If Trump negotiates the release of 3 Americans held hostage in NK will da left/media give him credit

ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .
How bout instead of hoping for the worst you wish for the best?

Baby steps

Because the left doesn't care what's good for the country, they only care about what's good for the Democrat party.

I don’t want to hear lectures from the right about credit when most of you still don’t give Obama credit for killing Bin Ladin.

Oh . I agree wh trump wanting to talk to NK.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

The upcoming meeting will be the first of several. This isn't like pulling the wick out of an M-80. The can't disarm over night, over weeks or over a few months.

If you were NK would you dump your nukes ? Considering all the Attacks the Koreans have suffered through over the last 100+ years ?
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

The upcoming meeting will be the first of several. This isn't like pulling the wick out of an M-80. The can't disarm over night, over weeks or over a few months.

If you were NK would you dump your nukes ? Considering all the Attacks the Koreans have suffered through over the last 100+ years ?
If Trump was Obama.....hell no. Look what he did to Libya after they gave up their weapons program.

Trump has to both get them to trust the US despite Obama's blunders and convince them that the world w po uld welcome them.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .
How bout instead of hoping for the worst you wish for the best?

Baby steps

Because the left doesn't care what's good for the country, they only care about what's good for the Democrat party.

I don’t want to hear lectures from the right about credit when most of you still don’t give Obama credit for killing Bin Ladin.

Oh . I agree wh trump wanting to talk to NK.

It might be easier to credit Obama for bin Ladin if there had been a body and some evidence provided instead of immediately 'dumped at sea' with nothing much to prove it happened
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

The upcoming meeting will be the first of several. This isn't like pulling the wick out of an M-80. The can't disarm over night, over weeks or over a few months.

If you were NK would you dump your nukes ? Considering all the Attacks the Koreans have suffered through over the last 100+ years ?

NK is not going to disarm because they no longer want nukes, they are going to disarm because of the pressure applied by Trump and perhaps China to a lesser degree. Dung knows Trump means business. Who was the last US President that even hinted at using our nukes even if it was in jest?
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .
How bout instead of hoping for the worst you wish for the best?

Baby steps

Because the left doesn't care what's good for the country, they only care about what's good for the Democrat party.

I don’t want to hear lectures from the right about credit when most of you still don’t give Obama credit for killing Bin Ladin.

Oh . I agree wh trump wanting to talk to NK.

If DumBama created the strategy to get Bin Laden, he might get more credit. The truth of the matter is the hunt for Bin laden started under Bush. The carrier didn't become known until Obama was in the White House.

However nobody discredited Obama for making the decision to take Bin Laden out. Yes, he did make that decision. But he also made the decision to brag about it and pinpoint Seal Team 6 in public which led to the helicopter attack that killed many of their members.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

Your people sent Dennis Rodman to negotiate. What progress besides UN appeasement did you make?
If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!

The illegitimacy of his election isn’t based on his winning the electoral college but by the collusion with The Russian disinformation campaign against Clinton.

The treasonous sack of shit should be in jail.

I await your lie of “no collusion”. Only the willfully deaf dumb and blind believe that.
You people are so stupid you can't even see the big ass pimple on your own nose.

We have proof of one campaign working with Russian operatives to beat another candidate. Only one. Can you figure out which one? I bet you can't
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic
I dont know if it is illegal or not but it is the only thing we have proof of that is even remotely close to Russian collusion.
If it’s not a crime then why are you bringing it up? It sounds like you are trying to deflect
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

you think that would make up for the debacle that is his presidency?

But this is what all you leftists do. This is why Trump should never involve himself in things like this. It would be entertaining today to see these punks in a Chinese jail right now. But of course, then you'd be crying how Trump didn't do anything about it because the lowlifes were black.

Another guy far to the left of me calling me a leftist, this is getting to be an epidemic.

But you are right about one thing, Trump should not have gotten involved (if he even did), in fact the US government as a whole should not have gotten involved. These kids did the crime, there is no question about that, they should not have had the Govt step in and save them. Personal responsibility means little to you statist these days.

And it speaks volumes about you that you think the only reason to do things is to get reconogition.

If you think I'm to the left, then you don't know what the left is.

"If you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, just note what they accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh

What Trump did was an act of kindness to those players. Yeah, I know you will never see it that way because you are so myopic, but if Trump did nothing, the MSM would have made sure he paid for it. He asked a favor of China and they granted him that favor. It was a nice thing that he did. He didn't force them, he didn't threaten anybody, he didn't payoff anybody like DumBama.
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

you think that would make up for the debacle that is his presidency?

Nothing can right the delusions in your head. I get that....but still.
If Trump himself is integral, sure he can get credit. He will still be an illegitimately elected homunculus orange blob not fit to hold public office...

You just prove you are lying by the last part you wrote. Trump won the Electoral College which is the legitimate way to get elected.

So with you saying he was illegitimately elected tell me you would not give him any credit at all!

The illegitimacy of his election isn’t based on his winning the electoral college but by the collusion with The Russian disinformation campaign against Clinton.

The treasonous sack of shit should be in jail.

I await your lie of “no collusion”. Only the willfully deaf dumb and blind believe that.
You people are so stupid you can't even see the big ass pimple on your own nose.

We have proof of one campaign working with Russian operatives to beat another candidate. Only one. Can you figure out which one? I bet you can't
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

She paid for information from a foreign national who got his information
from Russian Nationals.

Then the DOJ and FBI hid that fact from the FISA Court.

All of that is illegal.
Which part is illegal? Because Clinton didn’t cut a check to Steele, her campaign paid a firm for opposition research. And they didn’t use that information to commit a crime like the Russians did. And what law was broken in court with the FISA warrant that you don’t know anything about? Be specific.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .
How bout instead of hoping for the worst you wish for the best?

Baby steps

Because the left doesn't care what's good for the country, they only care about what's good for the Democrat party.

I don’t want to hear lectures from the right about credit when most of you still don’t give Obama credit for killing Bin Ladin.

Oh . I agree wh trump wanting to talk to NK.
Well folks here’s the proof that dimmy doesn’t think for himself
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.
Your confidence in what you think you know is comical. Our current state of affairs doesn’t come to be if the reality you paint actually happened in the simplistic manner that you describe. Try again.
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

They'll probably give him as much credit as the right gave Obama.

Still, if they will release them alive and not in a coma, that is a plus and I will credit it.

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