Whitewater, Castle Grande, and Madison Savings and Loan

Not even close.

Every time it is Hillary vs. Trump, Trump has the better record.

Trump University is under investigation.

Trump illegally used funds the Trump Foundation to payoff law suits.

Trump encouraged espionage and treason by encouraging Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails.

Trump is a Draft-Dodger.

Trump is a misogynistic, self involved, narcissistic racist.
And the Obama FBI hasn't done shit to him. Don't you wonder why Loretta Lynch hasn't had his ass in jail yet? You are a lickspittle lapdog, who believes whatever the propaganda machine puts out. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Democrat.
He also declared bankruptcy six times. If he gets the White House, he's going to void all trade agreements and make Bush's economic collapse look like a picnic.

Cutting taxes on the rich and corporations....spending a trillion dollars on deporting Mexicans.....$200 billion for a wall that they will just dig under......another $10 trillion to re-invade Iraq.....start a war with Iran and try to take their oil too.....

all this adds up to defaulting on the national debt.....then nobody's money is worth anything, and neither is the U.S.

How anyone can think this extremist is smart, just shows that what he said about being able to shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters, is about the only true thing he has said in his whole campaign.

It is so pitiful that so many in this country are that stupid. They still don't get that he's calling them morons.
Worthless in State: Hillary Lost $6 billion, Didn’t Oversee Security, Ignored Disposition of Funds | www.independentsentinel.com
Worthless in State: Hillary Lost $6 billion, Didn’t Oversee Security, Ignored Disposition of Funds
Not only did she lose 6 billion dollars, when she left the White House she was dead broke and stole the White House china. Not only a sick ass bitch, but also allowed 4 US citizens to die in Benghazi and blamed a movie(which was a lie) when she knew it was Al Qaeda. Cant get much suck ass as the dripping vagina candidate.


You mean you actually went to Conservative Opinion Website, actually a Conservative Opinion and then posted that Conservative Opinion.....that never happens.
If Trump were to take our $1 TRILLION ANNUAL DEFICIT and turn it into a $1 BILLION ANNUAL DEFICIT, he would be the greatest economic President in the history of the USA.

Never going to happen, lol.

Especially with his history of being an incompetent "businessman."

OP asked what would he do to the US economy if he has already lost a billion in a year.

It would be an incredible improvement in our economy if Trump lost $1 billion per year running the country.

Obama is at about $10 trillion in 8 years.

Trump would have to lose $1 billion dollars per year for 10,000 years to match what Obama did in 8 years.
It would be an incredible improvement in our economy if Trump lost $1 billion per year running the country.

Which he lost relative to a net worth of 3 billion. Put things into proportion.

Obama is at about $10 trillion in 8 years.

Just to maintain intellectual honesty, there is a difference between spending money and losing money.

I disagree with the debt based economy, but that is a separate issue.
If Trump is elected he will lose a lot of money but by using that loss on the tax code Americans will not have to pay taxes for the next twenty years.
If Trump builds an empire of $8-10B from $1m, think what he could do with the economy!
Trump is only the king of debt. He hasn't shown that he is even worth one billion. His " trust me" is like Bernie Madoff's. His Ponzi schemes are ten times that of Bernie's, and this is your hero.

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