If Trump negotiates the release of 3 Americans held hostage in NK will da left/media give him credit

Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.
Your confidence in what you think you know is comical. Our current state of affairs doesn’t come to be if the reality you paint actually happened in the simplistic manner that you describe. Try again.

Maybe......maybe not. But I'd love to see some investigation into it. I want to know what they presented to the FISA court that came from the opposition research that allowed them to get a warrant on Trump's people. I want to know if they made it crystal clear to the judge(s) that it was not investigative research by the government but instead, opposition research paid for by Trump's political opponents.

At least what I've been hearing, there is no way any judge on a FISA court would ever allow surveillance to take place on that basis. However if it is true that whoever applied for that surveillance did in fact cover or not disclose that information, then yes, a crime was committed. Lying to a federal judge to get a surveillance warrant using phony information is a crime.
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.
Your confidence in what you think you know is comical. Our current state of affairs doesn’t come to be if the reality you paint actually happened in the simplistic manner that you describe. Try again.

Maybe......maybe not. But I'd love to see some investigation into it. I want to know what they presented to the FISA court that came from the opposition research that allowed them to get a warrant on Trump's people. I want to know if they made it crystal clear to the judge(s) that it was not investigative research by the government but instead, opposition research paid for by Trump's political opponents.

At least what I've been hearing, there is no way any judge on a FISA court would ever allow surveillance to take place on that basis. However if it is true that whoever applied for that surveillance did in fact cover or not disclose that information, then yes, a crime was committed. Lying to a federal judge to get a surveillance warrant using phony information is a crime.
You honestly think the FBI just went off of what they found in some political oppo research without any follow up or additional sourcing? Hey, if that’s the case then that’s absurd and they should be fired. But it is silly to just assume that’s the case. This thing went through way too many people for that to be close to likely.
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

They'll probably give him as much credit as the right gave Obama.

Still, if they will release them alive and not in a coma, that is a plus and I will credit it.
Obama credit for what? If you're talking about that traitor he paraded the parents of at the Whitehouse I'll give no credit for that. EVER
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

Your people sent Dennis Rodman to negotiate. What progress besides UN appeasement did you make?

What progress did Trump make ? NK didn’t start acting up until he was elected . If anything Trump has us back to where we started .
It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.
Your confidence in what you think you know is comical. Our current state of affairs doesn’t come to be if the reality you paint actually happened in the simplistic manner that you describe. Try again.

Maybe......maybe not. But I'd love to see some investigation into it. I want to know what they presented to the FISA court that came from the opposition research that allowed them to get a warrant on Trump's people. I want to know if they made it crystal clear to the judge(s) that it was not investigative research by the government but instead, opposition research paid for by Trump's political opponents.

At least what I've been hearing, there is no way any judge on a FISA court would ever allow surveillance to take place on that basis. However if it is true that whoever applied for that surveillance did in fact cover or not disclose that information, then yes, a crime was committed. Lying to a federal judge to get a surveillance warrant using phony information is a crime.
You honestly think the FBI just went off of what they found in some political oppo research without any follow up or additional sourcing? Hey, if that’s the case then that’s absurd and they should be fired. But it is silly to just assume that’s the case. This thing went through way too many people for that to be close to likely.

One would think. But again, the question here is how the warrant was granted given it was opposition research paid for by a political opponent. If they find something fishy about it, people should have to answer to it or even face charges. If it was on the up and up, then the presiding judge should have to answer for it. Either way, somebody should have to explain how a bias non-verified source was able to be used for a surveillance warrant.
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.

Paying a foreign national for research isn’t illegal. Added to which, the Clinton Campaign didn’t pay him. They hired and paid Fusion GPS for the research. Fusion GPS subcontracted the job to Steele who had already been working on the file for Republicans.

Steele didn’t pay anyone for the information he received from the Russians and the information didn’t come from the government. It came from his sources.

The Clinton Campaign didn’t hire Steele, didn’t know who was doing the leg work, nor did they meet with him. They didn’t meet with his sources or know who they were.

The Clinton campaign didn’t use the information in the file. They gave it to the FBI because it was revealing that crimes were being committed at the highest levels.

Contrast this with the Trump Campaign. Don Jr. agreed to meet with a Russian government lawyer who wanted to give him dirt on Hillary because Putin wanted to support his father’s candidacy. Junior was excited by this prospect. A Russian spy attended the meeting (the spy says he’s “retired”). And Junior lied about the meeting. Multiple times.

Now which story sounds more like “collusion” to you.

Last but not least, Papadopolous didn’t blab to a Clinton Foundation donor in a London bar, he blabbed to a staffer at the Australian Embassy who told his superiors and the Australian government contacted the FBI.

Inside the ritzy London wine bar where a Trump campaign aide's night of 'heavy drinking' unknowingly kicked off the Russia investigation
I have been hearing that NK may well release the Americans as a starting gesture in negotiations with the Trump administration.
I have also seen threads & posts from the left claiming that ANYTHING good that happens in NK is in spite of Trump.

Last year the left/media kept saying Trump was going to lead us to war with NK. Some even said WW3.
Now here we are with NK saying they will disarm and the left is singing a different tune.

While I don't trust NK and think this could be yet another ploy by them to fuck over yet another American president, I will give Trump 100% of the credit if this succeeds.

I'd give him a lot of credit if he negotiated the release of Melania.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.
Your confidence in what you think you know is comical. Our current state of affairs doesn’t come to be if the reality you paint actually happened in the simplistic manner that you describe. Try again.

Maybe......maybe not. But I'd love to see some investigation into it. I want to know what they presented to the FISA court that came from the opposition research that allowed them to get a warrant on Trump's people. I want to know if they made it crystal clear to the judge(s) that it was not investigative research by the government but instead, opposition research paid for by Trump's political opponents.

At least what I've been hearing, there is no way any judge on a FISA court would ever allow surveillance to take place on that basis. However if it is true that whoever applied for that surveillance did in fact cover or not disclose that information, then yes, a crime was committed. Lying to a federal judge to get a surveillance warrant using phony information is a crime.
You honestly think the FBI just went off of what they found in some political oppo research without any follow up or additional sourcing? Hey, if that’s the case then that’s absurd and they should be fired. But it is silly to just assume that’s the case. This thing went through way too many people for that to be close to likely.

One would think. But again, the question here is how the warrant was granted given it was opposition research paid for by a political opponent. If they find something fishy about it, people should have to answer to it or even face charges. If it was on the up and up, then the presiding judge should have to answer for it. Either way, somebody should have to explain how a bias non-verified source was able to be used for a surveillance warrant.
When law enforcement presents a case to get a warrant or when they press charges there are often a variety of sources. To think that the FBI didn’t have intel or follow up to verify intel is exptremely presumptuous and unrealistic. Do you have evidence to back up your suspicions? Do you realize the enormous conspiracy that would in place for agents and judges to act so carelessly?
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.

Paying a foreign national for research isn’t illegal. Added to which, the Clinton Campaign didn’t pay him. They hired and paid Fusion GPS for the research. Fusion GPS subcontracted the job to Steele who had already been working on the file for Republicans.

Steele didn’t pay anyone for the information he received from the Russians and the information didn’t come from the government. It came from his sources.

The Clinton Campaign didn’t hire Steele, didn’t know who was doing the leg work, nor did they meet with him. They didn’t meet with his sources or know who they were.

The Clinton campaign didn’t use the information in the file. They gave it to the FBI because it was revealing that crimes were being committed at the highest levels.

Contrast this with the Trump Campaign. Don Jr. agreed to meet with a Russian government lawyer who wanted to give him dirt on Hillary because Putin wanted to support his father’s candidacy. Junior was excited by this prospect. A Russian spy attended the meeting (the spy says he’s “retired”). And Junior lied about the meeting. Multiple times.

Now which story sounds more like “collusion” to you.

Last but not least, Papadopolous didn’t blab to a Clinton Foundation donor in a London bar, he blabbed to a staffer at the Australian Embassy who told his superiors and the Australian government contacted the FBI.

Inside the ritzy London wine bar where a Trump campaign aide's night of 'heavy drinking' unknowingly kicked off the Russia investigation
You win. Nicely stated
If Trump negotiates the release of 3 Americans held hostage in NK will da left/media give him credit

No! To quote an old country saying: "Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while".
Which part of what the Clinton campaign did with the Russians was illegal? And don’t move the goalpost to uraniumnone, stay on topic

It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.

Paying a foreign national for research isn’t illegal. Added to which, the Clinton Campaign didn’t pay him. They hired and paid Fusion GPS for the research. Fusion GPS subcontracted the job to Steele who had already been working on the file for Republicans.

Steele didn’t pay anyone for the information he received from the Russians and the information didn’t come from the government. It came from his sources.

The Clinton Campaign didn’t hire Steele, didn’t know who was doing the leg work, nor did they meet with him. They didn’t meet with his sources or know who they were.

The Clinton campaign didn’t use the information in the file. They gave it to the FBI because it was revealing that crimes were being committed at the highest levels.

Contrast this with the Trump Campaign. Don Jr. agreed to meet with a Russian government lawyer who wanted to give him dirt on Hillary because Putin wanted to support his father’s candidacy. Junior was excited by this prospect. A Russian spy attended the meeting (the spy says he’s “retired”). And Junior lied about the meeting. Multiple times.

Now which story sounds more like “collusion” to you.

Last but not least, Papadopolous didn’t blab to a Clinton Foundation donor in a London bar, he blabbed to a staffer at the Australian Embassy who told his superiors and the Australian government contacted the FBI.

Inside the ritzy London wine bar where a Trump campaign aide's night of 'heavy drinking' unknowingly kicked off the Russia investigation
You win. Nicely stated
Oh look, one of the board morons patting a foreigner on the back who's sole purpose is to drive a further political wedge amongst us Americans.

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.
Your confidence in what you think you know is comical. Our current state of affairs doesn’t come to be if the reality you paint actually happened in the simplistic manner that you describe. Try again.

Maybe......maybe not. But I'd love to see some investigation into it. I want to know what they presented to the FISA court that came from the opposition research that allowed them to get a warrant on Trump's people. I want to know if they made it crystal clear to the judge(s) that it was not investigative research by the government but instead, opposition research paid for by Trump's political opponents.

At least what I've been hearing, there is no way any judge on a FISA court would ever allow surveillance to take place on that basis. However if it is true that whoever applied for that surveillance did in fact cover or not disclose that information, then yes, a crime was committed. Lying to a federal judge to get a surveillance warrant using phony information is a crime.
You honestly think the FBI just went off of what they found in some political oppo research without any follow up or additional sourcing? Hey, if that’s the case then that’s absurd and they should be fired. But it is silly to just assume that’s the case. This thing went through way too many people for that to be close to likely.

One would think. But again, the question here is how the warrant was granted given it was opposition research paid for by a political opponent. If they find something fishy about it, people should have to answer to it or even face charges. If it was on the up and up, then the presiding judge should have to answer for it. Either way, somebody should have to explain how a bias non-verified source was able to be used for a surveillance warrant.
When law enforcement presents a case to get a warrant or when they press charges there are often a variety of sources. To think that the FBI didn’t have intel or follow up to verify intel is exptremely presumptuous and unrealistic. Do you have evidence to back up your suspicions? Do you realize the enormous conspiracy that would in place for agents and judges to act so carelessly?

Not so careless if what was expected to happen did happen. Nobody thought Trump stood a chance at winning the Presidency so it wasn't a second thought to them. Look at the conversations between the two lovebird FBI agents. If Hil-Liar won, we wouldn't know anything about them, the FBI, the FISA court or Steele. But even if the Republicans did uncover something, it would have been stopped dead in it's tracks and the MSM would gladly cover up anything that right-wing media leaked out.

Why do you suppose the Democrats fought so hard to stop Nunes from doing his own investigation on it, and then fought to have him stopped from revealing what he found?

The FISA court is different than any other court in the country because it's a clandestine operation. They are held to higher standard for that reason. In other words, if the FBI or whoever presented unverified evidence from opposition research of a candidate to obtain a warrant, there is no way in hell any judge would have allowed that to go forward. Now is there a possibility that we had an anti-Trump judge? Perhaps, but not likely because of the slightest possibility that Trump could have won and this might all come out into the open.
It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.

Paying a foreign national for research isn’t illegal. Added to which, the Clinton Campaign didn’t pay him. They hired and paid Fusion GPS for the research. Fusion GPS subcontracted the job to Steele who had already been working on the file for Republicans.

Steele didn’t pay anyone for the information he received from the Russians and the information didn’t come from the government. It came from his sources.

The Clinton Campaign didn’t hire Steele, didn’t know who was doing the leg work, nor did they meet with him. They didn’t meet with his sources or know who they were.

The Clinton campaign didn’t use the information in the file. They gave it to the FBI because it was revealing that crimes were being committed at the highest levels.

Contrast this with the Trump Campaign. Don Jr. agreed to meet with a Russian government lawyer who wanted to give him dirt on Hillary because Putin wanted to support his father’s candidacy. Junior was excited by this prospect. A Russian spy attended the meeting (the spy says he’s “retired”). And Junior lied about the meeting. Multiple times.

Now which story sounds more like “collusion” to you.

Last but not least, Papadopolous didn’t blab to a Clinton Foundation donor in a London bar, he blabbed to a staffer at the Australian Embassy who told his superiors and the Australian government contacted the FBI.

Inside the ritzy London wine bar where a Trump campaign aide's night of 'heavy drinking' unknowingly kicked off the Russia investigation
You win. Nicely stated
Oh look, one of the board morons patting a foreigner on the back who's sole purpose is to drive a further political wedge amongst us Americans.


I’m not pretending to be an American posting disinformation to destroy your country.

Not once have you attacked the Rusdian trolls on this board who are continuing to post lies about the American left? Who promote racism, accuse the Parkland kids of being crisis actors and keep deflecting to Hillary every time Trump’s ass is in another sling?
It's hard to say without an investigation. But certainly more evidence between her, the DNC and Russia than with Trump. Yet the Trump administration is the only one under investigation believe it or not.........so far.
Well the crime that the Russians committed was intended to benefit Trump and then he and multiple people around him including his national security advisor, AG and Son, all lied about meetings with Russians... so yeah I think there’s some reason for suspicion and an investigation

First off any possible Russian meddling took place under DumBama. They tried to hack both the RNC and DNC servers, but were only successful with the DNC. Next is if Russia did meddle in our elections, it was only to disrupt it and not benefit either candidate. Hillary and the DNC both paid for information against a political opponent that came from the Russian government.

Where this started at was in London when PoP-A-Dop was drunk at a bar and said something about Russia and Trump to a Clinton foundation donor. He ran to the FBI with what he supposedly heard and they started an investigation based on that. Nothing was found and if you read the Comey memos, you would see that he stated Trump wanted to find out IF there was anybody working with or around him THAT DID have nefarious ties with Russia.

Paying a foreign national for research isn’t illegal. Added to which, the Clinton Campaign didn’t pay him. They hired and paid Fusion GPS for the research. Fusion GPS subcontracted the job to Steele who had already been working on the file for Republicans.

Steele didn’t pay anyone for the information he received from the Russians and the information didn’t come from the government. It came from his sources.

The Clinton Campaign didn’t hire Steele, didn’t know who was doing the leg work, nor did they meet with him. They didn’t meet with his sources or know who they were.

The Clinton campaign didn’t use the information in the file. They gave it to the FBI because it was revealing that crimes were being committed at the highest levels.

Contrast this with the Trump Campaign. Don Jr. agreed to meet with a Russian government lawyer who wanted to give him dirt on Hillary because Putin wanted to support his father’s candidacy. Junior was excited by this prospect. A Russian spy attended the meeting (the spy says he’s “retired”). And Junior lied about the meeting. Multiple times.

Now which story sounds more like “collusion” to you.

Last but not least, Papadopolous didn’t blab to a Clinton Foundation donor in a London bar, he blabbed to a staffer at the Australian Embassy who told his superiors and the Australian government contacted the FBI.

Inside the ritzy London wine bar where a Trump campaign aide's night of 'heavy drinking' unknowingly kicked off the Russia investigation
You win. Nicely stated
Oh look, one of the board morons patting a foreigner on the back who's sole purpose is to drive a further political wedge amongst us Americans.

Notice how you said nothing to the arguement and tried to shift to the personal attacks?! Talk about pathetic! Haha
Your confidence in what you think you know is comical. Our current state of affairs doesn’t come to be if the reality you paint actually happened in the simplistic manner that you describe. Try again.

Maybe......maybe not. But I'd love to see some investigation into it. I want to know what they presented to the FISA court that came from the opposition research that allowed them to get a warrant on Trump's people. I want to know if they made it crystal clear to the judge(s) that it was not investigative research by the government but instead, opposition research paid for by Trump's political opponents.

At least what I've been hearing, there is no way any judge on a FISA court would ever allow surveillance to take place on that basis. However if it is true that whoever applied for that surveillance did in fact cover or not disclose that information, then yes, a crime was committed. Lying to a federal judge to get a surveillance warrant using phony information is a crime.
You honestly think the FBI just went off of what they found in some political oppo research without any follow up or additional sourcing? Hey, if that’s the case then that’s absurd and they should be fired. But it is silly to just assume that’s the case. This thing went through way too many people for that to be close to likely.

One would think. But again, the question here is how the warrant was granted given it was opposition research paid for by a political opponent. If they find something fishy about it, people should have to answer to it or even face charges. If it was on the up and up, then the presiding judge should have to answer for it. Either way, somebody should have to explain how a bias non-verified source was able to be used for a surveillance warrant.
When law enforcement presents a case to get a warrant or when they press charges there are often a variety of sources. To think that the FBI didn’t have intel or follow up to verify intel is exptremely presumptuous and unrealistic. Do you have evidence to back up your suspicions? Do you realize the enormous conspiracy that would in place for agents and judges to act so carelessly?

Not so careless if what was expected to happen did happen. Nobody thought Trump stood a chance at winning the Presidency so it wasn't a second thought to them. Look at the conversations between the two lovebird FBI agents. If Hil-Liar won, we wouldn't know anything about them, the FBI, the FISA court or Steele. But even if the Republicans did uncover something, it would have been stopped dead in it's tracks and the MSM would gladly cover up anything that right-wing media leaked out.

Why do you suppose the Democrats fought so hard to stop Nunes from doing his own investigation on it, and then fought to have him stopped from revealing what he found?

The FISA court is different than any other court in the country because it's a clandestine operation. They are held to higher standard for that reason. In other words, if the FBI or whoever presented unverified evidence from opposition research of a candidate to obtain a warrant, there is no way in hell any judge would have allowed that to go forward. Now is there a possibility that we had an anti-Trump judge? Perhaps, but not likely because of the slightest possibility that Trump could have won and this might all come out into the open.
The Dems went after Nunez because he was being fed lines from the whitehouse and was more interested in playing political football than running a legit investigation. He turned the whole thing into a joke and lost all credibility.

And what exactly was uncovered? A couple FBI agents talked shit about trump?! Welcome to the club... I think most Americans were doing the same thing during the campaign. The whole thing was a joke. But back to the topic at hand, you have no evidence of wrong doing with the FISA and the scenario you try and paint is completely unrealistic. It is nothing more than an attempt to distract and point the finger the other way. So obvious.
Maybe......maybe not. But I'd love to see some investigation into it. I want to know what they presented to the FISA court that came from the opposition research that allowed them to get a warrant on Trump's people. I want to know if they made it crystal clear to the judge(s) that it was not investigative research by the government but instead, opposition research paid for by Trump's political opponents.

At least what I've been hearing, there is no way any judge on a FISA court would ever allow surveillance to take place on that basis. However if it is true that whoever applied for that surveillance did in fact cover or not disclose that information, then yes, a crime was committed. Lying to a federal judge to get a surveillance warrant using phony information is a crime.
You honestly think the FBI just went off of what they found in some political oppo research without any follow up or additional sourcing? Hey, if that’s the case then that’s absurd and they should be fired. But it is silly to just assume that’s the case. This thing went through way too many people for that to be close to likely.

One would think. But again, the question here is how the warrant was granted given it was opposition research paid for by a political opponent. If they find something fishy about it, people should have to answer to it or even face charges. If it was on the up and up, then the presiding judge should have to answer for it. Either way, somebody should have to explain how a bias non-verified source was able to be used for a surveillance warrant.
When law enforcement presents a case to get a warrant or when they press charges there are often a variety of sources. To think that the FBI didn’t have intel or follow up to verify intel is exptremely presumptuous and unrealistic. Do you have evidence to back up your suspicions? Do you realize the enormous conspiracy that would in place for agents and judges to act so carelessly?

Not so careless if what was expected to happen did happen. Nobody thought Trump stood a chance at winning the Presidency so it wasn't a second thought to them. Look at the conversations between the two lovebird FBI agents. If Hil-Liar won, we wouldn't know anything about them, the FBI, the FISA court or Steele. But even if the Republicans did uncover something, it would have been stopped dead in it's tracks and the MSM would gladly cover up anything that right-wing media leaked out.

Why do you suppose the Democrats fought so hard to stop Nunes from doing his own investigation on it, and then fought to have him stopped from revealing what he found?

The FISA court is different than any other court in the country because it's a clandestine operation. They are held to higher standard for that reason. In other words, if the FBI or whoever presented unverified evidence from opposition research of a candidate to obtain a warrant, there is no way in hell any judge would have allowed that to go forward. Now is there a possibility that we had an anti-Trump judge? Perhaps, but not likely because of the slightest possibility that Trump could have won and this might all come out into the open.
The Dems went after Nunez because he was being fed lines from the whitehouse and was more interested in playing political football than running a legit investigation. He turned the whole thing into a joke and lost all credibility.

And what exactly was uncovered? A couple FBI agents talked shit about trump?! Welcome to the club... I think most Americans were doing the same thing during the campaign. The whole thing was a joke. But back to the topic at hand, you have no evidence of wrong doing with the FISA and the scenario you try and paint is completely unrealistic. It is nothing more than an attempt to distract and point the finger the other way. So obvious.

Well if there is nothing to hide, let's move on with it. Let's have an investigation to see why warrants were granted using this phony information.

Yes, most Americans do talk shit about politicians, but most Americans do not work for the federal government and few Americans outside of Strzok conducted the Hillary interview of the email scandal.
You honestly think the FBI just went off of what they found in some political oppo research without any follow up or additional sourcing? Hey, if that’s the case then that’s absurd and they should be fired. But it is silly to just assume that’s the case. This thing went through way too many people for that to be close to likely.

One would think. But again, the question here is how the warrant was granted given it was opposition research paid for by a political opponent. If they find something fishy about it, people should have to answer to it or even face charges. If it was on the up and up, then the presiding judge should have to answer for it. Either way, somebody should have to explain how a bias non-verified source was able to be used for a surveillance warrant.
When law enforcement presents a case to get a warrant or when they press charges there are often a variety of sources. To think that the FBI didn’t have intel or follow up to verify intel is exptremely presumptuous and unrealistic. Do you have evidence to back up your suspicions? Do you realize the enormous conspiracy that would in place for agents and judges to act so carelessly?

Not so careless if what was expected to happen did happen. Nobody thought Trump stood a chance at winning the Presidency so it wasn't a second thought to them. Look at the conversations between the two lovebird FBI agents. If Hil-Liar won, we wouldn't know anything about them, the FBI, the FISA court or Steele. But even if the Republicans did uncover something, it would have been stopped dead in it's tracks and the MSM would gladly cover up anything that right-wing media leaked out.

Why do you suppose the Democrats fought so hard to stop Nunes from doing his own investigation on it, and then fought to have him stopped from revealing what he found?

The FISA court is different than any other court in the country because it's a clandestine operation. They are held to higher standard for that reason. In other words, if the FBI or whoever presented unverified evidence from opposition research of a candidate to obtain a warrant, there is no way in hell any judge would have allowed that to go forward. Now is there a possibility that we had an anti-Trump judge? Perhaps, but not likely because of the slightest possibility that Trump could have won and this might all come out into the open.
The Dems went after Nunez because he was being fed lines from the whitehouse and was more interested in playing political football than running a legit investigation. He turned the whole thing into a joke and lost all credibility.

And what exactly was uncovered? A couple FBI agents talked shit about trump?! Welcome to the club... I think most Americans were doing the same thing during the campaign. The whole thing was a joke. But back to the topic at hand, you have no evidence of wrong doing with the FISA and the scenario you try and paint is completely unrealistic. It is nothing more than an attempt to distract and point the finger the other way. So obvious.

Well if there is nothing to hide, let's move on with it. Let's have an investigation to see why warrants were granted using this phony information.

Yes, most Americans do talk shit about politicians, but most Americans do not work for the federal government and few Americans outside of Strzok conducted the Hillary interview of the email scandal.
Again, who gives a shit of two people conducting an investigation y’all shit about Trump? If they did something wrong in their work then fire them, otherwise it’s all hyperbolic meaningless hype.

About the investigation, you really want another pointless over politicized investigation? Aren’t you sick of those yet?
I hear Trump is being mentioned in the same breath as the Nobel Peace Prize, should he negotiate peace / de-nuclear-ization with North Korea.

1. That would be funny: Obama received the NPP for 'unrealized POTENTIAL', and Don would have received it because he EARNED it. :p

2. If I were Trump and were offered the NPP, I would refuse it. After Barry was given the award for absolutely NOTHING, it has lost much of its prestige.
ARe these guys coming back brain dead like the last time ?

Sure it’s good NK has stopped blowing up nukes . That doesn’t mean they are disarmed .

Your people sent Dennis Rodman to negotiate. What progress besides UN appeasement did you make?

What progress did Trump make ? NK didn’t start acting up until he was elected . If anything Trump has us back to where we started .

NK has always acted up; especially when they needed something, they could Sabre rattle and the appeasement brigade would respond. Criticize Trump all you want on this but it is progress compared to his predecessors.

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