If Trump signs the bill he calls a "disgrace" what does that say about his backbone?

I will be really disappointed if he signs it. He went into great detail at great length to highlight why this bill is bad for America.
He damn well better make good on that with a veto.

If not it's just bloviating bullshit.

He will sign because he knows what kind of lame loser Congressional over-ride will make him look like.

He did the same on Russian sanctions bill.
I beg to differ. I think it would show him to be a man of principle. Standing up for what you believe in the face of an overwhelming opposition is what defines a good leader no matter what walk of life they are in.

...and now he signed it, after bluffing for a week and slowing everything down.
I will be really disappointed if he signs it. He went into great detail at great length to highlight why this bill is bad for America.
He damn well better make good on that with a veto.

If not it's just bloviating bullshit.

He will sign because he knows what kind of lame loser Congressional over-ride will make him look like.

He did the same on Russian sanctions bill.
I beg to differ. I think it would show him to be a man of principle. Standing up for what you believe in the face of an overwhelming opposition is what defines a good leader no matter what walk of life they are in.

...and now he signed it, after bluffing for a week and slowing everything down.
Yup, pointless bullshit
He is, though he should have vetoed Nancy Pigshit's fuck you to America.

Okay, let's go with that. Trump doesn't sign the bill. The Republicans whittled the bill down from what the Communists wanted. They sit back, wait, and Biden takes over in less than a month with the possibility of getting the Senate as well. Do you think they will sign the bill Republicans got at least some of the pork out of? No possible way. They will load it up with all their BS and then pass it costing us well over a trillion dollars more.
I will be really disappointed if he signs it. He went into great detail at great length to highlight why this bill is bad for America.
He damn well better make good on that with a veto.

If not it's just bloviating bullshit.

Donald Trump ALWAYS backs down when people stand up to him. That's why he won't be in the same room with Nancy Pelosi. She never backs down, and he caves every single time.
He is, though he should have vetoed Nancy Pigshit's fuck you to America.

Okay, let's go with that. Trump doesn't sign the bill. The Republicans whittled the bill down from what the Communists wanted. They sit back, wait, and Biden takes over in less than a month with the possibility of getting the Senate as well. Do you think they will sign the bill Republicans got at least some of the pork out of? No possible way. They will load it up with all their BS and then pass it costing us well over a trillion dollars more.
You don't think there will be another supplemental bill once Biden takes over?

Wishful thinking. Passing this boondoggle stopped nothing.
...and now he signed it, after bluffing for a week and slowing everything down.

Yes he did. And now that the Democrats have won, much higher national debt because of commie Fn pork. Your great grandchildren will thank you I'm sure.
It s the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION PORK, the foreign aid was all the State Department's request for spending. :rolleyes:
You don't think there will be another supplemental bill once Biden takes over?

Wishful thinking. Passing this boondoggle stopped nothing.

They could, but it would be much more obvious because the entire thing would be pork. Remember that much of the Democrat base are uninformed voters. I'd be willing to bet 80% know nothing about what's actually in it. All they know is there's goody money for them and Trump is stopping it.
It s the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION PORK, the foreign aid was all the State Department's request for spending.

I never read anything like that, but even if so, it's irrelevant. This bill is titled to help out Americans, not foreigners. It's supposed to put our economy on life support, not life support of other countries. I seriously doubt that the State Department under Trump demanded he spend millions on Pakistan gender studies.
If Trump signs the bill he called a disgrace, what does that say about his backbone?

I don't think it says anything about Trump's backbone, clearly the guy isn't afraid to fight what what he wants. But in this instance he was fighting a losing battle and I think finally realized that he wasn't going to get what he wanted. In politics and war, a retreat doesn't mean you are a coward; it simply means you live to fight another day. Even if that day is in 2024.
...and now he signed it, after bluffing for a week and slowing everything down.

Yes he did. And now that the Democrats have won, much higher national debt because of commie Fn pork. Your great grandchildren will thank you I'm sure.

...what "Democrat pork" specifically are you talking about?

I keep asking and no one can answer it directly.

And I'm not asking because I don't know, I do know. You rightwingers are full of half-baked bs on this one.

So come on, tell me all about the supposed "commie pork that will load up our grandchildren" like ~5 fn trillion of debt financed spending, tax-cuts and covid giveaways Trump and Republicans were fully behind.
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“Among them are a pair of assistance programs in Pakistan, whereby $15 million will be put toward “democracy programs” and $10 million will be distributed to ‘gender programs,’” reports Fox News correspondent Brittany De Lea.

You read that correctly. But technically this provision—and other defense measures such as $73 million in spending for Israel’s Iron Dome 9 defense system —is not part of the COVID relief package. It’s part of the defense bill contained in the $1.4 trillion omnibus that was bound up with the COVID relief bill.

So while the Pakistani gender programs were not technically included in the COVID relief bill, the end result is much the same. US senators could not vote for COVID relief without voting for gender programs in Pakistan, $35 million for abstinence programs, and tax changes for owners of race horses. (The process in the House was a bit more complicated.)

So, why is the gender studies program and other stuff in the Defense Appropriations Bill? Don't know. Yet. But, sooner or later somebody is going to try to take credit for it, and then we'll know who forced the House Defense Approp Bill to put this stuff in there. A wild guess:

The gender studies degree in Pakistan is among newly introduce subjects in Pakistan that is why most people are unaware of its scope, jobs, salary, and offering universities. This is one of the best fields for females to study. It refers to the study of gender identity, gender representation as central categories of analysis. A gender study includes the study regarding women, Feminism, Gender, and Politics. Here below you can easily find the detail information regarding the scope of gender studies degree in Pakistan at bachelors and masters programs. In the whole course, students use to study gender equality among women’s study, gents study, as well as the queer study. There was a big lake of gender equality in our society was lying a few years back, but the awareness about this sector has developed the society with lots of positive aspects.

Gender Studies Degree In Pakistan
Now, all the women, men, and queer genders are taking equal opportunities to apply on a job, they get an equal chance of earning, study, and lots of other opportunities which were not introduced before. It all becomes possible after gender studies degree in Pakistan and here you are going to read the relevant details.

You don't think there will be another supplemental bill once Biden takes over?

Wishful thinking. Passing this boondoggle stopped nothing.

They could, but it would be much more obvious because the entire thing would be pork. Remember that much of the Democrat base are uninformed voters. I'd be willing to bet 80% know nothing about what's actually in it. All they know is there's goody money for them and Trump is stopping it.

YOU don't know what's in it so don't try to denigrate Democrats as ignorant, Ray. Democrats are a lot smarter than Banana Republicans. They voted their the blob out of office and you voted for him twice. They didn't buy his lies about the election.

Never again can YOU claim anything about Democrats. You voted for the WORST, most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent President in history. And after he killed 330,000 Americans, crashed the economy, and destroyed your trade and military alliances, you voted for him again.

Stupid, ignorant and racist is no way to go through life Ray.

“Among them are a pair of assistance programs in Pakistan, whereby $15 million will be put toward “democracy programs” and $10 million will be distributed to ‘gender programs,’” reports Fox News correspondent Brittany De Lea.

You read that correctly. But technically this provision—and other defense measures such as $73 million in spending for Israel’s Iron Dome 9 defense system —is not part of the COVID relief package. It’s part of the defense bill contained in the $1.4 trillion omnibus that was bound up with the COVID relief bill.

So while the Pakistani gender programs were not technically included in the COVID relief bill, the end result is much the same. US senators could not vote for COVID relief without voting for gender programs in Pakistan, $35 million for abstinence programs, and tax changes for owners of race horses. (The process in the House was a bit more complicated.)

So, why is the gender studies program and other stuff in the Defense Appropriations Bill? Don't know. Yet. But, sooner or later somebody is going to try to take credit for it, and then we'll know who forced the House Defense Approp Bill to put this stuff in there. A wild guess:

The gender studies degree in Pakistan is among newly introduce subjects in Pakistan that is why most people are unaware of its scope, jobs, salary, and offering universities. This is one of the best fields for females to study. It refers to the study of gender identity, gender representation as central categories of analysis. A gender study includes the study regarding women, Feminism, Gender, and Politics. Here below you can easily find the detail information regarding the scope of gender studies degree in Pakistan at bachelors and masters programs. In the whole course, students use to study gender equality among women’s study, gents study, as well as the queer study. There was a big lake of gender equality in our society was lying a few years back, but the awareness about this sector has developed the society with lots of positive aspects.

Gender Studies Degree In Pakistan
Now, all the women, men, and queer genders are taking equal opportunities to apply on a job, they get an equal chance of earning, study, and lots of other opportunities which were not introduced before. It all becomes possible after gender studies degree in Pakistan and here you are going to read the relevant details.

The "Gender Studies in Pakistan" money for Pakistan was at the specific request of the State Department, so you'll have to ask Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump about that one. Dems had nothing to do with it, but nice try.
Hmmm., so you think Mitch McConnell, and Steve Minuchin had nothing to do with the Covid Relief part of the bill and the Spending Bill to keep the government from having a shutdown, eh?

okee dokee

I expect nothing good from McConnell. Since he is a corrupt swamp rat it doesn't disappoint me when he behaves as a corrupt swamp rat.

I expect better from Trump.
The "Gender Studies in Pakistan" money for Pakistan was at the specific request of the State Department, so you'll have to ask Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump about that one. Dems had nothing to do with it, but nice try.


It's payment from Nancy Pigshit to the Taliban in payment for their support through attacks on Americans during the election to make Trump look bad.

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