If Trump signs the bill he calls a "disgrace" what does that say about his backbone?

Okay, let's go with that. Trump doesn't sign the bill. The Republicans whittled the bill down from what the Communists wanted. They sit back, wait, and Biden takes over in less than a month with the possibility of getting the Senate as well. Do you think they will sign the bill Republicans got at least some of the pork out of? No possible way. They will load it up with all their BS and then pass it costing us well over a trillion dollars more.

At least Trump acts with integrity.

I expect the worst from the Communists - Trump was elected to stop them. He folded.

My point is he didn't have much of a choice because he could only stop them for less than a month. After that he will have zero power to stop them. So it's either do what he can now to minimize the Democrat damage, or stop it for a month or so and give them the ability to do maximum damage to this country.
...and now he signed it, after bluffing for a week and slowing everything down.

Yes he did. And now that the Democrats have won, much higher national debt because of commie Fn pork. Your great grandchildren will thank you I'm sure.
It s the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION PORK, the foreign aid was all the State Department's request for spending. :rolleyes:

If he had integrity he would not be lying about spending his own 2021 budget calls for. If he had integrity and ACTUALLY belived that bigger direct payments (Republicans are adamantly against) is the right way to go he would STATE SO during the negotiations, not after the bills passed the Congress and landed on his desk.

Almost nothing he does shows any sort of conviction or integrity.

So, you have no clue how the Constitutional government works? That's understandable, your party doesn't follow the Constitution, nor any laws for that matter.

Under the document democrats are at war to end, the president has no say in crafting or passing bills, The president is not part of congress, though Potentate Obamugabe was a super-legislature unto himself who dictated laws as he pleased. Trump, unlike Obama, operates within the enumerated powers of the Constitution. He may veto a bill, but is not part of the legislation process.

Just to be very clear. It is the Republican Party which is seeking to overturn the election, Constitution and the will of the voters. Trump has run roughshod over the Constitution since his election, refusing the Constitutionally mandated oversight of Congress, and consistently attempting to use EO's instead of legislation to enact his agenda.

This will make all of Trump's worst excesses easy to dismember since they weren't legislated in the first place.

In the matter of the budget, the President presents the Executive branch budget requirements to Congress, so in fact, the President DOES have a say in the budget.,
The "Gender Studies in Pakistan" money for Pakistan was at the specific request of the State Department, so you'll have to ask Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump about that one. Dems had nothing to do with it, but nice try.

One or more of the leftist hate sites put this up as a talking point, every Maoist drone on the board is bleating it.

It's on Global News in Canada, in the Washington Post, the BBC, and both Republican politicians and Democrats have mentioned it in interviews, because Trumps' claims are an attack on both parties who voted for this Bill. Both sides are saying the "foreign aid" was asked for by the State Department in the Executive Branch budget.

There are no Maoist drones, no matter how often Big Trumper tweets these lies and conspiracy theories in his morning Twitterstorm of Hate. Those that an authoritarian would destroy, he must first degrade and falsely smear.

You're the fools who have been coming here and bleating Trump's lies about "gender studies in Pakistan" and basically parrotting Trumps proveably false tweets about his "enemies", the election, and then you attack the last victim of Trump's raging firings of those who have been "disloyal". Bill Barr being the latest slavering syncophant to be labelled "deep state stooge" when even he couldn't stomach any more of this.

The hysteria of the Banana Republicans to deny the election and denigrate Democrats is pathetic.
YOU don't know what's in it so don't try to denigrate Democrats as ignorant, Ray. Democrats are a lot smarter than Banana Republicans. They voted their the blob out of office and you voted for him twice. They didn't buy his lies about the election.

So let's see, they voted for a man with dementia that spent nearly a half-century in federal politics and accomplished nothing vs a guy who proved himself by giving us the best economy in 50 years, greatly reduced border crossings, gave us a new record in median household income, gave us the lowest unemployment rates for women and every minority group since records began, gave us an economy that before the Wuhan virus, left us with 1.5 million more jobs than Americans who could work them along with several new stock market highs. So correct, how can anybody call those voters ignorant?

Instead, they voted for a man who promised to raise taxes on our job creators when we need them the most, increase capital gains taxes which will retard the market and may even reverse it's direction, increase the price of our fuel perhaps by double or more, bring back Commie Care fines to suck money from Americans who need the money the most, a plan to insert lowlifes into what's now safe and beautiful suburbs thus destroying them causing millions to lose half their property value, remove the liability protection of firearms manufacturers and sellers so the commies can sue them out of business, leaving only the criminals to have guns, but the people who voted for this are not ignorant?

Never again can YOU claim anything about Democrats. You voted for the WORST, most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent President in history. And after he killed 330,000 Americans, crashed the economy, and destroyed your trade and military alliances, you voted for him again.

Trump didn't crash the economy. The Chinese virus and the commie ran cities and states did by closing nearly everything down. Is Trudeau responsible for the 15,000 Canadian deaths? Was DumBama responsible for the over 200,000 deaths from the common flu during his two terms? Our trade is just fine along with our military that's hasn't been this powerful in many years.

Stupid, ignorant and racist is no way to go through life Ray.

Which is why I don't go through life that way. If I did, I'd be a Democrat too.
...what "Democrat pork" specifically are you talking about?

I keep asking and no one can answer it directly.

And I'm not asking because I don't know, I do know. You rightwingers are full of half-baked bs on this one.

So come on, tell me all about the supposed "commie pork that will load up our grandchildren" like ~5 fn trillion of debt financed spending, tax-cuts and covid giveaways Trump and Republicans were fully behind.

Instead of me posting a list, here, you can read about it yourself.

And that's just a short list. This bill is over 5,000 pages long, and our representatives had only hours to read it to vote. To give you an idea of how many pages that actually is, the Holy Bible on average has 1,200 pages.
If Trump signs the bill he called a disgrace, what does that say about his backbone?

I don't think it says anything about Trump's backbone, clearly the guy isn't afraid to fight what what he wants. But in this instance he was fighting a losing battle and I think finally realized that he wasn't going to get what he wanted. In politics and war, a retreat doesn't mean you are a coward; it simply means you live to fight another day. Even if that day is in 2024.

Trump also realized that there is a runoff in Georgia. Trump being the head of the party sheds a bad light on all Republicans since the media never once blames Democrats for a shutdown or blockage of benefits to the American people. More than likely Trump conceded to help those Republican Senators in Georgia get those seats to help stop Biden.
If Trump signs the bill he called a disgrace, what does that say about his backbone?

I don't think it says anything about Trump's backbone, clearly the guy isn't afraid to fight what what he wants. But in this instance he was fighting a losing battle and I think finally realized that he wasn't going to get what he wanted. In politics and war, a retreat doesn't mean you are a coward; it simply means you live to fight another day. Even if that day is in 2024.

Trump also realized that there is a runoff in Georgia. Trump being the head of the party sheds a bad light on all Republicans since the media never once blames Democrats for a shutdown or blockage of benefits to the American people. More than likely Trump conceded to help those Republican Senators in Georgia get those seats to help stop Biden.
How does threatening to veto it on principle, and then reversing course, do ANY good in that regard? Seems designed to do the opposite: turn as many voters away from Republicans as possible.
And that's just a short list. This bill is over 5,000 pages long, and our representatives had only hours to read it to vote. To give you an idea of how many pages that actually is, the Holy Bible on average has 1,200 pages.
That's an old swamp tactic, giving people hundreds of pages of dense legislation and only a few hours
to try and comprehend it.
They just want people to sign on to a pork fest. Actual agreement with it isn't necessary.
And that's just a short list. This bill is over 5,000 pages long, and our representatives had only hours to read it to vote. To give you an idea of how many pages that actually is, the Holy Bible on average has 1,200 pages.
That's an old swamp tactic, giving people hundreds of pages of dense legislation and only a few hours
to try and comprehend it.
They just want people to sign on to a pork fest. Actual agreement with it isn't necessary.
Which is why Trump should have vetoed it and made them present the relief bill separately. He failed us. Again.
And while all you Banana Republicans always object to "free shit" for working people, you generosity towards billionaires knows no bounds. I have yet to see a single one of you complain about tax cuts for the wealthy, or for corporations. But something to improve the lives of poor people, is just a bridge too far.

You twisted Tards make the same mistake over and over again...how many times must it be explained to you?
A tax break is not taxpayer funded "FREE SHIT"....lowering the effective tax rate and allowing productive folks to keep more of what they EARN can not be considered a gift of free shit by anybody even half sane.
Robbing the treasury to pay ShaQuita and Guadalupe to run their baby factories and produce more of their filthy unproductive same IS taxpayer funded free shit.
Do you really struggle with making the distinction?
You twisted Tards make the same mistake over and over again...how many times must it be explained to you?
A tax break is not taxpayer funded "FREE SHIT"....lowering the effective tax rate and allowing productive folks to keep more of what they EARN can not be considered a gift of free shit by anybody even half sane.

Trying to explain that to a leftist is like talking to a wall.

You and I are neighbors, and once a month when you took your dog for a walk, I went into your house and stole $100.00. After a while I felt a little guilty, so instead of taking 100.00, I only took $50.00. Does that mean I just gave you $50.00 a month?

That's how twisted liberal logic is.
And that's just a short list. This bill is over 5,000 pages long, and our representatives had only hours to read it to vote. To give you an idea of how many pages that actually is, the Holy Bible on average has 1,200 pages.
That's an old swamp tactic, giving people hundreds of pages of dense legislation and only a few hours
to try and comprehend it.
They just want people to sign on to a pork fest. Actual agreement with it isn't necessary.

Exactly. We have to pass it to find out what's in it because we sure as hell can't read this monstrosity hours before signing it.
How does threatening to veto it on principle, and then reversing course, do ANY good in that regard? Seems designed to do the opposite: turn as many voters away from Republicans as possible.

Republicans are going to always vote Republican just like Democrats will always vote Democrat. It's the people in the middle you have to attract. Some of those middle people just may be banking on that money. If Trump is stopping that money from getting to them, who are they going to vote for in Georgia?
How does threatening to veto it on principle, and then reversing course, do ANY good in that regard? Seems designed to do the opposite: turn as many voters away from Republicans as possible.

Republicans are going to always vote Republican just like Democrats will always vote Democrat. It's the people in the middle you have to attract. Some of those middle people just may be banking on that money. If Trump is stopping that money from getting to them, who are they going to vote for in Georgia?

A good leader could explain why he/she's vetoing the bill (ie because the Dems callously attached it to a bunch of pork, etc...) and persuade voters that he's doing the right thing. Leaders need to lead. Paying for votes is a copout.
How does threatening to veto it on principle, and then reversing course, do ANY good in that regard? Seems designed to do the opposite: turn as many voters away from Republicans as possible.

Republicans are going to always vote Republican just like Democrats will always vote Democrat. It's the people in the middle you have to attract. Some of those middle people just may be banking on that money. If Trump is stopping that money from getting to them, who are they going to vote for in Georgia?

A good leader could explain why he/she's vetoing the bill (ie because the Dems callously attached it to a bunch of pork, etc...) and persuade voters that he's doing the right thing. Leaders need to lead. Paying for votes is a copout.

Just because there are a lot of members here doesn't mean that nearly the entire country is interested in politics. Actually we political whores are a very small group of people in comparison to the rest of our population. The rest I call "headline readers." They only read what's in the headlines and make their political decisions from that. In fact after the election, they found out a good number of people would have not voted for Biden if they knew anything about his son Hunter. To us, we heard about it from day one and kept up with the new news on him.

Trump is gone and he knows it. He's not selling anybody out. He's just trying to make the best of what power he has to save the GOP from the clutches of an all Democrat federal government, and we all know what a disaster that will be if it happens.
I'm not anyone's "comrade".


Look FAR, far to your right, see those figures on the horizon? That's Mao and Stalin.

These weak attempts to slander anyone who disagrees with you as a "communist" is indicative of your total stupidity and such things are straight out of the Authoritarian's Playbook. Where are Trump's economic policies and plans for the nation? Because what he's done so far has impoverished the American people, and enriched the oligarchs.

How is it slander to be honest about what it is you advocate with each and every post?

Who are the Oligarchs? You Mean Bezos? If Trump enriched him, why did he corrupt our election for Xi's man? You mean Jack and Mark? The two scumbag censors who hid facts about Xi's man and the massive corruption? You mean Nazi scum Soros?

We know who the Oligarchs are, and we know the Communist party serves them while crushing the middle class.

Did YOU read the last stimulus bill, which contained a $29 billion tax cut for billionaires - a permanent tax cut, not a tempory one?

I read every bill that I am to vote on - why do the Communists in congress not read them? At least the Americans, the Republicans, stated that they could not vote of bills they haven't read. Not the Communists though...

This is the 6th time in the Trump Presidency, that Donald Trump has signed a budget bill, at the last possible minute or after the government shutdown date has passed. When asked at the first of October when the Senate was going to take up the continuing resolution, due to expire at the first of October, and McConnell said there was "plenty of time". In fact, he waited until just a couple of days before the government would have shut down to pass a tempory CR to keep it open.

This is no way to run the largest government in the world. I wouldn't run my household in such a slipshod and dishonest manner. McConnell does this so he can force through his tax cuts for billionaires, and the other odious pork you see in this bill.

And while all you Banana Republicans always object to "free shit" for working people, you generosity towards billionaires knows no bounds. I have yet to see a single one of you complain about tax cuts for the wealthy, or for corporations. But something to improve the lives of poor people, is just a bridge too far.

Would you run your household on credit cards you have not intention of paying back where 40 are spending with it and you have no idea what they are buying and you call anyone who opposes such an idea vile names?

Nancy Pigshit raped America once again.

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