If Trump negotiates the release of 3 Americans held hostage in NK will da left/media give him credit

I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

If it does happen, they will never give Trump the credit he deserves for it, they will make excuses and claim they did not like the way he did it. But as you can see from the far left drones on this site, they still run their debunked narratives about Russia!
If you think I'm to the left, then you don't know what the left is.

I know you are to the left of me.

What Trump did was an act of kindness to those players. Yeah, I know you will never see it that way because you are so myopic....

When one does an act of kindness they do not whine on twitter that they were not publicly thanked for doing it.
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.


Fuck no!!!

One would think. But again, the question here is how the warrant was granted given it was opposition research paid for by a political opponent. If they find something fishy about it, people should have to answer to it or even face charges. If it was on the up and up, then the presiding judge should have to answer for it. Either way, somebody should have to explain how a bias non-verified source was able to be used for a surveillance warrant.
When law enforcement presents a case to get a warrant or when they press charges there are often a variety of sources. To think that the FBI didn’t have intel or follow up to verify intel is exptremely presumptuous and unrealistic. Do you have evidence to back up your suspicions? Do you realize the enormous conspiracy that would in place for agents and judges to act so carelessly?

Not so careless if what was expected to happen did happen. Nobody thought Trump stood a chance at winning the Presidency so it wasn't a second thought to them. Look at the conversations between the two lovebird FBI agents. If Hil-Liar won, we wouldn't know anything about them, the FBI, the FISA court or Steele. But even if the Republicans did uncover something, it would have been stopped dead in it's tracks and the MSM would gladly cover up anything that right-wing media leaked out.

Why do you suppose the Democrats fought so hard to stop Nunes from doing his own investigation on it, and then fought to have him stopped from revealing what he found?

The FISA court is different than any other court in the country because it's a clandestine operation. They are held to higher standard for that reason. In other words, if the FBI or whoever presented unverified evidence from opposition research of a candidate to obtain a warrant, there is no way in hell any judge would have allowed that to go forward. Now is there a possibility that we had an anti-Trump judge? Perhaps, but not likely because of the slightest possibility that Trump could have won and this might all come out into the open.
The Dems went after Nunez because he was being fed lines from the whitehouse and was more interested in playing political football than running a legit investigation. He turned the whole thing into a joke and lost all credibility.

And what exactly was uncovered? A couple FBI agents talked shit about trump?! Welcome to the club... I think most Americans were doing the same thing during the campaign. The whole thing was a joke. But back to the topic at hand, you have no evidence of wrong doing with the FISA and the scenario you try and paint is completely unrealistic. It is nothing more than an attempt to distract and point the finger the other way. So obvious.

Well if there is nothing to hide, let's move on with it. Let's have an investigation to see why warrants were granted using this phony information.

Yes, most Americans do talk shit about politicians, but most Americans do not work for the federal government and few Americans outside of Strzok conducted the Hillary interview of the email scandal.
Again, who gives a shit of two people conducting an investigation y’all shit about Trump? If they did something wrong in their work then fire them, otherwise it’s all hyperbolic meaningless hype.

About the investigation, you really want another pointless over politicized investigation? Aren’t you sick of those yet?

Wait a minute: are you saying that the FBI conspiring to get their chosen candidate elected and possibly lying to the FISA court to accomplish that would be a pointless over politicized investigation? The left are downright criminals. If that's what took place, it would be the third federal agency to attack Republicans, but you're okay with that. Just spend another year hoping to find some connection between Russia and Trump.
Wake me up when the Imperial Cheeto forces or convinces the Hermit Kingdom to denuclearize.


Until then, you're talking about 'chump-change' by comparison; personally important, historically insignificant... low-hanging fruit.
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If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...
then according to you - obama did not get bin laden.

just using your own criteria.
If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...
then according to you - obama did not get bin laden.

just using your own criteria.

Except Obama was integral. He made the decision, against recommendation, to go get Bin Laden. It could have turned out very badly and the blame would have rested solely on his shoulders.
When law enforcement presents a case to get a warrant or when they press charges there are often a variety of sources. To think that the FBI didn’t have intel or follow up to verify intel is exptremely presumptuous and unrealistic. Do you have evidence to back up your suspicions? Do you realize the enormous conspiracy that would in place for agents and judges to act so carelessly?

Not so careless if what was expected to happen did happen. Nobody thought Trump stood a chance at winning the Presidency so it wasn't a second thought to them. Look at the conversations between the two lovebird FBI agents. If Hil-Liar won, we wouldn't know anything about them, the FBI, the FISA court or Steele. But even if the Republicans did uncover something, it would have been stopped dead in it's tracks and the MSM would gladly cover up anything that right-wing media leaked out.

Why do you suppose the Democrats fought so hard to stop Nunes from doing his own investigation on it, and then fought to have him stopped from revealing what he found?

The FISA court is different than any other court in the country because it's a clandestine operation. They are held to higher standard for that reason. In other words, if the FBI or whoever presented unverified evidence from opposition research of a candidate to obtain a warrant, there is no way in hell any judge would have allowed that to go forward. Now is there a possibility that we had an anti-Trump judge? Perhaps, but not likely because of the slightest possibility that Trump could have won and this might all come out into the open.
The Dems went after Nunez because he was being fed lines from the whitehouse and was more interested in playing political football than running a legit investigation. He turned the whole thing into a joke and lost all credibility.

And what exactly was uncovered? A couple FBI agents talked shit about trump?! Welcome to the club... I think most Americans were doing the same thing during the campaign. The whole thing was a joke. But back to the topic at hand, you have no evidence of wrong doing with the FISA and the scenario you try and paint is completely unrealistic. It is nothing more than an attempt to distract and point the finger the other way. So obvious.

Well if there is nothing to hide, let's move on with it. Let's have an investigation to see why warrants were granted using this phony information.

Yes, most Americans do talk shit about politicians, but most Americans do not work for the federal government and few Americans outside of Strzok conducted the Hillary interview of the email scandal.
Again, who gives a shit of two people conducting an investigation y’all shit about Trump? If they did something wrong in their work then fire them, otherwise it’s all hyperbolic meaningless hype.

About the investigation, you really want another pointless over politicized investigation? Aren’t you sick of those yet?

Wait a minute: are you saying that the FBI conspiring to get their chosen candidate elected and possibly lying to the FISA court to accomplish that would be a pointless over politicized investigation? The left are downright criminals. If that's what took place, it would be the third federal agency to attack Republicans, but you're okay with that. Just spend another year hoping to find some connection between Russia and Trump.
No, I’m saying the FBI isn’t the left and they didn’t conspire to get their chosen candidate elected. You claiming that happened just makes you sound like a loon.
It seems to be after reading about the 3 Americans that they hold no value at all to the North Koreans.

Oh, you mean unlike the American Iranian prisoners that had so much value? And that PRIVATE Burgdahl was a real catch too.

Thank you for one more time illustrating how little difference there is between Trump and Obama

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The problem is every time Trump does something like this, you on the left make excuses to discredit him. For crying out loud, even after he negotiated with Singapore to free the UCLA players from a possible 10 year prison sentence, a father of one of the lowlife thieves attacked the President.

How about once.....just once you stand on the side of America instead of being such a stubborn anti-Trumper? It just kills you people to give him any credit whatsoever.

I know, right!? It is just so tiring when those who oppose the President don't give him credit for anything good that happens.

Obama didn’t get credit for anything that happened for 8 years and 100% of the blame. During that time, OBL was killed, the auto industry was saved, and the Stock market doubled!!!!
"the auto industry was saved" :lol:
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.
He'll be Denis Rodman. with small hands.
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.
A more reasonable summary is that NK is getting everything they want and the US, nothing. But hey if we get a few more braindead Americans back, sure trump can have another cookie.
Not so careless if what was expected to happen did happen. Nobody thought Trump stood a chance at winning the Presidency so it wasn't a second thought to them. Look at the conversations between the two lovebird FBI agents. If Hil-Liar won, we wouldn't know anything about them, the FBI, the FISA court or Steele. But even if the Republicans did uncover something, it would have been stopped dead in it's tracks and the MSM would gladly cover up anything that right-wing media leaked out.

Why do you suppose the Democrats fought so hard to stop Nunes from doing his own investigation on it, and then fought to have him stopped from revealing what he found?

The FISA court is different than any other court in the country because it's a clandestine operation. They are held to higher standard for that reason. In other words, if the FBI or whoever presented unverified evidence from opposition research of a candidate to obtain a warrant, there is no way in hell any judge would have allowed that to go forward. Now is there a possibility that we had an anti-Trump judge? Perhaps, but not likely because of the slightest possibility that Trump could have won and this might all come out into the open.
The Dems went after Nunez because he was being fed lines from the whitehouse and was more interested in playing political football than running a legit investigation. He turned the whole thing into a joke and lost all credibility.

And what exactly was uncovered? A couple FBI agents talked shit about trump?! Welcome to the club... I think most Americans were doing the same thing during the campaign. The whole thing was a joke. But back to the topic at hand, you have no evidence of wrong doing with the FISA and the scenario you try and paint is completely unrealistic. It is nothing more than an attempt to distract and point the finger the other way. So obvious.

Well if there is nothing to hide, let's move on with it. Let's have an investigation to see why warrants were granted using this phony information.

Yes, most Americans do talk shit about politicians, but most Americans do not work for the federal government and few Americans outside of Strzok conducted the Hillary interview of the email scandal.
Again, who gives a shit of two people conducting an investigation y’all shit about Trump? If they did something wrong in their work then fire them, otherwise it’s all hyperbolic meaningless hype.

About the investigation, you really want another pointless over politicized investigation? Aren’t you sick of those yet?

Wait a minute: are you saying that the FBI conspiring to get their chosen candidate elected and possibly lying to the FISA court to accomplish that would be a pointless over politicized investigation? The left are downright criminals. If that's what took place, it would be the third federal agency to attack Republicans, but you're okay with that. Just spend another year hoping to find some connection between Russia and Trump.
No, I’m saying the FBI isn’t the left and they didn’t conspire to get their chosen candidate elected. You claiming that happened just makes you sound like a loon.

Really? And did you happen to see what those FBI lovebirds were writing about? Do you know who they answered to? They knew damn well their text messages were monitored or could be downloaded. Why weren't they concerned about that if the upper crust wasn't involved?
I know you are to the left of me.

Wow, they really twisted you into believing that, huh?

It is the cold hard truth. Pick an issue and let’s test it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

We've discussed several issues and in each and every one, you chose the left side of it.

Bull fucking shit. The fact you cannot name even a single one shows just how fucking big of a lefty liar that you are
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.
A more reasonable summary is that NK is getting everything they want and the US, nothing. But hey if we get a few more braindead Americans back, sure trump can have another cookie.
How is that the summary when the talks have not even taken place yet?
You might want to try being less stupid in public
I know you are to the left of me.

Wow, they really twisted you into believing that, huh?

It is the cold hard truth. Pick an issue and let’s test it

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

We've discussed several issues and in each and every one, you chose the left side of it.

Bull fucking shit. The fact you cannot name even a single one shows just how fucking big of a lefty liar that you are

Oh please, you not only argue with me, but nearly every right-winger on this forum. Instead of me digging through hundreds of posts, I'll do this instead: Every time you take a leftist position, I'm going to remind you how much left I am of you. I'm going to remind you what you said and rub your nose in it each and every time.
The Dems went after Nunez because he was being fed lines from the whitehouse and was more interested in playing political football than running a legit investigation. He turned the whole thing into a joke and lost all credibility.

And what exactly was uncovered? A couple FBI agents talked shit about trump?! Welcome to the club... I think most Americans were doing the same thing during the campaign. The whole thing was a joke. But back to the topic at hand, you have no evidence of wrong doing with the FISA and the scenario you try and paint is completely unrealistic. It is nothing more than an attempt to distract and point the finger the other way. So obvious.

Well if there is nothing to hide, let's move on with it. Let's have an investigation to see why warrants were granted using this phony information.

Yes, most Americans do talk shit about politicians, but most Americans do not work for the federal government and few Americans outside of Strzok conducted the Hillary interview of the email scandal.
Again, who gives a shit of two people conducting an investigation y’all shit about Trump? If they did something wrong in their work then fire them, otherwise it’s all hyperbolic meaningless hype.

About the investigation, you really want another pointless over politicized investigation? Aren’t you sick of those yet?

Wait a minute: are you saying that the FBI conspiring to get their chosen candidate elected and possibly lying to the FISA court to accomplish that would be a pointless over politicized investigation? The left are downright criminals. If that's what took place, it would be the third federal agency to attack Republicans, but you're okay with that. Just spend another year hoping to find some connection between Russia and Trump.
No, I’m saying the FBI isn’t the left and they didn’t conspire to get their chosen candidate elected. You claiming that happened just makes you sound like a loon.

Really? And did you happen to see what those FBI lovebirds were writing about? Do you know who they answered to? They knew damn well their text messages were monitored or could be downloaded. Why weren't they concerned about that if the upper crust wasn't involved?
You think they assumed they were being monitored while they were communicating?! Ok Ray, you sound like a nut

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